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Thought I was waking up from a dream but I was frozen in place while I just heard a 50s game show host voice shouting: “That’s right! It was ME! I was the one who perished!” HORRIFYING.
Something about 50s game show hosts and the word ‘perished’ just makes it 1000% time spookier. That’s a rough one anon!
What’s your spooky sleep story?
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Interesting celebrities to appear in my sex dreams in recent years:
Mila Kunis
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Now this one isn’t too weird at all. I mean I’d rewatched Black Swan with this ^ sex scene between her and Natalie Portman’s characters and I dreamed of being between her legs just the same.
Mark Sheppard
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Now this one is a little more interesting. This was after I’d watched the episode of Supernatural where Crowley was addicted to human blood and was crying in bed in his pajamas anddddd I guess just the hotel room imagery stuck and next thing ya know I’m dreaming I’m coming underneath Mark Sheppard in a hotel room.
John Oliver
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Now this one is just... Came outta left field. Like... I like John Oliver plenty but I hadn’t watched his show or anything with him in it super recently to this dream but here I was dreaming I was resurfacing after sucking some dick and who was the recipient? John fuckin Oliver. Good for him. Good for me.
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me: I will try to go to bed early tonight like everyone says is important instead of waiting until I am physically incapable of staying awake like I usually do my sleep paralysis: that's it jimbo, you're going to the eight hour paralysis hell
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What’s your spooky sleep story?
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Probably a month after RBG died (rip 😢) I woke up, or thought I woke up but I couldn’t move. My eyes darted over to the end of my bed and motherfuckin AMY CONEY BARRETT was just sitting there with a creepy as smile and she slowly, creepily handed me a little mini pumpkin. Worst sleep paralysis demon of all time.
Rest In Peace to RBG. But holy FUCK that sounds like the worst kind of sleep paralysis demon. Most of em you can chalk up to watching a scary movie or late night indigestion but that’s some real life horror shit. Sleep better anon.
What’s your spooky sleep story?
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I’d heard stuff before about sleep paralysis being an explanation for alien abduction stories and didn’t get it because my sleep paralysis had always just been scary shadow figures in the corner of my room. But then I half woke up I guess a few weeks ago and felt like a heavy pressure on my chest and felt like someone was breathing on my face and then I saw a really bright light outside my window and heard this loud blaring sound and it felt like my body was vibrating... when I woke up for real the light and noise and pressure were all gone
We love an alien abduction story! Sounded spooky though, best wishes anon.
What’s your spooky sleep story?
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I’ve had issues with mice in my apartment because it’s a pretty old building and the pipes are accessible from the street. Every once in a while I’ve half woken up to the sound of scratching and squeaking over top of me like it was coming from the ceiling. Here’s hoping it was sleep paralysis and not the mice coming back!
Yikes! I don’t know about that one, be sure to keep your apartment clean then I guess? Get some humane traps and get some sleep!
What’s your spooky sleep story?
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When I was a little kid I remember waking up in the middle of the night to a clown just sitting on the end of my bed and I couldn’t wake up or move or shut my eyes. It just sort of rose from the floor on the end of my bed until it was practically at the ceiling just looming over me..
I’ve said it once I’ll say it again, FUCK CLOWNS! Thanks for sharing.
What’s your spooky sleep story?
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What is sleep paralysis?
“A temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking.”
“Episodes involve not being able to speak or move while falling asleep or upon waking. This usually lasts one or two minutes, and is often frightening.”
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