smol-baby-bat · 2 years
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
are you ok
disney built the biggest and most expensive animatronic ever in their history and then built a mountain around it and it BROKE a couple of months after the ride opened and it’s impossible to fix it without dismantling the entire mountain structure and that’s honestly the most hilarious verified disney fact™ ever
the second most hilarious being that the chum animatronic on the finding nemo ride at epcot used to pop out of the barrel to scare guests but one time a cast member was walking past it during an opening/closing procedure and it popped out and smacked them clean in the face so now it’s turned off permanently
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
reblog if you’re asexual, support asexual people or really really want a crossbow for literally no reason.
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
please respect people who are mentally ill and disabled who cannot work. please respect people who look like they’re just relaxing all day when really they’re waging an internal war just to stay alive or fight their pain. please respect people who could not finish school, people who had big plans and could not see them through because of disability. people who look from the outside like they’ve “given up” or “aren’t doing anything.” people who are hospitalized repeatedly or permanently, and people who are grown adults who are still dependent on others. please respect disabled and mentally ill people. 
this is not a polite suggestion, by the way. it’s an angry demand. we are people, and we deserve the same respect as anyone else.
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
How to explain your regression to others
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Here are some easy and harmless ways you can explain your regression to others:
💜 “I have a very childish character”
💜 “I like kid things. It relaxes me”
💜 “I am a very nostalgic person. I love watching old disney movies, etc”
💜 “I collect toys”
💜 “I am doing inner child therapy. It’s when you take care of your inner child”
💜 “I like acting like a child from time to time, it helps me with my mental illness”
💜 “My interests and hobbies are cute-sy. I like cute things, video games, stuffies, movies for children”
💜 “It’s a trend in Japan” (lol)
💜 “I like to decorate with things that remind me of my childhood”
💜 “Sometimes, I feel way younger than I actually am”
💜 “I like silly things. It makes me happy”
💜 “I like simple, cute activities where I don’t have to think a lot”
💜 “I sometimes like to act younger to release stress”
💜 “It’s my aesthetic”
💜 “I like things made for kids. My life is challenging and I need something to calm me down”
💜 Feeling like a child makes me feel safe
💜 Remember 💜
You don’t owe anyone an explaination for your ageregression. It’s not a bad thing, but a valid coping mechanism and if it helps you or makes you happy you can be as childish as you want. Other people’s opinion does not have to be the truth. Do whatever you want. ILY
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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Free the child
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
There's this guy I call DJ Dickhead who drives past my unit real slow twice a day absolutely blasting bass-boosted trap music and one morning I opened my window to yell at him expecting some douche in a sports car and it turned out to be this old ass man with speakers hooked up to his mobility scooter and I still hate him but there's a respect in it
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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A veterinary hospital in Mexico used Pokemon Go’s snapshot feature to turn their office into a Pokemon Center
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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Happy 25th Anniversary Pokémon!
Debuted on February 27, 1996 in Japan with Pokémon Red and Blue.
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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Show some respect, people.
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
Because there arent many posts like this for transfems here are your reminders to...
Take your estrogen/progesterone! Refill your prescription if you ran out/will run out soon!
Stop tucking if you're experiencing pain, numbness, etc., or have been tucking too long!
Hydrate! Even if you aren't thirsty, if it's been more than a few hours since you drank something, please do!
Be kind to yourself! No matter where you are on your trans journey, know that you are valid and loved. ♡
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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The Wayne Family ft. Tired single dad Bruce™✨
set in an alternate universe where most of canon still apply except they‘re civilians and Bruce still adopted them all anyway<3 :D
I just have A Lot of Feelings™ about the Wayne family and single dad!Bruce okay TTvTT aaaaaa– This is 100% self-indulgent, I’m telling you.
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smol-baby-bat · 3 years
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More junky pixels, Paula will always be one of my favourite girlies
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smol-baby-bat · 4 years
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Little Ways to Make Selfcare Easier for Littles
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🍼 Be little! 🍼
Little you may be more motivated to do certain tasks than big you. If you put yourself in little space and make self care appealing to little you, you might be surprised by the results.
You can:
♡ Use a paci while you shower/bathe 🚿
♡ Take a bubble bath 🛁
(Just be careful if you have body parts that put you at risk for getting a yeast infection! Ph ballanced bubble bath exists, so use it if you can!)
♡ Use bath toys 🛁🐳
♡ Use baby lotion 🧴👶
♡ Use kid’s shampoo, soap, etc. 🧼🧒
♡ Use kid’s toothpaste and toothbrushes 😬
♡ Use small or cute hairbrushes 💇‍♀️
♡ Take a comfort object with you to sleep 🧸
♡ Take ALL OF THE comfort objects with you to sleep! 🧸🐰🐵
♡ Listen to a lullaby or a bedtime story on youtube, or have your carer or a friend sing/read you one 🎶 🛏📖🎶
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💙 Keep calm. 💙
Anxiety and intrusive thoughts can be a nightmare when trying to sleep, shower, or bathe. Keeping yourself calm and comfortable can be the key to getting your bed thoughts to leave you alone while you take care of yourself.
💜 Be little. 🍼
Ok, so already mentioned, but it’s worth saying again. Regression is comforting; regression is calming. There’s no shame in going to your little space in order to care for yourself.
🍼 Calm your senses. 💙
Use farmiliar sounds and smells to help you relax. Lavender, vanilla, and cinnamon, soft or slow music, and familiar podcasts, shows, and movies, can help you keep calm. You can:
♡ Use a difuser with essencial oils at night or while spending a lot of time in one place
♡ Use a scented candle
(big space only, and make sure you’re supervising it!)
♡ Use a shower steamer or scented bath bomb/bubble bath
(remember to get ph ballanced bubble bath/bath bombs if you’re at risk for yeast infections!)
♡ Use scented soaps, shampoos, lotions, ect.
♡ Play background music/noise while doing tasks
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🥊 Fight forgetfullness! 🥊
💜 Make a selfcare schedule! 📆
Scedule times when you have to take medication, eat, shower, anything you have trouble doing. Then stick to it!
🍼 Have someone remind you! 💬
Show your selfcare schedule to someone you trust, your cg, a friend, a partner, and have them remind you when the time comes!
💜 Remind yourself! 🔔
Set alarms to remind yourself to follow your self care schedule.
🍼 Get a pill box! 💊
If you take medication, you probably know the struggle of trying to remember whether or not you took your meds.
Illiminate that doubt by getting a pill box and filling it up once a week. If the meds are still in the compartment, it means you haven’t taken them yet.
Remember to get one that specifies the day/time you need to take your meds! If you take them twice a day, you’ll need two sections for each day. Make sure you get a box that fits your needs!
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💞 Combine them! 💞
Combine your new-found selfcare skills to make them even better!
You can:
♡ Use kids’ and babys’ products with comforting smells
♡ Listen to kids’ shows, movies, or songs
♡ Make a sticker chart for your selfcare schedule
♡ Customize alarms for little you
You can make them say things like, “Time for bed now, little one,” or, “Remember to brush your teeth, Princess!”
♡ Decorate your pill box while in little space or with your little self in mind
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Do you have any more selfcare tips for littles? Feel free to add on!
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Paci and heart banners by me, stars and planets banner by @littlealpacacutie
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smol-baby-bat · 4 years
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robin in a hoodie
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