slytherdornet · 3 years
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Chapter 35 - Thursday, July 5, 2007
A letter from St Mungos gives Neville a terrible feeling...
Hope you enjoy it!
I know I said in the past two chapters that it was a year in their life, but I couldn't postpone this chapter any longer...
Come say Hello to Frank Sr and Alice Longbottom
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slytherdornet · 3 years
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In first place, yes, I know I'm crazy, but I'm absolutely in love with this little universe I created, so here is one more story, I mean not really in the MSB Universe. These are the 'What If' Stores
Sensation Sky Blue - Chapter 1 : What if Pansy knocked on his door while she was pregnant?
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slytherdornet · 3 years
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Bordeau Steel Blue Chapter 8 - Millie’s Wedding - Part 2
A dance, a swing, a cup of tea, some words...
This week there was no Mystic, but there was Bordeau, the companion piece from Pansy’s POV
PLEASE FORGIVE ME! PLEASE! I'll make it all good in the end. I promise!
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slytherdornet · 3 years
Ron/Draco Fest 2021: Reveals!
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We’ve come to the end of another amazing round of Ron/Draco Fest! I once again want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who made this fest possible. It’s been a rough one this past year with everything that’s been going on in the world, and then we had to move the dates and everything - all of you who stuck with me on this, know that I appreciate you more than I could ever say.
Now all of our lovely participants can thank people for their comments, show off (rightly) anywhere they social, and repost their works wherever they like!
Title: Draco’s New Pet Author: sparkysparky Rating: PG-13
Title: Ron’s Revenge Author: sparkysparky Rating: PG-13
Title: Standing in the Rain Author: Samunderthelights Rating: PG-13
Title: Making A Plan, Checking it Twice and Failing Author: Titti Rating: PG
Title: From the Inside Author: emansil Rating: NC-17
Title: Three’s a Charm Author: dalula Rating: NC-17
Title: Collateral Damage Author: danpuff Rating: NC-17
Title: Always By His Side Author: articcat621 Rating: PG-13
Title: (Stolen Moments That We Steal) As the Curtain Falls Author: Melacka Rating: R
Title: Almost Maybes Author: Bebbie_the_Hufflepuff Rating: PG-13
Title: A Weasel in the Hamptons Author: peachpety Rating: NC-17
Title: A Crush Author: keeperofthemoon Rating: PG-13
Title: Blaise’s Boutique Artist: MyWitch Rating: NC-17
Title: Clutched Your Life and Wished It Kept Artist: glitteringvoid Rating: R
Title: Hope is a Dangerous Thing Artist: VeelaWings Rating: NC-17
Title: An Inconvenient Attachment Artist: FangQueen Rating: NC-17
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slytherdornet · 3 years
Ron/Draco Fest 2021: Anonymous Masterlist
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Here’s our final Anonymous Masterlist for Ron/Draco Fest 2021! Look at all those fantastic works!
Reveals will be going up this coming Thursday, April 29. Thank you so much to everyone who has shown their support thus far - we cannot appreciate you enough! <3
Title: Blaise’s Boutique Rating: NC-17
Title: Draco’s New Pet Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ron is not pleased with Draco’s idea of a new pet.
Title: Ron’s Revenge Rating: PG-13 Summary: It took three months, but Ron finally gets his revenge!
Title: Standing in the Rain Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ron had heard the rumours about Draco moving to France a few years after the war, and he didn’t think he’d ever see him again. But after an awkward run-in with a beautiful blonde, it’s clear that Malfoy is back. Diane Malfoy, that is. Now both older - no longer the people they had once been - they start spending time together. Soon enough Ron can feel himself starting to fall for the blonde beauty. But with what they have been through together, do they really stand a chance?
Title: Making A Plan, Checking it Twice and Failing Rating: PG Summary: When Ron is forced to marry Draco, he tries to find a way out. Will he manage? Will he want to?
Title: From the Inside Rating: NC-17 Summary: A brief tale of how one’s anger and another’s regrets are changed to atonement and redemption in the most unsuspected of ways, only to end with love and acceptance.
Title: Three’s a Charm Rating: NC-17 Summary: Ron’s been asking for a third, Draco invites Blaise. What’s a poor Gryffindor to do with two Slytherins in the bedroom?
Title: Collateral Damage Rating: NC-17 Summary: What better means of revenge than seducing your enemy’s boyfriend? Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Title: Always By His Side Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ron took a fall during a Quidditch match, and like always, Draco’s there to put him back together.
Title: (Stolen Moments That We Steal) As the Curtain Falls Rating: R Summary: They met once a month. They’d been doing it for years, taking turns to pick a time and a place. Always somewhere different, preferably with a big enough crowd that their presence would go unnoticed. Just two more faces in a crowd of anonymous people. Or, a chance encounter in a theatre leads to a decade-long affair between Ron and Draco.
Title: Almost Maybes Rating: PG-13 Summary: A one night stand ends in a shocking surprise.
Title: A Weasel in the Hamptons Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Ron heads to the Hamptons for Hermione’s engagement celebration, it’s been 10 years since he’s seen his friends. At 38, he’s content to travel the world, unfettered and carefree, allowing his wanderlust to guide him from one photojournalism assignment to the next. He arrives at Blaise’s posh beach estate ready to catch up with old friends, kick back poolside with a beer, and have some fun in the sun. What could possibly disrupt his weekend? Enter Draco Malfoy—the gorgeous prat who handles a stick shift with ease, speaks French, and surfs like a Seeker. And who just may be the anchor Ron isn’t aware he needs.
Title: A Crush Rating: PG-13 Summary: “Ready to lose, Weasley?” Malfoy drawled. His words crept over Ron like Devil’s Snare and seemed to squeeze the air out of him. He had a feeling he had already lost.
Title: Clutched Your Life and Wished It Kept Rating: R Summary: Ron did not want to get involved with creepy houses that seem to loom and things that hiss in the darkness. All he wanted to do was to finally get a lead on a serial killer that his boss refuses to even acknowledge exists and make the streets a bit safer again. In hindsight, Ron should have known that following Harry and his crazy conspiracy theory into Malfoy Manor would not achieve that goal. But now here he stands, the Manor brimming with something unseen, and whatever is stalking these shadows, it isn’t going to let him go.
Title: Hope is a Dangerous Thing Rating: NC-17 Summary: They had to get out of Wiltshire quickly. And preferably alive.
Title: An Inconvenient Attachment Rating: NC-17 Summary: Draco Malfoy has a secret ― a crush that he’s harboured for years. He poured his heart out into his journals at school, but now over twelve years later, he’d rather just forget it all. He’s wrapped up in the world of being Pansy’s Best Man, helping her put the finishing touches on what’s supposed to be her happiest day, when the letters start getting leaked. Will Ron Weasley ever figure out they’re all for him? And if so, what will be his reply?
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slytherdornet · 3 years
Ron/Draco Fest 2021: Weekly Round-Up (3)
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We’ve come to the end of our final week of posting for Ron/Draco Fest 2021! This one was short and sweet, and I hope you all enjoyed.
What a ride the past year has been, but I’m so incredibly proud of all our participants and their hard work. Please take a moment to catch up with these last few entries if you haven’t already! Our Anonymous Masterlist will be coming on Monday April 26, and this round will conclude with the Masterlist Author/Artist Reveals posting on Thursday April 29.
Title: Clutched Your Life and Wished It Kept Rating: R Summary: Ron did not want to get involved with creepy houses that seem to loom and things that hiss in the darkness. All he wanted to do was to finally get a lead on a serial killer that his boss refuses to even acknowledge exists and make the streets a bit safer again. In hindsight, Ron should have known that following Harry and his crazy conspiracy theory into Malfoy Manor would not achieve that goal. But now here he stands, the Manor brimming with something unseen, and whatever is stalking these shadows, it isn’t going to let him go.
Title: Hope is a Dangerous Thing Rating: NC-17 Summary: They had to get out of Wiltshire quickly. And preferably alive.
Title: An Inconvenient Attachment Rating: NC-17 Summary: Draco Malfoy has a secret ― a crush that he’s harboured for years. He poured his heart out into his journals at school, but now over twelve years later, he’d rather just forget it all. He’s wrapped up in the world of being Pansy’s Best Man, helping her put the finishing touches on what’s supposed to be her happiest day, when the letters start getting leaked. Will Ron Weasley ever figure out they’re all for him? And if so, what will be his reply?
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: An Inconvenient Attachment (NC-17)
Title: An Inconvenient Attachment Author: Rating: NC-17 Prompt: Self-prompt, but technically # 20 by VioletBehaviour from the 2019 round of the fest: “He’s always felt this way, but he was just too stubborn to admit it aloud. He outwardly chose remarks of slander over the words of affections, but his body began to betray him. He began writing out his frustrations on parchment, keeping them locked safely away from prying eyes. Imagine Draco’s surprise when the Daily Prophet began publishing detailed love notes and passages on the front page.” Word Count: 37k Warning(s)/Content: Pansy/Ginny, Draco/OMCs, EWE, Canon Divergent, Obsession, Pining, Jealousy, Angst, UST/RST, Slowburn, Misunderstandings, Love Letters, Journaling, Radio Shows, Past Relationships, Poor Decision Making, Draco’s a bit of a dick to his hookups, DownAndOut!Draco, Redemption, Drinking, Clubbing, Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks, Past and Present, Alternative Careers, Muggle Living, Getting Together, Weddings, Masturbation, Blowjobs, Finger Sucking, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: Draco Malfoy has a secret ― a crush that he’s harboured for years. He poured his heart out into his journals at school, but now over twelve years later, he’d rather just forget it all. He’s wrapped up in the world of being Pansy’s Best Man, helping her put the finishing touches on what’s supposed to be her happiest day, when the letters start getting leaked. Will Ron Weasley ever figure out they’re all for him? And if so, what will be his reply? Notes: VioletBehavior, this one’s for you. Your prompt blew me away the moment I read it ― over two years ago, haha. I’m terribly sorry I wasn’t able to get it to you the last couple times around, but I hope I’ve somehow made up for the wait and that you enjoy this piece as much as I did. 🖤 I’m also sorry that I tweaked the part about the Prophet and made it a radio show instead, but thank you for the inspiration. And of course, a thousand thank yous to the incomparable Starry. This story wouldn’t be even half of what it is now without your tireless beta work, and I’ve so loved getting to know you throughout this process!
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: Hope is a Dangerous Thing (NC-17)
Title: Hope is a Dangerous Thing Author: Rating: NC-17 Prompt: # 39 Word Count: 3.3k Warning(s)/Content: Canon Divergence, Seventh Year, Aftermath of Torture, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Forced Proximity Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: They had to get out of Wiltshire quickly. And preferably alive. Notes: A big thank you to my beta and Fang Queen for being unbelievably patient with me while I struggled to edit this piece. You’re a complete darling!
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: Clutched Your Life and Wished It Kept (R)
Title: Clutched Your Life and Wished It Kept Author: Rating: R Prompt: # 76 Word Count: 110k Warning(s)/Content: Horror, MCD, unhappy ending, violence, blood and gore, vampires Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: Ron did not want to get involved with creepy houses that seem to loom and things that hiss in the darkness. All he wanted to do was to finally get a lead on a serial killer that his boss refuses to even acknowledge exists and make the streets a bit safer again. In hindsight, Ron should have known that following Harry and his crazy conspiracy theory into Malfoy Manor would not achieve that goal. But now here he stands, the Manor brimming with something unseen, and whatever is stalking these shadows, it isn’t going to let him go. Notes: A huge thank you to fangqueen, for modding this fest and granting me deadline after deadline to write this monster of a fic. Seriously, this grew so far beyond me, I wouldn’t have gotten this done in time were it not for her patience and willingness to work out extensions. Thank you! Another huge thank you to E, for agreeing to beta-read this on very short notice and doing a stellar job at it. Thank you! And, finally, thank you C, for listening to me complain and whinge about writing this thing and encouraging me when I was exhausted and almost wanting to just drop it. Title (almost) from Hozier’s “In The Woods Somewhere”
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slytherdornet · 3 years
Ron/Draco Fest 2021: Weekly Round-Up (2)
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And we’ve come to the end of week two! We’ve got one more short week planned for you all, so stay tuned!
Title: Blaise’s Boutique Rating: NC-17
Title: Always By His Side Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ron took a fall during a Quidditch match, and like always, Draco’s there to put him back together.
Title: (Stolen Moments That We Steal) As the Curtain Falls Rating: R Summary: They met once a month. They’d been doing it for years, taking turns to pick a time and a place. Always somewhere different, preferably with a big enough crowd that their presence would go unnoticed. Just two more faces in a crowd of anonymous people. Or, a chance encounter in a theatre leads to a decade-long affair between Ron and Draco.
Title: Almost Maybes Rating: PG-13 Summary: A one night stand ends in a shocking surprise.
Title: A Weasel in the Hamptons Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Ron heads to the Hamptons for Hermione’s engagement celebration, it’s been 10 years since he’s seen his friends. At 38, he’s content to travel the world, unfettered and carefree, allowing his wanderlust to guide him from one photojournalism assignment to the next. He arrives at Blaise’s posh beach estate ready to catch up with old friends, kick back poolside with a beer, and have some fun in the sun. What could possibly disrupt his weekend? Enter Draco Malfoy—the gorgeous prat who handles a stick shift with ease, speaks French, and surfs like a Seeker. And who just may be the anchor Ron isn’t aware he needs.
Title: A Crush Rating: PG-13 Summary: “Ready to lose, Weasley?” Malfoy drawled. His words crept over Ron like Devil’s Snare and seemed to squeeze the air out of him. He had a feeling he had already lost.
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST ART: Blaise’s Boutique (NC-17)
Title: Blaise’s Boutique Artist: Rating: NC-17 Prompt: Draco is being all fancy and must have the best clothes (of course) so drags Ron along to a shop Blaise owns. While in the dressing room, things get frisky… and Blaise can see everything… Warning(s)/Content: No Archive Warnings Apply. Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Notes: Wizard fashion, amiright? lol
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: A Crush (PG-13)
Title: A Crush Author: Rating: PG-13 Prompt: 24 Word Count: 1.9k Warning(s)/Content: None Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: “Ready to lose, Weasley?” Malfoy drawled. His words crept over Ron like Devil’s Snare and seemed to squeeze the air out of him. He had a feeling he had already lost. Notes: Thanks for everything, Fangqueen! I’m definitely hoping to add more to this universe at a later time!
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: A Weasel in the Hamptons (NC-17)
Title: A Weasel in the Hamptons Author: Rating: NC-17 Prompt: # 26 Word Count: 15k Warning(s)/Content: None Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: When Ron heads to the Hamptons for Hermione’s engagement celebration, it’s been 10 years since he’s seen his friends. At 38, he’s content to travel the world, unfettered and carefree, allowing his wanderlust to guide him from one photojournalism assignment to the next. He arrives at Blaise’s posh beach estate ready to catch up with old friends, kick back poolside with a beer, and have some fun in the sun. What could possibly disrupt his weekend? Enter Draco Malfoy—the gorgeous prat who handles a stick shift with ease, speaks French, and surfs like a Seeker. And who just may be the anchor Ron isn’t aware he needs. Notes: I am so very excited about this pairing and beyond thrilled to participate in this fantastic fest! Thank you to FangQueen for modding…and for this prompt. I had so much fun with this one. Inspired by Magic in the Hamptons, by Social House. A special shout out to my beta M. Without your patient and brilliant guidance this fic would never have reached completion. Your ticket to the Hamptons is in the mail.
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: Almost Maybes (PG-13)
Title: Almost Maybes Author: Rating: PG-13 Prompt: Prompt 8: Drunk one night stand leads to an unexpected and rare occurrence. Male pregnancy. Word Count: 7.9k Warning(s)/Content: Mpreg, Pick your own ending, Abortion, Adoption Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: A one night stand ends in a shocking surprise. Notes: There are three different endings you can choose from and pick your favorite!
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: (Stolen Moments That We Steal) As the Curtain Falls (R)
Title: (Stolen Moments That We Steal) As the Curtain Falls Author: Rating: R Prompt: Prompt 73: They meet at the local theater production and they have spouses who are not each other but seeing each other again changes them. A secret love affair ensues. Years spanning. Word Count: 2.3k Warning(s)/Content: Infidelity, Semi-Public Sex Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: They met once a month. They’d been doing it for years, taking turns to pick a time and a place. Always somewhere different, preferably with a big enough crowd that their presence would go unnoticed. Just two more faces in a crowd of anonymous people. Or, a chance encounter in a theatre leads to a decade-long affair between Ron and Draco. Notes: Thanks to Pamee for the beta!
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slytherdornet · 3 years
FEST FIC: Always By His Side (PG-13)
Title: Always By His Side Author: Rating: PG-13 Prompt: 7-One is a healer and the other was hurt in some form. Word Count: 576 Warning(s)/Content: Not Canon Compliant, Mild Language Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Summary: Ron took a fall during a Quidditch match, and like always, Draco’s there to put him back together. Notes: Thank you to my beta for looking this over.
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slytherdornet · 3 years
Ron/Draco Fest 2021: Weekly Round-Up (1)
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A great first week for Ron/Draco Fest 2021! Here is a collected post for all the submissions we had the pleasure of viewing over this past week. There is more to come in the fest, so please do stick around!
Title: Draco’s New Pet Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ron is not pleased with Draco’s idea of a new pet.
Title: Ron’s Revenge Rating: PG-13 Summary: It took three months, but Ron finally gets his revenge!
Title: Standing in the Rain Rating: PG-13 Summary: Ron had heard the rumours about Draco moving to France a few years after the war, and he didn’t think he’d ever see him again. But after an awkward run-in with a beautiful blonde, it’s clear that Malfoy is back. Diane Malfoy, that is. Now both older - no longer the people they had once been - they start spending time together. Soon enough Ron can feel himself starting to fall for the blonde beauty. But with what they have been through together, do they really stand a chance?
Title: Making A Plan, Checking it Twice and Failing Rating: PG Summary: When Ron is forced to marry Draco, he tries to find a way out. Will he manage? Will he want to?
Title: From the Inside Rating: NC-17 Summary: A brief tale of how one’s anger and another’s regrets are changed to atonement and redemption in the most unsuspected of ways, only to end with love and acceptance.
Title: Three’s a Charm Rating: NC-17 Summary: Ron’s been asking for a third, Draco invites Blaise. What’s a poor Gryffindor to do with two Slytherins in the bedroom?
Title: Collateral Damage Rating: NC-17 Summary: What better means of revenge than seducing your enemy’s boyfriend? Nothing could possibly go wrong.
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