skyxhartley · 3 years
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Task 010 - Halloween Costume
Daphne from Scooby Doo.
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skyxhartley · 3 years
Emilia stared out of one of the large windows that overlooked the beach. “Do you think the arena’s out there somewhere? Maybe some sort of sunken ship or something?” That’d make the most sense as to why the Capitol had chosen Four right? If the arena were close, or having to do with Four?
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“Would they repeat a beach them again so soon?” Sky questioned. She knew nothing about what the Gamemakers did. What was too soon, what was a good hit.. She knew there had been a cruise ship arena and an arena that just had ships and water. “It could be possible though.” She told her, looking the same direction she was looking in. “Maybe we could try to swim out to it.” Sky laughed.
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“I have!” Sky said with a smile on her face. She was going to make it her goal to be very involved with her tributes. She wanted to get them out alive and also wanted to make sure she was a good support system to them. If they ever needed anything, she wanted to be sure they weren’t too afraid to ask her. “But the more and more things go on, the less I am able to find them.. do you think they hate us?” She asked him. “Well, we will just prepare them for anything. You’re amazing, Asher, I know you’ll help them greatly and give them a chance to survive. And of course, Clem and I will do what we can on our part.” She reassured them. “What do think the arena will be this time?”
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“Have you talked with Billie and Haweey at all?” Asher asked, approaching Sky at breakfast before the train was scheduled to leave for the Academy and training. “I’ve found them to be a little… elusive.” He was still getting the hang of his new team, with Clem as stylist and Sky as escort; they both seemed enthusiastic to be here, even though their team was always a losing one. “My guess is this Arena might not be as natural, so I’m worried they’ll be out of their depth.”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
That answer wasn’t helpful, he was looking to see if he lucked out or not, and she hadn’t really clarified, so he just shrugged his shoulders, the bar bobbling as he did. “Not as heavy as a fat trunk” he said, moving it off his shoulders and holding it out to her, offering her a turn.
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“A fat trunk..” The girl repeated. “So I take it your from district seven. What do you do with those fat trunks? You use them to work out or is that something with your job?” Sky asked curiously, she loved hearing about the other districts from the tributes. “Oh.” Sky looked at the bar before reaching out and grabbing it. It instantly slipped through her hands as it was too heavy for her to carry. “Okay, I have no idea how you were just holding that.”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
This was only Sky’s second time escorting that they were already relocated to a new place. She really liked it, but she had also wanted to be in the Capitol longer since that was so new to her. She heard someone speaking to her and she looked over to them. “Oh, well I was at the Capitol for a couple of weeks and I feel like I can say that these two places aren’t even comparable. They have two completely feels to them.” She explained to him. She was really loving the beach, though. “Is that like, really heavy?” Sky asked him, gesturing to the bar.
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“So” Elm started, placing the heavy bar onto his shoulders, the one he’d found on the beach that he was using as a weight to stretch out his muscles, because usually he’d have already been logging wood for a couple of hours by this time of the morning, and he knew he had to keep his strength up. “I wonder is this better or worse than The Capitol?” he looked around at the beach, and it did seem quite nice, completely different from seven anyway. 
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“Well… no, not exactly,” he admitted, although it was a little reassuring that someone else didn’t think that color looked normal. “I don’t know. I assume it’s fine, but I don’t really trust anything here on principle.”
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“Well, we could just.. you know..” Sky started to look around the room before she spotted the plant in the corner. “Dump the drink out in that plant over there, and if anyone asks how the drink was, he smile and nod. Sound like a plan?”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
Willow wasn’t going to go that far, once the night was over she was going to rip all the fabric off her… Although, she might keep some of the items and wear them again. She was happy that Sky liked her outfit so much, hopefully she would be able to keep it and wear it some other time. 
“Oh I’m sure you’ll be fine! It’s just like one giant party, everyone is here to celebrate the victor and have fun.” Normally of course, it wasn’t this damned long after the games. When she asked her about her own attendance Willow nodded “In the last… four years I have attended eight balls? No… Fourteen, Yes?” She took a moment to think about it some more, math not being her strong suit.
“I started during the 120th games…. So I believe I’ve been to fourteen balls all together, eight victory balls.” She thought about the year Alder had won, now that had been a party for district seven. She sighed softly when she mentioned that her brother hadn’t spoken to her in a while and she huffed. 
“I’ll find him and give him a piece of my mind… Just give me the word.” She said as the two of them walking down the hall towards the entrance together.
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“It’s just a little warm and loud.” Sky told her, letting out a small laugh. Sure, that was the kind of environment she grew up in with the orphanage but she wans’t a big fan of the dynamic. “Wow, that’s so many!” Sky said surprised. She had no idea that Willow had been around for so long. She wished she would have been able to join back then, too, but she was happy to be an escort now no matter what. “What made you want to get a job as an escort?” She asked her curiously. 
Sky then laughed at the girl and shook her head. “Thank you, but that’s not really necessary I guess. He’ll come around and be the best big brother ever, you know? I just need to give him time and to take in the news.”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“Wow, thank you! That’s a huge compliment coming from you! You look amazing!” Sky said to her, and she really did mean it. “I completely understand. Clem is my stylist and I truly do love anything that she puts me in. I feel like I am never going to take this outfit off.” She said with a laugh.
“I am. This is my first ever Victor’s Ball and second ball ever. I’m a bit nervous, honestly. There’s just so many people there.” Sky explained to her. She knew it was silly to be nervous about something so little but she couldn’t help it. “Have you ever been to one?” She asked, not sure of when Willow had first arrived to the Capitol.
“He should be, I think. I’m really not sure, though, I haven’t spoken to him.” Sky told her, a small shrug of her shoulders. 
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“Aww, Sky you look beautiful.” She commented with a small chip of enthusiasm, before then gesturing to herself with a small laugh. “-I would have coordinated, but Lara is our designated stylists. Would be a major faux pas around here to say no to your stylist…” She explained softly, she was sure Sky already knew that kind of stuff but it might be a useful tidbit.
“So then, ready to deal with the masses? Ready for the victory ball?” She wondered, outload trying to start up conversation as she had sort of been put up on a blind date with Sky for the night. It was nice, the girl seemed really sweet if anything a tad naïve. 
“Is your brother going to be attending as well?”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
Sky was in her own world, staring off. She still wasn’t used to these balls and just felt intimidated by it all. She wanted to socialize and party just like everyone else was but she just struggled with it. When she heard someone speak to her, she was suddenly brought out of her thoughts. “Oh!” Sky looked at the strange looking drink and was about to accept but suddenly stopped. “A sponsor gave it to you?” She asked him. “Are you sure it’s even safe to drink?” 
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“Um, do you want this?” He’d been handed a drink that was a color he didn’t like at all, some sickly shade of chartreuse that didn’t seem fit for human consumption. However, the person closest seemed friendly enough (she wasn’t scowling at him, at least), and approachable enough to pawn a drink off on. “I don’t know what it is,” he admitted, “but some sponsor gave it to me and I don’t… I shouldn’t have anything else.”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say,” he replied. She didn’t seem the rebel type at all, and he wasn’t surprised that she hadn’t known it was all going to happen. Before Prim’s capture, he hadn’t known, either, but then the winds shifted, and it started smelling an awful lot like smoke. He closed and locked the door behind him, folding his arms over his chest a little uncomfortably.
“It’s, um, I heard a Capitolite say the term ‘maximalism’ once, you know, the opposite of minimalism, so… let’s call it that.” Really, it was just an accumulation of shit from his travels all over the country, largely gifts that people gave him when he helped them escape.
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“Wow.” Sky listened to him as she looked over all of his belongings. They really were amazing and she was so interested in the stories of how he had gotten them. A lot of the things she had never seen before. 
“I still can’t believe you were living out here all of this time and I didn’t even know it.” She told him, not taking her eyes off the items. “I searched all over the district but I guess I wasn’t looking in the right places. Seems like you definitely don’t want to be found all of the way out her.” She then finally looked at him. “But now I know where you live so there’s no getting a rid of me now!” Sky joked, letting out a small laugh.
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skyxhartley · 3 years
It’s Ask Meme Sunday!
And this Sunday we’re doing Fuck, Marry, Kill! Send characters the names of three people that they have to decide which they choose to FMK. Answer IN CHARACTER for each. Of course, no including any characters under 18 please.
Have fun!
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skyxhartley · 3 years
Sky didn’t have a place to call her own. She was still living with her old teacher from when she was younger. When things in the district started to get crazy, her teacher ran off somewhere to hide without even telling Sky. That left the girl on her own and she was terrified with all the rebels getting closer and closer to where she lived. The only person she knew she could stay with was Asher so she asked to stay with him for only a couple of days. When she didn’t get a reply, she was confused and didn’t understand why she hadn’t answered her. She hid in the house and just hoped nothing bad would happen. When she finally got a reply back, Sky hurried and booked it to where Asher’s cabin was. Once there, the girl knocked on the door and patiently waited for him to let her in. 
“Me?” Sky asked him shocked. “I didn’t even know any of this was a thing, I’m not apart of it.” She told him before hurrying inside of his house. She then looked around. “Wow, I love your house.” Sky told him with a smile before helping herself and exploring his house, taking a look around.
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Sky had asked him if his place was open, and if she could come stay, and he’d replied (after about a day, because he, as usual, forgot to check his phone) that sure, she could come whenever. He really didn’t like visitors nor did he have much space for them in the small cabin he called home, but there was what could technically be considered a ‘guest room’ with a day bed in it, and that would do. Clementine had seemed to like it, anyway, and he hoped that Sky would feel similarly comfortable.
When she arrived, he opened the door. “I really hope you’re not mixed up in all this shit,” he said, glancing around as if he’d see evidence in the fields of his property of all the chaos in Panem.
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“How have I been a great brother?” he asked, wanting to fight against the hug but instead, allowing it. He very rarely hugged anyone, he really wasn’t one for physical affection, but this was fine. She wasn’t actually trying to take advantage of him or anything, she was just being fucking earnest. And she was right that he was starting to care for her, though it was against his will. She was sweet and seemed to just be pure, a good person who wasn’t afraid to make what she wanted known. “I’ve been kind of a dick, I think.”
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“True, you have been a bit a dick.” The girl started with a laugh. “But, I think that’s what big brother do, right?  You’ve also been somewhat nice.. and are actually giving me the time of day. I’d say that’s a good brother, right?” She questioned. She actually wasn’t sure what a good brother was like, but she really hoped that this was it. But really, she could be fooled since she actually never been around a brother before.
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skyxhartley · 3 years
Rodrick nods his head “Like many victors, he is afraid to get close… For various reasons you will eventually become familiar with.” he said ominously, knowing the girl wasn’t perhaps ready for the entire truth. “-he may just be trying to protect you in his own way.” Rodrick shrugged, before then admitting “-there are medical tests, see if the DNA matches… Something you could get here in the capitol.”
“I’d be happy to have guests… I’m sure my mother would be thrilled, she would show you all around town.” He chuckled, thinking of his mother fawning over the young woman and making sure she was well fed and taken care of. His mother was far too kind for her own good, but she was one of the best people Rodrick knew.
“WHAT!?” He called back, before chuckling and shaking his head. He then nodded to affirm his previous statement, before then turning back to the screens. “I think I know who I am going to pick, I might give it another day or two and let fate help me with my decision. Thank you though…”
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“But I’m his sister..” Sky said sadly, she still didn’t understand. Asher was once alone and now here he was with a sister. She thought he would be thrilled with the news but that didn’t see to be the case. “If the roles had been reversed, I would of never questioned it.” She told him. “How much does a blood test cost anyway? Sounds like a lot of money.” A lot of money she didn’t have.
“Great! I will start planning my trip as soon as I have the funds! I am so excited!” The girl almost squealed at the thought of it. “You’re mother sounds lovely, I can’t wait to meet her!”
Sky laughed at him pretending like he couldn’t hear. She loved when other people had an amazing sense of humor. She found that was kind of a hard thing to find around her here. “I’m sure it’ll come to you who you should choose.” She smiled.
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“It will be, we’ll make sure of it” Abel grinned. He did for the most part always have a good time at the balls, mostly because he drowned himself in enough alcohol so that he could forget what they were actually celebrating. “Ah, do you want to find somewhere then?”
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“Great.” Sky said with a smile. Drinking at the ball seemed like such a common thing with everyone who lived in the tower so Sky for sure wanted to join them. “Oh my gosh, I would love to. I’m starving.” She laughed. “But only if french toast sounds good to you. You’re the one with a small hangover.”
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skyxhartley · 3 years
“Okay, perfect, you’re hired,” he said, snapping his fingers. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around much before, where are you from?” He liked her attitude, and she seemed trustworthy.
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“Yay!” Sky laughed. “Oh yeah! I’m new here. Just got here within the last week.” She explained to him. “I’m Sky Hartley! I’m the new escort for district ten!” She smiled. “What’s your name?”
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