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Indoor and outdoor, corporate and public, temporary and permanent – the IN-SPACES range of work covers a wide gamut of space design and experience creation, from concept to materialisation.
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For anyone related to the field of design or any brand marketing agency, the subjectivity of the field is not a topic that is undiscussed. Although design has a strong base of strategy and logic, conversion of any strategy into aesthetics that suit an enterprise does involve contrasting opinions.
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Finding Beauty in Imperfection APPLYING ‘WABI-SABI’ TO SPACE DESIGN
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For anyone related to the field of design or any brand marketing agency, the subjectivity of the field is not a topic that is undiscussed. Although design has a strong base of strategy and logic, conversion of any strategy into aesthetics that suit an enterprise does involve contrasting opinions.
Space design, Space Branding are known to be fields that require a large team with distinct expertise. While working on such projects, difference in opinions is inevitable. Using the ancient Japanese concept of ‘Wabi-Sabi’ has proved effective for both management and aesthetics in such situations.
What is Wabi-Sabi?
Wabi-Sabi is an ancient Japanese concept that advices people to accept and appreciate the beauty in transience and imperfection. Wabi – Sabi is a composite of 2 terms Wabi and Sabi, Wabi means Austere, Subdued Beauty and Sabi means Rustic beauty.
It accepts the lack of knowledge and urges inquisitive thinking and curiosity. By disregarding the concept of ‘perfection’, Wabi-Sabi allows us go further and explore possibilities that might seem imperfect which helps foster creativity.
How is Wabi-Sabi relevant to Space Design?
We have seen and read about the use of Wabi-Sabi in Japanese literature, architecture, art and design. Many of the principles can also be used to create distinctive spatial designs for brands.
Wabi-Sabi, by overlooking the concept of perfection allows the exploration and research in the areas that seem less than perfect in the early stages of any projects. The exploration and the gaining information or knowledge and translating that knowledge into aesthetic is what is recommended especially for creative design agencies.
Much like Design, the concept of Wabi-Sabi is also known to be subjective. The teachings of wabi-sabi eliminate the concept of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ as the perfection that one expects doesn’t exist. This helps keep an open mind to ideas that seem unconventional or different in the start. Allowing exploration that seem a little offbeat may lead to an unexpected, innovative solution and reflect in the growth of individual employees as well as the brand design agency.
Wabi-Sabi believes in designs inspired from Nature. Wabi-Sabi defies the modernity that forces us to create perfectly flat, symmetrical, edged designs that aid mass production. It encourages organic forms and shapes that allow craftsmanship to bloom. It also allows the design agency to use regional handicrafts and artifacts.
How Interics Designs follows Wabi Sabi?
Knowingly or unknowingly, Interics Designs has been following and promoting the use of Wabi-Sabi in many ways.
Through Methodology
Interics Designs has developed a unique methodology, fine-tuned over years of extensive experience in space design. The methodology suggests that any project that we take on, must start with thorough research and exploration. Any topic, any idea must be explored.
Each level of the methodology prompts us to explore various options in the theme, designs, layouts, stories, shapes, forms, languages, material.
Through Refurbishing
We urge our clients to allow us to accommodate the use of antiquities that we refurbish and install that create a unique value in the space. We also encourage them to reuse as many old products as the space and theme permits.
Wabi- Sabi celebrates the transience and imperfection, hence the use of these artifacts resonates with the principle.
Sustainability and Aesthetics
The use of natural and sustainable material is one of the most important features of the wabi-sabi design aesthetic. Also, the use of non-geometric organic forms in the aesthetic that is visually more natural is recommended.
We try our best to use sustainable and natural material for installations and combine it with supreme aesthetics. We use forms other than geometric shapes and create a language that is unique to each brand that we work for.
The use of antiquities, Sustainable Material; Creating a unique, previously unused language; following a research-oriented methodology allows Interics to create aesthetic and logical designs that are unique .
Connect with Interics INSpaces for all international exhibition stall design, spatial branding, experience center and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a specialized vertical of Interics Designs – a full-service creative design agency in India, Branding agency, digital branding agency and Brand design agency– with over 3 decades of rich experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding. Pay a visit to INSpaces’ splendid portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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Interics - InSpace is the best space experience centres design agency in Pune, India, specialized in providing creative experiences for public spaces, museums
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At the beginning of any new design project, the excitement is contagious. Being in the creative field, each team and each team member has countless ideas and different visions for the project. For any creative branding agency to be able to come up with an accurate solution, Design Process is a must. 
Each project, especially large-scale projects with a bigger number of deliverables must have a pre-decided methodology which is to be followed. 
What is a Design Process?
 Space Design projects require separate teams with distinct qualifications and equally important roles to come up with a concept for the space. Each role requires a process to be followed. The processes followed by each team should be collaborated for an aesthetic and timely design delivery. 
The standardization and documentation of these processes at every level which is to be followed by each team is a Design Process.
 The importance of the Design Process 
An efficient design process is a methodology that helps simplify large complex processes into easy smaller stages for a time efficient delivery. Other than providing a structure, a design process also helps maintain and augment the quality of the work produced. 
A few other benefits of following a structured design process are: 
-Enhance collaborative working
Regular and to-the-point communication with the client ensures a brief with clarity and keeps the client in loop throughout the design process. 
-Ensure Good Quality Designs
A structured design process ensures apt research and a well-grounded brief which helps avoid confusion. This helps the creative team to give their best and achieve a new benchmark for quality. 
-Fool proof delivery
Following a design process results in 
-Time efficient delivery
Through efficient collaborative efforts and avoiding mistakes and rework, a design process ensures on-time, high-calibre deliveries. 
-Precise communication
Design Process helps the design team to come up with exact designs based on the expectations of the client. This avoids both underachieving and overachieving the expected standard. 
Our Methodology 
Interics designs being one of the topmost brand design agencies for almost 3 decades has articulated a fool-proof methodology fine tuned over the years of experience. 
We start with simultaneous procedures of a detailed space analysis along with an in-depth brand research and market research. 
The team then creates a spatial theme/ story to unite all zones of the space and promote brand enriched content. 
The next step is content mapping where the space is divided within zones and further divided into individual touch points. Brand related/ Theme related content is then assigned to each individual touch point. 
Then the touch points are designed with theme related graphics. Installations, signage’s and interiors. 
Interics then refers to the huge global and local network of production experts and vendors to find accurate and cost-effective execution partners for the project. 
Coordination with separate vendors for each type of touch point, planning a timeline for the execution and finally application of the prints and installations in the space is the final step. 
Our Experience 
Interics recently worked on a large-scale space design project with an uncompromising timeline. The project included space design strategy, graphic design strategy, and signage strategy. Each of these deliverables required a separate expertise and had a team designated for these deliverables. 
The project was at a construction stage while team Interics was working on the designs. Interics created separate communication systems with the client as well as a timeline for internal communication among the teams. The timeline included weekly internal meetings as well as weekly progress reports with the client. This ruled out any scope for confusion and miscommunication.
 The first step of the design process which is the Space analysis happened simultaneously with the in-depth brand research. This was possible due to the correct division of teams according to the expertise of each member. 
The teams together then came up with a theme – Layered excellence which was then translated into a design language used across graphics, installations and signage’s in the interior, exterior and the factory premises. 
After developing brand enriched and aesthetic designs, the designs were explained and shared with our network of vendors and production sources which made the pre-production files working easy. 
The design process developed over years of experience helped Interics deliver yet another successful space design project. 
Being an International design Consultancy, Interics Designs provides both time-efficient and cost-efficient solutions for all space design needs. 
Contact INSpaces for all international exhibition stall design, spatial branding and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a specialized division of Interics Designs - a renowned creative design agency in India, Branding agency and Brand design agency- with enormous experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding. Pay a visit to INSpaces’ splendid portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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Many people have been hesitant to start working from the office after the pandemic. Although work from home has proven to be effective for individualistic work, it greatly affects teamwork and group-based projects. Virtual platforms no matter how convenient are not as effective in creating a bond among employees and the company.
Countless companies across the world are trying to find ways to encourage their employees to start working from the office to create a stronger connect with the enterprise.
One of the ways to create an environment of enthusiasm and boost morale is office space branding, creating an environment that instigates curiosity and fosters creativity and innovation and enhances brand connect.
 How to create a space that boosts Morale?
Office spaces that are built with the objective of boosting morale and enthusiasm require a huge understanding of the company’s expectations from their employees as well as the psychology of the employees. It requires a study of the work culture the enterprise is trying to promote.
Some of the important things to factor while creating such spaces are:
The entire space should have amaster theme that embraces the inspirational value, the motivation as well as the connection to the brand. It is the most important milestone in the design process to create a theme and base a narration on that theme which acts as a mother concept for all the design touchpoints in the space.
Zone Allocation
Each enterprise has many teams and each team has a separate function towards the company’s welfare. Being able to do justice to each team by dedicating a space or a zone for each of the them is crucial for the space design as well.
Weaving a story accommodating both the theme and the zones is a challenging but a very important factor to keep in mind. It is very important to come up with content that is a part of the whole narration and is also fresh and generates curiosity; sparks motivation and instils entrepreneurship.
Design Elements
Certain elements in the space design create a better atmosphere for work. For example, it is easier to focus and concentrate with the background of certain colours and shapes. Study of these design elements that boost morale and create the desired psychological effect on the audience is expected.
One must use this study and combine it with aesthetic compositions, that are aligned with the brand, supplement the content and help create an engaging space for the audience to feel comfortable in.
Our Experience
Interics Inspaces recently came across an interesting project with a similar objective. It was for a fast-growing company that provides digital solutions for businesses.
The company had a unique culture that promoted self-growth which would eventually lead to the growth of the company. They commissioned Interics to maximize the productivity and enthusiasm of their team by curating a spatial experience that provided comfort, motivation and encouraged self-care and wellness.
We started the process by studying the company’s profile, history, achievements and goals in depth. This led us to sourcing elements that will create a clear path towards motivation, success and happiness. We created a distinct language using a blend of existing corporate language, attractive visual elements and playful illustrations complemented by amusing content.
From the company’s business goals and objectives to their wellness initiatives, the workplace provided the accurate amount of comfort, inspiration and motivation through the carefully curated zones. The workplace successfully captured the essence of a youthful and lively team.
In order to be able to create inspiration through spatial design one must understand the psychology of the employees. It not only requires a thorough understanding of the demography but also requires a certain level of sensitivity and empathy.
As one of the topmost brand marketing agency, Interics designs has a rich legacy of handling such projects and an experienced team that helps bring these spaces to life.
Get in touch with INSpaces for all international exhibition stall design, spatial branding and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a part of Interics Designs - a full-service creative design agency in India, Branding agency and Brand design agency - with over 3 decades of rich experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding.
Pay a visit to INSpaces’ splendid portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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Creative Branding Agency Inclusion and Diversity is one of the most talked about subjects today. It majorly talks about diverse people equally valued and unified in an environment that is comfortable for all. With increased awareness on the subject, many companies are trying to build inclusive workspaces. 
Talking of inclusion& diversity, we often tend to think of concepts such as race, ethnicity, and gender. But concepts such as physical ability, mental illness and different personality types are also important to keep in consideration while designing inclusive spaces. 
What does an Inclusive workplace look like? 
An inclusive workspace is adaptive of the needs of all of its audience. Not only do inclusive workplaces cater to the physical requirements of their audiences but also the emotional requirements. It comprises of amenities and installations that imbibe a spirit of belonging and helps the audience interact with the environment. 
These workspaces often facilitate amenities for people of different personality types as well. For example, separate thinking pods for individualistic people who are comfortable working separately. Such initiatives result in the employees feeling prioritized in the company. 
Similarly, interactive breakout zones can also be articulated for diverse people to interact and exchange thoughts and ideas. 
Designing inclusive workspaces doesn’t necessarily mean highlighting diversity or endorsing philosophical ideas of inclusion. It could simply be a nudge towards interacting with diverse people more, leading to acceptance and appreciation of different views. 
Why invest in inclusive workspaces? 
Benefits of building inclusive workspaces are as follows: 
Foster creativity and innovation – Inclusive workspaces create a comfortable work environment for people and encourage brainstorming and discussions. It caters to the work needs of a wide range of people which leads to a variety of creative and innovative ideas. 
Increased productivity – Inclusive workplaces enable employees to remain engaged and refreshed. Such spaces give people an assurance that their thoughts and work matters which instils a feeling of ownership leading to increased productivity. 
Stronger connect with the company – Inclusive workplaces provide comfort and instigate productivity as well. It leads to individual success of an employee as well as the success of the company which helps create a strong emotional bond between the company and its people. 
Attract and retain talent –An inclusive workspace reflects good work culture. With the latest generation entering the workspaces with increased empathy and awareness, it is imperative for companies to foster an inclusive work culture. A workspace that is adaptive of each individual’s needs acts as an introduction to the culture. 
As an International Creative Branding Agency, Interics has worked on a few inclusive workspace designs. One of the most noteworthy inclusive designs we created was for a leading global brand. 
Theme and Narrative 
Global brands are challenging the limits of what workplace design can offer; building benchmarks of fairness, authenticity and inclusion;so, people, relationships and businesses can thrive. 
Interics used their fool proof methodology to design and implement a powerful spatial design creating a multisensory design that defies the boundaries between global business, intelligence and reach; local culture and resonance; all through a human-centred and emotionally enriching workplace experience.
The India office narrates the story of Global Diversity & Local Resilience by embracing different backgrounds and perspectives of stakeholders and communities, across the world. 
This unique work environment connects and delights to unite Customers and Communities from diverse backgrounds and perspectives towards the collective success of company worldwide. 
Building inclusive spaces requires a thorough research and understanding of the demography of the office and creative capability of catering to the needs of all. Interics designs being the topmost brand marketing agency, is a perfect choice for such projects. 
Get in touch withINSpaces for all international exhibition stall design, spatial branding and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a part of Interics Designs - a full-service creative design agency in India, Branding agency and Brand design agency- with over 3 decades of rich experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding. Pay a visit to INSpaces’ splendid portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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The employees and the internal stakeholders of the company are as important as the customers. They play a crucial role in driving the company’s success. Creating a comfortable and personalized work environment for the employees is smart way to increase productivity. This not only helps to create a strong connection between the brand and its stakeholders but also helps the brand stand out among competitors. 
Adding relatable local elements in the workspace branding is an effective way to create an immediate personal connection with the internal stakeholders. While creating a local connect and deriving inspiration from a particular region’s culture and heritage an important question that arises is how to combine these inspirations with Brands of Diverse offerings. 
How to create a personal connect with the brand? 
Some of the important points to keep in mind while conceptualizing such projects are: 
1) Understanding the objectives of the brand 
Understanding the precise business objectives as well as the objective of the space is a very important milestone in the design process that accelerates the research process and helps build a relevant narrative. 
2) Identifying the Audience and Activities happening in the space 
Typically, a workspace has several areas and each area has its own objective and stakeholders. The design process must accommodate each of these zones with a comprehensive understanding of the objectives of the zones. 
3) Preserving the brand essence 
Local inspirations require a lot of research on the culture, lifestyle and history of the place. It is often tempting to add as many impressive elements of the culture as possible. Hence, a constant self-reminder to keep in touch with the Brand story is extremely important. 
4) Building a future proof Narrative 
In a fast-paced world, many aspects of businesses keep changing. To build a future-proof narrative, understanding of the Vision, Mission and values along with the long-term plans of the company is imperative. 
Being one of the topmost Creative Branding Agencies, Interics has come across several such projects. One of the monumental projects we executed with a local theme was for a leading global Mining Company. 
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Theme and Narrative 
The company’s office branding all over India is built on Product offerings and the company's philosophy and values. With a freedom to explore a creative theme and the objective of creating a deeper connect with the local audience Interics came up with an Intelligent design system for the company.
 For the Pune corporate office design, we created a language inspired by India’s rich architectural and art heritage; it’s outstanding craftsmanship and culture. 
The theme – ‘Products to Presence’ was established by connecting the company’s corporate values and strengths with the company’s widespread presence in India. 
Design and Execution 
With a thorough research on Indian art & culture, Interics integrated these aspects in their corporate space by using a unique design language carried across the space.
 The workplace concept was brought to life by integrating modern materials and technologies with local craft and artisanal skills across a variety of panel surfaces, exhibits, graphics and installations in the work place. 
Keeping a deep understanding of the intricacies and logics behind the Indian culture,each design was conceptualized and articulated juxtaposing the company’s offerings and philosophies with Indian heritage to create creative and original artworks.
The research, ideation and creative processes resulted in a captivating Spatial design that impacts, engages and interacts with stakeholders. 
The vibrant workplace also narrates the brand story and evokes a variety of emotions. It creates a sense of belonging and instigates creativity. 
Articulating personalized spaces requires an immense level of research and understanding of the brand as well as the culture of the local space. An experienced brand marketing agency like Interics with diverse domain knowledge will be able to create innovative narrations as well as creative and original designs. 
Contact INSpaces for allinternational exhibition stall design, spatial branding and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a special sector of Interics Designs - a full-service creative design agency in India, Branding agency and Brand design agency - with over 3 decades of rich experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding.Pay a visit to INSpaces’ splendid portfolio t www.smartexhibitiondesign.com
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Pfizer’s innovation, inspiration and ingenuity were highlighted to weave the brand story perfectly across all layers inside their office to create an enriched environment.
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Experiential Exhibition Design
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Experiential exhibitions have grown highly popular in the recent years especially due to the presence of high profile audience from various sectors and media houses. Many domestic and international stall design agencies are embracing immersive media to bridge the content of the exhibition and the visitors’ perception. Remarkable technologies and awareness of the importance of interactivity have significantly raised the bar for exhibition design agencies. 
However, we have observed that recent exhibition designs focus more on technological treatments rather than using technology as a mere tool of narrating the story for brands. The audience’s curiosity to witness the latest technology should not be mistaken over their understanding of the Brand and what it is trying to convey through the exhibition. 
What are the most important factors to create an experiential exhibition?
 Innovative narrations 
An innovative narration that comprises the Brand story, the values and the latest innovations of a Brand is of the primary importance. In order to build the narrative, one must have a complete understanding of the brand and its objectives for the exhibition. 
If participating in Multiple tradeshows in a year, the narrations for each exhibition can be planned in advance to give the visitors a holistic feel of the brand. This can also attract the audience from one tradeshow to attend the next one to gain another perspective of the brand. 
Structure of the Exhibition 
The structure of the exhibition is the foundation to start building the narration in the space. The structure of the exhibition must have an essence of the brand as well as the versatility to endure the various elements used to enhance the story.
Interactivity is a tool to bring the narration of the exhibition to life. It creates memorability and stimulates a deeper understanding of the message we are trying to convey. Interactive installations also play an important role in enhancing the overall theme and creating a futuristic stall design. 
Proper use of the dynamics of the structure in sync with the narration of the stall combined with the right interactive and digital tools creates the ambience of the stall. The precise ambience has the power to create a wow factor to make a first impression and attract the desired audience to the stall. 
Types of Interactive installations 
Kinaesthetic Installations 
Installations that prompt the visitors to touch and move or physically interact. These types of installations produce sensory and perceptual learning and increase the visitor’s interest in engaging with the surroundings. 
Immersive Installations 
These installations include advanced technologies like Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed Reality that entirely change the look and feel of the physical space. These technologies provide the visitors an opportunity to explore the world of the brand. 
Digital Installations 
These installations include technologies like Video walls, sensor operated technologies, gesture operated technologies that use audio-visual media to create an impact. These are widely used in exhibition stalls to introduce the brand and attract audience from a distance. 
A checklist for full efficiency of Interactive installations
 -To decide the objective and the audience for the installations in advance.
 The theme and the look and feel of the installations should match the overall theme of the stall. 
-The installation must be compliant to the brand and the overall theme.
 The installations must follow the colour scheme and the guidelines of the Brand.
 -The installations must be easy to use, easy to update and easy to repair.
 The installations constructed for the tradeshow booth could be reused for the next exhibition or can be shifted to a more permanent space. Making the installations easily reusable and repairable is cost effective and also sustainable.
 -The installation must be made with consideration of the structure of the exhibition booth
 The installations should be adaptable to the structure in terms of size, weight and mechanisms. In order to achieve that, one must plan the structure and the installations with full knowledge of material and mechanisms.
 Experiential stall designs create an impact and engage audiences. There are several factors that go into creating a mark through your Exhibitions. With decades of operations under its belt, INSpaces - an accomplished exhibition stall design agency can conceptualize and implement remarkable designs for you. 
Connect with INSpaces for all international exhibition stall design, spatial branding and corporate office branding  needs. INSpaces is a division of Interics Designs - a full-service creative design agency in India, Branding agency and Brand design agency- with extensive experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding. Have a look at INSpaces’ splendid portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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Sustainable Space Design
In the present day, sustainability has become a major objective for businesses in almost all industries. Hence, space design professionals need to create and design concepts and spaces with a predominant focus on sustainability for the environment, the space being designed and the occupants of the space. 
When space designers design a concept, they strive to ensure the lowest possible environmental impact, reduce the carbon footprint, and use recycled materials. The Space Design industry today is already quite dedicated to this cause and ensures that sustainability prevails in their creations. 
What is Sustainability in Space Design?
 Sustainability in design can be explained as the use of materials and objects that adhere to principles of economic and ecological sustainability, with the major focus being on the latter. Another aspect of sustainability in space design is the longevity of the designs - think of timeless spaces that persist over time - thus avoiding renovation and redecoration of the space every few years.
The Environmental Protection Agency considers indoor air pollution as one of the top 5 threats to public health. This has come about due to the use of materials and products with a high level of toxic emissions. Hence, it is important for space designers to create and design concepts that are not only exceptional but also do not harm the planet. 
How to Implement Sustainable Space Design? 
The main goal of sustainability in space design is to be environmentally friendly, use recyclable materials and reuse materials that might originally be single-purpose. The concept of sustainable design has now become a trend in this industry. 
The characteristics of sustainable space design are: 
●     Reduction of environmental impact One of the avenues of reducing polluting emissions into the environment is to use raw materials that do not exploit natural resources.
●     Improved energy efficiency Sustainable space design that is responsible in regards to greenhouse gas emissions must meet certain prerequisites such as favouring natural light, reducing energy consumption and using colours that reduce the need for artificial lighting.
●     Promotion of recyclable and reusable materials Our circular economies have been reasonably effective at extracting reusable and recyclable materials from waste and scrap for greatly reduced environmental impact. Therefore, it is imperative for space designers to use these reusable elements and recyclable materials when designing spaces.
●     Creation of healthy spaces Another element of making space design sustainable is to prioritise the creation of healthy spaces. Quite often, the chemicals used in the creation of space design elements can be harmful to the environment as well as people’s health. Great space design strives to create healthy and natural spaces that are free of pollutants and allergens and are easy to clean and maintain. 
Sustainable Materials for Space Design 
Sustainable space design materials not only lower your ecological footprint but also add an earthen feel to your spaces. The elegant look that these materials bring to a space might surprise you! Some of the best sustainable space design materials are;
●     Recycled steel Steel created from recycled materials uses 75% less energy than that created from raw materials.
●     Sheep’s wool This is a sustainable and swiftly renewable resource.
●     Reclaimed wood Using reclaimed wood reduces the demand for fresh wood.
●     Bamboo Bamboo is 100% biodegradable, antibacterial and eco-friendly. It also grows back quickly within 3-5 years.
●     Cork As only the bark of the tree is scraped off to harvest cork, the tree is not cut down and continues to grow, making it a renewable resource.
●     Straw bales These take negligible energy to manufacture and can be considered a renewable material. Straw bales are often used as bedding.\
●     Organic cotton
It is cultivated without the use of herbicides, pesticides and other chemical fertilisers. This has immense health and environmental benefits.
●     Felt This is a textile that is manufactured by matting, condensing and pressing fibres together. It has a low environmental impact and is completely biodegradable. It is generally used to make drapes and furniture.
●     Jute
Jute grows quickly within 4-6 months. Similar to bamboo, it is an efficient source of renewable material. Jute also absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen much faster than trees. It is generally used in making rugs. 
Recycling resources, materials and waste is an integral part of sustainability because it ameliorates the negative impact on the environment and helps preserve natural resources. A renowned space design agency like Interics INSpaces can help you accomplish this in your spaces. 
Connect with INSpaces for all international exhibition stall design, spatial branding and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a division of Interics Designs - a full-service creative design agency in India - with extensive experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding. With over 34 years of operations under its belt, INSpaces - an accomplished exhibition stall design agency - has the authentic expertise and an illustrious track record in office branding, brand experience centres, tech centres and other space design jobs. When it comes to environmental graphic design, we are the corporate branding agency that culminates projects to transform your office premises into a physical manifestation of your brand. This makes sure that when employees and visitors enter the spaces, they walk through your brand. With a strong blend of graphic design, interactive design and 3D design, INSpaces uses the holistic package to tell a story that extends and elevates your brand experience and kindles a distinct, impressive and inviting experience. Have a look at INSpaces’ splendid portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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Creating a Memorable Trade Show Experience
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In a fast-paced digitalized world, with an array of platforms to communicate and engage with prospects, Trade Shows remain a valuable marketing tool for a variety of businesses in a cornucopia of industries. Trade Shows enable enterprises of various scales to create collaborative platforms for their industries in order to endorse and promote their products and services. Hence, they are valuable tools for both buyers and sellers alike.
 What is the purpose of a Trade Show?
 Some of the many reasons for choosing to exhibit at a Trade Show include:
 ●     Making Sales - The most important facet of trade show success. Achieving sales targets during tradeshows is the definition of winning.
●     Capturing Leads - Generating enough leads for the marketing funnel is a must so salespeople have leads to chase.
●     Analysing Your Competition - It’s important to know what your competitors are up to like the technologies they use and the marketing approach they take.
●     Engaging with Existing Customers - It’s important to keep building relationships with and offering benefits to existing customers as they are more likely to invest in your new products and services.
●     Introducing new Products/Services - Your new products can end up benefiting both old and new customers. Participating in a tradeshow will give you a better idea of the right customers for your new offerings.
●     Account-based Marketing - Going into a tradeshow, with a plan of who you’d like to speak with can help you create a strategy that’s most likely to convert them.
●     Gathering Feedback - Feedback helps you improve upon your services, sales and marketing efforts. You could even receive revolutionary feedback that transforms your activities.
●     Spotting Trends - It is important to spot new trends in advance in order to stay relevant and avoid a one-hit-wonder.
 What exactly happens at a Trade Show?
 With the participation of a large number of businesses in a tradeshow, it can be difficult to convert the received and collected information into a concrete decision. This is why most tradeshows organize breakout sessions for networking and for creating value for visitors.
 Most tradeshows engage in this through:
 Workshops -     Discussions and activities revolving around an industry theme or topic.        
Breakout sessions -     Usually conducted within a workshop, with smaller teams discussing smaller     themes and comparing ideas.        
Media opportunities -     These come at an extra cost, but a little bit of extra promotion can go a     long way and get you some media attention and increase interest.        
Networking events -     These are put together by certain trade shows and trade show partners for     networking either during or after events.        
Awards - Some trade     shows also honour people who have completed a particular time period of     service in the industry, and those that have achieved great things.        
Speakers - These     speakers are usually people with a lot of industry knowledge or a unique     take on a particular subject and can pull large crowds of people if     they’re popular.
 Creating a Memorable Trade Show Booth Design The most creatively designed trade show booths - usually by a creative branding agency - are normally the most popular ones at the event. They tend to see a large number of visitors, generate a good number of leads, and have the biggest impact on Social Media.
 As the competition increases and more and more complex booth designs are made, you will need to work harder and be smarter to find an edge that will draw crowds. Some important design tips to make a bigger impact are:
 Make it interactive         Using tactile, multisensory, 3d Installations in your exhibition booth     creates a more lasting image of your brand in the visitor’s mind. It is     easier for the visitors to create an association with the brand when they     have active engagement opportunities.        
Accurate placement of messaging is the key to     Client Awareness
You will have to ensure that your key messaging is easily legible by placing it such that it is in the cone of vision of the visitor. The content should be short, crisp and shouldn't exceed the attention span of a person who has visited several booths before yours.
 Use the rule of ‘Less is More’         You should make good use of empty and negative spaces in your space design     as well as graphics to maintain a visual balance and keep your booth clean     and inviting. Too many elements can create visual clutter and create     instant disinterest and confusion.        
Quality of your booth is the reflection of your     brand         High resolution images,material and lighting quality are some of the most     crucial points to keep in mind while executing your stall. The colours,     material, images, structural elements should all be precise and relevant     to your brand.        
Keep the focus on your brand         The structure as well as the graphics should have a reflection of your     brand. Each element should be inspired by the visual equity and desired     perception of your brand. The booth should have consistent branding to     make your booth easy to locate and identify.        
Lighting and highlighting         Using the correct amount of lighting to highlight and accentuate the     important elements of your stall is very important. Precise lighting can     bring out the ‘wow’ element in the stall design and make your stall     instantly stand out.
 There are a number of factors that go into making a memorable trade show experience - something that can only be done successfully by an experienced exhibition stand design agency.
 Connect with INSpaces for all your international exhibition stall design,spatial branding and corporate office branding needs. INSpaces is a division of Interics Designs - a multi-disciplinary creative design agency in India - with extensive experience in Brand Strategy, Brand Image Building, Graphic Design, and Environment Branding. With decades of operations under its belt, INSpaces - an accomplished exhibition stall design agency - has the proven expertise and a storied track record in office branding, brand experience centres, tech centres and other space design jobs. When it comes to environmental graphic design, we are the corporate branding agency that executes projects to transform your office premises into a physical manifestation of your brand. This ensures that when employees and visitors enter, they walk through your brand. With a strong blend of graphic design, interactive design and 3D design, INSpaces uses the complete package to tell a story that extends and elevates your brand experience and engenders a distinct, impressive and inviting experience. Have a look at INSpaces’ formidable portfolio at www.smartexhibitiondesign.com.
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