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sleepy-spudstackz-blog · 5 years ago
The thought out confession
By Makayla Gomes
An Ojiro x neutral!reader
Ojiro hunched over to kiss your forehead. When Ojiro realized what he did, he started blushing like crazy wondering why and how he did what he just did.
Ojiro’s pov*
What the hell did I do!?! Oh no what if she wakes up? What is they know what I did? Dear Lord I’ll be in so much trou----
Ojiro calmed down knowing that what happens in your sleep you’d never remember it unless if you were faking your slumber. Around 3:00 you finally woke up to see that you were laying on Ojiro’s lap.
Your pov*
Huh? Where am-- this is Ojiro’s house.. Did I.. fall asleep? *You look up* Ojiro?!? Wait...DID YA FALL ASLEEP ON HIM?!?
Ojiro had been asleep for an hour after the past events. You were too embarrassed and lazy to wake him up so you laid there until you felt like he was about to wake up. A quick fifteen minutes later Ojiro had woken up and wasn’t quick to remember that you were in his house.
Oh hey Ojiro! You finally woke up!
GAHH! Oh hey Y/ kinda shocked me there.
Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you…I was just chilling while you were asleep and well I’ve known you since kindergarten and you can forget things easily.
Classic me…*he looks at the clock and sees the time; 4:03 a.m* Hey it’s pretty early in the morning so why don’t you stay over and have breakfast with me and maybe come with me to the store?
Oh yeah of course! That sounds like fun!!!
Ojiro had gotten up and started making breakfast and you decided to help him cook. After eating and doing things that you would normally do in the morning you headed out the time is currently 5:23. You headed out to the store and had gotten some things, and not much later you had bumped into Izuku and Kirishima.
Izuku: Oh hey Y/N! Long time no see! How have you been!!!
Kirishima: Oh yeah hey Y/N! Oh and, *Kiri looks at Ojiro and scoffs in disgust* you…
Izuku: Anyway what are you doing here Y/N and with...THAT.
You clearly saw that Ojiro was uncomfortable and a bit sad.
Will you
A)stand up for Ojiro. or
B)leave Kiri and izuku and continue shopping with Ojiro
If you choose A:
Ok… at first it was pleasant to see y’all again… OF COURSE until you both started talking bad about Ojiro so you both can go on about your day without talking to me or Ojiro. Also has anyone told you that that green hair REALLY doesn’t look good on you. And you Kiri, maybe you should have just given up on being a hero in middle school cuz right now you and Izuku are acting like bullies or even worse a Whole VILLAIN.
You and Ojiro walked away.
Umm...Y/N… thanks for what you did back there…
No problem Ojiro! * a slight blush runs across your face. *
If you choose B:
You had enough of Kiri and Izuku picking on Ojiro so you had used your quirk just to paralyze Kiri and Izuku long enough for you both to leave far from the two.
Umm...Y/N… why would you do that…
I did it because I had enough of them talking to you like that and plus I didn’t want to go off on them or I may have gone hostile like in the sixth grade…
Thank you…
No problem…* a slight blush runs across your face. *
A few hours later you and Ojiro had finally finished shopping. It was originally planned to take at most five minutes but of course you love food (cuz who doesn’t) you had to stop at each free sample stand and there were a lot of free samples, it had also spoiled what Ojiro had in mind.
Y/N: Who knew that those double built burger bite would be so well...BUILT!
Ojiro: I mean the man there did warn us about how stuffed the little thing was.
Y/N: Well any ways Ojiro, you said you wanted to tell me something when we got back to your place, right?
Ojiro: Umm...well you see…
As Ojiro was about to explain himself you had bumped into another old classmate Katsuki Bakugo or as you called him Kacchan, he always let it slide because he was one of the people who had and still did have a crush on you.
Kacchan: Oh hey Y/N! How are you!
Y/N: Hi Kacchan I’m good! How are you!
Ojiro: Hello Bakugo.
Kacchan: My day was pretty trash till now. What brings you here?
Y/N: Shopping with Ojiro. What bout you?
Kacchan: Oji-who?
Y/N: Oh yeah! You had just remembered that Katsuki never used anyone’s name besides your name so he never learned anyone’s name. I was just going shopping with monkey man as you would call him.
Ojiro: I—um me and Y/N need to get going. * Ojiro grabs your hand and pulls you toward the way of his house. *
The longer Ojiro was holding your hand the more you would blush. Before you knew it you were at his house.
Y/N:Hey Oji-kun. Um you can let go of my hand said this while hiding your heavy red blush that ran across your face giving you a warm prickly feeling.
Ojiro: Oh! I’m sorry Y/N I really didn’t mean to! I was just —wait O-OJI-KUN?!?
Ojiro: N-No Y/N it’s fine I’m the sorry one for holding your hand without permission.
After everything was settled down and you had fallen asleep on the couch Ojiro had left to pickup something he said he had ordered.
⚠️⚠️From this point on the story is in Ojiro’s view point.⚠️⚠️
Ojiro had left to get something he had ordered then he started over thinking.
Ojiro’s pov: all that’s left is for me to pick up Y/N’s favorite flowers that I ordered and then I should be ready for the confession… Oh but what if they say no and what if it’s their choice and their heart… I’ll except any answer even if it’s not the one I wanted…
Ojiro had gotten the flowers and had left the ordering place and returned to his house fast enough in order to complete everything else that he had planned out. When he got home you were still sleeping and he was able to finish the plan.
Ojiro: Hey Y/N… wake up something came up..
Y/N: what’s wrong Oji-Kun? Is it something bad?
When you woke up and rubbed your eyes you had seen a homemade cake with frost blue frosting and a bouquet of flowers but not any flowers, they were your favorite ones.
Y/N: Hey Oji-kun? What’s all this?
He handed you a card that read “ If you keep reading this at a slower pace then you will be giving a surprise that may be good or bad depending on how you feel about the gift giver. Now at this point you can look up.
And so you did and saw Ojiro with a poster with the words of your favorite poem How do I love thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Ojiro: How do I love Thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to depth and breadth and height My soul can reach when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
Y/N: O-oji-kun??? * a blush runs across your face and you can feel your heart practically beating out of your chest. *
Ojiro: Y/N what I’m trying to say is… I love you to the point where every encounter we have I want to hold you in my arms and never let go. I love you to the point that whenever you aren’t with me my heart begs for your smile, your laugh, your face and your everything. I envy other men that get your full attention to the point where I wish we were the only two there. Y/N わたしは、あなたを愛しています(Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu/ I love you)
Y/N: I-Ojiro.. 私もあなたを愛してます
(Watashi mo anata o aishitemasu/ I love you too)
You run up to Ojiro and give him a kiss and he was caught dumbfounded but quickly returned the tender kiss tilting his head to match up with your lips perfectly.
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sleepy-spudstackz-blog · 5 years ago
I was listening to an ASMR voiced by WhenSarahSmiles(YouTube)/MakeThisCanon and wrote this very fanfic
The thought out confession
By Makayla Gomes
An Ojiro x neutral!reader
It was like any other day. Ojiro was at home when you decided to go over to his house. It was around 10:35 p.m. *knock knock* Ojiro got up from the couch to the sound of knocking on his front door. “Hello? Who’s there?” He hesitantly opened the door, “OJIRO!” You immediately hugged him when he opened the door. You didn't see this but Ojiro’s face flushed a light shade of pink. “Hi (reader’s name) h-how are you?” You stopped hugging him to say hi to him “I've been good how ’bout you! It’s been way too long!” “ Well it’s only been a day since we last talked but i've missed you.”
From what you were wearing and the cold breeze coming in the house from the outside Ojiro didn’t wait any longer before letting you in his house. “Back on topic. How have you been?” “I’ve been good. Anyhow, what brung you here?” “Just wanted to see a friend. One that doesn't have a major crush on me or hates my guts.” At UA high, almost all of your classmates had a crush on you except Ochako who hated you for a mysterious reason. You had a guess as to why though. “Yeah a friend who totally doesn’t have a crush on you.” Ojiro was going to confess to you today but now he just felt guilty. He took your coat and you both headed toward the living room.
You both sat on his couch, when your quirk accidently activated and Ojiro had fallen to the floor your first thought was to help him up when something fall out of his pocket. It was a folded piece of paper.
What will you do?:
Help up Ojiro or B) Look at the piece of paper
If you chose (A) read this:
You immediately bent over to help Ojiro to get up. You put your arms around his torso and used all your strength to lift him up. All you were able to do was to have him sit up against the couch. You looked at his face, his eyes were white. That's what would normally happen to the people your quirk affected. You made direct eye contact with his eyes and deactivated your quirk. “Ugh-- what happened?” “My quirk accidently activated and well you know you…” “Passed out?” “How did you possibly know?” You said sarcastically for this wasn't the first time this happened to him. *He spots the folded piece of paper and picks it up quickly.*
If you chose (B) read this:
Altho you were worried about Ojiro, your curiosity took over you. You carefully bent over to pick up the slip of paper, unfolded it and you read; Pick up the ordered at 12:00 p.m get card, eggs, milk, flour, sugar and frost blue food coloring.
It, of course, was in Ojiro’s handwriting. It looked like any old shopping list. So you re-fold it and put it back in Ojiro’s pocket. You bend over to help Ojiro to get up. You put your arms around his torso and used all your strength to lift him up. All you were able to do was to have him sit up against the couch. You looked at his face. His eyes were white; that’s what would normally happen to the people your quirk affected. You made direct eye contact with his eyes and deactivated your quirk. “Ugh-- what happened?” “My quirk accidently activated and well you know…” “Passed out?” “How did you possibly know?” You said sarcastically for this wasn't the first time this happened to him.
Hours later, after the 9th movie that you too watched together, you fell asleep on Ojiro.
*Ojiro pov*
Well I should have expected it but I didn't know they would just fall asleep on my lap! They look so peaceful just sleeping there. I wouldn’t want to disrupt their sleep so should I just sit here till you wake up or...I’ll just wait. Maybe I could..
Ojiro hunched over to kiss your forehead. When Ojiro realized what he did, he started blushing like crazy wondering why and how he did what he just did.
So how was it?
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