sleepyditto · 6 months
damn hello world??
it’s been 1-2 years since I last updated this…hahaha
Anyways, im planning to do a huge revamp here + open up requests future Genshin characters for HI3 and HSR since this account has basically been frozen in time, so do keep a lookout!!
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Dance-a Nilou themed fic I had decided to write
So with me getting back into writing, I have decided to try and write for one of my favourite characters, Nilou. I think I managed to sorta get a grasp of her personality and I got a bit inspired by the recent archon quest so I decided to give it a shot
WARNING: slight SPOILERS for 3.2 archon quest, reader is someone from Akademiya, otherwise just fluff
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With the recent major reforms at the Akademiya, the initial restrictions against people related to the arts in place by the sages had been stripped away. That opened a new chapter of life for the members of the Zubayr Theatre, more personally, for both you and Nilou. After her stunt at Akademiya entrance, her popularity had skyrocketed to the point of reaching the scholars as well which in turn made her more renowned among the Sumeru populace. Despite her appreciating the newfound attention, her heart still remained closest to both the theatre itself with its members and of course her s/o, you.
Had it not been for the fact that love transcends all bounds and that moment when you were so taken in by her beauty while first watching her that you simply had no care for her status that you developed a crush on her, it almost seemed as if you two were from different planes of existence, you an Akademiya scholar striving for a position and Nilou, a dancer who simply appealed to the hearts of people.
Yet even now, as you saw your lover take stage and began to perform away with one of her many dances, not a single time including now have you not failed to be taken in awe by then along with the crowd. Usually objective logic was your go-to to explain something as been drilled in by years at the Akademiya, but the way your lover harmoniously coordinated her movements, created the aura around her radiating and keeping her expression in sync with her pose, was something that you could not do as such to explain despite finding yourself swept away into another world that it nearly felt like a dream.
“Still reminiscing about my recent dance?”, came that sweet and caring voice that had startled you for a second. By that you were so taken in by your lover performing that you had not noticed the show concluding and the audience, leaving only you left sitting. Giggling at your now flushed face as you struggled to regain composure, Nilou cherished moments like these. The thought of someone standing alongside her as she danced against the prejudice of the sages had always made her feel accepted in a special way. Now with the recent shift being a more receptive outlook on the arts in Sumeru, she felt a sense of rejuvenation in her life and you being by her side only amplified it further.
You were still so caught up in the dance Nilou had performed, however, that in your embarrassment, had blurted out a request to see her dance again. It warmed Nilou’s heart to have a lover who in all sense supported her passion in life so naturally, she helped you up by her hand as she slowly guided you towards your shared home, ready to enjoy the rest of the day together with all the performances of the day concluded.
Nilou could never have imagined herself falling for someone related to the Akademiya at first though due to the many differences they had with each other. But you were different despite such a difference, since you had not let your status get in the way of viewing her as someone who simply was doing what they enjoyed most in life, making her feel for the first time as if someone had truly understood her, and the rest is history as they said.
“Don’t worry dear, I can show you a new dance I have been trying to practice. It’s not perfectly there yet but I could let you indulge in on a bit.” ;)
A/N: Ahhh I love her sm
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Emotion, pretty much a Scaramouche- based fic
So with all the drip that has been happening, it rekindled my spark to write especially for Scara since he has been someone I have want to be writing for for a while but didn't have the time or ideas to before. So here it is, a short fic but I hope it does a bit considering I haven't written in 78 years-
NOTE: This fic is based on my speculation of Scaramouche's new personality, not an accurate representation of it, that will come in 3.2 or 3.3. Also I partially based this prompt on the description given on his drip marketing post-
Genre: idk maybe fluff but im not rlly sure-
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The plains of Tatarasuna had seen its fair share of tragedies, particularly one with an unmarked grave and had been nearly lost to the passage of time. At least not for a certain wanderer, who on his quest to rebuild his identity, decided to pay his respects to one of the few people in his life that he had actually found a way to care for. You being included as one of the few people, for walking together with him to re-discover himself after his failure in Sumeru. Naturally, he brought you along to witness him in a vulnerable moment relating to his past.
A nearby farmer had caught the sight of the wanderer himself and had trembled at his unnatural disposition, but something about your presence there gave a slightly more humane disposition to it.
“Not to fear, for he is only here to wander.”
As you both approached the grave to pay respects, the wanderer himself had contemplated upon the meaning of human emotion, on how he still had retained grief for a long lost friend and love for you despite his lack of such. To give in to such may be inferior, but it also provided him with a different perspective that he craved to be a part of him.
The times you had stuck by him, regardless of his dismissive demeanour. He could have not understood what drove humans to pursue things he initially could not comprehend. Yet now, with a new purpose, maybe he was starting to.
As you two left the grave in night, you decided to hint to your boyfriend on how much he had changed. The Wanderer wasn’t usually fond of your antics, but given it was you and under such circumstances, he simply remarked,
“I probably don’t get what you mean but, if it’s you, I rather have it that way instead.”
And you would rather be it that way too.
A/N: I’ll probably go and write more fics soon, I’m more free with exams over besides
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sleepyditto · 2 years
I’m back?? Ig?
Sorry literally zero ideas of what to write atm plus no requests to force those gears in my head to start spinning
I’ll try and come up with something Ig
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sleepyditto · 2 years
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I have zero writing ideas so uh enjoy this Hu Tao poster I made a while back
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Welcome in the collei simp club. I have gone bankrupt and can't give u a 19$ fortnite care, so have a request instead /hj.
Would you write Collei, Beidou and Sara with a reader that's super interested in their Jobs and wants to learn/help as much as possible?
If not feel free to ignore and have a nice day/night!
Them with a reader who takes interest in their jobs and wants to learn more + help out (Request)
A/n: Dw man,I've got you covered, well to the best of my writing abilities that is, you could tell I wrote considerably more for Collei but I tried to not go overboard. Anyways here’s your request for you and hope you enjoy!!
Also here’s your $19 Fortnite card:
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As someone who was originally super interested as well in taking up Tighnari’s role as a forest ranger after being taken in, she somewhat understood your curiosity in the role of being a forest ranger and being her s/o, was willing to guide and mentor you on the knowledge and duties a forest ranger had to the best of her abilities, although she may recommend you find Master Tighnari instead for a more in-depth and proper guide to being a forest ranger given how she still views herself as his student after all.
She usually finds time to attempt mentoring you when she is free and Master Tighnari is away on expedition off in the forest. Would probably educate you on the basics of forest survival and care such as types of poisonous fungi to look out for, keeping track of wildlife that grow out in the forest or places to avoid like Withering Zones if you had no vision. Her memory isn’t the best, so at times she can struggle to convey some parts out to you and gets flustered when she does, but your presence and encouragement is able to calm her back quicker than usual and her experience on mentoring you probably even made her more confident in herself as well.
“So uh…just remember to be on the lookout for these types of fungi, since they can be quite aggressive and it would land you a few days in the bed if you get attacked by them..yeah.” Collei spoke and she was finishing off on a lecture she was giving on the types of fungi in the forest and which ones to avoid. It was quite subtle but you noticed her unconsciously giving a sigh of relief once she had concluded her lesson.
“Collei, are you doing alright?” you asked in concern to which Collei appeared startled for a brief moment before composing herself to face towards you.
“Oh don’t worry about me,I’m fine..well mostly.” Collei responded back. “It’s just that despite having teaching you for quite a while now. I..uh still find it difficult to recall certain details that are crucial for being a knowledgeable forest ranger. Sorry, I just wanted to give you the best of my learning that I can possibly can since you’re my partner after all and I want to become the best for you.” she admitted.
“But Collei,” you rebutted “You’re already the best forest ranger to me, with your determination to become one and now hear doing your best to go out of your comfort zone to teach me, I think that already makes you an amazing forest ranger yourself.” Your encouraging words making Collei a little less nervous and feel a bit better about herself.
“I.. thank you for your kind words, even if I may not be the best out there for you yet hehe. There’s still a lot that I need to learn from Master Tighnari about being a forest ranger but maybe when you are better in your skills we can both go out on expeditions together so you can actively help out!” she spoke with a hopeful expression on her face.
Given that the Crux Fleet and the pirate lifestyle was Beidou’s pride and her everything, Beidou was more than delighted to show her partner the life of a pirate and offer than a position that will offer a hands-on experience of living  and working aboard the Crux.
Be it above or below deck, the Crux definitely has a place best suited to your abilities to become an efficient sailor on aboard. As her s/o however, on the occasion she might give you a brief special privilege on being beside her on board.
“Yo, Y/n!! We’re about to approach Gunyun Stone Forest soon, how about you come up here and I can offer you a better view?” Beidou chimed towards you as you were carrying out your duties on board.
Expressing your interest in becoming a member of the Crux Fleet as well was possibly one of the most life-changing decisions you could have possibly made, experiencing an unconventional lifestyle and your s/o being the captain herself giving you the best insight into it.
Beidou was more than willing to let you help out on board, everyone regardless of their status had an important role to play in the Crux, especially you, while Beidou gave a tad bit more privileges to than she usually would to others though.
“Coming Beidou!!” you replied back as you snapped out of your thoughts back to reality. The captain herself was indulging in the view in front of her on the captain’s deck as you appaorched her.
“So y/n, what do ya think? Life on board the Crux Fleet is pretty awesome right?” Beidou proudly inquired. And with a smile on your face and leaning on her shoulder, you answered, “It certainly is, Beidou.”
Kujou Sara
The Tenryou Commission General regarded her position to be one of utmost importance given to serve the Shogun to her fullest. So when you expressed interest in her occupation, she could not be more satisfied that her partner shared the same aspirations on serving the Shogun as her.
She would proudly show you,her partner,the duties of serving in the Shogunate,but might refrain you from pitching in at first before she decided you were adequately taught enough to do so.
You were finishing off paperwork in the Tenryou Commission for the day, eagerly anticipating the completion of the stacks. Sure it may have been mundane and repetitive work but Sara had mentioned how work under the Shogunate should be carried out to its best regardless of its nature, so you went ahead with it.
“Ah, you have finished the entire stack assigned for you today, excellent.” the booming voice of your girlfriend echoed down the hall as you looked up to make eye contact with her.
“It’s getting late now, leave the rest of the reviewing to tomorrow, for now let us proceed to make sure everything is left as it was before we leave.” Sara mentioned, her meticulous nature showed at its finest when it came to serving under the Shogunate.
Frankly speaking, you may not have personally enjoyed the dull lifestyle that a position in the Shogunate had despite its prestige. But the fact that Sara was also counting on you to ensure the Shogun was best served had spurred you on.
“Don’t worry, I will ensure as you have ordered.” you responded back, with Sara giving an approving nod. You secretly wished however that she could bring you outside sometime to witness the more exciting stuff such as archery training, but everything has its own time.
Remember to share and reblog if you liked it!!
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Wow the Sumeru archon quest was…something alright (I don’t think it’s rlly a spoiler so I’ll leave it here)
Anyways that means I can open requests for Tighnari,Collei and Dori(platonic ONLY for her) Ig,so feel free to ask away
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Recommend ideas or requests for me to write lmao
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Firework Display
A/N: I know, a very creative title there, anyways a short Yoimiya drabble to *hopefully* summon her to come home (ehe), besides I haven't written for her in a while so why not ?
Fic down below:
The night sky was painted with diverse vibrant colours, with the sparkly orange and yellow from the fireworks lighting up the starry night Inazuman sky, filled with the cheers from fascinated children around. At the centre of the scene was the Queen of the Summer Festival herself, Naganohara Yoimiya, whom the children were all gathered around as she occasionally shifted her glance towards either the brightly lit sky or towards her brightest firework in the sky, you.
As she bid farewell to the children who were being called over by their parents, Yoimiya made her way over to you, her undeniable beauty and gorgeous smile perfectly complimenting the lively atmosphere around her which was a view that many, especially you, could state as a fact. In fact, she never failed to give off such an impression every summer festival in Inazuma, her talent at creating joyous memories with her work being all she prided on, and now with you, she could further brighten up her own summer with your presence around.
“Hey y/n!! Come over here, I want to show you something!!” she happily chirped as she ran off to a secluded spot with you tagging along behind.
As you both settled in, Yoimiya held your hand tightly as she grinned in anticipation of what was to come. With a whistle and a resounding bang was a firework display of the words “I LOVE YOU” as Yoimiya turned to faced you with glee and went “Did you like it? I made it specially for you!!!”
You let out a smile as you wrapped an arm around her and she did the same in return. There was truly no better place, time, or person than you could be in or with as Yoimiya rejoiced over you accepting her cheesy display of confession.
“I love you y/n, my little firework.”
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sleepyditto · 2 years
hi hi!! get ready for some tissues for ur issues. ooh okayok, 3am thoughts. so basically gn!reader is terminally ill but never tells the characters(Yae Miko, Keqing, Mona) then spends their last days with them doing all their favorite things, ignoring every concerned signs thrown at them until the very end they explain why they were companying them frequently at their fav places and then saying their final proper goodbyes. excited to see what my fav writer has up the sleeves now -😈
Keeping Your Terminal Illness from Her
Characters: Yae Miko, Keqing, Mona x gn!reader
Warnings: themes of death and sickness, mentions of blood
A/n: None
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• Your illness was fast and quick, it seemed like one day you contracted it and the next you find yourself coughing blood. In a similar manner, it felt like one day you had met your soulmate, Yae Miko, the next you were striped of a life with her.
• When the signs became more and more apparent and harder to hide you knew your time was coming. You wanted to hide yourself from her because you knew your life was too short to cry over spilled milk. Although you’d be a mere page in Miko’s 500+ year story, to you she was the entire book.
• You knew she was a busy woman, making a request that you wanted to have a little vacation time alone together doing her favorite things. It was rare to have even a day to yourselves, let alone multiple. You just wanted her to remember you fondly, and you wanted your last days to be full of her smiles and laughter.
Your eyes grew tired, feeling that you only had little more than a night left to live. Your sickness caught up to your optimism, it becoming too hard to mask as your skin turned pale and your eyes drooped low. The blood that you coughed up too frequently and staining your shirt. Miko would comment on it, “My dear, are you feeling okay? I’ve never seen you look so sickly.”
She was a smart fox, she knew you weren’t okay no matter what you said, and something was terribly wrong. “To be quite honest with you, these past couple of days I have been nothing but happy in your company. But you seem... You seemed like something was holding you back the entire time,” she tried to dig. The night stroll you two we’re taking had become spoiled. “The more you hide from me the harder it’ll be for me to continue to greet you with a smile.” 
“Miko,” her sweet name was all you managed to say before you began to rethink your actions. A way to tell her without dropping a weight on her heart, you started to regret withholding such crucial information from her. “Will you accompany me to sleep tonight? I’ll be okay as long as I am by your side,” was all you managed to say. Although it could’ve been interpreted wrong, it was enough to get your point across.
Your words struck her, she felt uneasy from your sudden change of heart. “What are you implying right now?” she asked you, her ears drooping low to the ground. “You can sleep with me, you’ll wake up next to me like always. I’ll hold you all night like always if that’s what you wish. You will wake up and the first thing you’ll see is me, like always,” she tried to justify and make sense of what you were saying. If you denied her words right then and there, she would never recover. Trying to comfort her with unresponsive silence.
You knew her eternal loneliness ever since she was a small kitsune, being abandoned by Raiden Ei and Kitsune Saiguu alike. That night she helped you limp back home, she couldn’t sleep, staring at your body and ensuring your breath was constant. Sometime that night, she couldn’t recall, your body grew cold and she knew you had fled from the mortal plane. 
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• Your illness was always a secret from Keqing, the moment you contracted it you decided all you wanted to do was to spend your remaining days with the Yuheng. You decided that even if your fever was over 100, and if your skin turned pale, you would fake a happy face to relieve her the stress of finding an impossible cure.
• You would carry your contract with yourself to the grave. Not saying a word until the last moments. Even though you admitted how annoying it was, you wanted to hear the young woman’s stern voice bossing you around. It would pain you to see her treat you nicely just because of your sickness. You wanted things to be stagnant in your memories.
• You didn’t particularly ask for a week off from Keqing, knowing her schedule would not allow it upon such short notice. But you knew how much she adored camping, begging her to let you join her on her next expedition. It was one thing to hide your sickness from her, but to succumb while she was absent from home would be too much pain for you to silently bare.
Your bones grew weaker and frail, it became visible that you were struggling to carry your weight. Keqing got upset with you at first, “You were the one who wanted to come on this trip, don’t tell me you’ve gotten weak on me,” she tried motivating you the only way she knew how to. That was until you dropped, your knees buckling from underneath you.
She waited for a moment or two for you to pick yourself up, realizing that wasn’t the case she rushed over. picking you up in her arms as she knelt, “Come on, there’s not much time left until the sun sets and we’re almost at the campsite.” that was until she realize the blood in your right palm, raising her own hand to your forehead to check your temperature. Now that she thought twice about it, your face was pale, and you were acting oddly strange.
“Are you sick? We’ll see Dr. Baizhu first thing in the morning,” She asked confused. “If you felt so bad we didn’t have to go sightseeing, we could’ve stayed near the tent, you need to communicate these things to me or I’ll never know,” her stern lectures comforted you regardless of your situation. You felt your eyes losing motivation to stay open, your life flashing before your eyes.
Debating whether you should tell her the truth you allowed Keqing to help you limp back to the site. Laying down by the firewood with a log supporting you, Keqing taking her place next to you as she cooked up some rice water. Glancing at you every now and then she took note of how sleepy you looked. “You need to stay awake and eat or you’ll never recover your strength. I’m no doctor, but I can make some remedies with herbs,” you grew saddened at how focused she was on your recovery. “What’re your symptoms?” She asked.
“...Keqing, I love you,” you said with no context, ignoring her question. It somewhat creeped her out, making her feel uneasy. She couldn’t tell whether her emotions were caused because of how unwarranted your affection was, or because she got a bad feeling about how deathly you looked. She had no choice but to believe you’d be okay till you got to Liyue Harbor.
“I love you too,” was all she could say, a pit in her stomach as she focused on cooking. You never got to eat her cooking before the life drained from your body, your soul moving somewhere where Keqing wasn’t allowed to venture. Maybe it was cruel and selfish to Keqing, but it was too late to turn back time.
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• You couldn’t hide anything from Mona, full well knowing that she analyzed your constellation too frequently to miss a terminal illness. She would see your future in cryptic letters from the scryglass, and see how your path of stars ended far too short to be considered normal.
• She must’ve been waiting for you to tell her about your illness yourself, but you never did. She acted normal, but you could tell something was on her mind as if she had something lingering on her tongue but chose to bite it instead. So selfishly you wanted to live the remainder of your life without mention of your fate.
• When your illness began to swallow you whole, you asked Mona to join you for the next couple of days stargazing. Traveling to different hills of Mondstadt to see the stars from a different angle. She didn’t hesitate to accept your proposal, not because she loved stargazing, but because she knew from your constellation that you didn’t have much time left.
You felt a shortness of breath, and no motivation to get back up and fight your disease. Still trying to stare at the stars above you in the night sky from your blanket on the grass. Mona must’ve caught on, secretly reading your fate on her scryglass every moment she spent separate from you. Your star alignment giving her anxiety beyond measures. 
She side-eyed you to make sure you were still with her, squatted down she hugged her knees closer to her body for stability, knowing if the stars were right you’d be leaving her tonight. She prayed fate would change, but she knew better than anybody else that what was written in the stars was permanent. She listened to your breathing patterns become irregular, her face white at your sickly appearance.
“I-,” she wanted to say something to you, but she didn’t know what to say. What does she say to her soulmate who will leave her at any minute? She didn’t have any last words prepared for you. She never had thought she’d need to think of such trivial words at such a young age.
“Mona Megistus, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” You interjected, reaching out to place a hand on her bare back. Your cold touch warming her heart. You knew without her telling you, you could never hide anything from the genius astrologer. The burden of telling her this was your last day lifted from your shoulders. “Please don’t ever forget that.” 
A blush on Mona’s face, “This is not the time to be flirting with me,” she said underneath her breath. Your words saddened her even more that she would never hear them again, “Knowing you love me will be enough for the rest of my life,” she averted her gaze from you, not being able to make eye contact with you in denial that you were leaving. Hoping that you’d reject her words and comfort her anxiety... but you never did.
Her eyes glazing over with tears, barely noticable in the night sky. Thinking if she could’ve done anything different to reverse your illness. Maybe it wouldn’t be too late to take you to the old hag and consult with her, or maybe if she had went behind your back and told the Knights of Favonius, or maybe even the church nuns would have a cure. 
All these thoughts poured into her head when she already knew there was no other way. “Please don’t leave me,” she whispered as she reached for your hand, watching you with fondness despite your delicate look. Wiping a small trail of tears away from her cheeks, she decided to lay beside your sleeping breath. Her head resting on your chest as she listened to your slow heartbeat. Staying up all night while she waited for death inevitably to claim you, she wondered if she’d ever see you again.
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sleepyditto · 2 years
hii may i request ei x reader soft fluff hcs? have a nice day!
A/n: I'm sorry this took quite a while lmao, I hardly receive requests so it for me a while to notice yours, I didn't make it very long bcs I couldn't think of much with soft fluff but here my two cents on it so hope you enjoy
Feel free to request any scenarios if you want and I'll do my best to answer them
CW: none just fluff, no pronouns implied
Under the cut!!
Ei Soft Fluffs HCs
-Depending on your relationship progress, I’m guessing she’s quite shy at first,poor girl is literally so confused about how relationships work after spending a long time in isolation
-But over time, she’ll eventually gain confidence and start to grasp an idea of how romantic relationships work(she’s still trying her best so pls be patient)
-Coming to public, Ei doesn’t really associate with anyone else other than you and Yae Miko, and since Miko has shrine duties,you’ll usually be seen accompanying her
-Take her out on walks across Inazuma, she’s curious to see how things have changed
-You both buy snacks to eat together along the way, a stop at the dango milk stall along the way while strolling across the city for Ei’s preferences
-I think that Ei is one of those kinds that constantly love to hold her partner’s hands while out in public, she probably has the need to be physically touching her partner in some way
-It brings her a sense of warmth and comfort <333
-Later on,she may even kiss your hands!!
-Coming to private,Ei’s naturally more reserved nature drops as she becomes more relaxed and comfortable alone with her lover
-Tea sessions with her in the privacy of her estate,where you both can just talk about things or enjoy the moment silently 
-She would love hearing your experience of the outside world, considering she as a goddess herself probably would be curious as to what kind of lifestyle you live
-Overall, as long as you are patient and kind with,she will treat you like the best person in existence
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Nothing,Just Drunk Kazuha
It was supposed to be nothing more than a session together with your boyfriend, hanging about the new bar that had recently opened for business in Liyue. Entertaining his embrace for novelty,you tagged along with him to see what the latest fad had to offer. Yet both of you were not expecting what was to be an eventful outcome at the bar.
“Kazuha? Are you alright?” His slouched figure over the bar table was making you nervous, usually Kazuha remained sober enough to not cause any concern but his posture indictated he unfortunately got carried away this time.
“Hmm…huh? Oh the adventure..” he slurred as you did your best to not become frantic in the bar over what was happening to him. Then it hit you.
Carefully, pushing aside the glass away from Kazuha and mustering your strength to carry him, you stepped out into the night Liyue atmosphere to hopefully find a place to crash for the night. When you eventually managed to grab a place, you tenderly laid him down on the bed for him to silently drift into Dreamland, knowing that whatever happens to him in the morning, be it headache or hangover, you will be there for him.
“Rest well, my dear.”
“Hmmm…yes the adventure.”
A/n: Just Drunk Kazuha
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sleepyditto · 2 years
My inactive ass is coming back
I’ll post something soon
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Summer Fantasia Prompt
I got inspired by the 2.8 livestream so I made some short drabbles about them wanting to bring their s/o to the GAA (note this is non-canon btw I'm just going of what I think)
Characters: Kazuha,Mona,Fischl,Xinyan
CW: none just fluff(which I can tell I'm not very good at),gn reader
Under the cut!
You had already grown accustomed to the travelling lifestyle of the wandering samurai, usually he would be away for a few weeks off on a venture of his own whilst you stayed behind aboard Beidou’s ship waiting for him to return with souvenirs bought back from his travels. You occasionally worried about him, but considering his ability to defend himself if needed and that this type of freedom was something Kazuha cherished, you usually did not give it much thought. Yet the more souvenirs he bought back, the more you grew curious about the outside world besides Beidou’s ship and Liyue Harbour,you did want to find out what it was about travelling off to far-flung lands that appealed so much to Kazuha. So when he went to inform Beidou about how we would be away exploring some place he mentioned, the Golden Apple Archipelago, you quickly chimed in on how you wanted to tag along with Kazuha this time on his travels.
“Oh? You’ve decided for a change in scenery as well? In that case I’ll be more than happy to oblige my dear.”
To your surprise, you soon figured out that Kazuha had not embarked on this journey alone this time, as you soon met with the Traveller, whom Kazuha had spoken fondly of whilst describing his adventures to you along with a few others who had tagged along for the journey. You mostly stayed in a group together during the journey for the most part though. However, Kazuha managed to find time to spend just with you during one night as you laid on a beach stargazing out into the stars above, wondering what their symbolism meant. You sensed that Kazuha actually felt a greater sense of joy, sensing how much you had enjoyed being able to experience different lands and experiencing the freedom that he cherished so much. As you drifted off with your head in Kazuha’s lap, you could barely hear him gently expressing his gratitude to you.
“This journey is perhaps the most fulfilling out of all the ones I’ve been on so far, your presence brings more happiness to me seeing that I can now share more of the outside worl together with you. Rest well, my dear.”
The young astrologer frankly was not much of someone who would travel much,that is of course unless it involved either stargazing or Mora (the latter you had helped her to manage better). So it came as a surprise initially when she suddenly had expressed her interest in deciding to visit a distant place called the Golden Apple Archipelago(at least that was what you had remembered?) since she had not expressed any desire to visit outside of Mondstadt since moving here. But the reason became clear, she had heard that the place, being far from civilization, offered a valhalla of constellations that she could stargaze and also perhaps a front page cover on the astrology magazine she was working for with her findings. You realised that you both were too preoccupied with your usual lives lately, so you thought about this could also be an opportunity to re-kindle together while she took on what could be the breakthrough of her mundane life.
“Hmm? Oh you want to follow me on what could possibly be the greatest breakthrough in my astrology so far? Normally I wouldn’t oblige but since it’s you…I’ll make an exception I guess…”
(She is actually excited at such a prospect but puts up the act bcs she needs to keep her pride as soon-to-be-the-greatest-astrologer astrologer after all)
You both found out soon that you were not just the only ones who had decided to embark on the journey to the archipelago though,as there were a few others and the Traveller present there as well. While you usually went around together as a group, Mona genuinely wished she was not constantly bombarded with questions about her relationship with you since she was not exactly that type. Which was why she found solace in being able to retreat away just with you to a quiet stargazing corner where she could begin on researching the plethora of constellations in the sky, even some she had never been able to record down before. You being her partner unfortunately could not help in that area since your knowledge of astrology was dwarfed in comparison to hers. What you could help with however was being there for her as you leaned on her shoulder simply admiring the starry sky and keeping her company. Mona actually deeply treasured moments like this,a win-win scenario where she could further her astrology expertise and spend some quality time with you.
“I’m guessing you also knew how we haven’t been able to spend as much time together lately. Admittedly, there is a lack of opportunity where I can be fulfilled with both my work and lover, thus I will enjoy this moment while it lasts.”
The Prinzessin der Verurteilung had some experience in travel, being tasked as an inspector for the Adventurers’ Guild, so similar to Kazuha, you got accustomed to her being away for periods of time as well. However, Fischl had recently been handed a top assignment by the Guild itself to go and investigate into a mysterious place called the Golden Apple Archipelago. Usually, you felt little need to tag along with Fischl on her travels since they were within the confines of Mondstadt, a place Fischl knew how to navigate with ease and being able to also defend herself if needed with her vision. However this time, she was being assigned to a far-flung place that little knew about and even so, your worry for Fischl’s safety increased by a mile considering it was now outside familiar territory. Sure she had Oz who was always on the lookout for her,but if anything were to happen, he may not be able to take care of it with ease as with back in Mondstatdt. So when you requested if you could tag along with Fischl to visit the archipelago together, being one of the closest to Fischl as the Prinzessin’s beloved besides Oz, the Guild,Oz and Fischl herself all saw no problem with it. Besides, it means Fischl gets to spend with you and Oz would have more reassurance over her safety so it ended up being a win-win.
“Thou wish to embark on thy journey to the mysterious lands? Very well then, I shall grant thee, as the Prinzessin’s beloved, permission to journey with me and my trusted companion,Oz”
As you three started on your journey to the mysterious lands,you soon found out that you were not the only ones who had the same intention of investigating the mysterious archipelago,the renowned Traveller and a few others present as well. Fischl tended to boast about how her beloved was her escort for her royal visitation, with Oz as usual helping the others understand her whilst you just enjoyed being able to accompany Fischl. The place was made even better that the place had an entire palace dedicated to her, usually Fischl never felt in place in or around Monstadt besides being with you since her antics were not that welcomed by most. Yet being here, she felt different, as if being here and with just you and Oz at times made her feel more of herself before. It may have been just an expedition, but for her, this moment truly felt surreal yet treasured for her.
“This journey, it reminds me of one which I used to go on as well. They both put me at ease knowing that I can just be myself and not have to worry about what others think of me . Let’s just enjoy this moment right here with just us together.”
(Oz about to tell her she broke form but decided to let it slip since it was just you and her.)
She was not really one to travel outside of Liyue much, but that was the reason you usually did not get to spend as much time with her. Rather, her attempts at putting on a performance was what generally prevented you two from being able to spend as much time together. Since rock was not categorised as a popular form of music in Liyue, it did not come off as a huge surprise when her concert still remained with only the occasional attendees. It was still quite discouraging for her regardless, so you when you heard about a new land called the Golden Apple Archipelago, bringing Xinyan along for a break to such a getaway instantly came to your mind. Xinyan herself did not seem to mind, she was feeling burnt out from the less than satisfactory performances lately and it would help to get herself a breather.
“Well…I guess I could go for a change in scenery after all, times have been pretty tough on me recently with the poor intake in audience, alright then I’ll come with you to this archipelago you mentioned.”
As you and her set off on your getaway to the archipelago, you soon discovered that there were a few others who wanted to visit the place as well, the recognisable Traveller and a few others.You explored the whole place as a whole group, but since you also wanted it to be just a gate away for you two, you managed to set aside some time to allocate to yourselves to have a stroll along the beaches under the night sky. Xinyan found it relieving to get away from the usual let-downs of everyday life, having not been able to take on such an opportunity for quite a while now. A feeling mutually shared with you as you both took in the sights the island had to offer.
“Haha, look at that, this place has given me inspiration for some of my songs already! Thanks for bringing me here on this getaway, I now feel more alive than ever!”
A/n: Thanks for reading if you made it here!
Tags: @definitelynotahutaosimp @genshingorls @kokocoral (Lemme know if you wanna be or don’t wanna be tagged)
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sleepyditto · 2 years
A/N: what better way to return than with an angst fic
CW: gn reader,angst no comfort
The ruin guard in Brightcrown Mountains posed a threat to the safe and tranquil atmosphere of Mondstadt. For Rosaria though, the bulk of a machine was nothing more than a nuisance to her otherwise break she relished from parting church duties. But apparently no one other than her was either capable either or currently busy with other affairs in the Land of Freedom, so ultimately the duty befell upon her. She was expecting it to be quick, nothing too much of hassle that she couldn’t handle.
You however, thought and felt different.
You, however, was not one to accept the possibility of your girlfriend risk a huge injury-having a sketchy idea of the danger Ruin Guards possessed. Overhearing the report from the drunken knights who had been relieved for the day was more than enough to send you running out the gates of Mondstadt and towards the wilderness of Brightcrown Mountains. You obviously knew this type of business was something Rosaria was able to handle on her own,even without any risk of injury. But as her lover, that logic did not apply, you were going to go after her no matter what.
When you finally reached to where Rosaria was, the Ruin Guard was long beaten and frozen to the ground, its core pierced through by another one of Rosaria’s sleek polearms to deal with annoyances like these. She looked unscathed from a distance, after all this was just a particular lone ruin guard, not the invasion of Mondstadt itself. Yet your concern paired with your meticulous eye for detail pertaining to injuries on her, sensing this one had put up a bit more of a fight than the others.
“Woah, calm down,there’s no need to get so worked up about it or…whatever.”, replied Rosaria with an annoyed tone. Rosaria was never really one used to having someone behind her back, having adapted to fending on her own since infanthood. Mentally, that had not changed. Physically, not before you came along, your romantic outlook on life making you seem like a giant simp to those outside, when in actual fact you were just passionate about loving those you loved. This surprisingly did not bother Rosaria much, adding the fact that she had to deal with pestering church nuns who would be objectively seen as less annoying compared to your antics. She was not fully approving of it though, unsurprisingly.
“I’m fine, why are you actually here besides? It’s not safe for someone like you especially if there was a nuisance like this roaming around.”, she inquired. “B-but I couldn’t rest with you out there in mind, what if-”
“Go now. Don’t think about coming back here.”came her swift reply and she disappeared off into the nearby woods quite possibly to escape you and to check on any other threats in the area. Once again,you were left behind with your thoughts, with a possible wishful thinking that Rosaria would at the very least know that she still had somewhere she needed to return.
It didn’t seem that way.
Yet another threat of Treasure Hoarders gathering in the corner of Springvale, duty called for Rosaria to be there again,as expected she went off on her own, this was also no big threat to her after all and your care was quickly dismissed.
Same could be said for the Fatui camping out at the base of Dragonspine, where again,she came,she defeated them, she left and you were once again left behind.
Or that time a Ruin Hunter was roaming near Daduapa Gorge, where she took care of it and left you in the dust.
And it happened with other enemies…
And again…
And again…
And again…
Well,that was until,
This one had not been so routine like the others. The Frostarm Lawachurl was a brute force to be reckoned with,even for someone like Rosaria. Her almost unrivalled and unmatched skill as a swift slayer was still not enough of match to the hulking strength and speed of the beast. So happened to you were out in Dragonspine for the umpteenth time to find Rosaria after the rumours of her going out to eliminate a threat there. But this was an exception. No longer were you left in the dust, you were faster this time or perhaps just too slow to the scene.
The lawachurl was gone, but Rosaria was clear in sight, albeit not a promising one.Covered head to toe in blood from both ends, her polearm clearly having seen better days. As if nothing actually happening to her was already haunting to you, her actually being dealt a blow shattered you whole, sprinting across the frigid cold of Dragonspine in inadequate clothing,but that was far from the top of your concerns now, though.
Yet something felt different, although you could not pinpoint your thoughts to exactly where. Sure, the love of your life you had so dearly cared for was injured right in front of you, but Rosaria had an expression on her face that one would not normally associated with her-a look of being terrified, her widened eyes saying it all,she had clearly underestimated the threat she had to deal with, no longer it just being a nuisance.Her mouth was agape, blood around it, and her face had turned pale-wait it was pale? It could be the Dragonspine climate after all, or she could have just been unconscious from the fight or…
Blood. You then saw the wound at her chest as you got closer. Anxiety turned to denial as you ran in desperation towards her, hoping,hoping that by some miracle, she would still be alive-the Rosaria simply brushing you off and being on her way. The irony of how you wished for that to happen now when presented with the scene in front of you, as you held her motionless and lifeless body in the cold winter, as you thought to yourself about whether she realised how right you were all along, how maybe if you had arrived a bit earlier you could have in any way helped her, how…but it is all too late now,as the the tears from heartbreak from not being able to tell her what you had always always wanted to say to her.
“I love you Rosaria, I truly did,”
Tags: @definitelynotahutaosimp @genshinlover101 @genshingorls (If you want to or don’t want to be tagged,just let me know in the DMs)
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sleepyditto · 2 years
I may post something soon,damn I’m so dead 💀💀
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sleepyditto · 2 years
The Ace Attorney version I’ve been waiting for /j
What do you call Hu Tao when she's being a night owl?
Hoo Tao
No, I will not apologize
Blocked, banned, reported!
Puns are illegal on this Blog, and will punished via capital punishment
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