snipsnexus · 10 days
i hope mumbo sues and singlehandedly topples the warner brothers studio
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snipsnexus · 13 days
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all my behind-the-scenes concept work and such for the HGCZ! i had a blast working on it all.
check out my finished piece here, and check out @hotguycomiczine for the full zine!
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snipsnexus · 19 days
You know, a Minecraft Movie could have been a literal masterpiece if you had the right mindset to do it, and I'm not joking. I feel like nowadays studios are afraid of being genuine like a teen is afraid of being genuine. If a movie suddenly gets too excited about something, it needs to put it down so it doesn't sound "lame" or "cringe". You cannot be honest, and you cannot show love or absurdity without pointing out that it's stupid because you think OTHERS will believe it's stupid. So please bear with me:
Currently we have only a teaser trailer, it looks bad, it puts itself down, it's afraid of being genuine, it somehow managed to whitewash Steve (again), and I doubt that it will use things like the End Poem or how it feels to play Minecraft for its themes and story. I hope that I'm wrong, but I'm very cynical. So, let's think about it together.
Minecraft Movie. I saw a post suggesting stop-motion animation for it, and, honestly, it feels perfect, just like stylized 3D animation. Live action actors do not work with how Minecraft looks, and that's okay. Let's do an animated movie.
The plot. There's so, so many possibilities, but the beauty of making a Minecraft animated movie is that you won't ever be able to tackle all the possibilities it brings to the table. The community has made so many stories for the game, so we might as well just think of an "official" movie as a homage to the game and its community. We are adapting the way Minecraft feels.
End Poem, one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Let's take that and put it in the movie, simple as that. You can only find it by defeating the Ender Dragon, so this will be how our movie ends. If we want it to end like this, then the objective of our protagonists must be to defeat the dragon.
Let's have Steve as our protagonist - not a whitewashed version, just Steve with his actual skin color left just the way it is. He'll represent us as players for our hypothetical movie. Have him wake up in an unknown world, not knowing why he's there. Just like how the game was all the way back in 2009, he's alone in a very lonely and foggy world. We follow him trying to look for other people, and then he has to survive his first night. This first part is both whimsical and a bit scary, because that's how many players felt when they first started it when they were kids, aallllll the way back.
Steve survives his first night. He's horrified, and then he realizes that he'll have to do it again. He doesn't know the "rules" of this world, but he's figuring them out, and the idea of "rules" and "what to do" will be important. Because, at its core, Minecraft doesn't have that many rules. It has no actual objective. You can do whatever you want, and this will be very (very) important.
Steve ends up building a small base with wood. Survives a bit more, and then, someway, somehow, he finds Alex. While he's more careful around things and very thoughtful on how and what to build, Alex is more of an adventurer, following the little tidbits of personality we see from them during Minecraft trailers. They're happy to know that they aren't alone, and we follow them build a very strong friendship and teach each other new things, just like how it is playing Minecraft in real life. They find a village, and find out that maybe they can leave this world, or at least find some answers, if they defeat the Ender Dragon.
From there, we have a good objective. The two continue progressing, and their base ends up becoming a castle, because who didn't want to build a castle when they were kids? And the world seems progressively more alive thanks to their interference on it, thanks to them helping the villagers, thanks to them being the players that they are. If you want more conflict, just add the pillagers as well.
Eventually, Steve and Alex have an argument about their points of view. They both want to know what's going on, but their way of doing things are different, and they care a LOT about each other, they're best friends, but who is doing things the "right" way? I don't like the idea of them separating because that happens in way too many movies. I want to see these two stick together, but their insistence on trying to do it "correctly" ends up putting them in a lot of trouble because they can't cooperate anymore. Y'know. How people fight and argue about a "correct" way of playing the game. How we as players miss old Minecraft - or do we? Do we miss the simplicity of older times, or do we miss our childhood creativity and willigness to do whatever comes to mind?
Anyways. A good alternative to this conflict would be either Alex or Steve - I'm leaning more towards Steve - being hesitant at completing the End Portal. He doesn't want to end his "dream", he doesn't want answers or to escape this world (aka leave good memories behind), he wants to stay there, but Alex knows that they can't be like this forever, even if she wants to stay. Regardless, they eventually come to a mutual understanding, and, TOGETHER, they go and fight the Ender Dragon. They win, and then the End Poem happens.
The fight against the dragon wasn't the ending; the realization that there are, indeed, no rules to put them down, or that they HAVE to leave everything behind, is the ending. They hear the poem while sitting next to each other. The world changed because of them, and sometimes it was for the worse, and sometimes it was for the better, but it did become much kinder, and they weren't alone. They don't HAVE to be. Just like how it actually happened in the actual game, through the 15 YEARS since it started to exist, and oh my God it's been 15 years already?! Oh my God-
Anyways. Movie ends with Alex and Steve having a lighthearted argument over what to build next. Steve wants another castle, Alex says that she has amazing ideas for something she's calling a "mob farm", and "trust me, it'll make our lives SO MUCH easier". And they're just being silly, because there are no rules.
Anyways thanks for reading this post, feel free to add your own things to it! Just had to get it out of my chest.
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snipsnexus · 23 days
well gentlemen. not to brag but *the talented battle pig living next door charges in and fucking annihilates you*
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snipsnexus · 25 days
is anyone else still stuck in that goddamn desert or is it just me and goodtimeswithscar over there
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snipsnexus · 25 days
do u guys play minecraft
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snipsnexus · 1 month
I'm starting a passion project based on the fact that I've made several original characters throughout my life so far, and have developed intricate stories for most of them, but they'll never get seen beyond what I share with my friends on discord.
So! I'm making a dating sim! Featuring all of my OCs ever! Of course it's gonna take some tome to write and draw all the sprites and make up some more original characters to flush in the background. And I'm learning to step outside of character design and writing for this, I'm learning how to play the guitar and how to draw buildings and scenery!!!
Every update I post here about it will probably be tagged with #the dating sim, and I'm open to answer questions about it whenever!
Here's a few of the character designs love made so far, as a treat.
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snipsnexus · 1 month
SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE | An extended one-sided debate on the Dragons of the LEGEND OF ZELDA series
I NEEDED to talk about the discrepancy in the Dragons in the Zelda series, it's been chewing my brain like a ROT please watch my video pls pls pls pls
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snipsnexus · 1 month
Are we sure, are we REALLY sure Charlie Slimecicle was not replaced by some evil doppelganger or something because look me in my eyes
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Look me in my eyes and tell me this is the same person
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snipsnexus · 1 month
SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE | An extended one-sided debate on the Dragons of the LEGEND OF ZELDA series
I NEEDED to talk about the discrepancy in the Dragons in the Zelda series, it's been chewing my brain like a ROT please watch my video pls pls pls pls
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snipsnexus · 1 month
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Welcome to Total Drama Life!
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snipsnexus · 1 month
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snipsnexus · 2 months
You mean to tell me that Grian actually named his bow “his charm and good looks” canonically with his whole entire grick? You mean to tell me he ACTUALLY killed Scar and it showed up in chat as “Goodtimewithscar was killed by Grian using his charm and good looks” ??? Right in front of every other hermit on this good christian minecraft server??????? What in the homosexuality is going on I thought that was a fan edit,,,,,,
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snipsnexus · 2 months
Slimecicle: Whoever said "yaoi is dead" dude, I think you need to put on your freakin'– your bi-focal lenses. Anything's possible.
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snipsnexus · 2 months
Slimecicle: What is "graphic Destiel sex"?
(Context: He's playing a game called "Supernatural" and a mod pinned this message)
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snipsnexus · 3 months
This is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted another Slimecicle karaoke stream.
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snipsnexus · 3 months
the best $10 i've ever spent in my life as well as the funniest i will ever be until the day i die
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