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snezhishka · 11 days ago
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Script: @sillysiluriforme @wisteriasymphony
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snezhishka · 12 days ago
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The galattaca girls marketing :3
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snezhishka · 15 days ago
Ravenous: A Blood Trail
Read the next chapter here, on A03
“I know we were debating before but, I think we need to introduce Liam to He Tian. It’s a risk to bring in someone new but he said that he has a profile on the killer, and well, I just don’t have the faith that He Tian has in Guan Shan’s ability to help the case.” Zhengxi nodded. “I’m on board with that plan. Let’s talk to He Tian tomorrow. He may not like it, but even he must realize that we need more help.”
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snezhishka · 21 days ago
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one of the warm up doodles i liked
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snezhishka · 22 days ago
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snezhishka · 23 days ago
Oh god (irt the art of the Galattaca Girls and Nino) the Galattaca Girlies look ready to chew Nino out for waking them up or something omg,,
I'm curious though—how often does he interact with them all? Do they like him, bear with him, or do they see him as that little pest who they'd rather have gone as soon as possible?
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The opinions vary but they generally like him ! It takes nino some time to warm up to the girls because they’re just. Unbelievably mean to each other most of the time. But at the end of the day they’re united together under the banner of hating your job.
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snezhishka · 23 days ago
Please stop trigger tagging with #epilepsy tw/cw/warning/etc.
I need every single person to understand how horrible tumblr’s tagging system is
I go into the tag for epilepsy and its all flashing lights. We can’t use our own tag because people without epilepsy fill it up with improper warnings.
Use ‘flashing’ in place of ‘epilepsy’ in your tags. You aren’t warning people of epileptics, you’re warning us of flashing lights. Please please tag properly. Epileptics say this endlessly and constantly and it’s ignored. You are risking lives by doing this.
Here’s proof of what I mean:
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snezhishka · 24 days ago
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Luca Nino Lahiffe, known professionally as Nino XNX, born January 2, 1987, is a French-Algerian singer-songwriter.
He began his musical career in 2001 by performing at raves, before releasing a first album in 2002 and signing a recording contract with the record company Roth Records the same year.
Since then, he has released six original studio albums, released between 2002 and 2008.
Nono XNX has been described as a figure of the "hyperpop" musical movement of the 2000s, although he has rejected the term in the press, stating that he "does not identify with musical genres".
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snezhishka · 27 days ago
Ravenous: Familiar Faces
Read chapter eight here on AO3
Guan Shan’s nose crinkled as his burning eyes glazed over the hunters. He Tian quickly and casually put himself between them, directing Guan Shan to the evidence on the far corner of the room. “Just do your thing. Any pattern, anything out of place, any connection you notice, let us know.” “And if there’s nothing?” “Then there’s nothing,” He Tian answered with an easy smile. He leaned in closer, bending down to Guan Shan’s ear. “And remember, say the word and we can go, or they can.”
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snezhishka · 27 days ago
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It's so funny to me how, on the surface level, He Tian really isn't Mo's type at all. He's not into show-offs and big spenders, who perform very public declarations of love.
And yet here is his fucking boyfriend, being all of those things. He must question how he fell so hard for this man all the time.
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
Chloe Bourgeois - Not a Typical Mean Girl
No, I am not going to sit here and talks about Chloe's family, or issues, or one writers seeming obsession with her. No!
I am here to discuss what I think is a very common misunderstanding about Chloe's character and the show in fandom that often crops up in discussion regarding her.
Namely that the thing Chloe needs most is to be chastised, rejected & punished for her mean behavior, that will sort her out!
As though that wasn't already a thing that happens?
Bear with me and I'll explain that claim first:
The school does not like punishing any students. The only reason Alya was punished for coordinating an effort to break into Chloe's locker is because Chloe threatened the principle. The only reason Marinette was almost expelled was because Lila framed her for cheating, theft & assault all in one day & she still needed to make a scene of the whole affair. There's one teacher that punishes students, but she does so unfairly, cruelly and haphazardly and in season 1, Chloe was not shown getting any special treatment from her. Special treatment from the faculty was not a thing unless we are counting later retcons.
So now that the faculty is out of the way, wat I mean is that Chloe is not a typical mean girl because she is not popular.
In stuff like Mean Girls, Heathers and so on, the usual standard is that the mean girls are mean, but they are also revered, beloved, popular in one way or another despite their horrible behavior.
This is not the case with Chloe.
Even in Season 1 where only Marinette & Nino seems to start the season disliking Chloe. (Her presence unpleasant but hardly traumatic given the Origins level bickering) Chloe was still not widely well liked by the class or school.
She had one friend in Sabrina and a second oh so briefly in Adrien, which did let her absorb some of his celebrity by proximity. But within 48 hours of having him she lost him; with Adrien becoming more distant to divorce himself from her behavior.
That's it and while one can say her haughty attitude and ego are the reason we know from season 2 she is aware everyone hates her & it upsets her.
S1-Chloe did get invited to some class events, but even then her presence was not largely welcomed with most far less prone to be patient with her than they were with others even if they exhibited similar behavior. Such as Kim bullying Ivan, or Nino expressing blatant frustration with Mylene, ETC.
By late season 2 she was pretty much entirely segregated from her peers, barring Sabrina, and her presence welcomed with shades of disinterest, disdain or outright hostility. Sometimes evoked on her part or just in general.
This is a big difference from the usual Mean Girls = Popular Girls trend but I often don't see it acknowledged in fandom discourse.
This especially feels to be the case given so often I see people arguing Chloe "needs" to be rejected, or told her behavior is bad, or that no one likes her... But she is, all the time, she is entirely aware people don't like her and unhappy about it.
The issue is not that her bad behavior is being rewarded in school. The issue is that bad behavior is what she was taught at home and what is encouraged there and what is shown to work for her parents. But it doesn't work for her and she doesn't know why, because no one really bothers to teach her why. hey just get angry and snap at her or ignore her.
& sure you can say its not her peers job to explain morality o empathy to someone who was explicitly taught by their father how to cheat at & win elections by intimidation. But the fact is no one at home is going to do so because they are modelling, encouraging & teaching the opposite up until it impacts 'them' personally.
Not sure if there's a greater point to this, but...
I often find people acting like the thing Chloe needs is for her bad behavior not to be 'rewarded' or 'indulged' by her class and to instead be 'rejected' and for her to face 'consequences'.
But she does! That's basically all she does; & When she doesn't usually an Akuma tries to murder her anyway!
So yeah, Chloe isn't a typical mean girl.
She's actually deeply unpopular among classmates and the school has a discipline issue all over, it didn't come from her.
More negativity is not going to magically make her "better".
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
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tween daughter moments
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
Chapter 8 of His Wish is My Command is now up!
Just a tiny chapter to break me out of my funk. Read it here:
Chapter Summary:
I suppose that it had been fine, then, that I'd stepped into the hell he'd created. It was just for me, after all.
Tags and overall sunmary:
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Juat some context for why I've been absent, this past month has been so insane. Natural disasters, work going batshit, and mental and physical exhaustion kept me down for a lot of that. I couldn't write anything or draw anything, and that seriously depressed me. But I want to do better, I want to feel better, so here it is. It's short, but next chapter should be longer. 💝
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
does…. does Gabriel hold some sort of sway over the Dolls Magazine? Or like, own it? Originally, I thought some of the more grim stuff on the covers were just normal satire of early 2000's dieting and misogyny culture but with Estelle's cover having things like 'don't hide from Akuma attacks', Lila getting an exclusive, and Alya as 'the Lady blogger' being shown in not her best light I'm starting to think that Gabriel is purposely running some kind of psyop on the youth of Paris to deliberately make them more vulnerable both mentally and physically to akuma's. you're less likely to have the higher functions to think about resisting an akuma if your brain doesn't have the calories, I suppose. and like, Adrien's on every cover, which I first shrugged off as just him being famous but with how it's in the same spot each time I'm now starting to suspect that's intentional.
Also! I absolutely love everything about this AU! y'all have created something really amazing, everything from the writing to the art to the character studies are just perfect!
Lastly, I adore how the magazine is called Dolls. Idk if that's a real magazine brand you're satirizing or not, but it feels very apt considering the Senti-kids are essentially treated as just dolls for their creators/parents.
You got it! He's a shareholder and creative consultant for DOLLS, courtesy of his """good friend""" Mr. Caquet. Gabriel has amassed a looot of "good friends" who owe him one in some way or another.
The name DOLLS is based on the Australian teen mag DOLLY. Take a look at some of the older covers the tone is so flippant I love it.
It's really convenient for Hawkmoth when news outlets act ambivalent about holders or state conflicting guidelines on what to do during akuma "events" (you have to say "event" and not "attack"), because then it sows mistrust, and when people are confused they get scared and start to make bad decisions!
Then they get hurt more often, one thing leads to another and next thing you know it's been almost a year in the exclusion zone and the country is in shambles.
Sure, Ladybug and Co. always beat the akuma, but at the end of the day they're still stuck within arm's reach in a city Hawkmoth has full control over. Eventually they'll get tired or lose their homes or just... die.
He's patient. He'll wait.
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
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I felt bad for not including yves in the DOLLS covers series 👉👈
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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snezhishka · 1 month ago
I've reached a tag limit (?) so I'll say the most important thing here. Thank you for your work!!! Great chapter as always <3 The flashback is so cute😭😭😭(and hot)
Ravenous: Two Beating Hearts
Read chapter seven here on A03 Summary:
“He Tian, you’re here. I didn’t see you before.” He Tian smirked as he approached. “I would have found you sooner, but you don’t make it easy, sneaking around on the complete other side of the house. I must have searched a hundred rooms by now.” He Tian reached him and pulled him into his arms. “But I found you now.”
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