sneeeasel · 2 years
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I looked away for a MINUTE and came back to an ANGEL
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sneeeasel · 2 years
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You have got to be kidding me.......
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sneeeasel · 2 years
FINALLY pulled Butler Emmet!!! Guess he just wanted me to earn those 3000 gems from scratch
I'm content so long as I have both brothers in some capacity tho so it's all good 💅💅💅
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sneeeasel · 2 years
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she’s been sittin unfinished for so long,, (;´д`)ゞ
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sneeeasel · 2 years
Everybody saying "I love and respect Bald Ingo, I just prefer him with hair and will continue to draw/write him with hair and/or laugh at the memes", you 100% understood the assignment Thank You.
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Whipped this up for people who are fine/whatever about the bald Ingo/twins thing, but still prefer the twins with hair because They're Video Games and YOU don't have to be "Canon Compliant" if you don't want to be.
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sneeeasel · 2 years
I should mention this also goes for how long Ingo's been in Hisui/how old he is.
If you want him to be 50ish and in Hisui for like 10+ years, cool you do you. If you want him to be younger and newly arrived, cool! You do you! If you want him to be Even OLDER and a Literal Relic of Hisui at this point, absolutely go for it!!
It's Fan Content baby you pick and choose what you wanna do.
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Whipped this up for people who are fine/whatever about the bald Ingo/twins thing, but still prefer the twins with hair because They're Video Games and YOU don't have to be "Canon Compliant" if you don't want to be.
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sneeeasel · 2 years
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Whipped this up for people who are fine/whatever about the bald Ingo/twins thing, but still prefer the twins with hair because They're Video Games and YOU don't have to be "Canon Compliant" if you don't want to be.
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sneeeasel · 2 years
I honestly am Wilding rn over the Bald Ingo reveal like people are devestated, people are reeling, people are loosing their minds...
And I'm just over here like "oh cool more canon to add to the shredder" as if I ever gave a shit about canon dbvdgdbss
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sneeeasel · 2 years
(cries) Lillie and Sonia came home in the first ten pull each, but Ingo took like 5 he straight up hates me fvdbdbdvbdb
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sneeeasel · 2 years
hi here are some canon examples of emmet being a genuinely nice and considerate person
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sneeeasel · 2 years
Holy Shit I am SO bad at Pokemon Masters fbdvvdbdb but I gotta get the Mad Hatter Train Boys like I finally got Elesa I need the trio assembled
She can finally laugh at them for their silly suits
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sneeeasel · 3 years
Pokemon MasEX really said "Ingo idolizes Professor Layton and Emmett's favorite game is Super Paper Mario" huh?
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.....okay this was gonna just be a joke post but it inspired character game preference ideas rip me that'll happen at some point I guess
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sneeeasel · 3 years
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has this been done yet
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sneeeasel · 3 years
Kamado, insultingly: Something brought you here, Outsider. Call it what you will. Fate....Destiny-
Protag: A horse.
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sneeeasel · 3 years
Headcanon 2:
Injuries and scars are pretty common when dealing with Pokémon for a multitude of reasons. Accidents, suprise attacks, learning limits, etc. With freshly hatched Pokémon, this is even more so, given that the Pokémon don't know the extent of their own power yet.
Ingo, Emmett, and Elesa all have some scars, but they're usually covered up. Not that they're ashamed of them, they just usually have them covered by their attire or makeup for work. If you catch them on their off hours, you're more likely to notice.
Emmett has the most scars, but they're the smallest and most scattered. There are little electric marks here and there all over his body and there's a large concentration of them on his hands. The Joltiks are usually bitey when they first hatch and Emmett absolutely does not mind. Every time he meets up with someone, there's always at least one new scar somewhere. They're small though, so it's fine, he says. He actually finds it somewhat enjoyable when they zap his fingers.
Ingo only has one major scar, a purple burn across his left palm that spirals up almost to his elbow. This one he got while still a crew member on the standard Unova passenger train. At one point, the train had to make a sudden stop. Ingo couldn't grab the rail in time and his partner, still a Lampent at the time, went to grab him. The panic of the situation caused the Pokémon to heat up however, resulting in the burn. It was very apologetic afterwards, but Ingo understood and doesn't blame the Pokémon in the least.
Elesa has the most uncommon pair of scars, a small set of lightning bolts right at her temples. This is actually a rather funny story that she loves to talk about when asked. Her Emolga is more often than not out of its Pokéball and usually stays laying on top of her head. One morning, Elesa was doing her makeup for the day with Emolga sleeping on her head when the phone rang. Apparently Elesa had forgotten to turn down the volume and the sudden blaring noise startled Emolga awake, giving Elesa a shock as it impulsively latched onto her temples. It now holds a grudge against Ingo, much to his disappointment.
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sneeeasel · 3 years
People really be out here saying "Ingo had to have [REDACTED] because he's his own Great ×14 Grandfather!!!!" which is a take that is, personally, Weird and Gross
And conveniently ignoring the NPC with Very Shaped Sideburns, Silver Eyes, and a Rather European Name in a Very Japanese Region that is literally standing next to the man in question at the training grounds
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This scenario also makes this whole situation Literally 1000% Funnier than the Futurama Grandad scenario too like picture it:
Gared over here is just telling the Hero of Hisui about how Amazing and Intense of a challenger Ingo is and the hero, having made the connection, is just like
"lol yeah isn't your great grandkid cool? *takes a sip of tea*"
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sneeeasel · 3 years
Headcanon 1:
Medical Technology is much more advanced in the Pokémon universe than it is in ours. There's almost nothing that a PokéHospital can't help with. Considering there are giant rock snakes that could destroy you with barely a thought, it makes sense really.
Reclaiming lost limbs, however, is still an impossible feat. The prosthetics are also more advanced though, looking almost identical to the ones lost and nerves being able to connect. Some claim that even down to the senses it's a perfect match.
There's not any discomfort from it as Sonia walks on hers through the lab. Still, there's the "what if" thoughts from time to time.
"What if I hadn't taken that turn?"
"What if I ran instead of fighting that Beartic?"
"What if I was able to continue the challenge?"
But now she dismisses them quickly. Hypotheticals are fine and all, but she's more than happy with this new path she follows, her new leg carrying her strong along it.
Besides, "Professor Sonia" sounds waaaay better than "Champion Sonia" anyhow.
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