smolobsessedbean Ā· 2 years
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The Three Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas Modern Library (1940)
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 2 years
10 comfort movies for a night in :
1. Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Usually, when one reads a book and comes to love the story, watching the movie adaptation can be disheartening. Well I must exclude Joe Wrightā€™s adaptation from this, the movie was conveyed beautifully and did justice to the original story, the acting was remarkable and clever with itā€™s own twist especially with Matthew MacFadyenā€™s way of portraying a manly and vulnerable Darcy making the whole audience swoon. This movie is a masterpiece just like the book.
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2. Jane Eyre (2011)
I was moved as Iā€™ve scarcely been before. This heart wrenching, captivating and stunningly mounted adaptation will make you wish it never ends. Both Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender played their roles brilliantly in a way to make you feel every bit of emotion the two characters are feeling. No matter the ending youā€™ll finish this movie with a heavy heart.
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3. The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Alexandre Dumasā€™ classic tale of romance, adventure and revenge begins with friendships, betrayals and frustration all ingeniously played by the striking Jim Caviezel who did justice to both the innocence of Edmond DantĆØs and the shrewdness of the Count. Iā€™ve watched this movie countless times and I canā€™t seem to get enough.
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4. Little Women (2019)
Based on Alcottā€™s book about sisterhood, this adaptation will pierce you right in the heart. Beautifully acted and thoughtfully directed here is a movie as poetic as it is real, youā€™ll go from laughing to crying to laughing again while enjoying one of the most heartfelt and uplifting movie experiences of all time.
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5. The Three Musketeers (2011)
An adventurous, daringĀ and fun movie if youā€™re searching for something entertaining to watch. The action scenes are great and sometimes funny, I personally loved the chemistry between the characters and the movie themes vary between love, betrayal, friendship and duty.. Bonus point, Matthew MacFadyen portraying Athos is a blessing to the eyes!
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6. Sense and Sensibility (1995)
Another Jane Austen masterpiece and one of my favorite movies ever. Touching, romantic, heart warming and brilliantly preformed by some of the greatest actors of all time, I recommend this adaptation especially for anyone going through a breakup.
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7. Robin Hood (2010)
My favorite version of this story. The cinematics are amazing and the music and action scenes are outstanding. Loved the chemistry between Russel Crowe and Cate Blanchett, they are disarmingly fun to watch and absolutely moving at times. If you havenā€™t already watched this movie I highly recommend you to.
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8. Becoming Jane (2007)
If you love Jane Austen and romantic historical movies as much as I do then this oneā€™s for you.Ā ā€œBecoming Janeā€ is an imitation screen adaptation of an Austen-like novel that imagines the authorā€™s love life and how it affected her writing. Romantic, touching and heart breaking, I suggest you bring some tissues and start with watching the moving story of young Jane Austenā€™s love life.
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9. Anna Karenina (2012)
From Leo Tolstoyā€™s bestseller straight to your screens, this is the emotional story of a passion that led two lovers to their fall. This modern, intoxicating and very much exciting adaptation explores the themes of jealousy, marriage, infidelity and society to make the viewer understand that sometimes sacrifices need to be made even if it costs oneā€™s happiness.
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10. Far From The Madding Crowd (2015)
Two worthy suitors and one scoundrel, guess which one Bathsheba Everdene picks in the end. This adaptation of Thomas Hardyā€™s novel not only empowers women, but also paints beautiful landscapes and deeply romantic scenes to make you swoon. I guarantee you that this movieā€™s gonna make you wish you were born in Britain 1870.Ā 
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(by @scalpelgall )
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 2 years
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 2 years
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"Jetzt verbeugen sie sich. Nicht dein Ernst." Jakob Lundt
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
ā€œi donā€™t want other people to decide who i am. i want to decide that for myself. ā€
ā€“ Emma Watson
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
ā€œYou think I canā€™t? Watch me.ā€
(via provozierendesmaedchen)
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
my soul misses you. <3
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
i like the idea of holding a girl's hand. like just holding her hand as we walk down the street, or through a field, or just anywhere to be honest
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
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11.06.21 ā€” of all the classics iā€™ve read, french literature fascinates me the most. thereā€™s something about it that captures my soul. imagine having romance, politics, music, architecture, religion, history and revolution in one book!
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
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Tea will take you there. x
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
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F. Scott Fitzgerald; The Great Gatsby
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
why am i dressed slutty you ask? to read classic literature alone in my room. mind your own business.
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
The Great Gatsby's copyright expires January 1, 2021 and I for one am quite looking forward to the inevitable publication of Nick/Gatsby fanfiction.
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
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Whenever people hear about Tim Curryā€™s music career there are usually two reactions:Ā 
- ā€œIā€™m sorry, his WHAT now!?ā€
- ā€œIā€™ve played my copy of ā€˜Fearlessā€™ every day for 40 years and I have the lyrics to ā€˜Sloe Ginā€™ tattooed on the inside of my eyelids!!!!!!ā€œ
Thereā€™s never usually an in-between and thatā€™s why TC remains one of the most fascinating entertainers of his generation.Ā 
But how did it all begin?
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
tumblr is my scrapbook, i find something pretty i want to look at later and i glue it to a page . like yesssss you are my little memory forever to look at lovingly
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smolobsessedbean Ā· 3 years
My car doesnā€™t have a CD player
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