smart-allec · 4 years
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smart-allec · 4 years
My boyfriend didn’t go to university until he was 28 because he didn’t feel anywhere near ready when he was 18. He graduated with first-class honours, went on to do a Masters, and is now a history teacher. It’s so much more important to do things when you’re able to fully commit to them and do them to the best of your ability than to rush to do them by an imaginary deadline.
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smart-allec · 4 years
So… I’m taking a Native American Religions course at my college (taught by a Native American), and oh boy was there some fetishization happening on Monday by some of my peers :|
Interested to see what today’s class is going to be like, given we were instructed to watch a video on Plastic Shamans XD
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smart-allec · 4 years
I was wide awake for about 5 hours before the fatigue came back. I woke up 4pm and I may be going to bed at 11pm. Everything sucks. I’m never going to be able to go back to school at this rate. Or do anything with my life. Just waste away or something. Ugh.
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smart-allec · 4 years
yes i am an academic & hate academia
yes we exist 
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smart-allec · 4 years
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smart-allec · 4 years
So, I mentioned in my introduction in my one religious studies class that I’m a polytheist with a focus on Irish paganism (basically? I need to sit down and rework how I define *gestures at my religion* this). And my teacher replied with the following:
1) She KNOWS what I am talking about, because…
2) She’s READ Erynn Rowan Laurie’s work! 
Which makes me feel so seen and also reminded me that I am FB friends with Erynn Rowan Laurie? Like that happened at some point? Which still amazes me? (I’m FB friends with a lot of cooler polytheists without being “actual” friends – again, not sure how)
Anyway. I’m trying to think of a professional way to reply that isn’t just “OMG! I know Erynn! EEE! You know about my beliefs without me having to explain them?! AHHHH”
-ahem- That’s my update :P
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smart-allec · 4 years
College speed run to see how quickly I can let people know I'm a nonbinary pagan 😉
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smart-allec · 4 years
Actual good first-time college student advice:
Wear jeans/pants that “breathe” and bring a sweater, even if it’s scorching hot out, until you know which building blasts the AC to 60 degrees F and which feels like a sauna
Backpacks with thick straps are your friend!  Messenger bags are cool and all but if you’re commuting with a lot of stuff, symmetrically styled backpacks are better for your back
You are your own person and you can walk out whenever you need to or want to, so long as you’re not disrupting the class.  Meaning you can go to the bathroom without permission, take a breather if you’re anxious, answer an important phone call, etc.
If you don’t like the class on the first day, if you can- DROP THAT CLASS AND TAKE ANOTHER ONE!  It’ll only get worse from there!
If you can, take a class outside your major; it’s a good break from your expected studies.
You are in charge of your schedule.  Your adviser and guidance counselor is there to ‘advise and guide’ but if you don’t like certain classes and you can substitute for others, that’s your choice.
Consequently, if you are changing anything drastic in your plan, talk with your adviser and instructors.
Pay attention to your credit hours and grades.  Never leave this to the last week of school, you will be sorry and stressed beyond belief!
Unless it’s a lab book or otherwise specified, go to the class for a week or so before buying an expensive textbook.  Some classes, while having it on their required list, do not actually use the textbook a whole lot and you might find some of it scanned online.  Rent if you can or buy used online (schools actually don’t give discounts).  Use your best judgement on what you think you need.
Tell the people who go up to you selling or advertising things you are not interested in that you are in a rush to class and don’t have time to listen to them.  It’s less rude and they’ll leave you alone.
The smaller the class, the better it is to have some sort of acquaintanceship with a couple classmates.  They might save your ass if you are absent one day or need to study.  And talking with them makes the time go by faster without it being so insufferable.
You don’t need to join a club or sport, but internships are cool and useful!
If you can afford it, take a day off once or twice each semester if you’re too exhausted.  Just be aware of what you missed and if it was worth missing!
Your health is the most important, this goes for mental health too!!  Note: College-age/upper teens is when mental disorders like depression and anxiety are most commonly diagnosed.  Most schools have therapy services, especially during exam time.  Look into it if you need to!
Communicate with your professor if you are having trouble with something.  Anything.
Eat and stay hydrated.  Bring a water bottle and snack to class.
All-nighters will happen but never go over 36 hours without sleep.
It’s going to be hard and there will be times you might think about giving up.  This WILL happen.  You just have to make sure what you’re doing isn’t making you absolutely miserable and/or there is something rewarding and positive to look forward to at the end!
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smart-allec · 4 years
I graduated with Honors from my communicate college! Like, I graduated and now have an associates degree in liberal arts.
I’m in tears. I’m so, so proud of myself. I still am planning on getting a bachelors, – schooling isn’t over – but like… I have a college degree. I did it. At age 27 I did it!
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smart-allec · 4 years
I'm at that point in the academic quarter where I'm going, "Not doing that assignment only brings me down to a B, so do I -really- need to do it?" And it's been only like three weeks 😅
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smart-allec · 5 years
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smart-allec · 5 years
Luckily, I am trying to rationalize that what I’m doing in these classes will actually impact how I can do priestly things (which is my main objective tbh) ... but if I was taking Weather & Climate, like I was last quarter, I probably would have quit because what even does it matter if I can read DOPPLER -__-’
…. so doing school work during times like these feels surreal but I’m doing it anyways ><
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smart-allec · 5 years
.... so doing school work during times like these feels surreal but I’m doing it anyways ><
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smart-allec · 5 years
I’m so exhausted and it’s only the first week of class @.@
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smart-allec · 5 years
Got my blog set up for the new quarter....three days into the new quarter. I’m doing GREAT.
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smart-allec · 5 years
ussrosalind replied to your post “Yal… I signed up for my last classes at the community college. I’m...”
Proud of you!!
Thank you friend!!!
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