sl104 · 10 months
I yearn for those portraits, those hung in the gallery that is my mind.
I pray they come to carry imperfections.
I plead that I may bury it all in the past.
Thus the paint of your portraits may begin to peel and become a blur in my memory,
So, my heart may beat not for you but for me.
Though, as the fool, I must know,
It’ll take many nights before the paint cracks and it all fades.
Decades before I can stop loving you.
And a lifetime before my heart stops beating for you.
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sl104 · 11 months
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sl104 · 1 year
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feeling called out today
credit: _ADWills
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sl104 · 1 year
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11K notes · View notes
sl104 · 1 year
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78K notes · View notes
sl104 · 1 year
Summary: It's a simple question, a joke even.
But you are drunk..
College AU! Abby x reader
No use of "y/n"
Before anything, this isn't proofread
So, if there are any grammar mistakes or misspelling, I apologize..
On a late night, a rather cold one. 
Your head laid heavy against the wooden dining table. Much to your dismay, you were wasted—rosy-cheeked, mind coated in sweet honey. You weren't even sure if you were trashed from the liquor or her giggles and that soft grin plastered on her face. 
She was intoxicating, leaving you dizzy. 
…plus the booze of course
Groggy, words slurred, “We…we should be going to bed” you remind her. 
You finally lay your back against the chair, your eyes finally meeting hers. She looked fine, you’d even think she didn’t drink at all, but her continuous giggle and pout said otherwise. 
“Just one more question. Hm?” her voice, god, how could you say no? 
You groan, “fine” 
She chuckles.
You both started this... game? Taking turns asking each other questions, one question at a time. It was almost a challenge. You were obligated to answer whatever question the other asked. You couldn't turn away from answering, no matter how embarrassing or shameful it may be. A fun way to open up to each other, you suppose. 
With this little game, she even found out you were a writer, oddly enough you don't tell people about it. That piqued her interest immensely. Asking you every question she can ever think of.
“Alright, your novel is about a murderer” 
You nod. your eyes strain, fighting the battle against sleep. 
“If you were a murderer would you kill me? How would you do it?’ she questions with a pleased smirk, arms crossed against her chest. 
She almost seemed too proud of her question. 
You laugh, hand clutching your stomach.
“Seriously?” you breathe,
“You have to answer” the smirk still glued to her lips. 
 You oblige. 
You felt bold….liquid courage, perhaps?
You both had this ongoing flirting, though it was her doing. So, for once, you'd commence the thrilling flirt.
Your words spilled from your plush lips with such ease, every drop of liquor faded. What once kept your mind fuzzy was gone. Your words are sweet dripping with adoration, your eyes on her at every word. You could even see your reflection in her blue eyes. 
“I would never lay a hand upon you,” you confessed.
“On the contrary,” your head titles to the side in thought, and your gaze falls to her lips.
“I'd kill those who belittle you or even just glance your way,"
“So no I could never, not with hands that are covered in filth” Your eyes fall back on hers with a smirk. 
Her eyes were blown wide, bewildered. Flushed, the tips of her ears ardent, if she ever had an ounce of sleep it had slipped away as fast as those words slipped from your lips. That shit-eating grin was long gone and in exchange, her lips slightly parted. Brows pinched together, she couldn’t come to process what she just heard. 
To her it was just some cheeky question, teasing you about your writing, 
A fucking joke. 
The last thing she expected was that.. 
Just minutes, no seconds ago you slurred your words from intoxication.
How could you say something with such ease and with such confidence?
Yes, she was panicking, she swallowed thickly. 
“I-” fumbling over her own words.
Your gaze was still on her, amused by her reaction. 
“What’s wrong? Do you not like my answer?” you pout.
Her brows were still pinched together as she rubbed her forehead. “I think we should head to bed, we have a lecture in the morning” she huffed, avoiding your question completely, as she looked elsewhere.
A small giggle escapes your lips as you stand up from the table. Crossing your arms against your chest. 
you snickered, “So now you want to go to sleep? Alright then” 
Now you’re the one left with the shit-eating grin. 
Though, as you walk into your bedroom, closing your door. Your back fell against your mattress, your body trembled anxiously. 
You suddenly feel hot and flushed. Both hands fell to your cheeks and in unison, though you couldn't hear her and she couldn't hear you. 
"Holy shit," was mumbled under both of your breaths. 
This is my first story here... a little nervous
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