Mun Raven is the worst Ravenclaw here.Background and profile are my OCs, feel free to ask me to rant about them.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
isn't wanting to be friends with other people, like, cheating? if you're aromantic?
literally what
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hey can you give me a breakdown on the antisemitism in hogwarts legacy so that i can show people hard proof instead of not having any sources
I’m not the best at articulating things, however a lot of other people have gone into detail about the game so I’ll link some of their posts about it
this post about the shofar
issues with goblins
issues with harry potter in general
more stuff about the game specifically
info about the devs
even more stuff about the game
also the wikipedia page for antisemitic tropes
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So, as people are seeing the pretty extreme antisemitism in the new terf wizard game, it should be noted that this was not a case of "following existing antisemitic fantasy tropes". This was purposeful. The ex lead designer is alt right and ran an alt right "anti social justice" youtube channel. The discovery of this channel and the resulting controversy lead to him later being removed from the project late in development but the main premise of the game was determined by him and others with his views. The core concept of this game is antisemitic and fully intended to be. It is not a case of thoughtless devs or lack of cultural sensitivity. This game is intended to be antisemitic propaganda designed and developed by openly alt right devs.
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A video that summarizes the problems with Harry Potter, from shitty aspects to just writing issues. Its like on of my top recommended youtube videos.
And its a long video essay you can put on in the background!!
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Everyone is going to have a different take on how they choose to handle and interact with Harry Potter media, and people acting like 100% boycotting is the only moral and right thing to do and expect everyone to follow suit just isn't right. It's a personal decision. And there are tons of trans/non-binary people including myself who still enjoy the fandom, write fanfic, make fanart, and choose to not spend money on HP. There are Jewish people excited to play the game. There are Trans ppl who make and sell HP merch. Acting like Trans and Jewish people are some moral monolith who will all be personally harmed by some guy just for watching Chamber of Secrets on the ABC channel is incredibly reductive. Personally I don't give a fuck. There are people who find it more morally acceptable to buy the new game to support the developers than to pirate it just for the principal (don't think JKR is making active money off of it anyway). Harry Potter isn't the Game of Thrones show, it's been around for over twenty years and is an entrenched part of the global cultural zeitgeist. There are fans who can still enjoy the books or the early parts of the series, and for many people that enjoyment can exist alongside disgust for JKR. I'm in HP discord servers and we are all keenly aware of and frequently discuss what a shit she is and which parts of the series reveal her bigotry and how she's a middling/average writer, what we'd expect in new fantasy media and author conduct and how/if cultures and laws should handle social violence committed by famous people and how her status as a rich white woman makes accountability harder. It's nice for people who have a clean break from everything HP, but for other people it's still a huge part of their fandom lives and they're incredibly conflicted over how their love for the universe contradicts their revulsion for the author. I've been in the HP fandom since 2002, it's incredibly personal and how fans choose to disengage w it and to what extent is up to them.
Yes, there's room for nuance, but it does not seem like the primary objection to the game is "JKR sucks".
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I wrote in this post why Hogwarts Legacy is antisemitic and why playing this game, even pirated, is like printing out an antisemitic caricature and saying "I just like the art."
I was right.

If you play this game, fuck off and stay away from me.
Sorry, finding this out almost made me cry.
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Hogwarts Legacy update!
We've confirmed the plot: there's an uprising among the race of hook-nosed bankers who control the economy. (Note that the more evil they are, the bigger their noses are. There's a good one who has a big nose but he used to be evil when he was younger.) They're "rebelling" because they want their stolen cultural artefacts to be returned to them and want to not be oppressed anymore, which for some reason means they also want to massacre their oppressors' entire race, because of course marginalised people asking for liberation actually secretly want to kill you. As part of this sinister cabal's nefarious plot for white—I mean, wizard—extinction, they want to kidnap a child, because that's what hook-nosed bankers like to do, right? And their leader is willing to do anything for material gain, up to and including teaming up with fascists who hate his race.
You guys know that conspiracy theorists think Jews funded the Holocaust, right? They claim we did it so we could milk it for reparation money afterwards. And did you know they think we kidnap children? Or that we actually want supremacy rather than equality, and plan to subjugate the rest of the world for our own gain? Presumably you've at least heard the claim that we control the banks. And you know this is all very popular with the alt right, don't you? Have you also heard that this game's original head developer was an alt right YouTuber?
Don't act like this is a fucking coincidence.
No, JKR wasn't involved in the game, and it's actively intended to be trans-positive. Yes, she gets money from it, and will likely donate some of that to anti-trans causes. But even if you pirate the game so she doesn't make any money off of it, you're still going to be be playing the fucking Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts.
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making harriet tubman a daughter of hermes was actually some of the most disrespectful shit rick's ever done. as well as calling the main building of chb "the big house"... like boy have you never read a history textbook????
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I can’t believe Rick actually said that Percy was “tragically straight” like. my brother in christ maybe you should have thought of that before he became synonymous with the bi flag
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OCD Frank???
rick riordan really shot himself in the foot making frank the perfect representation for someone with intrusive thoughts and then turning around and making him the only neurotypical demigod because racist stereotypes i guess
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rick riordan really shot himself in the foot making frank the perfect representation for someone with intrusive thoughts and then turning around and making him the only neurotypical demigod because racist stereotypes i guess
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Alright I'm gonna say it
Annabeth being POC is a stupid STUPID idea unless you change Alot of her characterization
Look, Rick's representation is stereotypeical at best and offensive at worst but I'm not here to talk about piper Hazel or Leo no there are other posts for that but you might say, hey Annabeth's race isn't important to her character like them!!!
Here's the thing. Annabeth was never meant to be a POC character. Rick specifically wrote her as not being one. If she was a POC character well... It would be the same as making Hermione granger black without realizing how messed up the implications are. Hermione a POC girl making an organization to help free house elves who are slaves but being told again and again that she's being stupid. Those slaves want to be slaves!!!
Now you're telling me that Annabeth chase a supposed poc would think that she has to work harder than other people and that she's opreseed because she's BLONDE???
oh wait speaking of that, yet another poc character with white features. Same as Hazel and Piper with their gold and kaleidoscope eyes to show how special they are!!!
Also Annabeth who's often short tempered and at times physically violent is supposed to be POC now? We just LOVE some angry black woman stereotype don't we Rick?
Look I'm happy for the fans but Annabeth being poc just shows how empty Rick's representation is and would just hammer in bad stereotypes unless there are some major changes to her character
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Anyone else see the blog post on Rick’s Read Riordsn website about LGBT+ characters in the Riordanverse that was deleted a few hours later 💀💀💀 In it the author also misspelled “aromantic” as “aromatic” and confirmed but didn’t really confirm Blitzstone was canon.

[ID: two screenshots from Rick Riordan’s blog on “Read Riordan” about major LGBT+ characters in the Riordanverse, which has since been deleted. In the first one, part of the section about Artemis and Diana has been highlighted to point out that aromantic was misspelled as aromatic: “These goddesses famously identify as asexual and aromatic in Rick’s books …” In the second one, two sections of the paragraph about Magnus Chase have been highlighted. The first is, “While Magnus’s exact sexuality has never been officially confirmed …” and it is accompanied by the caption “I can’t remember if Rick actually said this or if it was just a popular fan headcanon, but wasn’t Magnus stated to be pansexual? If so then that’s more clownery.” The second is, “… Magnus’s good friends Blitzen and Hearthstone seemed particularly close at times, didn’t they?” This is accompanied by the caption, “Does this count as queerbaiting? In any case I’d rather he just call me a slur. Also take note that Blitz and Hearth were not mentioned anywhere else in the article.” End ID]
I didn’t get a picture of it, but in the section about Will Solace, the author also said something like “his relationship with the son of Hades took many by surprise” …they really just admitted that he didn’t properly foreshadow or build their relationship before shoving it in there, huh 💀 Don’t get me wrong, I love Solangelo too, but there’s no question that the fans are the ones who built that relationship, not Rick.
EDIT: changed the post to reflect that it was written by someone other than Rick, since people seemed to take issue with that even though I had accounted for the fact he probably didn’t write it himself. My point with this post was not who wrote the blog, but the content within the blog itself.
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How Riordan messed up:
Samirah Al Abbas
I personally haven’t ranted about Rick’s portrayal of Samirah, just kinda reblogged good rants, so yeah. By the way if you haven’t realised already i’m a muslim - and i think i would be qualified to talk about a muslim character’s portrayal
Keep reading
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Rick with Piper and Annabeth: They were unsure of each at first, but over the course of their traumatising journey they grew closer together and started to trust each other. Annabeth was especially affected by Piper’s charmspeak. They also had a gay forehead touch scene where Piper thought about her love for Annabeth.
Rick with Silena and Clarisse: They literally have a Patroclus and Achilles arc.
Rick with Sadie and Jaz: They most probably did not have a huge age gap unlike Sadie’s case with ~some others~. Sadie specifically noticed whatever Jaz was doing in every scene she was present. Jaz somehow knew when to give Sadie (and not Carter himself) her brother’s shabti for ✨future purposes✨. She bared out her entire soul, her life, her ren to Sadie while she was dying, something you definitely do not tell random strangers.
Rick: They were just friends :)
Meanwhile, Rick with the canon wlw ships: Here have less than five scenes of them claiming that they’re together. They probably kissed but no one really cares. Anyway, back to this one character dying…
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