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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
Reflection on future
- There is so much work left to do to end Human trafficking.
- It is still a growing issue all around the world
- The increase in technology is contributing to the spread of human trafficking.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
Protecting yourself from human trafficking. Made by me!!
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
This song is used to raise awareness of human trafficking.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
This is a headline from only five days ago, showing a busted human trafficking ring in Florida.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
The concept of human trafficking has been known for a very long time. Over the years, the topic has been informed to the public more and more. However, by doing this, it has not guaranteed an end to this horrible issue.
Human trafficking has been recognized many times in our society and all around the world as an issue that needs to come to an end. On February 5, 2019, the President of the United States addressed the nation about human trafficking occurring with illegal immigration. He explained, “Human traffickers and sex traffickers take advantage of the wide open areas between our ports of entry to smuggle thousands of young girls and women into the United States and to sell them into prostitution and modern-day slavery.” This spotlight on this issue shows the issues potential to worsen. Around the world, many countries are also corrupt, meaning their government is helping the traffickers of all types do illegal things. Trump shows that if traffickers can smuggle victims into a relatively safe country, it can happen anywhere, which is why the number of victims trafficked is increasing.
Millions of people each year are affected by human trafficking all over the world, and it is only spreading. With new technology constantly being created and upgraded, it will make fighting human trafficking even harder. New technology can allow traffickers to transport and sell victims easier than ever before by allowing them to be almost invisible. What I mean by this is when selling slaves, traffickers will be able to be so far in the dark web, no one will be able to detect them, and these traffickers can make their location almost impossible to trace. This gives a bleak hope unless law enforcement can stay one step ahead with tracking methods. If they are not able to do this, human trafficking will become easier to accomplish and rapidly multiply in the future.
With the help of many corporations against human trafficking, there is some hope in starting to control this issue. But, I do not believe there will be much, if any progress in the next few years until it is a major focus all around the world to help these victims affected by Human trafficking.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
reflection on modern
I was surprised on the amount of people trafficked each year. I did not know so many people are affected by this each year. It also shocked me at where people are trafficked from. For example, in my multimedia picture of where people are taken from, it shows juvenile facilities. I could not believe people were being taken from these because even though they are in trouble, it still should be a safe place for people to be. But if they are being taken to be sold into modern day slavery, it shows the problems in our correctional services.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
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This photo shows the many different locations where traffickers will try to find and abduct victims. It makes you question if you could have seen a human trafficking victim and not known it.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
Modern Day Trafficking
Human trafficking is the modern form of slavery. In federal law, Human trafficking is described as, “a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion to cause a commercial sex act with an adult or causes a minor to commit a commercial sex act” (source) or, “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of subjecting that person to involuntary servitude, forced labor, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.” (source) Both of these definitions exemplify the terrible acts people are forced to do in human trafficking.
               Human trafficking can be using someone for sexual exploitation. In simpler terms, sex trafficking is illegally transporting people from one place to another for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It occurs with both male and females, although it is predominantly women and girls. Many traffickers, will target men and women who have a history of abuse and will use threats or manipulation to get their victims to cooperate.  Many times with women, traffickers promise them better lives or jobs in different areas, but once they leave with them, they are forced into human trafficking. Once they are separated, they are forced into the commercial sex trade, for usually little to no money. This includes residential brothels, hostess clubs, online escort services, fake massage businesses, strip clubs, and street prostitution. All of these acts are why these people are taken for sex trafficking.
               Sex trafficking occurs worldwide and is a lot more common than most people think. The number of domestic and international victims is in the millions, and it is the fastest-growing business and third-largest criminal base in the world. Most trafficking occurs internationally, with victims taken from southeast and south Asia, central and south America, and other less developed areas. The victims are then transported to more developed areas such as the Middle East, Western Europe, and North America.
In the United States, sex trafficking is a 9.8-billion-dollar industry. Many kids are often taken and exploited because traffickers target places that attract youth such as schools and parks. Most victims are boys and girls, and yearly, 1.68 million children try to escape from trafficking.
               Labor trafficking is similar to sex trafficking but also differs in many ways. Labor trafficking is also illegally transporting people against their will, but it is for the purpose of making their victims perform labor or services. Labor trafficking includes people forced to work in homes as domestic servants, farmworkers encouraged through violence when harvesting crops, or factory workers held in terrible conditions with little to no pay. Labor traffickers enchant their victims with promises of high paying jobs or unique travel opportunities, and usually target people with unstable backgrounds, and women and children because of their relative lack of power.
               Labor trafficking is also an international issue. It is estimated that there are 24.9 million people trapped in forced labor industry globally, in agriculture, construction, domestic work, and manufacturing. Human trafficking receives and estimated $150-billion-dollar profit for traffickers. In the United States, there have been more than 7,800 cases reported and The U.S. Department of Labor has identified 148 goods from 76 countries made by forced and child labor.
               Human trafficking in today’s world is a huge problem that occurs more frequently than what many people think. It occurs all over the world but could also be happening right in front of you. Both sex trafficking and forced labor trafficking are huge issues that people must be aware of and be stopped from occurring.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
Reflection on History
I was surprised by how many cases of slavery were found all over the world from the beginning of time. From starting in seventh century BC and not being outlawed until the 1800s, I did not realize how much slavery was accepted in earlier times. I also was surprised of the title given to the act of sexually exploiting girls in the 1700s. The title known as “white slavery” shocked me. I was not surprised, however, of the effect of European slave trade with Portugal had on the spread of slavery. Because people were able to reach a wider realm of slave traders, it makes sense that the market of slave trade grew rapidly. One other concept that surprised me is human trafficking being the third largest crime industry in the world during the 2000s, generating $32 billion every year. I knew it was major point of awareness but I did not think it was that large. By researching the history of human trafficking, it has sparked my interest even more in this topic, and I cannot wait to learn even more as I continue.
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
Human Trafficking Citations
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
History of Human Trafficking
    Human trafficking origin is mainly tied to slavery. Slavery began as civilization arose. In ancient times, people would need help on their farms and in their occupation, but rather than pay for labor, they would buy slaves to work for free. Usually, slaves were gained through war, when other civilizations would be conquered.
                   The first major knowledge of the presence of slaves is from seventh century B.C. in ancient Greece. The two city-states, Sparta and Athens, contained excessive amounts of slavery. Sparta was based more on serf labor and had more rights than slaves in Athens. Athenian slaves had little to no rights and were forced to hard, strenuous hours of labor. Most men were forced to work in mines and were often used until the point of death. In second century B.C., slaves were forced to fight in large coliseums as gladiators, often forced to fight to the death, only for the enjoyment of viewers.
                During the middle ages, from sixth to fifteenth century, slave trade was very prevalent in the Mediterranean area. The Mediterranean Sea made a very easy transport route for slave trading. This served as a catalyst for Human trafficking. During the 1400s, European slave trade began with the Portuguese. European ships would transport slaves from Africa to Portugal. This is the start of slavery in Europe and the spread of it to many other countries around the world. 
               In the 1700s, human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation was first legally recognized and referred to as “white slavery”. In 1807, Great Britain passes a law making all slave trade illegal. Shortly after in 1820, the United States followed. In 1910, 13 countries signed the International Convention for the Suppression of White Slave Trade which banned human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Although these laws were passed, human trafficking continued to exist internationally. 
               At the beginning of the 1900s, most women and girls were being sold to be sexually exploited and most men and boys were being sold to work for little to no pay. Most victims, however, were children. In 1904, many leaders in Europe signed the agreement for the suppression of white slave trade. This agreement included opposing traffic of women and girls throughout their countries. In 1927, the League of Nations was formed, shortly after World War I, with the goal of keeping peace. This was used to focus on issues, such as human trafficking, and work to find a solution.
                In the 2000s, many organizations to fight human trafficking were created. One of the most well-known was called Free the Slaves, an American charity organization. This was one of the most influential movements toward the recognition of human trafficking. It was the third largest crime industry, generating a profit of $32 billion every year. However, Human trafficking is still very prevalent today and still must be focused on so this awful topic will cease to exist. 
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snarlylime9292-blog · 6 years ago
Hello World
Hello! My name is Lindsey and I am from wild and wonderful Pennsylvania. On this page I will be writing about a very serious social topic. I am writing this for a school project and am not trying to offend any person! So sit back and enjoy the ride!
I am going to be discussing the topic of human trafficking, more specifically child trafficking. I chose this topic because I do not have much knowledge about this topic and would like to know more about it. It interests me because I do not know how a person could be so awful as to take these people from their homes and sell them, so they will never see their loved ones again.I have seen posts on social media about teens and other people going missing and never being found again. I have also heard stories of what thesehumans have gone through that have been lucky enough to escape. These stories influenced my decision on what topic to choose. I believe this issue needs more attention brought to it because not many people know what is truly happening to these children. Our society needs to shine a light on this issue and inform adults and children about the dangers of human trafficking. I want to research this topic so that I may relay the information and maybe be able to make a difference in this issue someday.
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