smoljimin · 3 years
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order - congrats!!! you deserve them all! i’m gonna go ahead and order then haha i’d like a tall cold milk tea, strawberry and honey boba, with number 12💕 receipt - aww thank you so much @dropthedagg3r for your boba order! sorry im only getting to this rn and if it's shit LMAO!! Enjoy your tall cold strawberry milk tea with honey boba and dessert #12!!
allergies - pure fluff, god forbid i love some soft SHOTO, f!reader
Shoto Todoroki + f!reader - “I think I’m in love with you.”
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Shoto didn’t really understand why everything seemed so dizzy every time you stepped into a room. Like a witch who’s casted a spell on him that made your presence so intoxicating, it made him drunk in an instant.
This wasn’t some measly crush on a girl. This was having a crush on THE girl (according to Uraraka).
The way you seemed to make him feel so tingly inside when you laughed or waved at him in the dorms on the way to class. He could list a thousand more reasons why you made him feel this way, but he couldn’t describe what that feeling was.
The most intoxicating part about you was your smile. God, your smile. Todoroki would destroy the world for you if it meant he could get a glimpse of that precious smile of yours.
The way your lips curved into the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in this universe made him feel like he’s found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Mans is crazy about you and everything you have to offer. All he wants to do is keep you for himself. Was he selfish for that?
The cherry blossoms seemed to bloom a brighter pink this season as you walked the U.A. campus. Up ahead of you was Shoto, Bakugo, and Deku walking side by side discussing, mostly Deku and Baku arguing, about a new training method they wanted to try out.
Bakugo being the little shit he is, knew you were a few feet away from them and came up with a plan. As much as he didn’t admit to playing matchmaker, it was getting too painful to watch Todoroki fawn over you and not do anything. So he took matters into his own hands.
You see Bakugo roughly snatch Midoriya’s red sports drink, causing it to spill all over Shoto, who stood there blinking at Bakugo as the drink dripped down his face and uniform. “Oh shit.. HEY EXTRA YOU GOT ANY NAPKINS?” The blond says turning in your direction.
“Y-yeah! I think so!” You reach into your bag pulling out your handkerchief only to turn back around to see Izuku and Katsuki sprinting off as fast as they could, leaving Todoroki by himself.
“Uh haha! Here
 Let’s get you cleaned up!” Your hand was gentle to pull Todoroki to a nearby bench, sitting the both of you down. One hand makes its way to his face and the other gently wiping away the sticky drink, especially around his scar.
Shoto watched the way your face contorted in full concentration trying to wipe the drink off. It was like you two were the only ones in the whole world and this moment felt like heaven for him. And suddenly like the cold drink that it hit him in the face, he was splashed with the feeling of...love. ‘That’s...it’ The feeling he couldn't describe was love.
You smiled at Todoroki after successfully cleaning his face and drying a little bit of his uniform even though there were still red splatters stained on it. “This is the best I can do Todo!” Shoto, who could only stare at you, realized you were talking to him. And instead of a simple ‘thank you’ the words that spilled from his lips seemed to leave you speechless.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Shoto says in a quiet voice.
“W-what?” The only response Todoroki could give you was a flushed face.
Ahem of course you liked him too, so you did what your heart told you. In a blink of an eye, you lips crashed into his, still tasting the cherry flavored drink on his lips.
This wasn't the ideal situation you thought you would hear Todoroki confess to you, but it was better than nothing and you didn't complain one bit!
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smoljimin · 3 years
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order - Woah, this event is so cool- the way it’s structured and everything is giving me legit nostalgia. Anyways, can I have a cold venti milk tea, flavored with very berry (hatsume mei) and number 26? Thank you!!! receipt - aww thank you @alpha3113 it took me a while to figure out what i wanted to do for this event and im glad you like it! Sorry im only getting to this now!! ALSO this is a little long sdfhsd 1.6k words bruh! Enjoy your cold venti very berry milk tea and number 26!!
allergies - some light angst if you squint, fluff ending bc i vibe that way :P, friends to lovers type beat
Hatsume Mei + gn!reader - “Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because you’re dangerous”
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Hatsume Mei was an unlikely acquaintance that always seemed to cling on to you even though she did most of the talking. The two of you didn’t officially establish a friendship, more like Mei loved that you would just listen to her antics about all of her gadgets and never complain about it like the other kids in her class would. She didn’t have many friends since she set her heart on staying in the workshop all day to improve every idea her wondrous mind could come up with. And being a new student who moved in only a few months prior, you didn’t have that much company either, so you stuck around each other.
The sports festival was only a few weeks away, meaning Hatsume needed as many assistants as possible for her new gadget she was going to show off to all of the high tech companies attending. You were finalizing a couple designs Mei had asked you to come up with for the exterior of the gadget when the lunch bell rang, signaling the end of class. You close the notebook filled with designs you made for Hatsume, carefully tucking it into your backpack. The classroom filled with students empties out as you make your way to your usual spot for lunch, the workshop. An arm reaches out for you, suddenly pulling you aside from the crowd. Your immediate instinct was to scream, but your mouth was quickly covered. “Chill out, (y/n)! It’s just me!”
Keep reading
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smoljimin · 3 years
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order - hellooo bby for you event can i get a grande milk tea :)) flavor is taro, topping is honey boba, and desert #2 đŸ„ș receipt - hello my beautiful shania @kingtamakimurder !!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy your grande taro milk tea with honey boba and dessert 2!! This was made with extra love!
allergies - baby this is PURE fluff, its tooth rotting and gah my heart can’t handle the cuteness
Tamaki Amajiki + f!reader - Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing
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“The forecast said it’s supposed to rain pretty bad around 5. Should we cancel our date tonight Tama?” The violet haired boy, who was excited for a date night with you since he’s been occupied with so many missions, turns towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. “I-I don’t think we should
 if th-that’s okay with you.” You kiss your boyfriend sweetly assuring him that you were fine with whatever he wanted to do. As you pull away, Tamaki’s face is a shade of pink that brings butterflies to your stomach and one that you could never miss. He always blushed that way when you gave him kisses; he couldn’t help it. A delighted giggle slips your lips as you wrap your arms around Amajiki one last time before pulling away and holding his hand, leading him down the stairs and to his car.
Tamaki unlocks the car, quickly moving to the passenger side so he could open the door for you. “What a gentleman. Thank you sweetheart.” You reward him with another kiss, making him a flustered mess all over again. Tamaki closes your door and makes it over to the driver’s side, starting up the car and heading out into the city for tonight’s date. Along the ride, Amajiki held your hand as you attempted to serenade him with the cheesy love songs that played on the radio. He loved every second of it and couldn’t help but fall in love with you over and over again.
The ride soon came to an end when Tamaki parked the car at your favorite restaurant. It was your favorite not because of the food, but the fact that this is where Tamaki took you the first time you cried on his shoulders about the issues you were facing at the time and when you knew he was the only one for you. It was a special place that you two shared, so it was a tradition to come here when Tamaki came home safely from a dangerous or long mission.
After eating until your bellies were full and a trip to a local cafe and small shops around the city, it was finally time to go home. The rain started to fall hard, making it hard to see the road, but Tamaki drove carefully. “Sweetheart, did you bring the umbrella?” You say as you turn your body to the back seat to check if it was there. “Oh shoot
 I’m sorry (y/n). I was so excited about our date I forgot it at the front door.” You kiss Amajiki’s flushed cheek. “It’s okay! We can just make a run for it!” Your boyfriend shakes his head. “N-no I’ll grab the umbrella from inside and I’ll come grab you! I don’t want that pretty dress of yours to get ruined.” Tamaki says, rubbing the back of your hand.
The rain falls even harder as the drive progresses, but you eventually arrive home safely. Tamaki shuts off the car, quickly running inside to grab the umbrella. You, however, had a different plan. You open the car door and get out, taking in the coolness of the rain against your skin. “(Y/N)!! W-What are you doing??” Tamaki speed walks towards you, covering you with the umbrella even though you were already soaked. “Let go of it Tamaki!! Come on, enjoy the rain with me!!” You make your violet haired boyfriend let go of the umbrella by replacing your hand in his as you pull him further down the driveway.
You take Tamaki’s breath away as you giggle and dance around enjoying the cold shower pouring down on your body. “(Y/n)...” You feel him grab your wrist, pulling you flush against his body and dipping you down as his soft lips crash onto yours. Your lips move in perfect harmony with each other. His hand supports your back and the other on your neck as he deepens the kiss. You could only wrap your arms around his neck and smile through the kiss, thoroughly enjoying this precious moment in time. Tamaki pulls you up from the dip he held you in, laying his forehead on yours. As you stared at your lover through soaked eyelashes, you look down at his swollen lips, a laugh bubbling in your throat. “You know? I've always wanted to be kissed in the rain! And you made that dream come true! I love you Tamaki!!!” Tamaki smiles widely at you as a laugh eruptes from his throat too. His hands hold your face lovingly, gently moving your soaked hair away from your face so he can see you smile before he proudly announces how much he loves you. “I LOVE YOU (Y/N)!!” He yells with his head thrown back, eyes shut. It was shocking to hear Tamaki yell like that since he was usually quiet, but his cry of happiness filled your heart with so much joy and you couldn't help but to crash your lips on his once more. You pull away and take his hand in yours as your laughs filled the night sky and the quiet home you shared.
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smoljimin · 4 years
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guys my blog is 5 y/o!! thats crazy haha
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smoljimin · 4 years
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Great dad. A+ for trauma.
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smoljimin · 4 years
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smoljimin · 5 years
yeee i’ve come back with another request!!! okeyy soo can i get a headcannon of bakugo dating Present Mic’s daughter (reader) and he like doesn’t know because shes shy and quiet unlike her dad. But then he finds out is just like wth how are you guys related?!?!? okeyy thanks bb!!
hi, baby!! thank you for keeping me busy 💀i’m not really into writing present mic, so i leaned more into shy!reader x bakugo
you are the definition of soft spoken
you keep to yourself, busy your mind with reading or writing or music or whatever else you’ve taken a habit to
you don’t like to make much of a fuss about anything, opting more often than not to reside in reclusive spaces
that’s probably how y’all meet: bakugo at the UA library working on a book report, you’re there waiting for your father, the infamously loud hero, Present Mic, to handle some teaching stuff, & you quite literally run into bakugo
you’re embarrassed, of course. & you pass on a quick apology—
“Oi, watch where you’re going. Who runs in a fucking library?”
& he turns to walk away, but the tone of this spiky looking boy doesn’t settle well with you
“First of all, I already apologized. You don’t have to be so rude.”
bakugo whips around faster than anyone you’ve ever seen. he gets all in your face, uses his height & stature advantage to impose on you. “Hah? Lady, you ran into me.”
You gotta get & stay on your tippy toes to get all up in his face, but you do. “And I said I was sorry!”
after this one chance encounter, the two of you run into each other all the time, despite you not being in the Hero Course
(ofc you attend UA; you’re father is a renowned teacher at the school. free tuition? free tuition.)
i will literally write a fic abt shy!reader-turned-avid-bakugo-hater x bakugo please don’t do this
your entire relationship w bakugo is the Opposites Attract trope.
it turns into one of those “I like me better when I’m with you.” things
he’s got little regard for the personal feelings of those around him
you, on the other hand, are always worrying about everyone but yourself
bakugo snatches out a side of yourself that nobody’s ever seen before!
he aggravates you into talking more & speaking your mind more often; he pushes you to scream & yell (mostly at him) & sincerely express your feelings
he makes you adventurous!
well, you were already adventurous; bakugo just gives you that final push over the edge, the one that makes you take that leap of faith
the poor, reserved thing you are, he triggers your fight or flight response every fucking day
the two of you pick up habits from each other!!!
bakugo begins to think about what he says before he says it. granted, he’ll still b rude & blunt, but at least he’ll think about how rude it is! LMFAO
you’ll be a little more vulgar in your self expression. a cuss word here, a curse word there. nothing blown out of proportion
Bakugo manages to shift your perspective on a lot of things. he’s shaken you into realizing the significance of your own voice.
that being said, whenever he just so happens to brush against you, your entire body lights up. cheeks burning, face scrunching, fingers trembling.
imagine when he kisses you?! tuh. reader.exe has stopped working
so, the two of you become acquainted w the act of touching another person romantically together
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smoljimin · 5 years
idk if you’ve ever watched Mob Psycho 100 but i saw that you were asking for some headcannons so here ya go!! may i request a headcannon where bakugo has a s/o with the same psychic powers as the character Mob, and they are just super powerful and also have the 100% power level. Mayb bakugo is lowkey kinda scared of them but is like “damn thats my baby!” okay thank you â˜ș ❀
mob is my bb!! đŸ„ș i still need to watch s2 but you don’t know how up my alley this is!! tank you for requesting! hope you like it, mwah
you are, by no loose means of the word, Powerful.
it’s obvious that bakugo respects Kirishima, & in a v similar way, it’s obvious that he has an affinity for you too—not just because of your powers (even though telekinesis by ITSELF is badass) but bc you know how to use them/you’re very forceful in your journey to learn how to use them
with powers like Mob?? you HAVE to b ranked at the top of your class, & this brings a lot of tension between you & bakugo. just because Katsuki respects you, it don’t mean he isn’t mean. he is always in your face about becoming better than you, because he knows it’s fuel for your fire
your powers force you to b largely independent, so whenever you & bakugo are together (even if it’s merely standing next to one another) it feels like two pillars of absolute fire are standing side by side. you’re your own person; your quirk reinforces that immensely, & bakugo is in love w how tall you stand by yourself
like Mob, you tend to b weary of your emotions—or you try to be. but in a class like 1A, with horomones and tears flying everywhere, accidents are very prone.
Bakugo gets in your face about something & your heart starts racing, & then the ground is splitting apart and your cheeks are fucking glowing. no, not just blushing—you look like you have light bulbs on your face
Katsuki has a way of coaxing others to rely on him, and become stronger on their own all at the same time. sometimes you’re so impossibly soft for him and his hunched back and sometimes you want to punch him in his back.
y’all are the Most Competitive Hero Couple in the entire world. at UA &, later on, in the pro hero ring.
that being said, you two are also the most iconic duo at UA, and later on, in the pro hero ring. the Avenging Angel and the Explosion Hero—shigaraki is SHAKING!
Badass, Villain Terrorizing High School Sweethearts is your trope.
when your quirk is activated, you glow. hair, eyes, skin, fists—you might as well b captain marvel in this bitch! and Katsuki doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of seeing you like that. fists steaming & eyes flashing as you take names, kick ass, & develop more sense of yourself in this Lamp form.
he’s endlessly awed by how your quirk consumes your entire body.
just like it’s all or nothing with him & his explosions, he knows it has to b the same way for you
Katsuki isn’t ever afraid of you; more like, he’s afraid for you. if you start overheating, or use too much energy, you’ll get weak. shy pulse, intense dehydration—one time you got so worked up for so long, you threw up in the aftermath & took two weeks to regain functionality again
he’s never more spooked than when you’re lying in a hospital bed w serious injuries
katsuki, as bullshit as he may sound abt it sometimes, only ever wants you safe
while ‘tis quirk of yours is absolutely profound—you’re on some number one hero type shit—if it wrings you out this bad, then the two of you need to find a solution to these draw backs.
“Overcome it.” He demands, staring you dead in the face while you lay crippled on a bed of too clean sheets in a too white room with too many clip boards and beeping noises—because Katsuki is such a demanding man. Your last endeavor left your quirk power at an all time high and your body at an all time low. “Overcome this weakness. Become stronger. Do better. Your body deserves it. You need it.”
your quirk often leaves you overheated for a while—& then hypothermically freezing: katsuki is always there to scoop you in his arms when you’re touch starved and talk you down when you’re hypersensitive
the two of you reflect each other: how he’s sowilling to break himself apart for the win, you are the exact same way. & that absolutely terrifies him. more than he’s brave enough to admit
now, when you’re in total control? & you whoopin on somebody ass? Bakugo’s heart SKIPS LIKE TEN BEATS LMFAO. ESPECIALLY when you whoop HIS ass
every time you take a W, he gets this little grin on his face (remember the first BNHA movie?) and something that feels an awful lot like content fills his chest
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smoljimin · 5 years
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I miss you and I hope you have a place in the new season lmao
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smoljimin · 5 years
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the real flower this entire time!
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smoljimin · 5 years
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Look who is here!
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smoljimin · 5 years
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Anyone that sees this gif will automatically have a great 2020! 
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smoljimin · 5 years
Bakugou headcanons for crushing on a blunt and honest person who can just nonchalantly compliment him or anyone else but the downside their emotions are usually open too. They can dish out compliments but they can't take it.
sorry this took so long!!
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bakugo was just chillin in his seat when you came up to him with that stupid grin on your face
you plop yourself down next to him and just stare at him with that shit eating grin
“what the hell do you want”
you just giggle to yourself
“youre just so powerful bakugo! and your hero outfit? talk about accentuating those nice arms of yours”
bakugo whipped his face away from you. he could feel the heat rising up
meanwhile your classmates just stare at you for what you just said
“how can you just say that y/n? thats so embarrassing” uraraka had brought her hand to cover her mouth because she just couldnt believe what you just said
you just smuggly sit back in your seat with your hands behind your head “hey i just call it as it is”
you paid many compliments to your classmates, some more embarrassing than others
it can range from “momo i love your hair!” to something more like what you had said to bakugo
bakugo would be lying if he said he didnt respect that you could just say whatever you wanted no matter how embarrassing the compliment
you were always walking around all happy go lucky, practically wearing your emotions on your sleeve. you even considered yourself an open book
so when you sat down in your usual seat next to bakugo he wanted to try something
“hey y/n”
you turned your head towards him and smiled
“whats up bakugo?”
he felt his heart speed up
you have a nice smile”
the smile on your face fell and your eyes widened
bakugo watched in shock at how red your face was
your hands shot up to your face to try and save yourself
slowly you adjusted yourself in your seat, eyes peaking out from behing your hands only to make eye contact with a surprised bakugo
bakugos surprise soon turned into a shit eating grin
“whats up with you y/n? you can dish compliments but cant take them?”
your hands slammed on your desk as you stood up “no! i just
” you were at a loss for words, your cheeks still tinted pink
bakugo was definitely going to take advantage of this. he leaned in closer to you
“you know y/n youre pretty cute”
cue you turning into a blushing mess
“i um..have to go!”
quickly you ran out of the room while bakugo snickered to himself
oh he was definitely going to pay you more compliments from now on if he got to see your adorable flustered face
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smoljimin · 5 years
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am I the only one who does this
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smoljimin · 5 years
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Badass boys in suits 👔✹
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smoljimin · 5 years
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smoljimin · 5 years
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Some icons of the best boy. Repost if you wanna use, or just like
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