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Rabies. Fatal disease of the brain, spread by the bite of an infected animal.
(Prints are available, 25 each with free US shipping)
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Reason #3 as to not kill myself
My cats wouldn’t understand as to why I never came home or pet them again they would think I had just abandoned them (which in a sense would be true)
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being suicidal and scared of death at the same time is objectively one of my worst flaws. like only i get to decide when i die and if ANYTHING else tries to take me out im taking it with me
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the only validation I care about is the one from myself no else’s opinions matter to me because it’s my life.
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Reason #2 as to why I can't kill myself is that I cannot trust my only friends will know what happened to me I know my family doesn't like one of my friends and doesn't know the other super well
I want them to receive set items but I doubt they will
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Uncontrollable compulsions
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If your partner comes to you with something that's making them anxious, please for the love of god reassure them instead of invalidating their feelings and making them feel like they can't share what's going on, especially if your behaviour is playing a part in the anxiety
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your body is miraculous just the way it is
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Recovering is not horrible so far
I've thrown out my trigger items
I've deleted the apps that trigger me
I've started Zoloft (which has been rough but it's getting better)
I'm gaining back an appetite finally
I'm talking to my family more
I haven't “actually” self-harmed in over a month
I'm starting therapy for childhood trauma in a month
Recovery is hard but it's possible
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