sltartinitiatives · 1 month
Something Like This was born in 2012 from the idea of ​​using an artist’s studio also as a space opened to meeting, sharing, the search for affinities, new exhibition solutions and a broader reflection on making art today. SomethingLikeThis has been also a dynamic space “SLT art initiatives“ participating to the Verona Art Fair 2012 and exhibitions throughout Italy, in galleries and public spaces, involving Italian and international artists.
In 2016 Something Like This has become a Cultural Association with the mission of broadening its horizons of collaboration by becoming an active interlocutor of national and international Cultural productions. In the past years it has  established partnerships with important Institutions in the sector of art and music, as also with book publishing houses, film production companies, textile Foundations, Banks.
Something Like This Association has worked in these years in consolidating strong and lasting Institutional relationships of partnerships as also sponsorships, in the field of art and music. 
“I Poeti del Piano Solo” Music Festival, at its Fifth Edition has become a major Piano Solo Festival in Europe and we are now willing to start building a parallel format in the visual art context, with a specific focus on textile and craft making. 
Idea and coordination by: Lisa Batacchi
Facebook: SomethingLikeThis
Design by: Alessandro Nucci
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