sm-writing · 1 year ago
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Surprise!! 1989 (Taylor’s Version) is on its way to you 🔜! The 1989 album changed my life in countless ways, and it fills me with such excitement to announce that my version of it will be out October 27th. To be perfectly honest, this is my most FAVORITE re-record I’ve ever done because the 5 From The Vault tracks are so insane. I can’t believe they were ever left behind. But not for long! Pre order 1989 (Taylor’s Version) on my site 😎
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sm-writing · 5 years ago
marry someone who has a different favorite cereal than u so they wont eat all of urs
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sm-writing · 5 years ago
have you ever just cried because you’re you
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
Despite us being taught differently as toddlers and young children, adults are actually quite bad at sharing.
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
His eyes are like the colour of a sunset through a glass of whiskey. But people are listening and so you keep it simple and say they are brown.
And you wonder why you have to tamper things down like too much of one sense is a bad thing, like it’s not more boring to un-feel.
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
id love for someone to please explain to me how i ended up terrified of any kind of intimacy while craving it constantly all at the same time
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
u got through everything u didnt think u were strong enough for
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
“I will never glorify depression. My depression or anyone else’s depression. Everything I write about depression is either for self-expression or increasing other’s perception of the demons that haunt the people who still have yet to gain the courage to talk about it.”
— Juansen Dizon
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
today my anthro professor said something kindof really beautiful:
“you all have a little bit of ‘I want to save the world’ in you, that’s why you’re here, in college. I want you to know that it’s okay if you only save one person, and it’s okay if that person is you”
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
“I didn’t leave because I stopped loving you, I left because the longer I stayed the less I loved myself.”
— Rupi Kaur (via avouer)
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
“Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.”
— Sylvia Plath
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
“Heartbreak is like a cascade inside your chest flooding and rushing, and never stoping, even when the current becomes too strong it takes you with it” -s.m.
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
“Everyone knows how to talk, and no one knows what to say.”
— Nick Hornby, A Long Way Down (via books-n-quotes)
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
i’m clingy as fuck but i can also get distant real quick.
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sm-writing · 6 years ago
“don’t let anyone other than yourself to become your home”
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