Fanfiction Book Binding
I am an amateur bookbinder looking to try binding some fanfiction for the first time. I would love to bind someone else's fanfiction and send it to them.
If you would like your fanfiction to be considered please read the entry requirements below and fill out the linked form. The form will close on Saturday 9th March 2024.
Any questions, drop me an ask.
Entry requirements:
Fanfiction that you wrote
One fic or a collection of fics
20-50k words
(Preferably Until Dawn)
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Still taking submissions!
Fanfiction Book Binding
I am an amateur bookbinder looking to try binding some fanfiction for the first time. I would love to bind someone else's fanfiction and send it to them.
If you would like your fanfiction to be considered please read the entry requirements below and fill out the linked form. The form will close on Saturday 9th March 2024.
Any questions, drop me an ask.
Entry requirements:
Fanfiction that you wrote
One fic or a collection of fics
20-50k words
(Preferably Until Dawn)
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Fanfiction Book Binding
I am an amateur bookbinder looking to try binding some fanfiction for the first time. I would love to bind someone else's fanfiction and send it to them.
If you would like your fanfiction to be considered please read the entry requirements below and fill out the linked form. The form will close on Saturday 9th March 2024.
Any questions, drop me an ask.
Entry requirements:
Fanfiction that you wrote
One fic or a collection of fics
20-50k words
(Preferably Until Dawn)
6 notes · View notes
Fanfiction Book Binding
I am an amateur bookbinder looking to try binding some fanfiction for the first time. I would love to bind someone else's fanfiction and send it to them.
If you would like your fanfiction to be considered please read the entry requirements below and fill out the linked form. The form will close on Saturday 9th March 2024.
Any questions, drop me an ask.
Entry requirements:
Fanfiction that you wrote
One fic or a collection of fics
20-50k words
(Preferably Until Dawn)
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Still gauging interest for this
Fanfic Book Binding
Heyo, long time no post. I've really enjoyed binding a couple of notebooks recently and want to try my hand at binding some fanfic for the first time.
I'm considering doing a random draw that you can enter (completely free of course) to have your fanfic bound and mailed to you once it's complete.
The entry requirements would be:
Fanfiction that you wrote
One fic or a collection of fics
20-50k words
(Preferably Until Dawn)
Please interact with this post if you'd be interested!
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Fanfic Book Binding
Heyo, long time no post. I've really enjoyed binding a couple of notebooks recently and want to try my hand at binding some fanfic for the first time.
I'm considering doing a random draw that you can enter (completely free of course) to have your fanfic bound and mailed to you once it's complete.
The entry requirements would be:
Fanfiction that you wrote
One fic or a collection of fics
20-50k words
(Preferably Until Dawn)
Please interact with this post if you'd be interested!
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@not-your-bro Happy New Year! The fourth and final chapter of Repercussions and Reparations is here!
Chapter 4: Revealed
Repercussions and Reparations
Made as a part of the 2023 @untildawn-secretsanta for @not-your-bro. Merry Christmas I hope you like it!
Jess thought she was the only survivor of the night on the mountain until a radio broadcast announced that another survivor had been retrieved, Josh Washington. Jess is determined to reunite with Josh, who may be her only remaining friend, Josh is intent on avoiding her, terrified of what he knows he will eventually have to reveal to her.
[read more]
It's currently on 3/4 chapters because I got crazy busy! Sorry the whole thing isn't ready now. I figured I would post what I have, seeing as I've already gone over the word count. I promise the final chapter will be out before New Year's.
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Thank you so so much! I love them! They're so cute! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!
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Caught under the mistletoe!
Hiii @slouchingcontradiction I was your secret Santa! I saw you were a fan of Jemily and I jumped at the chance to draw my fav two girlies together! I hope you have a happy new year!
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Repercussions and Reparations
Made as a part of the 2023 @untildawn-secretsanta for @not-your-bro. Merry Christmas I hope you like it!
Jess thought she was the only survivor of the night on the mountain until a radio broadcast announced that another survivor had been retrieved, Josh Washington. Jess is determined to reunite with Josh, who may be her only remaining friend, Josh is intent on avoiding her, terrified of what he knows he will eventually have to reveal to her.
[read more]
It's currently on 3/4 chapters because I got crazy busy! Sorry the whole thing isn't ready now. I figured I would post what I have, seeing as I've already gone over the word count. I promise the final chapter will be out before New Year's.
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I would join mothmans onlyfans tbh
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A collab @lillbitdramatic and I did to celebrate the release of The Quarry! We each sketched a character, I did the lineart, and Alex added the colour!
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What a weird coinsidense cause so do I!
It's me, Suri from Dinosaur (2000)
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But you’re THE Sam Giddings 😂
I’m actually Gen Hardwood from the hit 2005 movie Ice Princess, but people get us mixed up all the time 😊
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Oh man, so blame @sam-giddings completely for this, but ever since last night all I’ve been able to think of is my least favourite part whenever I play Until Dawn: that bit in chapter 9 when you’re playing as Ashley and your walking underneath the lodge.
That entire bit makes no sense character wise to me and I hate it. If you play it and you choose to leave Chris behind and walk on without him, then I get it. It’s a choice you made as Ashley, so that’s what she does in that instance. Whatever. It’s the bit right after when you decide that ‘hell no, I ain’t letting none of you out of my sight are you kidding me????’ that makes me so angry. You know, the one where Ashley stays behind to close the manhole in case a wendigo tries to follow them. And then Chris just leaves her behind too.
LIke are you kidding me? You expect me to believe that shit???? You expect me to believe that Chris, who up until that point has made it very clear that there’s no way he’s gonna be able to choose Ash in the gun choice or that he can’t stand the thought that he went and left Josh behind in the shed to die, is just gonna go on without her? Especially after she just told him that they’re not leaving anyone behind and that they’re all sticking together? You expect me to believe that Chris just up and leaves her behind after all that? Oh hell fucking no. No matter what your feelings on Ashley are, Chris deciding to go on without her isn’t even in-character for him at that point. It makes absolutely no sense and I hate it.
And I know I’ve mentioned once or twice that I find it real rude that Chris doesn’t even try to give her his sweater after the whole shed incident (it’s not even romantic at that point, she’s covered in blood and likely freezing!) but I can excuse it because of the extra amount of work that would have went into  character models to make it a reality. But the bit under the lodge isn’t even that, that was so Ash can hear Jessica’s voice and investigate the trap door and lazily writing Chris out so she can do it alone. And you know what? Fuck that, I’m fixing it and it’s super easy too. You don’t even have to change a whole lot.
Chris waits for her to close the manhole and then the two of them try to catch up to Sam (and Emily). They hear Jess’s voice as they get closer to the fork in the tunnel and you get the same choice of investigating or not. If you don’t investigate then you meet up with the others and there’s no change. But if you do, then Chris tries to maybe talk Ash out of it but she’s already moving ahead so he follows her because he’s not leaving her behind. You go on, pick up the totem, and then the two of them come to the trap door. Maybe you walk past it and catch it, or maybe you open it. If Ash opens the trap door, then Hanndigo comes out same as always.
Now this is where it can get fun. I think it would be fun to give Ashley a choice here: you can either RUN or DISTRACT.
RUN is exactly what it says on the tin. Ashley grabs Chris and tries to run but they both get caught and die for very obvious reasons, plus the fact that Chris is having problems even staying upright right now, much less walking or running. Plus it continues with the opening of the trap door being an absolutely stupid move where you deserve your death.
DISTRACT though? We know that Ashley has some roots in self-preservation, it’s shown when she doesn’t let Chris back in after he tries to shoot her and when she tries to force Emily out the safe room after finding the bite. Or when she’s screaming at Chris to save her when in the shed. She doesn’t want to die, and who can blame her? Not me that’s for sure. So in order to try and distract Hanndigo and try to get away Ashley inadvertently (or on purpose if that’s how you want to see it) pushes Chris towards her. Chris is dead no matter what here really, he has a bum leg and can’t run after all. And since he can die here anyways nothing changes either.
And then while Hanndigo is busy decapitating Chris as is her modus operandi, Ashley tries to make a break for it and hide. This gives the player a chance for a DON’T MOVE segment as well (and now that I think of it, I don’t think she gets one anyway? I think she and the nigh unplayable Washington sibs are the only one who don’t get one so this even fixes that lol!). If you fail, then Ash dies obviously. You opened the trap door like a moron so you can deal with the consequences of your actions. But if you pass, then Ash lives to see another day (well, an hour if you don’t mess up in the lodge with Sam lol) and she rejoins the group filled with the lovely knowledge and horrible guilt that she killed Chris. And while people can continue to cry that Ashley is even more horrible for killing Chris knowingly here, guess what bucko? YOU made the choice to distract after opening the trap door and sealing at least one of their fates. It was obvious that there was gonna be no way out of this one, but you decided to see if you could maybe survive it anyways.
(The rest of the game goes as normal, except with a maybe even more inconsolable Ashley in the ranger’s station then if Chris died outside. The same scene would easily work though.)
And THAT’S how supermassive should have played the tunnel bit in my opinion.
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I died! Source (X)
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me when i get tagged by mutuals: oh my GOD my friend noticed me,, omg my bestie in the world wide web, my beautiful wonderful amazing fren whom i cherish dearly, JUST NOTICED ME,, I AM ABOUT TO C O M B U S T
me when tagging mutuals: oh no… i hope im not annoying you.. or anything.. if you want I’ll never tag you again.. only if you want tho.. if you don’t want to be tagged then that’s okay.. i love you.. pls don’t hate me,,,
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