sleepy-dodo · 2 days
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(Fan Art!)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Pride Month! I wanted to draw more this month, but life was hectic. I’m happy I could finish this piece that’s been sitting in my WIPs for months. Frank and Eddie are so cute and I just want them to be gay and in love 💜💛🏳️‍🌈
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sleepy-dodo · 3 days
Do NOT come near his husband!
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My pickerwheel sure has a lot of Content about my favorite husbands and I am all here for it! It was really fun to make a more detailed rendering of this drawing this time around, even though it was a pain in the ass to turn the five-fingered reference into a four-fingered hand xD I apologize in advance for posting a little less, I have quite some things to catch up in university and also my social life (I also really have to prioritize sleep before that turns into an issue haha)
So, thanks in advance for your patience and have a lovely day <3
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sleepy-dodo · 7 days
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sleepy-dodo · 7 days
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The Pickerwheel is back! When I read the Wiki I just knew that I HAD to draw this someday and looks like the wheel has chosen! I really love drawing the characters with different patterns on their clothing each time :) Thank you @bladedheavens for suggesting the idea of making them miraculously land on each others lips Also my search history is now absolutely wrecked because I just could NOT find any good references of people colliding with each other
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sleepy-dodo · 7 days
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Wanted to do something silly..
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sleepy-dodo · 8 days
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Happy Pride Month from Welcome Home's best mailman and smartest neighbor! I finally got some free time to draw something quick before pride month ends (My Schedule has become quite hectic lately! Gaahh! )
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sleepy-dodo · 8 days
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I wanted to draw my favorite, grumpiest neighbor...Frank Frankly :D
This moth is an Ascalapha odorata, more commonly known as "black witch moth". It represents (if I did my reaserches correctly) death :)
I'm not really proud of this artwork but I figured I'd still post it
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sleepy-dodo · 10 days
Happy Pride!
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This time no Pickerwheel, just a Drawing for Pride Month! I am just about to go to Pride myself now, so this is the perfect time to post this! To everyone out there: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! Take care of yourselves and spread the love and kindness that we all deserve <3 Love you guys!
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sleepy-dodo · 10 days
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(I won't apologize))
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sleepy-dodo · 12 days
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🎶 He wears tan shoes and pink shoe laces... 🎶
This song makes me think of Barnaby for some reason...so I drew him :D
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sleepy-dodo · 12 days
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Eddie as a drag queen, MY BELOOOOOOVED ❤️
Also my sketches :)
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