A Rough Start
You were proud to admit you knew the ins and outs of this outpost, secluded in the middle of nowhere, like the back of your hand, itched into your mind.
That didn't mean getting out was going to be as easy as you hoped.
You knew that the guards patrolled mostly near the entrances, but few did venture further into the outpost. You feared you'd almost been caught 3 times now, and wondered if you were really cut out to do this. Peaking around a corner, you watched as two security guards chatted and grumbled under your breath. Clearly you needed to make a distraction. So, heading to the room opposite of you, you recalled this was where they kept employees personal belongings when they arrived in the morning. Grabbing a nearby broomstick to make more noise, you smashed it against one of the lockers and hid in another set of lockers. You could hear one set of footsteps that made you grumble more. You were hoping both would come, but of course not. Peaking around the corner you saw the security guard wearily walk through the room, inspecting every nook and cranny before heading towards the other end of the next set you were hiding at. Quickly, yet as quietly as you could, you crawled out of the room, cursing everytime you could hear your bags zippers clink. Finally out, you rounded the corner again to see the other guard waiting for his buddy to come back, and looked around. There wasn't much to work with, honestly. A plant? Maybe.
With all your might you pushed the large put over and heard it clang with the ground, running to the other side of the hall as the guard rounded the corner in confusion. You could hear the other now coming back as well, and crouch-sprinted over to the door. 'This is it', you thought, slamming the ID kaycard on the lock. The door opened with a whoosh, and you didn't hesitate to book it. The adrenaline running through you felt unreal as you darted as far away from the outpost as possible, following the dirt road in the brush in case any cars drove by. The feeling of the leaves brushing past you and the quick breathes leaving your mouth felt so freeing, and you couldn't stop the victorious grin and shout that left you at the realization you made it this far.
Once you figured you ran far enough, you started to walk and wonder how long this damn road was. You did know however, that there was a boat that left every Wednesday to bring back supplies for the outpost here. That's where you were heading. You figured if you could get on the boat and hide through it's trip, you could sneak off once it reached its destination. You just had to hope that hiding on a boat for a few hours wasn't going to be to hard. After all you'd been through, all this had to be a breeze right?
Finally after who knows how long, you found the dock where the boat was waiting, floating on the water. It was a lot bigger than you had anticipated, but forgetting that you quickly ran up the bridge and onto the boat. The smell of the ocean water hit you and you paused, listening to the water. You dared a glance out. It was a lot calmer than you thought it would have been, but nonetheless was beautiful. The longer you stared, the more your brain started to imagine. A large dark figure exploding out of the water, it's jaws the size of a mansion wide ready to-
You yelped and fell to the ground, covering your head with your arms. When nothing happened, you sighed and slowly sat up, looking around. Everything was okay. Everything was fine. You were fine. Taking a deep breath, you walked further into the ship in hopes of finding a quiet space to claim as your own for the trip.
Finding a spot was easier said than done, but you did it. When you awoke again you felt that the ship was moving, and could feel the thrum of the engine working against the ocean. "So far so good..." you uttered, worried someone could hear you if you spoke to loud. A worrying thought pressed the back of your mind.
What if He knew that you were out? That you were al-
You roughly punched your fists into the floor to ground yourself from spiraling. Grasping your phone, you checked the time. It'd been 5 hours since you'd escaped from that prison, and you never felt more relief at the thought then you did now. Opening your phone, you recalled that the destination the ship would be a few hours more away, and thanked whatever string of luck you had right now that you thought to pack a portable charger. You'd also downloaded some movies to watch. So that's what you did, watched movies until you felt the ship stop. Back to the cruel world, you bitterly thought, packing all your belongings and snacks back into your bag. Here comes the trickiest part.
Peaking from the room you were hiding in, you saw a bunch of men and women gathering supplies already and placing them in their respective spots. "Okay, okay..." you anxiously whispered. Wait. You turned to look back into the room behind you and saw there were spare clothes for the crew. Bingo. Taking your clothes off in exchange for the crews, you walked outside with your head turned down to hopefully hide your face with the cap you found. Trying to play into the roll, you found a box that was still empty, waiting for what seemed to be more paper. You carried the box down to where it would be filled, and headed off. Glancing around, you noted that there were other ships at this landing post as well. Hopefully you could find a bathroom to change.
When you did, you pulled out your phone and looked at your location on the map. "Crap..." you bit your lip, seeing that the nearest train station was a good hour and thriy minutes from here. Well, walking it was. You hadn't been in a populated city in 4 years anyway, you wanted to see what's changed. Leaving the bathroom you kept the map pulled out to guide you, and examined the streets. There were people chatting, walking, laughing, and cars driving by. It was all so refreshing to see again. A few shops you had wanted to go in, but decided against it. You had no idea how much it would cost you to take the train.
When you finally did make it to the train station, you hummed nervously. There were a lot of people in line for making reservations, and you wanted to get out of there as fast as you could to get to your uncle. After waiting in line for 10 minutes, you walked up the the window and asked for a reservation on the train heading to the station in your uncles city. Scrambling for the cash you stole, you gave it and with a polite 'have a nice day' from the worker you let out a breath of relief. The train didn't take too long to arrive, and you clambered on board and found a spot. The train ride would be about another hour, almost two, but it was better than walking. You were surprised that this train even allowed passengers to stay on that long. Again, you did your best to distract yourself with your phone, hoping that your uncle or cousin was home when you got there. Some bad memories floated around your head as the train continued its journey.
Would there be a gaping whole in the track again? Would the train be crushed completely on one end and fall? Would you yet again see so many people slip by you screaming for their life?-
You really did wish you could forget it.
Madison could feel that something was off. With the people around her, with her father, most especially with Godzilla. There had to be a reason he was attacking these places, right? Why would he go out of his way to do this unless there was a reason? But she noticed that something else felt off. Like something more was going to happen. She had no idea what though and that frightened her. The last time she felt like this...
She could only hope that whatever it was, was for good, because she and her father already had tensions high with Godzillas recent behavior.
You felt like it was one of those moments where you thought you couldn't run any faster then you were now. But unfortunately, you have had many of those moments, and not for good reasons. This however, was out of anticipation and excitement. You hadn't seen your uncle or cousin since..well, the world almost ended.
You saw the environment around you pass in a blur, until you found yourself nervously walking up a front porch. It was around 5 now, and the days activities were catching up to you. With a reserved breath, you rang the doorbell. As you stood there, you thought. What were you going to say? What should you start with? Your thoughts were cut off when you saw Madison open the door. Her eyes filled with shock and utter disbelief while yours filled with raw happiness and tears. "Madison.." you held back a sob. She quickly pulled you inside, closing the door and engulfing you in a hug. "Y/n?!" You let your tears fall, hugging her back. "Mhm.." she seemed utterly confused in a way that you understood and didn't understand. "I-i can explain everything, I promise." She nodded, and broke the hug to guide you to the couch. You placed your things on the floor and took in a deep breath. "Where's uncle Mark?" She blinked. "Oh, he's at work. I'm sure he'll be..surprised, to hear that your here."
You nodded. "Well...where do I start?" She tilted her head. "Maybe, explain how you're well...alive?" You blinked, before huffing. "Oh."
Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes. "That was all fake. I was forced to go along with faking my death. By them." You hissed. "...them?" You looked to her. "Monarch." She seemed shocked. "What?" You nodded. "It...wasn't all of Monarch, I don't think so anyway. But because of the..titans behaviors, especially one in particular, they thought it would be best if they made the titans believe I was dead to get them to leave me alone." She seemed so utterly confused. It confused you too. "Leave you alone?"
"Yes...I don't know how to describe it, but a few of the titans...I think they wanted to kill me personally or something. One was actively seeking me out at one point...it was terrifying." You shivered at the memory. She took a deep breath. "Hold on."
She came back with water, which you gratefully accepted. "So, this whole time you've been alive? And they didn't think to tell anyone?" You could hear the anger in her voice and curled into yourself. "Yeah, I don't know why. I missed you guys a lot." Sighing, she stayed quiet for a moment. "How did you get here? If Monarch wanted us to believe you were..dead...I doubt they would drop you off here." You shook your head. "No, they didn't. I escaped."
"Escaped?" She said alarmed. "Well, yeah. I've practically been held captive at this outpost on some island for the past 3 years, I was a prisoner! I had to sneak my way out on a boat before I took the train here." She rubbed her face. You couldn't tell what was going through her head, but a worrying thought came to mind. "Please don't tell them. Please Madison," you grasped her hand desperately. "I-i can't go back. I don't know what they'll do to me." She grasped your hand. "I won't." She made eye contact with you. "I won't. I promise. I know what it's like, living in what feels like a prison." You could see her eyes drift. Taking a deep breath, you whispered a thank you.
"I never realized there was a darker side to Monarch than what my mother did..." you heard her mutter, and squirmed. You remember what your aunt did. How she also used you. "If I can know, which titan was..after you?" You froze up, and felt a lump in your throat. She comfortingly squeezed your hand. "You don't have to answer-"
"G." Was all you could mutter. That got Madison thinking, because there was more than one titan that started with G. However, she knew one was dead, and another prominent one. She could feel a shudder run down her own spine at the thought of godzilla hunting her down.
"Alright, well, I think that's enough questions for now." She said, standing to head into the kitchen. "Any requests for dinner?" You shrugged. She huffed a laugh. "Very helpful."
After eating with her, you both enjoyed talking and watching a few movies. "When will we tell uncle Mark about me?" You questioned m, shoving another chip in your mouth. She shrugged. "Even if I called him he might not answer his phone." You curiously looked at her. "What's got him so busy?" That made her freeze up. "Well...ugh." She sat up fully and grasped your hands. "There's something you need to know. I know it's scary, but you deserve to know." You became worried.
"Uh....G, is currently attacking pinpointed locations, for seemingly no reason." Your eyes widened and your heart started racing. "But, I know that he's not doing it for no reason, and I doubt it has anything to do with you." You took a deep breath. "So...he's going all around the world looking for something?" She nodded. What if He came here? And saw you. "Well, if He's going to specific locations then He must sense that there's something threatening enough for Him to feel the need to eliminate it." You thought aloud. "Yes, but I just don't know what. And dad doesn't believe me." You took a deep breath in. "I do." Even though He scared the life out of you, all the exposure to Him and what those scientists had written down, you believed you knew a little more about Him than you'd like. "It'd have to be a threat to either Him or the natural order and balance. The last time that happened was...well, with you know..." She nodded.
"What could possibly be a bigger threat than they were?" That was the question you wished you could help answer. But even speaking of Him right now terrified you, like He would know that you were talking about Him. You could only hope that whatever the threat was, it was stopped before He decided to check this city out.
You couldn't handle it all again.
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Where It All Began
A small 5 year old child sat on a couch in the lobby, happily drawing from a photo her father gave her. It was a giant monster, with wings and a bird like face. Her father called it "Rodan".
Currently, the child was waiting for both her parents to finish up "adult work", whatever that meant, so the three of then could go home. She hoped to be home in time to watch her favorite TV show. Faintly, she could hear her mother through the door where they were with their boss.
"How long do we have?" She heard. "A month or 2 at most. The activity of the cocoon is rapidly increasing once again. I fear the same events will occur if left unchecked." She heard a man speak. She knew who it was, Mr. Serizowa, or Doctor. She liked him, he was very nice to her and helped her understand all the secret stuff other people wouldn't know.
She remembered him telling her about a monster that he currently studied, one that towered over city buildings, and could be heard from miles away. It looked similar to a dinosaur, the way he described it, and could even pre-date them! It excited her. Dinosaurs were cool, and too still have something alive that big survive the asteroid? Even cooler! She had yet to receive a photo of it though, of Him, she corrected to herself remembering Mr. Serizowa referred to it as a boy. Hearing the door open she quickly grabbed all her things and stood, excitedly running up to her father who scooped her up as she giggled. "Ready to go home munchkin?" He asked, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Hurry up! I'm gonna miss my show!" He gasped dramatically. "Oh great heavens no! Hear that mommy? We better hurry!" Her mother laughed with a bright smile.
When the family got home, she quickly got changed into pajamas and sat on the couch, watching her show. She could hear her parents bickering in another room, but she didn't care much. Until at least she heard her name being mentioned. "What will we do with y/n? We could hire a babysitter but..I don't trust anyone taking care of her knowing our job positions. They could find documents they aren't supposed to. And not to mention we'll be gone for at least half a year." She heard her mother. That made a feeling of dread shoot through her. Her parents were leaving? For half a year? She wouldn't see them for that long? She silently got up and tiptoed to where they were. "I understand the concern, m/n. I just don't know what to think of at the moment..." she stood in the doorway of the room they were talking, and spoke with a hushed, sad voice, startling her parents. "You'll be leaving me for half a year?" She could already feel the spur of tears in her eyes. Quickly, her mother crouched down and hugged her. "No, sweetie, no. We will not." She saw her father crouch to, a look on his face she couldn't describe. "You'll be coming with us." He said. Two gasps were heard, one of excitement and the other of shock. "Really?! Where are we going?" The girl asked, quickly wiping whatever tears had formed. "Janjira." She thought for a moment. "Where is that?" Her father chuckled. "That's not important right now, now you need to be going to bed." The girl huffed, staring her father down before trudging away, albeit slowly. "F/n, w-we can't possibly bring her with us-"
"It'll be fine, m/n. We'll have a hotel room for her, and she'll be with us if it is safe otherwise. Didn't you just say you didn't trust babysitters." The father argued. The mother sighed, rubbing her head. "Your a stupid man...." he just chuckled, walking close and hugging her. "Fine," she gave in. "But if anything happens, I mean anything, it's your head f/n l/n, do you understand me?" He kissed her head. "Yes ma'am."
A couple weeks later, the family made the flight to janjira through a private flight, her parents said it was, and landed. She excitedly hopped out of the helicopter, her mother calling her from behind to stay close. They had left most of their belongings in a hotel in some city she couldn't remember the name of. But she had brought a small bag full of art to do. As she looked around, she caught sight of a familiar figure approaching. Smiling, she ran towards them. "Mr. Serizowa!" The man smiled as she came barreling towards him. "Hello, Chīsame no yatsu. What are you doing here?" The girl excitedly pointed towards her parents who were approaching. "Mama and papa let me come! I didn't know you'd be here too!" He kindly greeted her parents as they came within range. "Dr. Serizowa, pleasure to see you again." "Likewise."
The girl ignored all the adult talk, instead butting in the conversation once she heard Serizowa mention a 'specimen'. "What's so special about this place anyway?"
"Ah, sweetheart-" "Come," Dr. Serizowa said with a smile, a hand on the girl's back. "I will show you." She excitedly followed along. Whenever Mr. Serizowa didn't explain what something was it either meant he was going to show her or it was something she wouldn't understand. Her question was answered when she was guided into a observation room, and peered out of the window. Her eyes widened in fascination. "Woah..."
It was...a massive cocoon? It's shape was odd, she didn't think it was the pretty titan moth. "What is it?"
"We aren't sure," Mr. Serizowa answered truthfully. "That is why we are studying it. To learn it." She nodded. "Does it have a name?"
He nodded, and answered.
The next two months passed by, and the girl had become adjusted to her current living situation. She noticed that they wouldn't return to the hotel often, in fact, she recalled they'd only gone back three times now. She'd been busy, switching between exploring the facility to doing school work on her laptop, and doing what she was doing now. Sitting on the ground with a blanket, humming away to the music playing from her show on her laptop as she colored. In front of her, dormant, was the cocoon. She noticed that from time to time, it's red color would flash and glow, and that amazed her. She would draw the cocoon during its different phases and give them to the nice scientists, who would hang them on the walls of their offices. The one she was working on right now was for Mr. Serizowa, however she was almost done and had nothing to do after. She'd already explored everywhere she was allowed to, she had no more work to do, and her parents were busy. As she finished, she paused and glanced up at the cocoon.
It really was big, she'd never gotten to see one of the titans before in person. She wondered what it would look like when it hatched. "Will you have wings? Are you a butterfly?" She often would talk to the cocoon when she was bored, asking questions that couldn't be answered at the moment, or recapping her day because her parents were busy and she couldn't talk to them about it. Of course, there was never a reply, but she didn't mind. She remembered how it was to attend school and recieve odd looks from other students when she spoke her mind about her parents jobs and what she'd learned. Everyone would always call her a show off, and the teachers didn't know what to do with her when she excelled it everything they gave her for work, or when she started explaining in depth details about the titans she'd so far learned about because the other students couldn't process the information. She remembered telling one of her classes about Tiamat, how she was territorial and one time attacked a submarine sent in to observe the environment. The teachers had to stop her when she went into detail about how Tiamat destroyed it. Only few found interest in what she had to say. So she'd rather talk to something that wouldn't give her a response.
Huffing, she glanced down at her laptop that had turned its screen off. Tapping a few keys, she gasped when she saw the time. Her bedtime was ages ago! Now that she looked around it was dark out. Standing, she paused when she felt something was...off. It was like a huge amount of energy was being emitted, and like time was pausing. Feeling dread pool in her gut, the girl quickly walked away from the cocoon to go find her parents when something caught her eyes, or rather, someone. A man was inside a truck, seemingly locked up. He didn't look like he worked there, and that made her curious. What was he doing there? She couldn't think long on it, because suddenly a loud crunch behind her followed by a loud intense sound made her scream and looked back. She watched as the cocoon broke and fell to the ground, revealing...not what she expected.
From what she could see, it definitely was not a butterfly like she hoped. It's skin was grey, and it had piercing red eyes that seemed to have no pupil, just a red streak down the side of its head. She fell with a yelp as one of its odd shaped legs protruded out and smashed to the ground, causing a wave to flow over the entire facility. She whimpered in fear when everything was plunged into darkness. She could hear people all around her panicking. Quickly getting up, she decided to ditch her laptop and blanket and hope her parents wouldn't be upset about it. Running to the truck she saw the man in, she noticed he seemed disturbed by everything going on. Until he saw her. His fave filled with shock when he saw a little girl who seemed so out of place run up to the truck. He quickly got closer. "What are you doing here?" He yelled through the glass so she could hear. "I-im here with my parents, but I don't know where they-"
She couldn't finish as she had hoped to so the man could help her find them, as the lights turned back on and a loud roar filled her ears, making her cover them in an effort to make it feel like they weren't exploding. Everyone who had been outside with her panicked and ran, completely forgetting both her and the man. She tried to yank the door open as he pushed on it, but it didn't work. She dared a glance back. It was chaos, and she whimpered again when she caught sight of the large figure moving around just beyond the wires.
She glanced at the man, before looking up and seeing an object rapidly falling from above. She jumped back and crawled away, screaming as glass and shards landed around and on her. She quickly fixed herself when it was over to look back at the truck the man was in, now a few feet away and tipped over. The whole end was missing too. When she saw him emerge from it though she quickly ran to him and grasped his arm. "We have to go!" She urged and headed towards the exit. "My dad..." she heard him mutter as she walked as fast as she could. Before she could question him, they both paused as they saw a man standing on a catwalk when more metal crashed into it. It seemed the two men knew each other as they shared looks, before she watched in horror as it fell. "DAD!"
She couldn't help the scream that left her when she fully realized she just watched someone die, not in a show, not pretend. It just happened in front of her eyes.
Her scream was cut off by a loud warble behind her.
She and the man slowly turned to see the creatures appendages extend to reach the concrete, and pull itself up. She felt warm tears fall down her cheeks as a wave of emotions hit her, especially when her eyes stared into the blood red ones that seemed to peer right at her. It was big, real big. She thought back to what Mr. Serizowa said to her, that there was a titan that towered over city buildings. Was it bigger than this?
She would definitely blame this on her emotions later, but she could have sworn that the creature peered at her longer before a chirr like purr left it. She barely registered the man pulling her into the damaged truck and placing a breathing mask on her as she watched it extend wings and fly off, leaving death, destruction and horror behind.
She passed out not long after.
He knew from the moment he hatched that it's presence was nearby. While in his cocoon state, he wasn't entirely unaware. He could hear the weird roars and echos around him, the many chitters of smaller beings. There was one that stood out however.
A younger one, one that would stay close and chitter and sing to him.
When he finally hatched, he could hear the familiar sound of the hatchlings roar close. His hatchling must have been calling to him. It may have been an odd notion at first, but what other reason would a hatchling stay close to sing and wait for him if it weren't his own? Finally finishing his cocooned stage he wished to see his hatchling for the first time.
And there it was, as it let out another small roar. Yes, it was small, smaller than the other pesky beings all around, smaller than he was when he was a hatchling, but that didn't matter. If it was his then he'd love it no less. He wished he could take his hatchling with him, but it wasn't safe. Not yet. He wished he'd known he had a hatchling before cocooning to make a makeshift nest to keep them safe while they waited. But now he could go find his mate, and help her create a safe nest for both this hatchling and the others that would soon come. So, with every intention to come back and retrieve them, he crooned down to his hatchling before taking to the skies.
Hello! Just wanted to add here that I went back and watched the movie, but for the life of me I couldn't find an exact date on when the m.u.t.o hatched so I just didn't mention one. Also, the understanding of how humans work and are vary depending on the titan. Here as you can see, the m.u.t.o has no idea that his "hatchling" isn't even really his species. He doesn't know that she is speaking a language, rather just chirring nonsense that any hatchling would do. Other titans, more so the ones exposed to humans more, will understand certain languages, and do understand that humans are their own species. For examples, Rodan can understand some English, but mostly Spanish. Mothra can understand mostly anyone due to her telepathy, but language wise she knows English, Japanese, Chinese, sign language, and a few others because of her exposure to the other titans. Godzilla understands English and Japanese.
And like I mentioned last chapter, that actual appearance of any titan in the current time part of the story won't be for a little longer, but I do believe with the way I have everything planned they will be mentioned more.
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Living Hell
You hated it here. You've hated it for a couple years now, but it was different then. Now that you finally somewhat understood what's been happening, that hate turned into genuine hate. Before you were annoyed that you could never travel far from your "home", now you knew that it was because you were a prisoner. Before you hated that no one gave you real answers, now you knew why; they were all liars. Everyone in this stupid organization were liars, at least the ones you've met, who knew what was going on and yet left you to rot here.
You refused to allow them to tell you what to do anymore. You'd already done so much for them, and the people outside. They forced you to isolate from the outside world, forced you to grow up to fast, forced you to think that you had a massive responsibility on your shoulders when it should've been them. They were the adults, not you. But they didn't care. They were to fascinated, to frightened, to consumed with what was happening to truly pay attention to you. You remember all the nights where you laid in bed, wishing your mom and dad would walk into your room and cuddle you tightly through the night.
But they were dead.
Because of them.
Because of Him.
You shuddered, fighting a whimper in your room at the mere thought.
Here you were, shoving clothes, food, a charger, devices, medicine just in case, anything essential in a backpack. You were leaving this horrible place, you didn't want to feed their twisted "research" that they believed was a miracle anymore. You saw it as a nightmare. After zipping up your bag, you sighed shakily.
Was this a good idea? What if you got caught? What would they do to you?
.......What if He found out?
Squeezing yourself, you firmly shook your head. No. It's been 4 whole years since your last "encounter", surely He's forgotten about you by now. There was no way you were that important to Him, a insignificant little human. Yes, yes, He's definitely forgotten. Opening your eyes, you realized that you'd been standing there for too long, and with a determined huff you grabbed your bag, threw it over your shoulders, and your phone slipped into your pocket.
'I don't care what these people think, I want to live a normal life again before all this started. I'm leaving.'
You thought to yourself bitterly. One perk you had about living here was the fact that you knew the place like the back of your hand. You knew security cycles, what time workers and scientists would leave, pass codes to open doors; everything. You smugly smirked as you looked down at a stolen keycard you snatched from a scientist a few days ago. That was one problem out of the way. Clenching the keycard, you walked out of your room.
You hoped to make it out of here, with the stolen money you had, maybe you could take a train? You'd asked a worker where your uncle lived, and they knew none the wiser to think you'd take the information seriously.
You were going to find your uncle. Hopefully he and Madison would help.
Hello~ First chapter done! I know it ain't much, but I'm working on it. This was more so just a chapter to fill in small brief events before we get into the actual plot, aka movie events, and I believe that the next few chapters will be the same. And for quick clarification, I'm gonna try and make it where big G doesn't appear for another few chapters. At least, in current time events story wise. There will be chapters mentioning the past, or brief moments like flashbacks where he is fully mentioned or appears. And I know it seems like your character acts a little bit older than 12, but that's the point. You've been forced to act older for a long time, it's expected. However I'm gonna try my best later to get y/n to loosen up and start acting 12 again lol.
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Child Of The Monsters
A monsterverse fic:
You can't remember when it all began. When something changed. Or maybe you could, if you thought deep enough on it. All you knew now though, was that you were alone. Because of them. Because of Him. If only you weren't so young when this all began, perhaps you could have prevented everything; the death of your parents, being one. Being forced to give up your childhood "for the sake of humanity" being another. But alas, nothing could change what has happened, and all you could do now was try and escape this hell that's been built around you, and pray to whatever deity is out there to grace you with luck. Because if they find out, if He finds out.....
The sake of the world, the sake of your life, the sake of every little good thing you've managed to keep, will be at stake.
Hello, hello. I've decided to post my story here on Tumblr just...because lol. You can find it both on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/55869871
Or wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/366621677?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading&wp_uname=KnockoutRules
Updates will most likely be posted on these two first, and I'll post when I remember to on here. However, to be up to date I'd suggest reading on either of those platforms.
Like on both of those, here is important information that I insist you glance over before reading:
This story is definitely inspired by Screaming into the Voids "Y/n, Child of the Monsters///Platonic!Yandere!Godzilla/Titans x Child/Teen!Reader" on Quotev, I suggest going and checking it out, however it is incomplete and I'm unsure if the writer is still interested in finishing it. With that out of the way, this will be a "yandere" type story, and will have normal Godzilla movie themes in it such as
- death
- canon-typical violence(cmon, it's godzilla, he's going to end up ripping something in half)
- spoilers for the movies(except gxk, I haven't seen it yet)
and themes I've added in. There will be
- "talking" kaiju, however they don't physically speak to humans, rather its an insight into their thoughts/feelings
- mentions/forms of telepathy
I personally headcanon that mothra can "tap" into others, and while she can't speak fluent, she can send emotions or brief thoughts to others that aren't close to her. Godzilla can do similar things, but it takes more focus for him, and it works better through touch. But it doesn't happen very often.
- some forms of experimentation, both on humans and kaiju
I want to make it clear that there is no romance in this, it's purely platonic.
I've tried to align readers age with how the movies are set in time, so here's a quick guide if any of you get confused:
Reader is born in 2009, they are 5 during the events of 2014.
By the events of Kotm, reader is 10.
Gvk, reader is 12, and this is mostly where the story will take place, and continue onwards.
In GxK, reader is 15.
I also won't be adding in much from the comics because I haven't read them, but there's a chance I'll add in some small things that I've managed to find out.
As for plot family wise, as stated your parents don't appear for too long. They ded. But you will have other family members! For my own sake to make it easier for me I'm gonna make reader related to the Russels; Mark being your uncle and Madison being your cousin, simply because of plot wise it makes it easier for me to use them.
If there are any questions, feel free to comment them, I'll do my best to answer them to best of my ability.
Fair warning now, even though I like writing, I lose motivation VERY fast. So if I fall of the face of the earth for a bit, don't be surprised. I have stuff to do in my life too, seeing as I'll be graduating next year and need to get my stuff together. If you're worried that I'll be discontinuing this story, just ask in the comments, I promise I'll answer, later or right away. I'm the kind of writer that will have random spouts of motivation in the middle of the night when I'm tired, or in the middle of the day when I'm busy.
But, I will try my best to commit to this, because I really want to write this to give both myself and everyone who finds this a story with the Big G, because there are so few out there.
#kaiju#reader insert#fanfic#godzila#titans x reader#godzilla x kong: the new empire#godzilla king of the monsters#godzilla x reader#platonic#no romance#monsterverse#yandere#fluff#mothra
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