slurpadurpesquire · 14 hours
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slurpadurpesquire · 14 hours
Your charitable donations will be double rewarded by God in your life and your eternity.
i just want from you to have 5 minutes from your time to read my story .. please
Donate if you can
Reblog if you can’t
Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi
everyone who sees this, please match anything you can of my donation to tahani, even it's just $5!
[verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi (line 112) | $15,940 of $50,000 goal]
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slurpadurpesquire · 14 hours
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share an urgent plea for help. Due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, my family and I have been forced to flee our home and seek refuge in Khan Younis. My mother, who is pregnant, is in critical need of assistance to ensure her safety and the safety of her unborn child.
We are facing severe hardships and are struggling to provide her with the necessary medical care and basic necessities. I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's survival during this perilous time.
Your support in sharing our campaign on social media could make a life-saving difference. Please help us spread the word and gather the support we desperately need.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
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slurpadurpesquire · 7 days
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
hey guys if you actually care about mexicos water crisis please consider boycotting brands like coca cola and heineken. they are the ones running mexico's water supplies dry. I am aware of the "mexicans drink too much coke lmao" stereotype but it is because they have made us dependent on their brand, making it so in certain places of mexico, a coca cola bottle is cheaper than water. all thanks to our ex president Vicente Fox <3
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Hello it’s me Aya from Gaza, I ask you to help us spread our new Pinned Post.Our situation is incredibly difficult& our fundraiser is so far from it’s goal we’ve reached just 3000€ from 25.000€ Please help us so that we can reach our goal and evacuate from Gaza 💔
AS OFJUNE 24th THEY'VE RAISED €3,468/€25,000
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Hey guys! This is important so please dont scroll past this.
Wafaa's old blog got shadowbanned, and its just yet another example of how far tumblr will go to silence palestinians when theyre already struggling to get by because of illness, starvation and the constant violence. It should alarm you just how frequent this is becoming with palestinian bloggers having to remake 3-4 times when theyre already living through the worst things imaginable.
If you don't know who she is, Wafaa Alnhal is a woman in her 40s who had left for Egypt a little after the occupation attacked for medical treatment. She has since been working hard to spread her campaign and evacuate her family who she had to leave behind in Gaza, despite her own ongoing struggle with her health issues and making rent.
Initially her goal for her gfm had been 35k, but recently she's had to raise it to 50k because her daughter has gotten hepatitis from the polluted water in Gaza. Her family is suffering- all 15 of them including 4 young children and a newborn baby- and they will have to live with the damage for the rest of their lives. It's taking its toll on Wafaa too, who's had to neglect her own health and wellbeing to raise funds for them.
She's made a new blog @wafs-posts and you all should follow her there to get updates from her on the situation directly. You should be listening to her instead of hearing this from me.
Her gfm is currently at 12k/50k
They still have a long way to go, so please dont let tumblrs censorship slow them down
Her campaign has been verified, and there is a raffle being conducted (by @/ibtisams) to raise funds for her campaign so please give it a look, and consider taking part there are some truly beautiful journals to be won.
Please follow the raffles for palestine account and take a look at the other artwork thats up for grabs too!
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Dear/Lovely supporter🌷
I hope you're well😃. I'm doctor Mohammed Aldeeb,a medical doctor from gaza🇵🇸🕊🍉 , my family and I have faced a devastating loss😓; our home and my workplace at the hospital have been destroyed😢💔. We are in dire need of assistance to rebuild our lives🥺🙏❤.
I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world💚🤍.
Reblogging our story on your platforms would greatly increase our reach🥺🙏🇵🇸🖤.
Please know that our campaign is verified😁by @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi @mangocheesecakes,
and all funds will go directly to our recovery efforts💞.
Thank you for your support during this challenging time🙏🇵🇸.
Best regards,
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza.
Of course, thank you for reaching out.
Everyone, this is a verified fundraiser. Don't hesitate to donate and share
This campaign has been vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, @/nubulsi and @/90-ghost, further info can be found in Dr. Mohammed's pinned post
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Hello ! Thanks for bearing with me , I am a Palestinian educator from Gaza whose life is dire and gruesome. Nothing has left for my family except the hope you can support and help us. After 9 months of war we became exhausted, hopeless , desperate , and displaced. Houses and livelihood sources have been lost and gone with the wind. Things are driving us insane and made. The least level of life can't be attained. Healthy water and food have become a dream we need to realize. What worsens our life more is the constant bombings and killings. That is why I am asking in this post to help us survive this unbearable circumstances , moving from hell to safety and peace. Your support can help us be safe and alive so friends you can support us either by directly donating whatever you can or by sharing my campaign links so that generous people can know about our tragedy and pain. Remember your small contribution can make a big difference for the lives of many children whose heath gets worse and worse everyday. Let their life change and let them feel happy through your kind contribution.
hey everyone please match my donation to fadi if you can!!! (this is an additional $10 from last time, i don't post donation screenshots more than once)
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[verified by nabulsi | $12,030 of $35,000 goal]
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
8 months of Genocide and, 15,500 children killed
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30,000 orphans
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35,000 child amputees ( Gaza has the largest population of child amputees in the world)
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and there are people out there still justifying this??? like are you not human enough?
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
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In the International Court of Justice: Israel stands alone; the world stands with South Africa’s lawsuit The International Court of Justice ruled on South Africa’s request to order Israel to stop its invasion of Rafah and withdraw from Gaza.
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
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says “I’m not getting my diploma at graduation Myself and 3 other seniors were notified that UChicago won’t confer our degrees at graduation this weekend. Despite finishing 4 rigorous and excruciating years of undergrad This comes off the heels of the university already having me and other students arrested & criminalized. The 4 of us have been targeted for “possibly” participating in campus-wide protests which a large majority of our student body has. We assumed we’d have criminal records before degrees. And now we might not even have that We’ve done the work. We deserve our degrees. Standing on the side of justice shouldn’t negate that. Sign, call, write to tell UChicago this is not okay. We need more support.” Go to his profile and click in the link in his bio for a quick way to contact the University.
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏🙏
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Saw this license plate today and I'm still ugly laughing about it
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slurpadurpesquire · 10 days
Dear friends and supporters,
My name is Nada, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a sense of urgency. 
Here in Gaza, there is a small tent standing alone in the corner of a refugee camp. Inside it, I sit with my young children, trying to protect them in every way possible and provide them with comfort and safety despite the hardships.
My children and I are now in great danger and need your help to evacuate from Gaza to safety. The situation worsens every day with limited access to drinking water, food, and medicine, along with facing the horrors of war. 
The war has swept away our homes and dreams, and now we live in a tent, surrounded by hunger, fear, and diseases. My youngest son suffers from hepatitis due to pollution and lack of healthcare.
The days pass very slowly, and the situation deteriorates further each day. The need for food, medicine, water, shelter, and safety has become nearly impossible.
I have launched a fundraising campaign to facilitate our evacuation to Egypt and to start our lives anew. The ticket price to enter Egypt is $5,000 for each adult and $2,500 for children.
Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant difference in our lives and give us a chance for a brighter future. With your donation, you can be the light that illuminates our lives.
Please save my children; I do not want them to die in Gaza. If I cannot survive, please do not forget them. Protect them after I am gone.🙏🏼❤️
please help nada by donating here:
the fundraiser is currently at €7,236/€16,000 of its goal. please consider donating anything that you can and sharing nada's story!
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