Hi. You didn’t post for about two years but you probably recently matched so I wanted to congratulate you! You are going to be a wonderful doctor!!
hello! Yes I matched last april! I'm an obgyn resident now about to start second year in july!
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First week back
Well I’m definitely rusty, not sure how good I was at seeing patient before but I’m definitely a lot slower now!!
I had a shift on Saturday and in the morning I failed to recognize a pt that was 7 months pregnant but by the end I was counseling a patient on his diabetes.
One thing I’m struggling with now more than ever is having doctors that are willing to teach me. In preclerkship we got 1 day of teaching on the speculum exam and we only practiced on mannequins. We were told we’d get to practice in clerkship well here I am in clerkship a year later with no clue how to hold the speculum in a family clinic being asked why I don’t know how to do it!! It’s a loose-loose situation sometimes and you get caught in the middle
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First day back to clerkship in a post pandemic world
Things are definitely not what they were but we are leading with resilience
Evie looks almost just as excited as I am, but she doesn’t know I’m about to leave for 8 hrs
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I wanted to give an update because this anon was clearly ahead of the game.
We found out a couple weeks ago that we will not resume clinical activities until July 6 at the earliest. When we go back it’s not clear how our schedules will be affected, if our rotations will be shortened.
Unfortunately that includes the rotations for the specialties that I’m most interested in persuing. 2/4 of my electives have also been cancelled, and right now all portals have been closed so we cannot book more electives at this point. And we don’t know when it will reopen.
There’s so much uncertainty so for the time being I’m focusing on things I can control.
I’ve been reading for my future rotations, participating in contact tracing of confirmed COVID cases, finishing off some research projects and taking care of my new puppy.
I’ve also been reflecting a lot on the kind of doctor I want to be, the kind of life I want to have and what my goals are for the future.
what are your plans now that you won’t have any clinical duties till after the summer?
I know it’s been quiet from me for the last month so thank you for remembering I still exist!
We were just told yesterday that our clinical duties have been suspended for 2 weeks. That’s all we’ve been told so far. I’ll study for my current rotation (psych) in anticipation of the exam at the end of April taking place as planned.
There’s lots of uncertainty right now so I’m not really sure what else I can do until we hear more. Hopefully the 3rd year clerks are able to go back to the hospitals in April and our electives will proceed as planned in September🤞🤞
Other than that, for the time being I’ll do my part to ‘flatten the curve,’ participate in social distancing like everyone else and try not to panic!
Hope you’re all staying safe and taking care of each other
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Given unecertainty of my education currently this is now a blog about my puppy
Meet Evie💕
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any plans of doing the usmle?
Nope! I have no plans to learn or practice in the US, but many of my classmates have written it or plan to!
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what are your plans now that you won’t have any clinical duties till after the summer?
I know it’s been quiet from me for the last month so thank you for remembering I still exist!
We were just told yesterday that our clinical duties have been suspended for 2 weeks. That’s all we’ve been told so far. I’ll study for my current rotation (psych) in anticipation of the exam at the end of April taking place as planned.
There’s lots of uncertainty right now so I’m not really sure what else I can do until we hear more. Hopefully the 3rd year clerks are able to go back to the hospitals in April and our electives will proceed as planned in September🤞🤞
Other than that, for the time being I’ll do my part to ‘flatten the curve,’ participate in social distancing like everyone else and try not to panic!
Hope you’re all staying safe and taking care of each other
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Night shift in the ER
Staff kept me an hour late so I finished at 4:00am
Feeling decidedly mediocre these days
No matter how hard I try or how many days ornights I sacrifice studying
I’m just not an outstanding person I guess
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I was tagged by @greatmedjourney​
I’ve never in my life been tagged in something so that was fun! Thanks!!
Birthday: Oct
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 163 cm (5'4")
Last song listened to: Happy by Oh Wonder, but also just their entire new album (no one else can wear your crown)
Hobbies: running - I run most days and used to run varsity during undergrad I haven’t posted about it much on here but I’m thinking I will sign up for my second marathon in may
Favourite colour: green
Last movie 👀: I honestly don’t remember the last movie I watched in its entirety, the last movie I fell asleep watching was bladerunner 2049
Favourite 📚: Paper towns, John Green - It might not be the best literary work, but at the time in my life when I read it, it had a profound impact and taught me a lot about life, and the world
Dream job: as a kid the answer was actor, as a semi-adult the answer is youtuber (kidding, sort of) but the realistic answer is Obstetrics and Gynecology, but also considering Cardiac Surg right now
Meaning behind URL: lol none except that I wanted an alliteration
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Back in scrubs for my first week in emerg!!
We had some ‘on borarding’ the first 3 days where we practiced resuscitations and management of common airway emergencies
Simulations are really fun, and you really learn what kind of person you are in those situations. I felt like I stayed pretty clear headed and made some good contributions
Thursday and Friday I had my first two shifts, it was h e c t i c
But I did get to put in an IV, stitched some lacerations and saw my first resuscitation.
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Didn’t get too many outfits pics this week because it was an exam week and most days I was running out the door.
Today we wrote 3 exams from 9-2:30
I studied really hard this block in anticipation of the marathon day of exams. I’m really proud of myself, I feel like medicine is starting to make sense and I’m understanding it in a way I didn’t before.
All three exams today were far better than my first 2.
Also now that 5 have been written I only have 5 left between now and August!
More exciting things are happening that I’ll be sure to update on next week!
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Outfits of week
Really enjoying dressing up after 10 weeks of scrubs!
Also here’s a close up of my eyes in honour of optho week. I took this photo after the opthomologist told me my eyes were hazel 👀
I’d like to hear what you guys think, I’ve always thought hazel but some people like to give me a hard time and say they’re brown
Next week I’m writing my final exams for optho, ENT and anesthesia so it’s time to grind!
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A new week, a new rotation!
Happy to be out scrubs for once!
This week I’m on opthomology. Highlights include watching a cataract surgery, drainage of a stye and removal of a foreign body from the cornea.
You can definitely tell it’s the best paid specialty in Canada. Opthomologists are by far the happiest and most relaxed doctors of any that I’ve met.
It’s not the specialty for me, but I enjoyed the clinic and learning about the eye more than I expected. If it wasn’t such a competitive program, I’d probably consider it.
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Took it easy today and prioritized self care
Went for a run, sat down for a nice breakfast spent the day studying at my desk and then had a nice dinner while the sun set
Spending tonight watching some Netflix and going to bed early
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Happy Monday
Here’s what my day looked like
6am alarm
7 roll up to hospital, to study for a little before starting my shift
7:40 meet my first patient and preform a preop assessment
8 In the OR for first surgery (a laparoscopic hysterectomy). Attempt to put in an IV and intubate with an endotracheal tube. We did 3 hysterectomies today and we finished really early!
2 finish the final surgery
2:30 go for a run
4 head to campus to study
5-7 read about obstetric anesthesia and resuscitation
7:30 head home
8 dinner and pack my bag for tomorrow
9 relax and review que cards I made on fluid status evaluation
10:30 bed time
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Yesterday was a very cool day!
I really like anesthesia so far, but the best part by far was when the surgeon didn’t have an assist so I got to scrub in and be his assist!
We took out the most massive hydrocele ever!
It was really fun to be back in the OR again. I haven’t had much time to think about it but I’m definitely missing cardiac surgery
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And we’re back!
Just finished my first 2 days of anesthesia.
I have to say, the break was nice but it feels so good to be back on the grind again. I feel like I’ve learned a lot the last 2 days.
Clerkship is such a weird time, you’re only ever doing the same thing for a couple of weeks. So you’re constantly being thrown into new situations, completely different topics.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed by how much I have to learn, it amazes me how quickly you can become (at least a little) proficient at something when they throw you in the deep end.
Yesterday I practiced putting in IVs and bag mask ventilation! Tomorrow I’m hoping I’ll get to intubate!
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