Wizard Borisko
195 posts
Hmm, I’ve been feeling small and quiet lately.My old tumblr account disappeared suddenly so I’m here anew. Oh also I’m Asexual in my 20s.And of course I’m a wizard naturally like everyone else here.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
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this post altered my brain so now whenever i have a bowl of any food i think Oh fuck yes it’s a little bowl of seeds for me
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Also ballet fandom is probably smaller because it’s not as easy to replicate as musicals are no?
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So..I’ve been recently watching a lot of ballet online, which I think arguably is better than watching in a theatre (for some pieces). Firstly because most of it is free, you can find a version with descriptions which really help when you are seeing it for the first time. And also of course actors. Most of the cities in the world simply don’t have a good ballet tradition and traveling to Paris or Moscow every time is not for mortals. Lastly Clever people say that ballet is not the same and the real school is gone (whatever, I will agree because I’m not an expert)
And like what I was wondering about is .. why do we not see ballet fandoms ? Dude we made musicals thrive, like all this Hamilton(I love), heathers etc.
Cuz cuz like the level of drama to work with… the amount of pairings and head-canons. It could be just majestic. I tell you I had a harder time watching 2.5h long Hamilton, when a Swan Lake is just 1.5h and goes splendidly.
No just take a moment to imagine all those crazy artists who could draw on this fandom. I tell you that’s my business plan now
Anyways it’s Odile, black swan
But actually it’s my oc in a costume of Odile :p
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Do your ocs have a setting or are they the void floating for the vibes ocs? Would you like to tell me about your ocs, I’m curious
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So..I’ve been recently watching a lot of ballet online, which I think arguably is better than watching in a theatre (for some pieces). Firstly because most of it is free, you can find a version with descriptions which really help when you are seeing it for the first time. And also of course actors. Most of the cities in the world simply don’t have a good ballet tradition and traveling to Paris or Moscow every time is not for mortals. Lastly Clever people say that ballet is not the same and the real school is gone (whatever, I will agree because I’m not an expert)
And like what I was wondering about is .. why do we not see ballet fandoms ? Dude we made musicals thrive, like all this Hamilton(I love), heathers etc.
Cuz cuz like the level of drama to work with… the amount of pairings and head-canons. It could be just majestic. I tell you I had a harder time watching 2.5h long Hamilton, when a Swan Lake is just 1.5h and goes splendidly.
No just take a moment to imagine all those crazy artists who could draw on this fandom. I tell you that’s my business plan now
Anyways it’s Odile, black swan
But actually it’s my oc in a costume of Odile :p
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Who knows in two more Sundays a Korean drama might start sociological and literature research on me
(Do tell which ones and what’s gonna be the thesis it sounds fun)
2 more sundays and I will start sociological and literature research on Korean dramas
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 2 months ago
muy de moda
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Little history of my illustrations: 2 years ago I quit drawing after a terrible experience in an Art Academy and my “massive” skill dropped to the floor:) when I started design university, they made me draw again, and during the first year I forcefully did it a lot. I enjoy illustrations now because they take less than an hour and there is no time to get disappointed in yourself.
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 2 months ago
January 1, 2025 - A stray dog in Petea receives applause for being the first to cross the newly visa-free border between Hungary and Romania, as Romania joins the Schengen area.
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 2 months ago
How do you draw in the dragon age tarot card style? It sounds like a weird question but I've been trying to draw my inquisitor but I'm finding the aesthetic really hard
Hi! I felt inspired to make a lil tutorial so excuse me if it`s way too much (edit Heath here, can confirm, it is).  I`ll just describe what I do point by point and go on a small analysis of existing DAI tarots.
1) Recearch
There is a reason why I always ask for character personality descriptions. There is nothing harder than trying to draw a character you know nothing about. You always need a jumping off point for a design.
When I have a description I start looking for a card that would fit the character I was given. Sites that give short tarot card meaning descriptions are very useful. For example. Way back in the day when I was designing a tarot for my Inquisitor I settled for the Judgment card because it`s description (rebirth, a new phase, inner calling) fit the narrative so well. (Sometimes you can take one element of the specific card and play with it just to give a hint to it without feeling restricted by just copying the card.)
2) Sketches
Just recently I started doing 3 sketches for all the commissions. Putting all the ideas you have “on paper” really helps to avoid an urge to change everything when you are almost done (god knows I have those urges a lot).
These are sketches for the commission I recently posted. Commissioner chose the sketch I finished but the whole idea is to try different compositions and moods. You can see how messy and not detailed my sketches are, and tho I am trying to get better at this, I feel even like this they translate the mood and the composition fairly well.
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3) DA tarot style (colour rendering and all fun stuff)
Now to the real question. The answer is really simple tbh. There is no set style for tarot cards in DAI because they had a variety of artists working on them. You honestly can`t go wrong with them. Let me elaborate on this.
I`ll show some tarot sets that look very different and then point out elements that carry over from one artist to another creating the cohesive aesthetics.
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Cole cards
simple strong colours creating silhouettes
quite realistic lighting
implied anatomy
close to none ornaments
You can see that Cole cards are about contrast and emotion. They are beautiful in their simplicity, pretty much the only part that is rendered is the face because the emotion the most important to the artist.
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Advisors cards (not sure if it`s the same artist but the style is more or less consistent)
realistic anatomy and rendering
nuansed colour
Very different from Cole. Less impressive compositions but beautiful anatomy and rendering. Emotion is a secondary to symbolism, all of main character in the cards have pretty blant expressions but all the the attention is on their symbols ( Josie`s pen, a sword for Cullen, raven and daggers for Leliana).
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Sera cards
flat colours
VERY close to arcana cards
little to no realistic render and lighting
beautiful use of textures to fill the space
Unlike the advisors cards Sera`s cards are obviously based on certain arcana and they follow if extremely close. All the focus here is on really strong composition and use of textures. Bright colours and Sera herself in those cards create incredible fun mood to highlight her character.
In conclusion.
All of the cards above have some things in common that make the looks cohesive despite different styles.
flat backgrounds
focus on the character
flat elemens on foreground to highlight the important symbols
You can`t go wrong with DAI style tarots, there is no one size fir all. Try finding cards online and look at them while you work in your card.  Compare, analyze and HAVE FUN.
(I really hope I was helpful)
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 2 months ago
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All the Arcane Tarot Cards, together~
honestly I can’t believe I was able to draw all of this haha but!! glad I pulled thru
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 3 months ago
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 4 months ago
Reblog if you're asexual and tired
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 4 months ago
My doctor and therapist: now with this autism + ADHD diagnosis you need to learn to unmask because masking all the time will make you burn out again and feel like shit
Other people: well it's just interesting how after getting the diagnosis you suddenly start behaving like that I mean I'm not saying you're faking it's just funny how you suddenly cannot be normal like you were before
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 4 months ago
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 5 months ago
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 5 months ago
goddddddd i feel so fucking stupid all the time i feel like that meme of the ogre reading joyce
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smallandquietwizardborisko · 5 months ago
most people in skyrim: yeah about 500 years ago tiber septim founded the empire and then about 200 years ago the oblivion crisis happened and thats just about every important event
every nord: at the DAWN OF TIME my greeat great grandfather HANDS FUCK-BEARD, the greatest hero who EVER LIVED, built this farm with with nothing but his NUTS
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