snannn · 2 years
one of the lowkey funniest parts of Soul Eater is how one of the main running gags throughout the show is that Spirit is constantly trying to hang out with Maka and develop some kind of relationship with her, but he is given no opportunity to do so because Maka just fucking hates him and at first it makes sense cause he's a letch and he cheated on her mom so like yeah he kinda sucks but then as the show goes on you start to think "hey, Maka always talks so glowingly about her mom and Lord Death keeps talking about what a prodigy she was and how amazing she is, are we ever gonna actually MEET this woman??" and then after like ten episodes of wondering that Crona has a heart to heart with Maka and he's like "hey what happened to your mom anyway?" and then Maka reveals that her mom is just.... gone???? like she got divorced from Spirit and just kinda went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back??? and THEN when Crona asks if Maka has a favorite memory of her mom, Maka replies that it's when she got the divorce??? and it's like holy shit Spirit might legitimately be the biggest faildad in all of anime like imagine being so cringe that your daughter will only spend time with you if she loses a bet and is constantly comparing you negatively to the mother who literally abandoned her in the middle of her childhood with no explanation what a pathetic little soggy donut of a man he is I cannot think of a more fitting character to have been voiced by vince lasagna
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snannn · 2 years
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snannn · 2 years
never in a million years would I have thought a PIRATE COMEDY SHOW SET IN THE 18TH CENTURY would have a scene where a gay man sits down with his wife and has a conversation without her about what it means to be in love and then he comes to out to her and tells her he's in love with a man and then she hugs him and helps him fake his fucking death so he can leave his old life behind and wholeheartedly pursue a new life with the man he loves without guilt or shame and yet our flag means death gave us that. I didn't think I'd ever get to know what the opposite of queerbaiting looks like but I saw it today
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snannn · 2 years
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I couldn’t have said it any better so please please please go watch Our Flag Means Death if you haven’t already.
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snannn · 3 years
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True freedom.
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snannn · 3 years
Every single kid in soul eater could beat up any kid from boku no hero academia. Its bc of the Nevada tap water
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snannn · 3 years
Do you ever wonder what happened to the weird girl from your middle school?
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snannn · 3 years
no bc soul eater is genuinely the most insane show ever it starts out pretty normal but the further you look it just gets crazier. there is a city centered around a school that trains people how to hunt down and kill demons and witches in pairs. one person in each pair can turn into a weapon. there is a character named soul eater evans who eats souls. he is not the main character. the main characters are his bestie and her bestie. the president of the school is a paper-thin (literally) incarnation of death itself, who somehow has a son who shoots guns with his pinkie fingers and once hoverboarded from the states to egypt for funsies and is fundamentally named Death Jr. some of death’s closest friends are a teenage priest who constantly listens to music on skull-shaped headphones, a milf, the sleazebag dad of the protagonist, and a mad scientist who both has a weird homoerotic tension with AND has tried to dissect said sleazebag dad. off-key recorders are used as a recurring motif in the soundtrack. the soundtrack is one of the best i’ve heard in an anime. the sun and moon are both alive. this all takes place in nevada.
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snannn · 3 years
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Do you have any cups? I’ll make us some tea.
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snannn · 3 years
teen boys always come into my job at the crystal shop and overshare like “man this girl i really like, she likes crystals and zodiacs and witchy stuff. which kinds of stones would be like flirting? this rose quartz bracelet… do you think she’ll like it? do you think she’ll like me?” and i think i’m going to start gently placing my hand on their shoulders and going “she ain’t worth it bro. run.”
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snannn · 3 years
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snannn · 3 years
Happy father's day to all fathers except this motherfucker
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snannn · 3 years
All right monster fuckers I got a question
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Where does he fall on the spectrum
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snannn · 4 years
The more Soul Eater I watch the fewer original ideas RWBY has.
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snannn · 4 years
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snannn · 4 years
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snannn · 4 years
father figure
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