I do all my own stunts.
196 posts
Nacho from Rosario, Argentina. Into: Music, art, photography, design, drugs, nature, vegetarianism and veganism,, comics, literature, movies, animals, sci fi, zombies,DIY, sustainability.
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smuckler · 8 years ago
Puedo perder 
La billetera
Las llaves
El celular
Puedo perder un brazo
Un ojo
Las dos piernas
Hasta puedo perder la cabeza
Pero no el corazón
A ese siempre lo voy a tener
Para bien o para mal.  
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smuckler · 9 years ago
You went deep into the road looking for Paradise but found the Moriarty in you instead. 
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smuckler · 10 years ago
Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you.
Douglas Adams  (via wordsnquotes)
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smuckler · 10 years ago
My heart feels like a punching bag. I am terrified at the idea that I had lost my only chance at wining this thing and all that I have left now are these quick and intense “love matches” that leave me all bruised  and fucked up. But I keep taking the beatings, like a stuborn old  boxer, who keeps standing up just a few seconds before the bell rings.
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smuckler · 10 years ago
We never love anyone. What we love is the idea we have of someone. It’s our own concept—our own selves—that we love.
Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet  (via wordsnquotes)
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smuckler · 10 years ago
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smuckler · 10 years ago
I got her in my bedroom after a long talk in the dark of the front room. She was a nice little girl, simple and true, and tremendously frightened of sex. I told her it was beautiful. I wanted to prove this to her. She let me prove it, but I was too impatient and proved nothing. She sighed in the dark. "What do you want out of life?" I asked, and I used to ask that all the time of girls. "I don't know," she said. "Just wait on tables and try to get along." She yawned. I put my hand over her mouth and told her not to yawn. I tried to tell her how excited I was about life and the things we could do together; saying that, and planning to leave Denver in two days. She turned away wearily. We lay on our backs, looking at the ceiling and wondering what God had wrought when He made life so sad.
Jack Kerouac "On The Road"
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smuckler · 10 years ago
The best teacher is experience and not through someone’s distorted point of view.
Jack Kerouac, On The Road (via wordsnquotes)
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smuckler · 10 years ago
You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place. Like you’ll not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again.
Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran  (via wordsnquotes)
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smuckler · 10 years ago
You were given the power to love in order to use it, no matter what pain it may cause you.
William S. Burroughs (via wordsnquotes)
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smuckler · 10 years ago
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instagram :: @adamscarvalho
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smuckler · 10 years ago
No pasa nada. Miraste el celular 200 veces. Nada. Querés que pase algo pero te da fiaca salir a buscarlo. Prendés la computadora y ahí tampoco pasa nada, ahí nunca pasa nada o pasan un montón de cosas pero ninguna existe. No sabes si tenes hambre o comes solo para hacer algo, no tenes sueño pero te tiras un rato para ver si podes acelerar el tiempo. No te podes dormir, te pega el bajón y no sabes si estas aburrido o triste. No sabes nada y no pasa nada. Es como si las cosas estuvieran en pausa, en stand by. Miras de nuevo el teléfono. Nada. Te preguntas si todo el mundo esta en algún lado divirtiéndose o si todos están haciendo lo mismo que vos esperando que aparezca algo que los sacuda, que los saque del letargo. Te pones a pensar en las decisiones que tomaste, en como seria todo si hubieras hecho las cosas de otra forma, no sabes si hiciste bien o mal, nunca sabes nada y no pasa nada. Miras por la ventana y todo parece muy calmado. No hay ni una nube en el cielo y hay mucho sol. Tenes la sensación de que tenes que salir de tu casa, de que sos un idiota si te quedas adentro. Te levantas y prendes de nuevo la compu con la intención de escribir pero lo único que te sale es esta mierda sobre lo aburrido y confundido que estas, nadie quiere escucharte quejar. No es interesante, no es divertido, miles de personas escribieron sobre este sentimiento antes que vos y lo hicieron mucho mejor. Te acostas de nuevo y cerras los ojos. Nada. 
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smuckler · 10 years ago
Three a.m. drunks, all over America, were staring at the walls, having finally given it up. You didn't have to be a drunk to get hurt, to be zeroed out by a woman; but you could get hurt and become a drunk. You might think for a while, especially when you were young, that luck was with you, and sometimes it was. But there were all manner of averages and laws working that you knew nothing about, even as you imagined things were going well. Some night, some hot summer Thursday night, you became the drunk, you were out there alone in a cheap rented room, and no matter how many times you'd been out there before, it was no help, it was even worse because you had got to thinking you wouldn't have to face it again. All you could do was light another cigarette, pour another drink, check the peeling walls for lips and eyes. What men and women did to each other was beyond comprehension.
Charles Bukowski
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smuckler · 10 years ago
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smuckler · 10 years ago
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smuckler · 10 years ago
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smuckler · 10 years ago
Te miraste las piernas y los codos, todos raspados. Te acordaste del sol de las siestas, del pasto, las veredas, los patios, las plantas y las piletas de lona. Te miraste las zapatillas llenas de tierra. ¿Que viniste a buscar? ¿Vas para adelante o para atrás? Si volves es para buscar algunas cosas que te olvidaste Después seguís para adelante. El sol te da en los ojos. Todo se enciende como un fuego, no ves nada, pero seguís caminando.
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