sleepinearthlydelight · 8 months
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Keep your precious ones safe 💞
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i love my crystals and gemstones.
i don't think they can cure cancer, depression or anxiety and i don't think they're any more special than a regular river rock.
but i love them.
having them around me makes me feel a little more at ease because looking at beautiful things is a pleasant experience and i always need more of those.
everything in this world is special in it's own way.
all plants, people, animals... we're all here by chance, and if that's not enough magic, i don't know what is.
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i forgot to post this already but happy pride month to all of us queer witches out there !! and a reminder that you dont have to be afab or identify as a woman to practice witchcraft, it's open for everyone <3
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Stitch Witch Correspondences
Based on my interests in sewing from my other blog @tolkien-fantasy. I would also like to note that I made this while listening to my Howl’s Moving Castle audiobook lmao
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Canvas - Creativity, New Beginnings, Potential, Possibilities
Cashmere - Comfort, Warmth, Luxury
Chiffon - Femininity, Delicacy, Vulnerability, Elegance
Cotton - Simplicity, Harvest, Protection, Rain, Good Luck
Denim - Ruggedness, Adventure, Durability, Hard Work, Independence, Rebellion
Felt - Protection, Good Luck, Wealth (White Felt), Sacrifice, Strength
Flannel - Comfort, Relaxation, Warmth, Winter, Adventure
Flax - Weakness of Man, Prosperity, Divine Gifts, Sacred to Hulda
Gauze - Uncertainty in Wealth, Healing
Hemp - Travel, Burial, Opening Gates and Doors, Moving on, Vision, Enlightenment, Sacred to Bast
Lace - Sacredness, Rite of passage, Femininity, Privilege, Sensuality, Sexuality, Duality
Lamé - Luxury, Wealth, Royalty, Sun and Moon
Leather - Protection, Covering, Animals, Instinct, Self-discovery, Independence
Linen - Righteousness and Purity, Rest, Elegance, Luxury, Sophistication, Light, Purity, Wealth, Does not cause sweat
Satin - Lustrous, Sensual, Shine, Love
Silk - Wealth, Luxury, Softness, Vulnerability, Prestige, Transformation, Magical Insulation
Velvet - Distinction, Honor, Sensuality, Emotions, Royalty, Leadership
Viole - Secrets, Unveiling, Hidden Things, Secrets, Weddings
Wool - Hope, Renewal, Spring, Women’s Crafts and Lives, Empowerment, Durability, Comfort, Warmth
Fabrics for your Astrology Sign
Aries: Lamb’s Wool
Taurus: Leather
Gemini: Gauze, Chiffon, Viole
Cancer: Flannel
Leo: Lamé, Brocade, Velvet
Virgo: Cotton, Canvas, Chintz Libra: Silk, Satin
Scorpio: Snakeskin
Sagittarius: Spandex, Lycra Capricorn: Mohair, Cashmere, Hemp
Aquarius: Feathers, Metallic Fabrics
Pisces: Rayon, Nylon, Watermarked Taffeta
Elements and Fabric Correspondences
Earth - Leather, Wool, Cotton, Felt
Fire - Satin, Lace, Velvet
Water - Silk, Satin, Taffeta
Air - Chiffon, Voile, Gauze
Spirit - Hemp, Linen, Felt
Color Correspondences
Element: Fire
Planet/Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio, Mars, influencing Saturn
Chakra: Root
Body Parts: Bones, Teeth, Nails, Colon, Prostate, Rectum, Blood, etc...
Magic: Passion, Fire, Power, Joy, Energy, Health, Motivation, Leadership, Self-Esteem, Combat, etc...
Element: Fire
Planet/Zodiac: Sun, Leo, Sagittarius
Chakra: Sacral
Body Parts: Muscles, Pelvis, Kidneys, Uterus, Bladder, Lymph, Sperm, Adrenalin, Digestion, etc...
Magic: Relieving Depression, Self-Love, Friendship, Calming, Romance, Harmony, Passion, Physical Energy, Sex, Action, Surgery, Animals, Gardening, New Beginnings, Morality, Emotions, Femininity, Homosexuality, Compassion, Infants, etc…
Element: Fire / Air
Planet/Zodiac: Leo, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Mercury, Mars, etc...
Chakra: Sacral
Body Parts: Pelvis, Kidneys, Uterus, Bladder, Lymph, Sperm, Adrenalin, Digestion, etc...
Magic: Relieving Depression, Abandonment, Opportunities, Happiness, Alertness, Wealth, Kindness, Sealing a Spell, Harvest, Strength, Dominance
Element: Air
Planet/Zodiac: Mercury, Taurus, Libra
Chakra: Solar-Plexus
Body Parts: Lower Back, Spine, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Liver, Spleen, Digestion, etc…
Magic: Healing, Friendship, Productivity, Stopping Negative Thinking, Creativity, Innovation, Prosperity, Self-Esteem, Beauty, Life, Humility, Intellect, etc…
Element: Earth
Planet/Zodiac: Venus, Mercury, Aquarius, Cancer
Chakra: Heart
Body Parts: Upper Back, Spine, Shoulders, Breasts, Heart, Lungs, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, etc...
Magic: Love, Trust, Fae, Healing, Change, New Beginnings, Prosperity, Money / Career, Hope, Immortality / Rebirth, Nature Magic, Fertility, Luck, Courage, Peace, Relationships, Beauty, Love, Art, Grace, Luxury, Marriage, Decorating, Gifts, etc…
Element: Water
Planet/Zodiac: Jupiter, Moon, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Chakra: Throat
Body Parts: Neck, Throat, Thyroid, Lungs, Ears, Mind, etc...
Magic: Wisdom, Wealth, Joy, Opportunity, Patience, Peace, Truth, Loyalty, Meditation, Happiness, the Ocean, Calming, Travel, Education, Politics, Social Standing, Luck, Growth, Sports, Careers, Studying, Reading, etc…
Element: Water
Planet/Zodiac: Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Capricorn, Gemini, Sagittarius
Chakra: Third Eye
Body Parts: Face, Nervous System, Bones, Eyes, Ears, Pituitary Gland, etc...
Magic: Clairvoyance, Relief of Emotional Pain, Protection, Pride, Spirituality, Wisdom, Psychic Power, Meditation, Justice, Forgiveness, Humility, Memory, Secrets, Intelligence, Communication, Education, Writing, Progress, etc…
Element: Spirit, Air
Planet/Zodiac: Moon, Pisces
Chakra: Crown
Body Parts: Brain, Pineal Gland, Semen, etc...
Magic: Protection, Transformation, Enlightenment, Spiritual Connection, Being Outgoing, Life, Freedom, Health, Initiation, etc…
Element: Earth
Planet/Zodiac: Saturn
Body Parts: Teeth, Bones
Magic: Balance (w/ White), Divination, Beginning, Rebirth, Patience, Absorbing Energies, Binding, Stability, Wealth, Protection, Karma, Death, Manifestation, Law, Challenge, Sacrifice, Justice, Discoveries, etc…
Element: Earth
Planet/Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn
Body Parts: Bones, Sexual Organs, Teeth, the Liver
Magic: Security, Friendship, Animals, Nature, Generosity, New Beginnings, Endurance, Grounding, Strength, Good Decision Making, Concentration, Telepathy, Finding Lost Things, etc…
Stitch Correspondences
Many of these are my own interpretation, and I would like to note that I actually researched what these stitches are used for to make these correspondences. Hope you don’t mind
Machine Stitches
Lockstitch - Community, Keeping things together, Curses
Chain Stitch - Healing, Rescue, Water, Cleansing
ZigZag Stitch - Independence, Strength, Adaptability
Satin Stitch - Hidden Things, Secrets, Love, Creativity, Manifestation
Overlock Stitch - Decoration, Luxury, Independence, Wealth
Running Stitch - Strength, Simplicity, Independence, Learning
Baste Stitch - Community, Warmth, Comfort, Love, Warding, Protection
Back Stitch - Language, Communication, Creativity, Detail-oriented, Love
Ladder Stitch - Healing, Caring, Hidden Things, Secrets, Curses
Catch Stitch - Healing, Strength, Adaptability, Hidden Things, Simplicity
Whip Stitch - Keeping things together, Love, Independence, Family
Blanket Stitch - Strength, Reinforcement, Luxury, Warding
Buttonhole Stitch - Vulnerability, Strength, Healing
Embroidery Stitch - Creativity, Love, Representation
Overcast Stitch - Strength, Secrets, Closing yourself off from others, Self-reflection
Pad Stitch - Firmness, Aloofness, Secrets, Self-reflection, Strength
Crochet (Inspired by @therestlesswitch)
Chain Stitch - New Beginnings, Manifestation
Slip Stitch - Glamours, Energy Work
Single Crochet - Simplicity, Protection, Nurturing, Relationships
Half Double Crochet - Warmth, Protection, Manifestation
Double Crochet - Freedom, Energy Work, Letting go
Treble - Spontaneity, Luck, Letting go
Front post stitches - Bringing in Energy, Glamours, New Beginnings
Back post stitches - Drawing attention away from yourself, Secrets, Invisibility, Protection, Strengthening Relationships
Stitches 'Together’ - Community, Bringing an end to things
Spike Stitch / Long Stitch - Energy work, Reaching out, Divination, Astral Work, Curses
Moss Stitch - Warding, Protection, Warmth
Granny Stitch - Family, Familiarity, Comfort, Manifestation
Ripple / Wave Stitch - Sea Magic, Adaptability, Energy Work, Calming
Shell Stitch - Vulnerability, Manifestation, Sea Magic, Adaptability
Picot - Good Luck, Trust, Truth and Certainty, Curses
Crab Stitch - Strength, Banishing, Burning Bridges, Past Life Work, Curses
Corner to Corner - Order, Logic, Sigils
Puff Stitch - Self Love, Slowing down
Popcorn Stitch - Bringing fun into your life, Community
Crocodile Stitch - Protection, Psychic Abilities, Cloaking/Camouflage Spells, Bringing softness into your life
Broomstick Lace - Cleansing, Banishing, Warding
Serpentine Stitch - Entangling Lives, Matchmaking, Perseverance, Curses
Garment Correspondences
Sweater - Warmth, Comfort, Secrets, Cleansing
Dress - Femininity, Elegance, Glamours, Strength, Curses
Skirt - Youth, Simplicity, Independence, Elegance, Glamours
Trousers - Adventure, Sports and Activity, Energy Work
Shirt - Grounding, Independence, Communication, Meaning
Coat / Jacket - Warmth, Sophistication, Communication, Independence, Secrets
Socks - Warmth, Comfort, Protection
Bra - Sensuality, Lust, Love, Protection
Swimsuit - Sea/Water Magic, Curses, Adventure, Adaptability
Scarf - Warmth, Comfort, Protection, Warding
Hat - Manifestation, Communication, Protection, Love
Gloves - Warmth, Protection, Safety, Healing
Boots - Safety, Protection, Strength
Shoes - Adventure, Everyday Life, Comfort, Communication, Travel
Pockets - Secrets, Autonomy, Independence, Hidden Things, Finding lost things
- https://marjolijnmakes.com/writings/essays/the-magic-of-fabrics/
- https://therestlesswitch.tumblr.com/post/169640791866/so-as-most-of-you-probably-know-im-a-crochet
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You know what?
This is a great time to post this video.
Heilung is a Norse Folk Metal band (that I don't usually post about because they're white). They follow old Norse traditions to the t.
And they've been doing concerts at Native American Reservations.
And they did something really cool that I liked. (Original videos didn't allow me to save, so here's. A duet, but the link goes to the original).
This is a clip from their intro ceremony. You can see a Native American woman doing wafting sage (I think it's white sage? Correct me if I'm wrong. Indigenous creators say she's calling their Indigenous ancestors, and if I remember correctly, that's what white sage is for).
But what's cool about this is because Heilung is following old Norse traditions, they're contacting Old Norse ancestors in their performance.
So when they performed on indigenous land they had the people there call their ancestors to get in okay from them before Heilung called on their ancestors.
And that's badass.
That's the unity that we need in the world. That's the kind of thing I want to share on indigenous peoples' day. A group respecting the land that their on by having the people there call their ancestors and okay it before Heilung called on their own.
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Pagans, You Don't Need a Divine Feminine Goddess and Divine Masculine God
I just wanted to, like, let my fellow pagans* know it's totally okay if you only feel comfortable with Feminine Deities or Masculine Deities**, and you don't need to have both in your life to have a balanced worship. I know that there are a lot of people out here influenced by Wicca that tell you that you need a Divine Feminine and a Divine Masculine, but you really don't because the deities don't follow the human binary at all.
I primarily worship Goddesses and feminine-aligned deities because they are the ones that I just feel comfortable with.
My friend worships mainly Gods and masculine-aligned deities because they are what make him feel comfortable.
Both are totally fine.
And if you do want both masculine and feminine deities, that is also amazing and valid.
*Pagans I'm talking about: Eclectic, Celtic, Hellenic, Norse, Kemetic, Roman, and any other pagan who feels like they needed this message.
**I also wanted to acknowledge the existence of Androgynous Deities, and Non-Human Deities as well who do not fit into any sort of human binary expression
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Witchcraft is relevant to you.
If it helps you to get up in the morning, do it. Go ahead and light up your incense or brush away the negative energy. If it helps you to socialise or find purpose -- Do! It! Go and socialise online and research to your hearts content.
Sometimes, it's tiring to be around the witchcraft community that reprimands you for not spending EVERY MOMENT learning something new and educating yourself.
But, again, witchcraft is relevant to you.
It's a personal craft that involves discovering your interests and what works for you.
You don't have to learn all the time -- just be! Allow yourself to be free. Have good intentions, and be open/willing to accepting the knowledge when it comes.
Arguing about correct terms and the right way to do an open craft is pointless! Focus on yourself!
It's okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. This is your own journey -- let yourself enjoy it.
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The next festival on the Old Norse and Old Icelandic calendars is Vetrnætr, or Winternights. Beginning on the full moon following the first new moon after the autumnal equinox and lasting for three nights, this year it runs Oct 20-22. This is reckoned using the lunar system as Andreas Nordberg describes, but there was also a week-counting system at the time which would put it about 26 weeks after the start of summer.
It marks the transition from summer to winter, along with the beginning of the first winter month, Gormánuðr (Innards/Slaughter Month). Vetrnætr and associated practices are attested in several primary sources, most directly in Ynglinga Saga (alongside Jól/Midwinter and Sigrblót) but also in Víga-Glúms Saga, Egils saga Skallagrímssonar, Gísla saga Súrssonar and Austrfaravísur. Several deities and groups of beings are mentioned or implied as being offered to, including Freyr; Óðinn; the dísir (Dísablót) and the álfar (Álfablót).
The reference to the honoring of Freyr comes from Gísla saga Súrssonar when Þorgrímr says that they will be performing a sacrifice to Freyr during the autumnal blót. Since Freyr is also known as the lord of the álfar this could lend support to the connection between them and Winter Nights, but that is in no way certain from this reference, and would be purely conjecture.
However, there is a clear reference in support of their being honored at this time, and that comes from Sweden. In the skaldic poem Austrfararvísur, Sigvatr Þórðarson journeys to Sweden in the service of King Olaf II in Norway at the onset of winter. When he comes to a place known as Hof he seeks a place to stay. However, he is turned away at several different houses, each time by a man named Ölvir. He is told that the people there are heathen and are performing a sacrifice to the álfar, and that they also fear Óðinn’s wrath should they allow the ceremony to be interrupted by outsiders.
The account given in Austrfararvísur does not explicitly state that Óðinn was honored at that time, but it certainly carries a heavy implication of it.
Lastly, the reference in Egil’s Saga says that Egil and and Ölvir are first denied ale when they travel to the home of Barð because it is being used for the Dísablót.
Details are fairly vague about specific practices during the time of Vetrnætr, and appear to have varied quite a bit regionally. This is demonstrated by the account of Álfablót happening in Sweden while Dísablót occurred in Iceland and probably Norway. In Sweden, Dísablót took place in late winter.
One thing mentioned that seems to have been commonplace, though, is the offering of ale, likely aided by a recent harvest of barley. The account in Austrfararvísur gives a possible reference to ale being used as an offering; because the man who turns away Sigvatr at every house is called Ölvir, it has been interpreted as possibly being a title rather than an actual name, meaning “Ale Being.” Similarly, the Egils Saga reference clearly contains ale being used as an offering during a religious ceremony.
Additionally, this was the time to slaughter livestock that would not be kept through the winter since the colder weather would now allow meat to keep longer without spoiling, and this practice was likely incorporated into Vetrnætr celebrations.
In the somewhat later primstav system this point was standardized to Oct 14th by our modern Gregorian calendar, so either of these times is pretty valid for observing the start of winter. In any case, summer is quickly coming to a close!
Snorri Sturlusson. Heimskringla. (New York: Dover Publications, 1990).
Nordberg, Andreas. Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning: Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden. (Uppsala, 2006). Available from: http://www.kgaa.nu/upload/books/103.pdf
Thorsson, Örnólfur et al. The Sagas of Icelanders. (New York: Viking Penguin, 2000).
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Pathetic Gamer dudes: *Crying about the Thor design, ignoring how not only is it more accurate to the Norse Myths, but is a body that actually looks strong and badass; like a Strongman competitor*
My Reaction:
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Oh for sure, this guy has every right to avoid Loki if he wants, his practice is his own, as it should be
I just thought it was extremely funny that people were getting so heated and sowing discord over it in a way that Loki would most DEFINITELY enjoy
So I joined a Norse pagan facebook group for the first time and even though it's mostly hokey memes there are a few genuine discussions about practices and honoring the gods
And one guy asked if when he makes offerings to Odin he should also make offerings to Loki to appease him, since they have a blood bond, and mentioned that he doesn't like Loki and rather wants to bribe him into staying away
And BOY did this spark a shitstorm in the comments between people for and people against Loki
And the whole time I'm just laughing because that's exactly what he would want
Congrats, you played yourselves
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So I joined a Norse pagan facebook group for the first time and even though it's mostly hokey memes there are a few genuine discussions about practices and honoring the gods
And one guy asked if when he makes offerings to Odin he should also make offerings to Loki to appease him, since they have a blood bond, and mentioned that he doesn't like Loki and rather wants to bribe him into staying away
And BOY did this spark a shitstorm in the comments between people for and people against Loki
And the whole time I'm just laughing because that's exactly what he would want
Congrats, you played yourselves
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Hope everyone had a blessed Lughnasadh/Lammas, my mom signed me up for a pagan subscription box as a sort of token of good will and this is the elixir I made from the first one. Excited to try it in ritual sometime soon
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Loki in every Norse myth
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