sleepmort · 2 days
{ I’m very tired from work so don’t expect much activity today }
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sleepmort · 3 days
“You’re not c-cool your mean!”
Don’t be mean to the sleepy morty >:((
I'll do whatever I want. I'm kewl.
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sleepmort · 3 days
I don't have much a modern kid would enjoy but... I'm sending you a mulberry pie. It's a common dessert where I live, I hope you enjoy it.
— @plague-rick
Morty catches the pie! He’s confused about the smell but decides to eat it. Emotional support pie is the best form of pie.
“T..thank you Rick”
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sleepmort · 3 days
“Y..yeah! Ricks suck!”
He likes this Morty hopefully he can meet them outside the hospital someday.
“Teen Rick invited me to a wedding and I can’t go.”
He’s very sad that he can’t go to the event
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sleepmort · 3 days
“S..sorry sniff”
He rubbed his tearful eyes
“Teen Rick invited me to a wedding and I can’t go.”
He’s very sad that he can’t go to the event
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sleepmort · 3 days
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My Henchmen are getting married. Here's a wedding invite. - Teen Rick Prime
At first he’s very happy to get a invite until the sadly remembers he can’t leave.
He frowns.
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sleepmort · 3 days
“Teen Rick invited me to a wedding and I can’t go.”
He’s very sad that he can’t go to the event
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sleepmort · 3 days
O-Oh gosh, you look like my daughter Mindy- W-Well, an opposite sex version-! Are they feedin ya enough over there? H-Here, I'll send you home-made Chicken Noodle Soup from the stovepot.
The chicken noodle soup has been sent through the ask portal. Morty’s expression is unreadable but once he catches the soup and opens it he starts to cry.
The soup is the exact same as what his Jerry used to make..
He misses his stupid, simple, boring dad. He would do so much to see him again. To hear his voice, to hug him. He took his family for granted and all that remains is Rick.
He rubs his left eye and continues to cry quietly so he won’t wake up any of the other patients.
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sleepmort · 3 days
"You've got a lot going on, don't you, kid?" -@presidentpawn
“N..not really.. it’s very quiet for now and I’ve been reading about d-dragons to pass the time! A nice Rick sent some books for me to read.”
He smiles at the camera but exhaustion is present in his eyes. @presidentpawn
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sleepmort · 3 days
My Henchmen are getting married. Here's a wedding invite. - Teen Rick Prime
At first he’s very happy to get a invite until the sadly remembers he can’t leave.
He frowns.
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sleepmort · 4 days
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-Sends him three stuffed plushie dragons two journals with dragons on them and a book about dragons to read.-
Morty hears things falling through the ask portal. He quickly gets up out of bed and catches the stuffed animals but gets hit in the face by the books. How careless.
He fixes the mess he’s made and afterwards he becomes completely engrossed with one of the journals about dragons.
He’s very happy that he’s met this Rick. -@nihilistic-rick
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sleepmort · 4 days
“I.. I’m well! I have gifts now and it makes me very happy..!”
He’s excited to talk to another Rick now that his disappeared. He waved to the camera to the other Rick hoping that he sees.
“Ball Fondlers? What’s that..? A..A tv show of some kind?”
Hi R..Rick! or uhmn… other Rick? How are you?
I’m alright, I’m watching ball fondlers until a ‘trusted’ can open my med cabinet. how are you, other morty?
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sleepmort · 4 days
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Have a comfortable sleep
This Morty now has stuffed animals scattered across his room. He wanted to clean up a little more but he fell asleep on one of the plush flowers. He’s very comfortable and happy.
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sleepmort · 4 days
“O-oh.. hello.. other Rick!”
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sleepmort · 5 days
can i send a weighted blanket please
A weighted blanket has been sent down the ask portal!!! Morty hears it thumping down into his room. He’s confused at first but after examining it he takes it to his bed and replaces the thin cheap plastic hospital sheet on his bed.
He’s very happy with this gift. Now he won’t be cold throughout the night.
“Th..thank you anon”
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sleepmort · 5 days
is it possible to give him a hug?
{ Hugs can’t be given but you can send stuffed animals down the ask portal for his comfort. -Admin 💙 }
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sleepmort · 5 days
are you doing okay today?
“I.. I am well! I’ve gotten a lot of food.. and the loud noises have quieted down. My arm still hurts but besides that.. I’m okay!”
He scratches his thigh nervously but smiles softly at the camera.
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