Trash...Swap this for that.
The pictures of trash below depict roughly 4.40 pounds of waste that the average person produces in one day.
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Small Fixes Go a Long Way
Three simple items that will positively impact the environment and reduce waste in landfills.
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The canvas bag (top bag) can replace plastic bags at grocery or convenient stores. Canvas bags are more durable and eco-friendly since they are reusable for many years. Plastic accounts for nearly 13% of all waste according to the EPA, so a simple switch would reduce the waste produced by plastic.
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Water bottles found at nearly any supermarket, grocery store, convenient store, etc. can be bought and reused for years. The purchase of one bottle replaces the need to buy plastic water bottles.
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Coconut oil that is contained in a glass jar (reusable and recyclable) serves as a multi-use product. Different functions include cooking, make up remover, skin moisturizer, and can be used in natural toothpaste mixtures.
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Basic Hygiene Products
These eco-friendly products are a simple swap and are all reusable, recyclable, or biodegradable. Decreasing the amount that ends up in the landfills starts with small everyday-use products.
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Bamboo toothbrushes are a popular sustainable option when it comes to oral hygiene. The end function cleans like any other commonly bought toothbrush, but requires zero plastic in the making of it.
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*product of Tiny Yellow Bungalow*
To reduce the use of plastic in everyday life, tooth paste contained in reusable glass jars offers one alternative. Other brands include Alkalizing, Perio Paste, Earth Paste, and Truth Paste.
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*product of Tiny Yellow Bungalow*
Biodegradable floss in a refillable glass container to reduce the plastic packaging usually containing floss.
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Deodorant is a staple among hygienic products, but the plastic packaging is discarded and taken to landfills. Instead, deodorant cream sold in reusable jars and containers have become increasingly popular. Some brands include Now Solutions, Lime & Vetiver, Primal Pit Paste, and Just So.
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Bars of soap are not uncommon. The packaging for bars of soap however, are not as environmentally friendly as these soaps packaged in cotton draw-string bags sold by Herban Lifestyle. Other brands include Zote, Meyers, and Soapy Soap.
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Instead of using mainstream shampoo in plastic bottles, this shampoo bar offers an environmentally friendly alternative. J.R. Liggett’s is among other brands that produce and sell shampoo in Eco-friendly packaging. Other brands include Soapy Skin, Tasmanian, Ethique, and Claribel.
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