snarkycybergod · 11 years
((Maybe, I guess  should just start playing SR3 & 4 over again, maybe then he'll come back.))
((I wanna be on this blog more but everytime i do I loose my muse.))
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
((I wanna be on this blog more but everytime i do I loose my muse.))
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
It hadn't come to him quickly, but after a moment he had lost focuse on the show. Reaching for the remote he dropped it into her hand. "You can put something else on that you like." he replied sinking in to the couch even more. 
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
“Wait, so… Is he going bat-shit crazy because she’s dead?" she thought to herself, the details confusing her every which way. "I mean, yeah— I get that, but shouldn’t he be more focused on, well, other things? Like saving people? God, this is like some weird vampire sitcom drama…" This was one of the many reasons that you shouldn’t start a show in the middle of it’s season.
The woman then found herself being pulled closer to the other. Blinking, she glanced up, seeing him more relaxed than he normally was. If he thought that this of all things was calming, well… She decided she could suck it up for now.
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
That was the point, he though trying to focus on the show. 
For a while, he sat silently, his focus on the telivision. every now and then he tuned out to listen to everything around him. Her breathing, the heaters motor, and the sound of rain against his roof.
Sinking into the couch he relaxed before wrapping his arm around her gently and pulling her in.
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
"I heard that, you know," she replied, taking a seat next to him on the couch. "I should have known not to come between you and precious Nyte Blayde. I apologize.”
To be honest, she had never really gotten to sit down and ever make an attempt to watch the show. She would always remember how Birk used to go on and on about it… And now she remembered why she never gave it a chance.
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"I wasn't squeamish!" he cried immidiately sitting up straight. "You were blocking the Tele and I didn't want you catching a cold."
Once more he sat wih his arms crossed over his chest and his feet up on the coffee table. "I could have just left you outside in the rain, cold and dirty," he mumbled.
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
Trying her best not to laugh, she shrugged it off and went to the bedroom to grab the clothes. They weren’t as big as she assumed they would be, which was a good thing.
After a few more minutes, she popped back into the room, playing with her hair. It wasn’t everyday she kept it down.
"Changed— no need for you to be all squeamish anymore."
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
Matt had quickly rolled away from her facing the back of the couch now. He sighed with his arms crossed over his chest and he listened to her for a while in silence. 
Almost instantly his arm snapped up pointing to his bedroom door. "Change," he repeated. 
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"Oh, and why’s that?" she asked with her head tilted to the side. "Don’t want me intruding on your precious TV time?"
With that, the woman walked around to the front of the couch. She blocked his view of the screen, reminding the other of what she was (or in this case, wasn’t) wearing. To be honest, the towel Matt had given her had been just enough to cover her, but not by much.
"I can always leave, if that’s how you’d like it."
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"Uh, yeah," he smiled in slight embarrassment. "I uh- nevermind that, go change!" he shouted before laying across the entire couch. 
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
"Oh?" she asked, now standing back up. With a hand on her hip, she glanced at the screen, just standing there for a moment or two. It the dawned on her what exactly he was so interested in.
"Are… You watching reruns of NyteBlayde?"
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
Listening to the tv he hadn't noticed the other until she had said his name. Suprised he jumped moving away from her only to relax when he saw her face. "Oh," he laughed with a hand on his chest.
"Their in my room, uh on the bed," he finally replied sitting up straight in the couch again
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
The woman stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed and dirt free. She gave her hair a quick pat before wrapping the towel around her body. She proceeded to put the wet strands into a tight bun, but paused— it had been awhile since it was down, so she might as well leave it alone. Giving a slight shrug, she unlocked and opened the door, poking her head out to survey her surroundings.
Before long, the sound of the television caught her ears, and she proceeded out of the room. She turned the corner, seeing Matt on the cough, back towards her. A sly grin slipped on her face as she quietly made her way over. When she got close enough, she put her elbows on the back of the couch, placing her head in her hands.
"Hey, Mattie, where’d you say the clothes were?"
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
Now if only he had clothes, and not just two or three copies of the same outfit, but a tone of clothes. He had managed to find a pair of sweatpants, never used, but for shirts all he had a solid black shirt he'd wear under his jacket. 
Well, he could only work with what he had, so she would just have to make due. 
He had set the folded clothes on the bed walking out into the living room and before turning on the TV. He'd leave her to change in his room alone.
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
The woman continued smiling as she took the new towel from him. If there was ever a day that wasn’t going well, Matt always tended to be her bright spot… Well, him and those warm cinnamon buns she loved to snack on.
"Thanks, Mattie— I really appreciate it… I’ll be out in a few minutes."
She shut the door behind her, and proceeded to scrub out every particle of dirt, from head to toe.
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"You still wanna have a go?" "Ah, what the hell..."
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
A slight smile Matt walked into the bathroom turning the nobbs for the shower on. Grabbing a fresh clean towel from the closet he took a step out of the bathroom waiting near the door way. 
"I'll get ou some fresh clothes," he said walking towards his bedroom.
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
She muttered a quick ‘thank you’ when Matt gave her the towel. As she was patting down her hair, she took note of the apartment; or at least, what she could see of it. A dim light here and there, and lots of clutter… Yet, this did not seem to be much of a surprise. 
When the mention of a shower came up, she couldn’t be more delighted.
"That would be a like a dream come true right now," she replied with a nod. "I guess this bad luck thing’s my fault… Spilled some salt at lunch and didn’t throw any over my shoulder."
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
Quick to reach he had turned all the way around facing her freeing his jacket. "It's called food," he snapped crossing his arms over his chest. " Haven't you heard of it?"
☢thethirdstreetsaint interrupted your fun
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"Um uh," not able to manage a word he nodded moving out of the door way for her. Quickly closing the door behind her he ran to the bathroom retreaving a dark blue towel. "I, uh, would you like to take a shower?..."
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
After a few more sour moments of silence, she let a smile grace her face. The last thing that she would want to do is let her bad luck let it ruin her coming to see him.
"Evenin’ Matt," she said, calmly, "I assume your day’s been going well? Or, at least, better than mine has… If it’s okay, you mind if I come in? I’m sorta drenched and freezing…"
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
Irritation in his voice he rolled his head back followed by a sigh. He had turneded his head towards her hand picking it up and moving it off of his shoulder. "I'd prefer if you didn't touch me." Dropping her arm he continued walking away from the other with his hands dug into his pocket
☢thethirdstreetsaint interrupted your fun
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"If you can wait till I get home!" The music echoed loudly thought the man's bulky headphone as he typed away at his computer. A small red warning sigh pop up on to the screan showing him footage of the front door. His eyes focusing he laughed lightly seeing the woman pounding on his door. 
"Alright alright," he chuckled moving from the small slumped seat. Walking out to he living room he could hear the sound of the rain pouring down on his roof. When Matt opened the door he stammered back suprised to see her covered in mud.
closed:// It's Raining, It's Pouring
Monday’s, or what most consider the worst day of the week, was living up to its retched reputation.
First, her car broke down while heading to her destination, so she decided to walk the rest of the way— it was a mile or two, tops. But of course, it decided to start pouring rain by the gallons, even thought the sky was perfectly clear five minutes prior. With no umbrella, she trudged on, continuing to think that “it can’t get any worse.”
That is, until, she fell face first into a pile of mud and dirt. The woman lifted herself from the ground, wiping off the mud from her face while relaying a string of curses to the sky. 
Five minutes later, she finally arrived at the apartment complex she was looking for. She managed to find the building, which of course was near the back, and found the apartment. She knocked loudly at the door, a sour look on her face.
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"I have, I can, and I will," he laughed leaning in closer to her. "So shall we start a match then?"
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"I’m perfectly fine," she replied, "I’m more worried you’d get too… impatient, with it… Then again, I’m sure you could prove me wrong.”
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snarkycybergod · 11 years
"I'm better at showing then teaching, otherwise it be morning by the time we got through our leason. Unless of course you prefer to take it slow."
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"Hm… Well I was never good at playing strategy games— I was always a woman of action first, and thinking later," she replied, a mischievous grin gracing her face.
"Then again, I always did like the lessons you give."
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