slavewhiskey · 9 months
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
Get on your knees & serve Alpha MEN
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
Conversely, humiliate a faggot because it enjoys it.
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Why Humiliate a faggot?
Humiliation breaks down a faggot’s ego and allows it to accept its rightful place.
Humiliation ensures that a faggot remains humble.
Humiliation shows that the faggot is inferior to all real men.
Humiliation keeps a faggot submissive.
Humiliation purges any sense of equality from the faggot.
Humiliation makes a faggot more obedient.
Humiliation eradicates all pride from the faggot.
Humiliation forces the faggot to focus on its sole purpose of serving real men.
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
It's natural to kneel and serve the feet of @masterw1976 !
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
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slavewhiskey · 1 year
@masterw1976 deserves all service and devotion - SEMPRE !
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slavewhiskey · 2 years
I have been serving my Master full time for three years now. He told me that in 2020 he wants to move me from submission to surrender. I am not sure what he means. Can you explain the difference to me? Is this normal?
Since this is your Master’s goal for you, ask him what he means.  Only he can define what it is he wants.
Still, to me there is a major difference.  As I see it, submission requires consent.  Consent implies a decision to obey.  It also implies a slave can have limits he will not cross.  This also implies the ability to disobey.  In short, submission gives a slave a level of power in the relationship.
Surrender, to me, is the total acquiescence to the Dominants desires and will.  No further consent needed.  The limits are only those of the Master.  The will is only that of the Master.  The slave gives up any desires of his own and works only to satisfy the Master’s desire, no matter what they are.  In some ways, I would say the slave ceases to exist as an independent individual and becomes only a tool for the Master to use as he wants.
Is it normal?  I don’t know if it is normal, but at some point my slave crossed this line.  I only saw it in hindsight – realizing that at some point his service to me had significantly changed qualitatively.  I do recall him struggling within himself for a period of time; during this time he was very emotional and volatile.  Many tears, set off by what seemed to me to be minor things.  I encouraged this pain in him only because I was enjoying it.  I did not understand what was really happening, though and maybe still don’t.  This eventually settled down and after a while I noticed how much he had changed.  I think he was doing battle within himself as he realized that what he was, what he thought he was, was slipping away.
One of the major change was that he seemed much more at peace with himself and his state.  He talked in terms of being satisfied, not in terms of being happy.  He no longer balked or hesitated when I wanted something, no matter what it was. In fact, even though I knew he was uncomfortable with it, he struggled to give me what I wanted, even suggested ways I could use to help him improve, some of them being very hard on him.  I realized I no longer needed to worry about his consent.  In fact, I don’t think he has the ability to say no any longer.  At least he hasn’t indicated any negativity to what I want in years.  He has, to use your Master’s term, surrendered completely to me – his mind, body and soul.  He is now mine completely and I take full advantage of this.
To be honest, I know several long term Master/slave relationships, but only know of a couple where the slave has succumbed to his Master to this extent.  So, from me experience, would not appear to be a normal progression for all slaves; but it has been and continues to be a very satisfying one for mine as it is for me.
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slavewhiskey · 2 years
I just wanted to requote this post bcoz it’s one I particularly like, and am proud of <3 whiskey
Sub look
I have read some interesting things over the past couple of weeks. I wanted to share them and add some of my thoughts.
“I know the look in a sub’s eyes when he’s beneath my feet and totally devoted to serving me.” I didn’t know there is a ‘sub look’ but it makes sense.
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“My slave has not cum since 2018. He gets his pleasure through seeing me enjoy a man’s body. For him this has become as good as any orgasm he used to have.” Wow. So well written and such a great goal.
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“A slave body should be like a temple for a God. Clean and ready to accept all that I want to put into it.” Thinking of MASTER W as a God took some time to get used to when I didn’t understand that it was acceptable for a slave to think of its superior as a deity. It is great for a slave to think of its Master as a God. I was very relieved when Sir told me that yes, indeed it is natural and correct for me to refer to Him as “God.”
“I really don’t like beards” (written by a slave). Strange and stupid. It isn’t for a slave to have opinions about a superior man’s facial hair.  
“When a sub or slave finds their place at their Master’s feet, they will always feel better about themselves, their nature, their rediscovered animal.” These words were helpful. It is good to forget the ‘shall I be a slave or not?’ type of thoughts and instead think, ‘I am a slave. I will not deny it, I will enjoy discovering it.’
“Train him to be rid of his inhibitions so he becomes the slutty pig who eagerly satisfies all your perversions.” Great advice, even if a Master’s perversions are actually not perverse at all, they are just evidence of His superiority.
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“For a sub male, being collared by a Man is like a female receiving a wedding ring. It is a profound and very public statement of ownership, that the sub is now the property of a Man. It is like a chastity cage for the sub male’s entire existence.” I also feel that being collared is a beautiful thing.
“When you find out that no one else could take care of you better than Him, you’ll be ready to get owned by Him and to serve Him as He deserves, any way He deserves. I am not one anymore, I am part of His properties.”
My favourite quote of all.
Sorry that I don’t have the source of any of those quotes. I hope they resonate with some people.
Grazie @wmaster76 
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slavewhiskey · 2 years
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slavewhiskey · 2 years
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slavewhiskey · 2 years
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