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Doozer - QSMP enjoyer - 23 - French
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Foolish: How's your arm feel, how do I get a cool arm like you?
Etoiles: Uh, you need to be destroyed by the Code.
[Phil and Fit chuckle]
Jaiden: See? You could totally do that!
Foolish: Ok! [Starts typing in chat] CODE COME– uh, what do you mean by "destroyed"? [Finishes typing in chat] DESTROY ME.
Etoiles: [Laughs] Uh, no no no no no–
Jaiden: Foolish wants one thing from the Code.
Etoiles: Not this type of destruction. In a fight, you know?
Phil: PVP.
Foolish: Yeah no, we're all on the same page Etoiles, what are you talking about?
Jaiden: Code! Come!
Phil: [Cracks up] Jesus Christ.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
can we talk about how foolish is the best and most caring person???
just based off of pepito’s birthday party: the only person that showed up was foolish and they spent the entire time having a blast. he made sure pepito was having fun, made his dream of being a superhero come true (gave him his only spiderman head), didn’t bring up the lack of people, treated the entire party as normal.
but not only that, but with leo, he is so patient, even when she is being incredibly stubborn. if she doesn’t want to do something, foolish always finds another solution to make her feel comfortable (even if he acts begrudgingly about it). he has made such an effort to communicate in her first language. doesn’t coddle her, but will still spoil her at times. has helped her in so many ways!
and with the other eggs? he doesn’t treat any of them differently. he doesn’t treat them like fragile little babies and instead sees them as normal as anyone else. he isn’t afraid to punch them or fight them, isn’t afraid they’ll get lost or hurt if they wander off. everyone else treats them like these incredibly fragile pieces of glass, but sometimes they just want to live normally and be treated normally.
and with his irl friends? whenever he isn’t on the qsmp, he’s always sitting in a voice call just in case anyone wants to join and maybe play games or just hangout and vibe. he always acknowledges his friends in chat, and is always willing to do what others want to do. he makes time for everyone when he can.
even the other islanders on qsmp. foolish is always willing to play along and do what they want to do, and help out especially. he’s been working hard on his spanish so he can communicate better, but he’s always been willing and trying to learn french and portuguese when he can from others. he’s always including people, not leaving anyone behind or forgetting about them.
and finally, his chat! thousands of people watching him for hours almost everyday, and he doesn’t treat any of them differently than others. he makes such a safe space to be normal and whoever they want to be while maintaining some routine for everyone. he does his best to update when he’s streaming and when he isn’t (even if the times are always off LMAO). he reminds the doozers not to get their hopes up so he doesn’t disappoint them when things don’t go as he once said. he keeps things very light and relaxing most of the time, just a perfect place to vibe and hangout, or have the stream in the background. he never fails to make anyone laugh, or feel welcome, or safe in general. he keeps the lonely doozers company with the long and almost daily streams.
and on top of all of this, he never asks for praise. he never asks even for acknowledgement. he’s just doing what he loves, and that’s what matters to him.
foolish is one of the best people i know. and he deserves more credit and love than ever. but i am just happy to have him around. we need more people like him in the world.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
sorry to keep foolish posting but I’m literally sick dude he’s been working himself to the bone to avoid thinking about leo because there’s nothing he can do about it and it eats him alive, and maybe if the federation does have anything to do with her disappearance he’ll find out by rising in the ranks. and everyone just thinks he’s happy go lucky and just doesn’t care but he’s just allergic to being straightforward and emotions and if he shows that he actually cares so so much then they’ll know - and that in and of itself is terrible, even without the threat that it’ll be used against him. and roier, his son, is also going through this great loss, but he’ll always call him his second favorite even though vegetta has been gone for months, and foolish has been on his own raising leo and looking out for roier, and he wonders how much better it would be if vegetta truly was around because surely he’s better than he is at this. at parenting, at looking out for family - at the very least he wouldn’t be alone anymore. and he’s trying to cover for cellbit because he’s family too, doing everything in his power to make sure he isn’t caught and trying to check up on his mental state, reassuring him that he’s there for him even if the world is against him.
and then he’s stuck in this death game and makes more emotional ties, as much as he will never say it. and their kids are at stake, and vegetta is on the team but he doesn’t show up (of course he doesn’t show up), and the first thing he does is apologize to leo because it’s always been just him and her against the world, always juntos, and his team is at such a disadvantage and who else will save her if he doesn’t win? and when green loses, he does everything in his power to save them to save roier, thinking that his life is on the line, and is just a few seconds to late. and when he finally sees leo again, he’s pushed to the point of using totems, something he’s so against, something he’s alluded to being able to feel when they pop, because they’re his brethren - he tries so hard to get a totem to her through the barrier. he screams himself hoarse until he can’t see her anymore, entirely at a loss for what to do, because he can usually push down panic and emotions and think and problem solve, but leo is right there and the ceiling is falling in and there’s nothing he can do. and he stays behind to make sure tina and mouse can make it, gives them his resources, he waits until cellbit is caught up and keeps his eye on him the entire time, and it means he runs out of time before making it to safety.
and he just cares so much for his family, he cares for the others too, he watches out for them and he tries to keep their best interests in mind when acting on his own. he’d kill before ratting out cellbit he’d break mountains to help roier he’d get the entire world for leo if she so much as asked. and he’ll hold in his feelings and his loss until he dies because he’s good at compartmentalizing and bad at healthy coping mechanisms, so everyone just thinks he doesn’t give a shit, but he does. he gives his everything for who he loves and right now he has nothing for it, but still he cares. and nobody will ever believe this about him
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Just a friendly reminder. Q!Jaiden and Q!Foolish are not. I repeat. ARE NOT. Pro-Federation. Neither of them are, and if you still think q!Foolish is, then you're falling for the act he's putting on.
In q!Jaiden's case, she has stated multiple times that she HATES the federation and doesn't trust them. She only trusts Cucurucho and is aware that she might be being manipulated. She has said herself that "For the greater good of everyone on the island, I need Cucurucho to still think that I trust him so he can trust me."
I'm just sick of yall thinking that they're Pro-Federation when they both stated that they aren't.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Thinking about this hangout session of q!Foolish with Cucurucho (or at least the on bff with Leo) and the capys is a crossover we'll probably never get again since we now know that the capybaras don't like the federation ????
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
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a heartfelt mini-date
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Wanna remind people that q!foolish viewers don't want everyone to agree and be okay with everything he does, we know it's not possible and not everyone have the same views of things,
We rant a little when we know that the reason people don't trust him are not true and the people don't even try to check what they take as facts for themselves.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
The files and building and even the past of some Islanders shows that The Federation has been existing for decades, and It seems like some people think nobody before this round of Islanders tried to overthrow the government or even just leave the Island.
Where do you think these people are now ? Probably dead ? Or they got sent back to the Island without any memories ? Maybe they became the federation's workers, like some people theorize...
Also, the fact that the worker that gave q!Cellbit information talked about Cucurucho like this just show that he's really just another pawn and not the main villain, maybe even a victim of the past.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Common Miconceptions about qJaiden!
She likes or is proFederation! False!
-She is not fond of the federation at all and the only ones she truly cares about from them are the Cucurucho's, the ones she spent 2 weeks with in isolation, which obviously has problems of its own. She has stated and told people multiple times that only cucurcucho matters to her and not the federation as a whole.
If it doesnt matter to a character in the server or to you as a viewer and you align cucurucho the same as the federation, thats completely fair, but its important to include that distinction when talking about qjaiden's character as the difference is important to her and her perception.
She was raised/an experiment by the Federation/Cucurucho! Uncomfirmed!
-it has not been stated anywhere the true nature between qjaiden and cucurucho's/the Federation's past. All we know is that qJaiden "helped" the federation/cucurucho in some way and they need her help again. It is not canon that Cucurucho was ever her father figure nor that Jaiden is somehow a mother figure/caretaker of them.
qJaiden is naive! False!
-Jaiden is fully aware of cucurucho's wrong doings and is not naive about the fact that they may be manipulating her. Although she IS attached to them, remember that the whole reason she started working with the Federation is for the gauranteed safety of the eggs, which they failed to do. She is not ignorant of this fact btw, she's aware that they failed to keep their end of the bargain but she's also aware that she's gotten far with her relationship with the Cucurucho's and consequently the Federation, which she believes may be used to her advantage. She's also not always agreeing or in line with what Cucurucho does, as seen when she found out about the Happy Pills and Forever being drugged, which ended with her waiting for hours to confront Cucurucho in anger but spiraled to somewhat of a breakdown as she becomes scared and nervous and tells herself that she cannot mess up their relationship now as she has gotten so far. QJaiden is fully aware and understands the drastic consequences that her actions may take, she is not naive or ignorant.
Impromptu list because reasons. If im wrong about anything or if you want to add something then tell me!
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Once again people that don't watch q!Foolish or q!Jaiden and don't know their dynamic can just shut the fuck up about her telling she found the fear room to q!Foolish.
They have SO MUCH secrets they know and share with each other and it never goes out of the duo.
Even between each other there are some secrets they keep but they don't mind and understand it.
You guys don't get how fkin good they both are at keeping things hidden...
If I see someone else attack the cc too I'll just sksizkksudjdnjzjsjs
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
About the capybaras
It seems like the whole Island seems to ignore the fact q!Foolish said multiple times that it was the capybaras that CHOOSE him.
They always try to say he "begged" to be their King when in fact the only thing he did was show them kindness and understanding and also asked for their acceptance.
He didn't force them, in fact, when he could just have said he was king of all the capybaras when the first ones said yes he always corrected people and said that he was only said capybaras' king for now.
When Elisangela accepted him as her King, he asked her if she thought the others would accept him, because he cares about them and what they think.
When he got to meet a huge group of them the day he discovered the Capybaras Kingdom, he asked them if they were with the federation and asked their views on it.
He doesn't see the capybaras as just 'weird noisy animals that do silly things'.
He sees them as their own individuals,
He sees them as friends dare I say.
Even in the early days he asked about their hobbies, their 'planet' and worries about them.
When Mr. Mustard was missing, he never lost hope and turned every block, even doing something for the federation in hope of having more informations,
When Elisangela asked him for help for her date with Senhora Neide, he planned a whole picnic spot with his friends and helped boost her confidence by talking about her many trophies because he KNOWS she told him she was a warrior and cares about it.
Even for Pozolito, that seems a lot more hostile and endangered Leo's life at multiple times, he may be more on the fence, but he still includes him, still jokes with him and still cares.
When the never met before xXCapybaraGamingEPIC1337Xx showed up, he instantly took him under his wings and helped him.
When Islanders try to blame something he did with the capybaras, he always say "blame this on me not the capys" because he's the one telling them to do it.
It's the same for every other capybara, even if he knew nothing about them, the simple fact that they exist and hangout with him makes him care for them. When choosing their name he thought really hard about it, asking what they liked and asked their opinion.
The capybaras knows he cares.
They probably also know that their power is immense and being associated with humans could be bad, but they trust him about it.
q!Foolish has in his hands one of the most powerful sides of the Island, he could do so much wrong, but instead he uses his power to include other Islanders when he sees them alone.
The only time he used in a way to harm someone is when they talk bad about the capybaras or his relation to them. Even then he only does a little warning and lets them go.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
q!Foolish telling q!Bad to kidnap anyone but q!Jaiden
q!Jaiden telling q!Foolish right away about her observation about the third Cucurucho
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
I just remembered a detail about yesterday's stream.
When q!Bad was talking about losing two birds with q!Jaiden, he mentioned he farmed something they were dropping immediately after hearing that q!Foolish immediately took out the animals discovery book and went to look if the Soul Vaultur dropped something important, we could see cc!foolish circle the 'Soul Heart' mentioned in the book with his mouse cursor.
I just love how even if he's not sure if it'll be relevant or useful q!foolish is so attentive to everything people talk about.
Even when cc!Foolish goes afk, if people are discussing lore he'll pay attention and even chime in when he's back, like he did when he heard q!Bad and q!Bagi talks about how the codes were affecting q!Étoiles and q!Slime in a way that made it physically noticeable and noted that it was weird that q!Bad was also becoming blue.
q!Foolish remember little details about everyone, eggs and Islanders and notice right away when they behave differently just like he did when q!Tina started acting on the fence towards him, he asked yesterday to 'juanaflippa' if she knew how to speak Spanish or today when he noted how q!Cellbit sounded defeated after learning about his past.
Its not a want, it's a NEED. I need people to actually understand how q!Foolish intelligence lay in his patience and observation. He knows when to use the information he collected and isn't afraid of WAITING.
In fact, he said it himself
"I feel like all I've been doing is waiting ever since I came to this island." (Paraphrased)
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
If others Islanders actually LISTENED when q!Foolish talk to them they would pick up how open he is with his hint...
The discussion with q!Bagi today is proof of this. She could have noticed how he said he has to wait to use what makes him a 'threat'.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
The guard telling "You're one of a kind" to q!Cellbit
Cucurucho telling "you're unique" to q!Foolish
I see a pattern.
I wonder if one day they'll notice how similar they are and truly joins force.
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Looking back at this whole interaction again because Foolish and Jaiden make me wanna cry. I want a friendship like theirs.
Foolish: No, no, don't kidnap Jaiden. Kidnap someone else.
BBH: Someone else? Who?
Foolish: I don't know! Just not Jaiden.
BBH: Why not Jaiden? She'd be perfect!
Foolish: She's my manager! She's my manager.
Foolish: Jaiden, I have like a little security blanket, okay? Let's say you wanna do it, let's say you wanna fuck around a little bit. If things go wrong, okay? If it feels like the vacation isn't up the code, I grab a couple capybaras, we take a visit, and it'll all be okay!
Jaiden: *laughs* Okay, okay.
Jaiden: Can other people know where I'm at?
BBH: No...
Foolish: Oh, come on, let me know. I won't even visit, just let me know.
Jaiden: Yeah! I mean, Foolish knows everything. You can't give one of us information and not the other. We know the same amount of things as each other.
Foolish: *nodding along*
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snoozelover · 1 year ago
Ok ok ok I gotta talk about qFoolish again cuz he's my specialest little cubito and he fascinates me every time he opens his mouth-
So, we all know the bare minimum of what Foolish has planned. He wants power within the Federation and he doesn't mind playing the long game to get it. He KNOWS he being manipulated. "Unique? What a load of horse shit." He KNOWS he's being used. "I don't really have power right now, I'm just their little sock puppet. I'm just their puppet for now."
But he's also using THEM. Slowly but surely, he's managing to form some sort of trust between him and the Federation. He's doing it by being a good little citizen. Not really breaking rules, snitching on his friends, going along with whatever task is given to him. But at the same time, he's been slowly gaining favors from then as time went. Getting a gun, getting an office, and being helped keep a secret. And he's also planted some seeds for the Federation to think on, like giving him free access to the offices, giving him a promotion, showing him around the prison again, giving him a gun license etc etc.
He's subtle with his hints. With his moves. He's calculated and thinks ahead every single time. He thinks of how all the pieces would be affected by his actions.
Foolish understands that not everyone would be happy with what he's doing, but he doesn't really give a shit as long as it's not his family. He just wants the freedom to do what he wants when he wants. And if he could free everyone else while he's at it, then that's a happy little bonus.
He likes to play all sides, but he's aware that his move to become a Federation cop might just hinder that. He's aware that he'd be trusted less. Again. And no one would tell him anything. But that's alright, he wouldn't hold it against them. They don't tell him anything anymore anyway.
As long as he has his family on his side, he's fine with anything.
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