Specs? And suddenly she’s not the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.
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“Don Cheadle has come to the defense of his “Avengers: Endgame” costar Brie Larson after a video published by body language expert Mandy O’Brien went viral for criticizing Larson’s appearance and behavior during the Marvel movie’s press tour. O’Brien analyzed a joint interview with Cheadle, Larson, and Chris Hemsowrth, referring to the men’s body language as “relaxed” and accusing Larson of being domineering by being “stiff” and “trying to be taller than these gentlemen.”
“She is really trying to dominate them,” O’Brien says of Larson in the video, which has earned over 400,000 views in a week. “I guess in her mind, domination equals acceptance…In reality, submission will get you a lot further in friendship circles than trying to dominate and boss everyone around.”
When Larson says she did her own stunts as Captain Marvel, O’Brien slams the actress for being “unprofessional” and immature. Larson is also accused of giving Hemsworth “bedroom eyes,” which apparently means she needs Hemsworth to “validate her” by thinking she’s pretty. The video is both disgraceful and nonsensical, which is why Cheadle put the clip on blast in social media posts calling out O’Brien.
“You should see my ‘body language’ right now,” Cheadle said. “This is some of the funniest stuff i’ve ever heard. Brie was trying to keep her ponytail behind her because her hair stylist kept flying in and fixing it. She’s actually being over accommodating. Amazing.””
Anyway this is a good time to remember that body language experts aren’t a real thing because body language is personal and ambiguous, this woman is just a sexist pig and Don Cheadle is awesome.
Also, no way would this woman tell a man that submission is an ideal trait to make people like him
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i am convinced maca and barbi are throwing so much delicious content at us because they feel bad the spinoff hasn’t been confirmed yet. but what they fail to realize is that by the time that they actually do confirm the spinoff we might all be dead
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GET READY!!! This is quote that Barb used as a caption

It’s a lesbian romance story.. about love at first sight!!!!
Maca’s Caption was about it being a gift for us!! but then she changed it to lyrics from Young, Dumb and Broke. (which is about living in the moment - not being committed, doing what you feel, enjoying each other with thinking too much.)


Oh. a poem by Amalia Andrade about falling in love at first sight.. Who is the Amalia :) A lesbian.
Maca Wilding!!! Liking a comment that said “I need you guys to end up together”

OK … NOW YOU CAN FREAK OUT. rjflsdjfladjfdsjf

BUT IT’s SO MUCH MORE bc… I know ppl want to make this mean that they might be gay for each other which we would all really DIE if that happened. lol
But it’s much more..
Barb liked a comment about them being an example to those still in the closet.

It’s more than getting us hyped — it’s genius. I feel like this (for them) has Always been about representation and their desire to normalize and give voice. They are using their platforms to be a voice.. so smart and purposeful. Im really blown away. They love us THIS MUCH!!! and yes they love killing us tooooooo. hahaha.
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Me reading a post saying that Maca and Barb are queer baiting us…
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being a lesbian is all fun and games until you like a girl and can hardly string two words together she’ll be like “hey” and i just go “yes?” you feel?
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Barbara Lopez and Macarena Achaga are the queens of the gays. Try and change my mind.
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I am screaming just like Maca, omg!
The captions:
1. #Juliantinas are the f*cking hit of my life.
2. I AM DYING OF LOVE. I can’t anymore.
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Greatest love affair of all time: Maca & the fans.
We LIVE to outdo each other.
Fans: we love u so much
Maca: i love you too, here’s a photo
Fans: well here’s a f*cKIN MURAL
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