smart-rotom · 6 years
[⚡]: The boy’s unfortunate collision drew a snicker from the Rotom, He wasn’t even trying to scare anyone this time! He must have just been that amazing at what he did!
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Once attention is turned towards him, Photom zooms forwards, doing a few circles around the boy before stopping in front of him. He beeped continuously as he went-- a high-pitched sound that most found grating or annoying to hear for long periods of time. Hovering now, the Pokemon tilted his body to the side, until he did a full mid-air cartwheel, before reaching out and touching a bolt-like limb to the boy’s nose, administering a small shock. 
@zingzapped liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Photom had gotten quite fond of zipping through the power lines of Alola. His vacation here had proven to be quite an adventure, and he vowed to explore a brand new area every single day. There was no time to waste! Who knew when he’d get to come back here again? 
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Today, the Rotom traveled along the lines, allowing them to take him wherever they pleased. Turns out, “where they pleased” seemed to be an Observatory. When he popped out of an electrical outlet, he found himself in the middle of a strange room, housing a dome-like apparatus and a few shelves and tables. Peering around, the Pokemon spotted a small child, who he watched for a moment, before giving a few, high-pitched beeps. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
[⚡]: “Only azzz Heat Rotom!” he replied, though he was pretty sure the other wasn’t being serious. Right? 
“Mozzzt haven’t! Apparently I found a “rare forme” or zzzomething! At least, that’s what I’ve been told!” Photom shrugged, before an expression of excitement crossed his face, “Oh, oh! I like that one, too! And Mow Rotom! Kzzzrt!” 
@smart-rotom - X
Blace laughed. “Not many have! I’m an Ultra Beast, so usually when I show up people are effectively screaming and running. I dunno what their problem is! I’m kind enough- I’m a clown after all! Maybe they don’t like clowns..” He hmmed in thought, before resuming.
“Anyways! What’s your name? I’m Blace or Pyro, you can call me by either.”
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smart-rotom · 6 years
[⚡]: The tiny Rotom jumped at the voice, whipping around to see who had produced the sound. Photom had never seen a Pokemon like Koko before, and his presence confused him. Though, his words confused him much more. 
“You were exzzzpecting me?” he questioned, looking the Guardian over curiously, “Didn’t realise I wazzz so popular! Zz-Zzt!” 
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“Though, uh... Can’t say I was exzzzpecting you, Pal!” 
@melemeleguardian liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Though he hadn’t been there long, Photom had already explored a large area of the Alola Region. Maggie had learned quite some time ago that attempting to keep the Rotom in one place was near impossible, and that allowing him to wander was probably for the best. As long as he returned before sundown, he was free to roam whichever island they happened to be staying on. Today, that island happened to be Melemele. 
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As he was zipping down the pathways, he found himself in a quaint little town. There were only a few houses standing here, and a large circular platform adorned the middle– a place for Pokemon battles, he assumed? Either way, there wasn’t much to interest him. 
Moving on lead him to a clearing, where a bridge laid ahead. Across, were strange ruins that only peaked the Rotom’s interest. This place felt… Strange. It had an air of almost… Static? 
Carefully, Photom made his way through the odd temple, until he reached a room with what seemed to be a shrine at the end. What was this…? 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
[⚡]: “Kanto! Wow!” Maggie breathed, “I’ve always wanted to visit Kanto!” Photom gave a few beeps of agreement. 
“The closest I’ve ever gotten is Sinnoh. That’s where I grew up, actually. I visit every now and then.” 
The scientist gave a few nods as the trainer spoke. She had heard a good amount about the embargo, as she worked with Pokemon, herself. Everyone around Lumiose was talking about the lifting. 
“I’m sure you and your breeder friends are very excited about the opportunity to work with fairy types!” she took a bite of her sandwich, “I haven’t worked with many, myself. I’m mostly focusing on forme-changing Pokemon at the moment.” 
As the two spoke, Photom grew bored of being unable to join the conversation. He wasn’t awfully fond of being ignored. 
Zipping downwards, the Rotom wiggled his way into the girl’s pocket, emerging again after a change of forme. 
“Phew! That sure izzz a tight squeeze! Kzrt! Let’zzz put the phone in the bag next time, yeah?” 
[⚡]: Maggie sat down across from Spark, placing a coffee and a sandwich on the table in front of her. Photom buzzed around her head, though this didn’t seem to faze her. 
The scientist couldn’t help but giggle at the Jolteon’s actions. She always enjoyed seeing Pokemon so affectionate towards their trainers. 
“So,” she began, taking a sip of her coffee, “If you’re not from Kalos, where are you visiting from?” 
“Kanto! Born and raised in Vermillion City.” Spark said, stretching a bit as Gilly decided to lay down on his feet. “With the Fairy breeding embargo a while back, I was coming here from time to time to check with the breeders who wanted to help lift the embargo. Ya know,  with the Swirlix, Spritzee, and Flabébé lines since other fairy types are in regions where they had to be reclassified?”
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He sipped his coffee, “since it’s been lifted, and my second and I were given ‘trial’ runs of raising fairy types, I had to come back and share reports with my breeder friend.”
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smart-rotom · 6 years
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[⚡]: Crunching sounds could be heard from inside the bag. When the zipper is opened, the little Rotom is revealed, munching away on the treats inside! He looked up as light spilled in through the top, and immediately became aware that he had been caught. Bolt-like limbs shot upwards, and he gave a startled beep, before zipping out of the bag and doing a few circles around the man’s head. 
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When he stopped, he hovered mere inches from the human’s face, a signature smile on his face. Photom gave a mischievous snicker, and a few entertained little beeps. 
@deepsea-guardian liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Photom always enjoyed their trips to Sinnoh. As much as he loved where he resided now, he always found himself getting a little homesick now and again. Today, as Maggie visited her parents, the Rotom was out exploring the place, taking in familiar scenery. As he passed overhead, he caught sight of someone below who caught his attention. Someone was making their way somewhere, it seemed. However, it wasn’t the person that caught his attention the most. It was the treats in his bag. 
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Zipping downwards, Photom came quietly up behind the stranger, before worming his way into the bag, determined to snatch whatever was inside. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
[⚡]: Photom did his best to pull the Skitty to her feet-- quite the effort when you didn’t have any hands! Once she was upright, he moved back slightly, 
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“Er... That better?” he asked sheepishly. 
Sakura nodded and let Rotom to reach her. She couldn’t do anything after all. But she was a little worried. She wasn’t sure the other’s idea will work or not.
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smart-rotom · 6 years
[⚡]: The little Rotom was happy to be out of the woman’s grasp. He was never fond of being held, at least by anyone other than Maggie. 
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As soon as the device was up and running again, the Pokemon dove forwards, seemingly disappearing into the phone. The object gave off a blue glow for a moment, before transforming into an entirely new being, Smart Rotom! 
“Sheesh!” Photom spoke, his words holding a hint of static, “You sure do know how to make an impression, don’tcha! Kzrt!” 
@wuzzles-many-muses liked for a starter!
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smart-rotom · 6 years
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[⚡]: Photom didn’t entirely understand what the man was talking about. Smash Tournament? What was that? 
“Part program? Nah, I’m just a Rotom!” the little Pokemon did a twirl, before making a “ta-da” motion with his arms, “I can possezzz electronic devices, like this phone here! Some of them give me different formzzz, too!” 
"A Pokémon who can possess machinery hm? MegaMan told me Pokémon were amazing creatures, but you seem especially so! Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself-- I am Dr. Thomas Light. Who might you be?" -Dr. Light (using my Smash Bros verse just for clarity)
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[⚡]: The Rotom tilted his head slightly as he was approached. He wasn’t used to others simply walking up to talk to him, at least, not as if he were a person. Pokemon weren’t known to talk, after all. 
Thankfully, his Smart Rotom forme allowed him to speak to humans. 
“Name’zzz Photom!” he replied, a slight static clinging to his words, “Who’s thizzz MegaMan you’re talkin’ about?” 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
An overcharged emolga pounces! Must catch tiny sparkle!!
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[⚡]: Photom gives a little beep of fright when he is pounced upon, immediately giving his “attacker” a shock!
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@skullbcss liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Out of all of the things the little Pokemon had expected to see here in Alola, troublemakers were not one of them. As much as Photom, himself, enjoyed causing mischief, his intent was never malicious. What were those guys doing?
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The Rotom dove downwards, a blue trail of electricity following behind him. He zipped around the hooligans, doing quick circles around their heads as he made high-pitched beeping sounds. Finally, he stopped mere inches from the face of who he assumed was the leader. Reaching a limb forwards, he touched the man’s nose, giving him a nice shock. This caused a bout of buzzing laughter to follow. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@zingzapped liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Photom had gotten quite fond of zipping through the power lines of Alola. His vacation here had proven to be quite an adventure, and he vowed to explore a brand new area every single day. There was no time to waste! Who knew when he’d get to come back here again? 
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Today, the Rotom traveled along the lines, allowing them to take him wherever they pleased. Turns out, “where they pleased” seemed to be an Observatory. When he popped out of an electrical outlet, he found himself in the middle of a strange room, housing a dome-like apparatus and a few shelves and tables. Peering around, the Pokemon spotted a small child, who he watched for a moment, before giving a few, high-pitched beeps. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@maythehoennsapphire liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: As much as Photom enjoyed playing harmless pranks on unsuspecting strangers, most people didn’t often peak his interest. Traveling to and from a city like Lumiose so often, he had grown used to seeing waves of people coming and going, and had learned to tune them out, mostly. Today, however, a girl caught his attention. From the looks of things, she seemed to be a Pokemon trainer! That meant that she must have something of interest with her! Whether that be treats, or maybe even a Pokedex he could mess with! Perhaps not the coveted Alolan Rotomdex, but it was still an electronic device, nonetheless. 
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Zipping forwards, the Rotom followed behind the girl as she went, attempting to stay out of sight as he inspected her bag. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@deepsea-guardian liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Photom always enjoyed their trips to Sinnoh. As much as he loved where he resided now, he always found himself getting a little homesick now and again. Today, as Maggie visited her parents, the Rotom was out exploring the place, taking in familiar scenery. As he passed overhead, he caught sight of someone below who caught his attention. Someone was making their way somewhere, it seemed. However, it wasn’t the person that caught his attention the most. It was the treats in his bag. 
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Zipping downwards, Photom came quietly up behind the stranger, before worming his way into the bag, determined to snatch whatever was inside. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@magma-mouse liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Out of every pass time he had, frightening unsuspecting people was by far his favorite. He never meant any real harm, he simply found their reactions amusing. Today, he had found the perfect target. In the glow of the street lamps below, he spotted a girl dressed in red. No one else seemed to be nearby, and Photom decided this was a perfect opportunity. 
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The Rotom wasted no time entering the nearest light, and, as the girl passed by, the bulb went out. He jumped from light to light, burning out their bulbs whenever she stepped near. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@melemeleguardian liked for a starter with Photom!
[⚡]: Though he hadn’t been there long, Photom had already explored a large area of the Alola Region. Maggie had learned quite some time ago that attempting to keep the Rotom in one place was near impossible, and that allowing him to wander was probably for the best. As long as he returned before sundown, he was free to roam whichever island they happened to be staying on. Today, that island happened to be Melemele. 
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As he was zipping down the pathways, he found himself in a quaint little town. There were only a few houses standing here, and a large circular platform adorned the middle-- a place for Pokemon battles, he assumed? Either way, there wasn’t much to interest him. 
Moving on lead him to a clearing, where a bridge laid ahead. Across, were strange ruins that only peaked the Rotom’s interest. This place felt... Strange. It had an air of almost... Static? 
Carefully, Photom made his way through the odd temple, until he reached a room with what seemed to be a shrine at the end. What was this...? 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
@asktheboxghost liked for a starter from Photom!
[⚡]: The house gave off a strange aura, one that drew the curious Rotom closer. It felt welcoming, familiar. Like home. 
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Photom zipped forwards, peering in through a window into the darkened halls. He didn’t see anything inside, yet he felt the need to explore further. After searching for an exterior electrical socket, he pried the protective cover off before squeezing inside. He popped out of the connected interior outlet, twirling a few times before righting himself, his bolt-like blue limbs forming again at his sides. 
The inside of the mansion didn’t give him much more information. It was dark and gloomy, and the air felt thick with a sense of dread. Photom looked from left to right, down the hallway and into an adjacent room. That’s where something caught his eye-- he saw a figure there, hovering a few feet off of the ground. Charged by a new excitement, he zoomed forwards, wasting no time in making his presence known. 
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smart-rotom · 6 years
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//We’ve gotten a lot of new followers here! Thanks so much!!!
With that said, if you don’t already have a thread with me, like this post for a starter with Photom!
If you’re a multimuse blog, please either reblog/reply telling me which of your muses you’d like me to use!//
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