44 posts
luana gonzales; thirty three i've been working later, i've been drinking stronger, i've been smoking deeper-- but the memories won't stop. +
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smhlua · 5 years ago
            caffeine. that’s what luana was in need of after that tiring day of meetings and prepping for court. so she made her way to her favorite coffee shop to order her usual-- black, no cream. not being able to resist the look of a red velvet cake, she bought it too, thanking the barista and wishing them a good rest of the day. as she turned around, cup in one hand, cake in the other, she slightly bumped into a figure that had been standing behind her-- shit, were they wearing white??
            “ oh!! i’m so so sorry. ” cursing under her breath, she quickly scanned the other person’s state, visibly sighing in relief after confirming that she didn’t drop anything on them. looking up to meet the other’s gaze, she knew she’d blushed in embarrassment. “ shirt’s good as new-- can i buy your drink to make up for the scare? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
Axel nodded when she guessed he was new. “Yeah… new to Boston completely.. Thanks” He said a little flustered feeling like he had completely weirded her out. “Hey um.. if you uh want someone to walk you home…” He paused, “I mean… like in a non creepy way… I’m not a weirdo.” He gave an awkward smile, not actually believing he was getting so tripped up over a stranger in a tight dress. 
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    luana’s lip formed a small smile at the man’s proposition-- she knew how to take care of herself so she felt safe enough in the daylight to joke a little bit. “ well, sure. i’ll just trust you’d tell me if it would’ve been in a creepy way. ” the sarcasm dripped on her tone as she continued walking and comfortably fell into his pace. “ why would you say i’m going home, anyway? would you like a tour or just wanna know where i live? ” her words didn’t carry the harshness it could’ve, just the genuine curiosity on the man’s intention. “ what should i call you, mister...? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
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@bostonstarters· // “Do you have a kid out there?” Camille asked, the corners of her eyes pinching into a small smile as she looked to her bench’s other occupant. She sat tall and straight, an eye out for Caleb as he clambered over the playground, but she could always use some conversation to pass the time.
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     luana rolled her eyes playfully, “ what? you’re trying to shame me or something? ” she joked, knowing that was far from the thruth. with her attention on her godson, she watched him play and run around with a fond smile resting on her plump, dark red lips. getting comfortable on the bench she shared with her friend, she eyed her playfully.  “ i’ll have you know you knew all about my amorous personality when you decided to make me his godmother-- i’m checking up on my baby. ” she continued, her hand patting camille's knee a few times, smiling before teasing her. " so how are you, baby? "
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smhlua · 5 years ago
Axel’s eyes widened slightly seeing the girl stop to let him know. Yeah, she was ridiculously hot and definitely his type, but he didn’t want to freak her out and flirt right off the bat. “Well thank you… nice… well… everything” He said gesturing to her. He instantly closed his eyes regretting saying that. “Sorry.. I just mean.. well.. uh.. actually nothing. Sorry.” 
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   a bit confused, luana still nodded at the man in acknowledgment, not quite recognizing him but realizing she had seen him once around before. “ don’t apologize-- i’m betting you’re new around so welcome to the neighborhood. ” she said with a smile and a wave, resuming walking to her place.
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smhlua · 5 years ago
        knock. knock. knock. jessica hated doorbells, they were too abrupt and she rather ease her intrusion than throw people off guard. with the cake slice in front of her, she was practically bouncing on her heels waiting for them to answer the door. she beamed - grateful that they answered. “i made gluten-free carrot cake and i desperately need a second opinion, please?” while jessica loved to bake, she truly loved making something and having others enjoy her creations. there wasn’t a week that went by where jessica wasn’t dropping off baked goods to her many neighbors. @bostonstarters·
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     “ come in! ” luana half yelled from where she was standing in her kitchen. having recognized the familiar voice announcing baked presents, she grabbed the ice tea from her fridge as she heard her friends’ steps to her apartment, also getting two cups in the process. “ nena, when you have a cake you don’t even need to knock, how many times should i make this clear? ” it wasn’t any news how luana loved jessica’s baking and would volunteer to taste test at any given opportunity. 
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smhlua · 5 years ago
        harry had finished running around the park in the flower garden gated community and was out of breath after running for two miles. he hadn’t realized how behind he was on his cardio until he pushed himself more than usual through the burning. harry certainly did not expect to be practically gasping for air the way he was. he never was interested in track and field when he attended high school, sometimes people never change. “i’m getting too old. oh my god, whoever runs for enjoyment is a liar,” he said as he continued to try to catch his breath. @bostonstarters· 
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     luana let out a quiet giggle at the other’s words, sort of agreeing to what was being said. she did remember how she once felt the same way about running and exercising-- she only started to like it once she turned into a little introverted time for herself and gave up on overdoing it;; she’d go according to what she could handle and that’d increase everyday. “ i’m sure you are not getting too old-- do you wanna sit down? ” she asked from the bench she had been sitting down watching him recover from his run. 
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smhlua · 5 years ago
“What do you mean you aren’t going to do it?! So, you’re just going to get me all worked up and chicken out? Who plays truth or dare, only to bail when it comes to their turn?! Come on, a dare’s a dare, which means you don’t really have much of a choice. Hell, I’d do it myself, but I feel it would be far more entertaining to watch you do it.”
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    luana chuckled slightly at the other’s words, her brows raising in dramatic disbelief and replying, “ what do you mean?? am i this shit-faced? i promise i'm trying but i really can’t remember agreeing to play this in the first place-- did you drug me? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
One of the worst parts about a new city was parking. He had no idea what was going on with the parking here. He parked where he assumed was a good area for parking. Climbing out of the sleek black Tesla he looked around. “Excuse me…” He asked, leaning with his arms crossed on the top of his car. “Do you know if this is like… reserved parking or something?” Taking off his sunglasses, he searched for any sort of sign. The last thing he wanted was his car getting towed. 
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    making her way home from a meeting, a tight black mid dress hugged luana’s figure as she gracefully stopped on her tracks at the sound of what seemed like somebody talking to her. it took her a few seconds to understand what he’d been asking but she shook her head after glancing around in confirmation. “ oh, no, you’re fine. this is a free parking space. ” she replied before continuing her walk, turning around slightly to say, “ nice car, by the way. ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
River always took advantage of the pool. Having always been an avid swimmer, the pool felt almost like a comfort during stressful times. Nearly every morning, he could be seen swimming laps before the sun even peeked above the horizon. It was pretty common for him to have the pool to himself during this time, but today, he was resting between laps when he heard someone enter. He shook the water from his hair, and turned to look at who he was going to be forced to share the pool with. “Water is cold if you wanted to know” He said, his deep voice echoing in the room. 
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    luana walked inside finishing up a call with her mother-- that was the day she liked to start the day. it was still pretty early but they shared each other’s activities for the day and in that day in particular, the woman decided to swim a little bit since she had the day off. “ okay, mami.  buenos días, bendiciones. te amo. ” she said before hanging up and grabbing her little tote bag-- phone in and towel out. the deep voice startled her a little bit, making her turn around to see the other already at the pool. “ fuck. you scared me a little bit-- sorry, i didn’t see you before. thanks for the tip. ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
“i could give you a deal on the diesel, thirty for the eighth, but next week i’ll have better stuff, so expect a price climb.” she explained, digging through her backpack. granted, she didn’t feel the best about meeting in a park, but sometimes options were tight. being caught wasn’t such a big deal to her; she’d been arrested for worse. as long as she carried less than two ounces, she was fine. “do we have a deal?” she was more afraid of suburban moms than the police.
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      having heard at least the half of the exchange between indigo and the customer from the park bench she had been sitting, luana couldn’t help but comment when they left. “ thirty for the eighth. that would be... 240 an ounce? ” she asked curiously after counting mentally for two seconds. “ also, a price climb? business going well, eh? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
Tristan knew that smoking was bad for him, but that didn’t stop him from doing it. Taking a drag off of his cigarette, the blonde leans up against a nearby wall, exhaling slowly. It’s then he sees someone approaching, tapping a bit of ass off of the end of the stick, shrugging when they get closer. “Uh oh, busted. It’s terrible for me, I know.”
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    as luana recognized the blonde figure leaning on a wall across the street she had been crossing, she walked over, her heels making satisfying clicking noises the closer she’d get. “ ¿que? running into me in the middle of the day or smoking? i'm guessing it’s the latter and-- aren’t you a big boy, tristan? ” she asked, her tone matter-of-factly as she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. “ i’m sure you know all about nicotine and how it turns your lungs into shit, why would i nag you-- whatcha doing here? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
“So today I found that I’m going to be an uncle. Which is super exciting, obviously, but it also really makes me miss my sister. I feel like I’m so far away, you know?” Victor asks, a sigh escaping their lips. “I keep trying to convince her to come move out here with me, but so far it’s a no go. I mean, wouldn’t you want to be closer to your pediatrician sibling if you’re having a baby?” They say, chuckling at their own words. “Ah, here I am going on about myself. Enough of that, how have you been? Anything exciting going on with you?”
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        with a tiny squeak, luana took her hands to the mouth in excitment, “ oh my god! ” she let out as her face lit up with the news. one could easily tell kids definitely held a soft spot in the latina’s heart. “ congrats, vic, i’m sure you’ll be a great uncle. it’s unfortunate she lives so far away, though... where is she currently? but i don’t know, i don’t think she’ll stay far away from you for long-- you’re right, you are the pediatrician uncle, she’ll come around eventually. ” she continued in agreement, realizing the irony in their words. “ uh, me? nothing nice like being a tía so let’s keep talking about you. how many weeks is she? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
stepping into the cafe, the bell that is attached to the wall above the front door chimes. smell of baked goods reach the nose even before it reaches the mouth makes it very tempting. after finishing the order, she looks around while holding the tray of chocolate bread and hot chocolate. just found out that there’s no seat left except one in the window counter seating, afraid that the person sitting beside that chair already got company. 
after putting down the tray on the table, she turned her head and politely asks, “i’m sorry, could I sit here? all the other tables are full.” ( @bostonstarters· )
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     with the chocolate cake long gone, leaving only the empty plate and the cup of black coffee she had been nursing, luana was focused as her brown hues wandered her work inbox and across the countless e-mails she had received that past hour. as her perfectly manicured hands quickly worked to type a reply to one of them, her attention got caught by the sudden polite tone she learned to be aimed at her. “ oh. ” the woman let out in understanding, glancing at the free chair before answering warmly. “ yes, of course. please, have a seat. it is quite packed today, isn’t it? ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
Ace was figuring up books in her shop. She was preparing to close up for the day but always left the door open incase anyone needed any last minute fixes or had emergencies.
Birdie sat in the floor playing when the bell over the door sounded causing the little girl to jerk her in that direction before getting up to run over and hide beside Ace. The blonde looked up with a smile at the person that had stepped into the shop office, “hey, how can I help you?”
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    luana walked inside the shop, already noticing the little girl and giving her a little wave as she closed the distance between her and the other two. smiling back to ace, she sighed slightly to express her distress. “ i’m so sorry to come around so late-- i’m so glad you’re still open. i’ve procrastinated and left my oil change for the very last minute. i’m sure if i drive a single mile, my car’s gonna explode. so there i was in my garage, ready to change it, turns out the bottle’s empty-- welcome to my life. i just need oil for the audi q8, i'm pretty sure it's the 5W-40? ” she said almost as if she had been asking a question. “ please tell me you have it. ”
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smhlua · 5 years ago
hi everyone ! i’m ali (she/her & gmt-3) and very very excited to write with all of you. i’d love to plot because lua’s been around for a while and she’s quite the social butterfly;; hmu so we can throw some ideas around or like this and i’ll come to you :^)
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was that ( DIANE GUERRERO ) I just saw around the Flower Garden Gated Community? No, it was just ( LUANA GONZALES ), the ( THIRTY THREE  ) ( CISFEMALE ) ( LAWYER ). ( SHE/HER ) has been living in Boston for ( FIFTEEN YEARS ). One thing about them that they wouldn’t want you to know about them is ( BENDS MORAL AND LAW TO WIN IN COURT . ). ( LUANA ) can be described as ( COMPASSIONATE & AMBITIOUS ) as well as ( DOMINEERING & IMPATIENT ) and If you ask them, ( JUICE BY LIZZO ) would be their anthem.
you can see a few muse posts HERE and also i have a lil pinterest folder HERE
sO luana was born in a loving household, her parents had immigrated from colombia to florida just a few months prior to having her and her sibling (it’s a wc so i’m keeping it utp) and things were good. yes, they didn’t have any money or went out much, really -- she doesn’t know if the longing for her parents made her only have good memories of her childhood days or if it was the innocence she then held on to. spanish was her first language but sooner than later she was acting as a traslator to mr and mrs gonzales, school being where she learned all things english and all she knows is that she was happy-- until she wasn’t anymore. she was thirteen when her parents got deported and school was the worst. people wanted to know why she was living with the family that lived across them but she didn’t know how to explain... what was she supposed to say? they lost touch for a while, she learned later that her parents had been arrested prior to their arrival in colombia, and all she could feel was misery. although she would see her sibling every day in school, they were left with two different families so a part of her felt she had nothing left-- people always hinted that she was guilty of something and for a while she did blame herself for everything that went down-- for all the reasons her childlike mind could think of.
she had to learn to be independent at an early age, working and studying. and she knew she was good in school so she saw a way out in that. phone calls to her mother and father left her feeling even more motivated-- she would study and make money. they couldn’t come here so she would go there;; luana was the most grateful for the family that gave her a roof, at least she could keep the few dollars she made with the jobs she’d shuffle around. she graduated top of her class and got a scholarship to attend boston university, going to law school right after and specializing in medical law. luana made a name for herself, she’s known to never lose a case and not to mind much if she’s winning it for the right reasons,  sometimes (more often than not) represented the bad guys and big companies. of course, loads of self hate goes with it, luana doesn’t take pride of that part of her career. still, that was what managed to get her to place where she can visit her parents and family at least four times a year, taking all sorts of presents with her. and she’s not complaining about that. 
expecting to become a partner in the firm she works soon, luana added different paths to her line of work and been taking most of the family law cases, working extra hard, never afraid to play dirty now that she does represent the good guys too. catch her taking immigration cases pro-bono.
personality wise-- luana is that type to make most people talk. if she doesn’t win you by her charms, she’ll definitely tire you out and you’ll end up giving her what she wants. she’s got a way of listening that says she’s the most interested and most of the time, she really is. she loves talking to people and listening their ideas, more often than not listening way more than speaking. she just likes to learn, and if she’s a close friend, best believe she’ll go out of her way to get a smile out of you, sending you your favorite flowers or getting you that new item you mentioned you wanted. luana might come off a bit futile for those who don’t know her that much, she doesn’t get too deep with a lot of people, showing her vulnerable side-- the crying, insecure and self doubting mess she is sometimes. 
this probably mADE no sense whatsoever but hmu i’ll try and give you a lil more info on this gal. 
a few connections i think it’d be cool:
best friend: the one she calls on the daily to discuss how was the latest episode of her telenovela and also talk about things she probably doesn’t with anyone else. she trusts them completely and are one of the few she lets see every side of her
friends w benefits: pretty self explanatory right?? but we can discuss on platonic feelings........ romantic feelings....... one sided stuff? or reciprocated?
exes: as much as i like agnst..... they could have broken up in good terms too!!
work colleague: could be a lawyer or someone who works in the firm :~)
pleASE make her a godmother!! if your character has kids, she would absolutely adore to have a godchild
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smhlua · 5 years ago
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smhlua · 5 years ago
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