snnnork ¡ 4 years
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
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“This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us that all men are created equal. To my mind, that is what’s known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit.” - George Carlin
…PolitiFact going through history to fact check this guy was like that time CNN went through history to dig up dirt on Bernie, and all they found were videos of him planting trees, and telling kids that racism is bad.
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
About time people started acknowledging it!! Been this way the whole time.
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wow! congrats, yall!
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
I bet you wonder all the time what kind of memes would be circulated on facebook groups dedicated to mollusks and here you go
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
here is a carrd for BLM 
here is a carrd for the crisis happening right now in Yemen
here is a carrd for Hong Kong
here is a carrd for Palestine.
here is a carrd for trans rights 
here is a carrd for the terror bill in Philippines. 
here is a carrd with various donation links (for Syria, BLM etc)
here is a carrd for LGBT+ rights
this post is constantly being updated - please send an ask if you find more!
NOTE: There are many more Carrds under the cut. This post would become too long if I added more and for the sake of easier access, I put the rest under cut!!
Keep reading
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
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A landback legal primer for landowners - (credits on slides, not mine)
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
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May 20, 1996 – August 9, 2014
Today would have been Mike Brown’s 19th birthday.
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snnnork ¡ 4 years
My friend from Lebanon wrote up a really good thread on Twitter I thought I should share here, just to clear up some of the inaccuracies floating around:
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And here are some of the links they provided:
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
@anairbri @tacocattacos
We were asked all these questions about how long the costumes took us, how we did it, etc. 
I paused the video right when we were asked how much money we spent on our cosplays and
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does that give you your answer
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
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Papercraft of this gorgeous artwork of Taako & Lup drawn by @foxaes.  Thanks kindly for permission!
I haven’t sat down to papercraft in a while, but I love this pic and it was super fun to work on!  And I got to play with my new pens and try some paint accents. :3
[ papercraft tag | commissions | patreon ]
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
First of all, saying that there’s no way is ignorant because there IS a way to fix it, if only people knew about it publicly and breed clubs embraced it.
These are called Retro Mops (website here), and they’re pugs bred specifically to be longer-legged, leaner, with smaller eyes, longer muzzles, and more open nostrils. And while the project is still a work in progress, it’s heading in the right direction. 
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This new breed type started in Germany, and developed from the selective breeding of purebred pugs with longer muzzles and a longer legged frame.
From the website: 
“We want to prove that a pug does not have to be short of breath and phlegmatic, but a very sporty and docile family and companion dog”
And there’s also a different strain of bulldog, which is a muscular and athletic tpe that can actually clean itself, mate, and give birth on its own (something that mainstream Bulldogs cannot do) (breeder here)
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This should be the goal of EVERY pug breeder and owner, to have a healthy dog that doesn’t struggle to breathe and walk.
I’m sure you’re a pug or bulldog lover, which is why you’re so eager to defend them, but you’re not helping these dogs out by ignoring the problems in the breed. This is not a “little problem”, it’s a HUGE issue that’s killing dogs, and it’s prefectly preventable if pugs were outcrossed to have longer muzzles and wider nostrils.
Just look at the difference and tell me you’re not horrified:
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As long as people stay blind to these issues, nothing will change. Which is why I’m saying this here so at least some people will see that there IS an alternative, and that wheezing pugs and bulldogs are not cute. When the public realizes the difference, the demand for these mutants will stop and more healthy, longer-lived alternatives will replace them.
But it starts with someone talking about them, and not just thinking there’s nothing to be done. Although if there were a time machine at my disposal you bet I’d use to pinch the nostrils of the original Victorian breeders and see how they like it.
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
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more sketches of witches
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
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snnnork ¡ 7 years
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I never guessed that in my adulthood, I’d be relating to Calvin’s parents as much as I do in this comic.
Because damn … Calvin’s dad was so right.
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