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Zoë Kravitz in Vincent N Roxxy (2016)
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mumu (multi-muse) plot ideas
pt 1: 
Band members on tour
A four or six part band, on the road playing shows for adoring fans. Radio appearances, staying in hotels, hiding from paps or over-obsessed stalker fans. Recording sessions in the studio whenever humanly possible. A ton of ot4/ot6 vibes because there’s nothing quite like doing what you love on stage with your best friends, or exploring the world with them. 
Youtube friends
Doesn’t really matter how big your group is for this, it’ll work. It started with some mutual subscriptions. Some friendly youtube comments. Eventually there was social networking on other sites, and then a few video collaborations here and there. Fast-forward, your characters’s channels have gotten mega popular. There are joint meet ups, taking selfies with subscribers, trips all over the world (youtube videos at disney world, or on the London eye anyone?) The group are all great friends, and what’s best is that they’re having the time of their lives just recording the fun! 
Boarding School 
There are so many ways you could go with this honestly. Study groups are cute, maybe have your muses in one of those - studying super hard to keep their scholarships? Or you could have them in separate cliques, having to defend each other to their friends who have never liked that other group. Or you could have a some of your characters as scholarship kids, and the rest as rich kids, a ton of clashing and a ton of pining to be accepted into the rich circle. The possibilities are endless. 
A modern coven maybe? I’m just thinking like some teenagers who’s grandparents had magic, but it skipped a gen or so. As a consequence they’ve got to figure out how to use it, and how to incorporate it into their modern lives. Have them convert an old abandoned apartment into a meeting place. Have them write their spells on ipads. Explore the which craft hierarchy. Have them enchant common things like their house keys (so they’ll never loose them), have them store their supplies in tupperware containers. Modern witches man, so rad. 
Apartment Block
A Friends-esqe group who all live in the same apartment block, who basically share each other’s places anyway. Really cute friendships and relationships and the sort. Everyone getting together for christmas or new years or whatever because these people are family now. It’d just be really cool okay. 
Sports Teams/Cheer squads 
A few muses on each team/squad. Lots of rivalries, lots of games where the whole team comes out to watch the match. Maybe two of the muses secretly like each other and a Romeo + Juliet subplot emerges. 
Secret Agents/Heist group 
This might be best with a lower number of muses, I’d stick with four. Lots of planning out bank heists and running from cops and celebrating once the mission’s complete. Rappelling from glass ceilings and sneaking through air vents in skintight black suits and ah the disguises they’d have, the cover stories you could explore!
This might be good if you’re feeling a bigger group. You’d need a ring leader, your muscle men, the followers, ect. Maybe they dabble in selling drugs, maybe they have fun with them themselves. Maybe there’s a lot of power abuse, a lot of acting as if they own their city – because honestly the gang does own the city. A feeling of indestructibleness from the head honcho and utter helplessness from the ones who just want to get out. 
Drama Club
Again this could be as big or as small as you want, but I feel like this would be great for a larger group. A ton of staying late to rehearse even though they’ve been over their lines hundreds of time that day. Stages kisses not feeling like stage kisses at all, wardrobe malfunctions, fighting over roles, trying to make everything work at the last minute because holy shit we were not prepared to take on a show this big. Exploring the relationships between actors, backstage tech, costume design. Cast parties after really successful shows, hanging out and killing themselves laughing doing improv. I don’t know you could do a lot with it okay. 
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                                                        bambi allen hall  — tag dump
wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — ISMS. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — VISAGE. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — WARDROBE. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — AESTHETIC. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — CHATTER. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — STARTER. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — SPOTIFY. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — PHONE. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — SNAPS. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — MEMES. wanna drink until i ache. wanna make a big mistake. — FEATURING. name
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                                                         silas hirsch  — tag dump
i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — ISMS. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — VISAGE. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — WARDROBE. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — AESTHETIC. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — CHATTER. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — STARTER. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — SPOTIFY. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — PHONE. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — SNAPS. i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — MEMES.
i think i'm made of stone i should be feeling more. — FEATURING. name
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                                         mars joseph henare  — tag dump
i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — ISMS. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — VISAGE. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — WARDROBE. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — AESTHETIC. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — CHATTER. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — STARTER. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — SPOTIFY. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — PHONE. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — SNAPS. i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — MEMES.
i've got so much to do but it's ok cause whatever; forever — FEATURING. name
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                                                        roxanne müller  — tag dump
my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — ISMS. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — VISAGE. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — WARDROBE. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — AESTHETIC. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — CHATTER. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — STARTER. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — SPOTIFY. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — PHONE. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — SNAPS. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — MEMES. my body is made of sunlight; there can be no other way. — FEATURING.
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this is , how do you say ? bad .
the man. the moth. the legend. — OOC. the man. the moth. the legend. — ANSWERED. wanted. — SHIP. wanted. — FC. wanted. — OPPOSITE. wanted. — PLOT. inspo. — SHIP. inspo. — MUSE. personal. — LAUGH TAG. personal. — FAVORITE. personal. — MINE. reference. — WRITING. reference. — MASTERLIST. reference. — MISC.
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closed starter for @spltsvlle !
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the worksheets before her were ignored, her attention honed in on a memory that she couldn’t stop replaying in her head — over and over and over again. “he was so brave, mars. so strong.” she propped up her arms and leaned against the table, resting her chin on her hands. a dreamy sigh escaped her lips as she remembered her hero. “i didn’t get a good look at his face, so i don’t know if he’s from around here…” she started, “but it would be so… wonderful, if he was. can you believe it! a real life superhero… in our city!”
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mars had nightmares about this. actual, real life, heart racing, wake up in a cold sweat, nightmares about the situation before him; that someone would find out about the secret identity of his that he struggled to keep hidden for so many years. considering this, he was handling the situation surprisingly well. in most of his previous scenarios in which this played out, everything was in flames by this point. the fact that veronica seemed completely oblivious to the reality that hero they were gushing about was sitting right in front of her did aid his anxiety just a bit. “ uh, yeah. ‘s pretty wild, huh ? ” he cleared his throat, trying his best to feign amazement. mars glanced up from the biology textbook that he had propped upward in his lap and shot a small grin, “hey now, we don’t know that. that‘s a big word, v. you can’t just go around calling any person a superhero. that’s some serious shit. for all we know he could’ve just been some — guy. ” by his tone alone, it’s obvious he isn’t taking the ‘ new ’ information as seriously as the other.
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