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snowflake-scofield · 4 years ago
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snowflake-scofield · 4 years ago
Prison Break deserves more love on tumblr. It's still one of the best shows ever made and Michael Scofield is the best.
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snowflake-scofield · 4 years ago
AND HERE IT IS– my meta/headcanon for the last episode of season five.
There’s a lot that I need to talk about. A lot of stuff happened with Michael through this season and I think that this episode really pulled EVERYTHING together. 
My first point that I want to make and yes if you haven’t watched the episode yet please don’t read this because okay this spoils the entire season and the whole series really because this talks about Michael as a whole.
I heard a lot of complaints that Michael was just the same old Michael. That he cared most about his family. Yes in that sense you may be right but, there were small nuances that were different and I hear it ‘ small ‘ but, those small things when you throw them all together in one scene become pretty big. Let’s think about this for a second. REALLY think about this. One Michael NEVER EVER wanted to kill people. His big thing was how much hurting people bothered him yet, his plan revolved around someone being murdered. Not only murdered but, he was going to make damn sure that the person doing the murdering walked away without being charged with anything. No his hands weren’t going to be bloody and to some that may mean he was making someone else do his dirty work but, I think that T Bag had it right when he said Michael doesn’t have the killing gene. He never had and never will. 
When he was under pressure in the past Michael always remained calm, cool and collected. There were numerous times throughout the season that you could see the cracks in his facade. The way he would snap when things didn’t go exactly the way he wanted. Sure there were certain things he could roll with but, as far as always staying put together Michael isn’t the same person. 
As he sat there with the CIA guy and was told that the man that was helping Jacob told them everything Michael snapped. He became scary– that wasn’t something that he did before. He’d fight if he had too but, that wasn’t the old Michael. This of course was before he was told that he was cleared of all charges. Then he calmed down again and quickly appeared to be the old Michael Scofield. 
(If the storm comes back is it the same storm?) 
No I have to say that it isn’t. Those seven years changed Michael. He may not have the killing side to him but, Michael Scofield is different. He’s not the same as he used to be and if you don’t see that I’m so sorry. Fox River and Sona changed him but, what Jacob did to him– that broke Michael in a way that those places never could have. 
He’s not as good at going with the flow anymore. 
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snowflake-scofield · 4 years ago
I know I just made this post but I have to re-iterate because this isn’t the first time Prison Break has brought this up. 
Michael Scofield has never been about winning. Everything he has ever done has been about survival.
The first time Sara suggested it (in the hotel, when she tended to his wound), she straight up accused him of enjoying the running and I was like ?????
I’m sorry but not once have we ever seen Michael enjoy it (perhaps a smile once or twice when his plan went the way he hoped, but considering all the thought that went into them and the fact that he and Lincoln’s very lives depended on it, I think a smile is reasonable). Everything he has ever done, he has hated. He and Lincoln even came to blows about it when they got to Panama in S2. If it were up to him, he’d still be an innocent ignorant engineer living in his penthouse with a brother he was always vaguely worried about. 
Everything he has ever done has directly been to save someone’s life – usually and originally Lincoln’s, but also LJ and Sara’s. And he also agonised over each decision both before and after it. 
To this day you can see Michael’s every decision on his shoulders, weighing him down so hard you have to wonder how he walks. It’s in his eyes; in the curve of his spine. This is not a man obsessed with winning or enjoying the puzzles – this is a man riddled with guilt.
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
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Wentworth Miller in Dinotopia (2002)
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
This sea otter just needed a bit of playtime. It happened to be on a kayak. 
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
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five years? seriously? haha
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
Prison Break Season 4: The Final Break
Prison Break Season 5: Just kidding. THIS is the final break
Prison Break Season 6 probably: Look I can explain.
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
there is literally nothing more satisfying than watching a successful michael scofield plan play out on screen
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
michael scofield be like: i will use this single stale cheeto to feed the dog that roams outside the east wall of the prison at precisely 4:36 am on the third wednesday before the 5th full moon of a year a corpse flower blooms after which the dog will take a shit which will be stepped on by the prison guard’s cousin’s financial advisor, causing him to be late for work, which makes him throw his recycling in the garbage by mistake, which will then be transported on a garbage truck traveling at 22 miles per hour driven by a man whose father just landed in yemen yesterday and dropped a napkin on the floor which was carried on the wind through our window and landed in my lap exactly 1.7 seconds ago which i am now folding into a lockpick so we can escape
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
I know I just made this post but I have to re-iterate because this isn’t the first time Prison Break has brought this up. 
Michael Scofield has never been about winning. Everything he has ever done has been about survival.
The first time Sara suggested it (in the hotel, when she tended to his wound), she straight up accused him of enjoying the running and I was like ?????
I’m sorry but not once have we ever seen Michael enjoy it (perhaps a smile once or twice when his plan went the way he hoped, but considering all the thought that went into them and the fact that he and Lincoln’s very lives depended on it, I think a smile is reasonable). Everything he has ever done, he has hated. He and Lincoln even came to blows about it when they got to Panama in S2. If it were up to him, he’d still be an innocent ignorant engineer living in his penthouse with a brother he was always vaguely worried about. 
Everything he has ever done has directly been to save someone’s life – usually and originally Lincoln’s, but also LJ and Sara’s. And he also agonised over each decision both before and after it. 
To this day you can see Michael’s every decision on his shoulders, weighing him down so hard you have to wonder how he walks. It’s in his eyes; in the curve of his spine. This is not a man obsessed with winning or enjoying the puzzles – this is a man riddled with guilt.
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
That voiceover by Hubby #2 gave me goosebumps, so quick reminders
- Michael never manipulated anyone into doing anything they didn’t want to do. What he manipulated was the outcome of what they did. 
- Michael never pretended to like anyone he abhorred, no matter what he needed from them. Not for one second did he pretend to have a pinch of respect for T-Bag or Bellick or Abbruzzi or Tweener. 
- Michael cared deeply – for people, not about winning. When he cried over Westmoreland dying, that wasn’t manipulation (in fact he almost put his own escape in jeopardy). When he tried to save that guard’s life, he wasn’t manipulating anyone (again, in fact, putting their escape in jeopardy). When he let Tweener into their escape plan, it wasn’t because it would benefit him (it actually harmed the escape), it was because he felt guilty. When he saved Sara’s life during the riot and almost got himself killed, it was because he cared for her.
- Michael struggled to or straight up refused to manipulate those he cared for deeply. He gave Westmoreland the cat with no strings attached except hope (Westmoreland ultimately decided to help because of his daughter). He could’ve taken the keys from Sara when he kissed her but he didn’t because he couldn’t. He couldn’t disguise a real kiss as manipulation.
- When Michael asked her to leave that door open, it was out of desperation. It wasn’t manipulation because he knew she liked him enough to do so – his real manipulation had already failed and this was all he had left.
What the show is trying to do is very clever – trying to make us believe that Michael is a genius sociopath, really – but let’s not forget that we know better. There is no one who feels more deeply; no one whose motivations and intentions are purer. He was not cold, he was not two-faced; he was not obsessed with winning. 
He may have changed in the meantime but back then, when Sarah knew him, he was nothing like the man Jacob was describing.
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
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#wentworthmiller. The most courageous and fearless person I have ever met. A man that shuns adulation and the glare of celebrity a private man who  has zero interest in affirmation of any kind. He doesnt need it he knows who he is where he’s going. He stands true to himself regardless of the consequences. His integrity is unmatched his desire to follow his own path his way is truly inspiring I haven’t seen anything quite like it. I’ve learnt so much from my bro. People ask us constantly whats the reason behind our on screen chemistry. It’s impossible to articulate but what I do know is, there is zero #ego between us never has been. We care for one another deeply; yes like brothers and simply want the best for one another. He is like a brother to me a dear friend that I would do anything for as he would me. Love ya mate. Thanks for this crazy fucked up amazing journey we are experiencing together. #legend.  - Dominic Purcell
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snowflake-scofield · 5 years ago
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Wentworth Miller in Dinotopia (2002)
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snowflake-scofield · 6 years ago
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Scofield is my drug ❤️
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