Happy Things
Welcome to the first theme of the 30 Days Writing Challenge!
I am not saying this would be a serious post or stuffs, I’m sure that most of the writings are going to be me rambling. So let’s kick off the challenge!
Raindrops on roses whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with string
These are a few of my favorite things
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudel
Doorbells and sleighbells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into spring
These are a few of my favorite things.
An excerpt of a song, sung by Julie Andrews and Von Trapp's children in one of the many first scenes of the legendary 'The Sound of Music.' From that, I learned that everyone in this world has their own unique and distinct views of everything. Some might see it as blue, red, or perhaps black. I see myself as someone who believes that happiness can be found anywhere and in any simple form. It does not mean I am 'that' straightforward self. In fact, I've got a relatively quiet and complicated mind, well, sometimes. To me, happy stuff is more about the grateful feeling that I have become part of my own characteristics, my playlist, my writings, and the list goes on--just like my own tumblr.
I appreciate the little things around me, including the sound of crickets that accompany me as I write this. Somehow, those simple things can make me feel so content and happy to the fullest. Even that would be one of the many things that my close ones would describe me the most; someone who appreciates everything around her and quickly feels happy. One distinct moment when I feel like, 'Damn, this life is beautiful indeed,' is when I'm under thousands of lights on a long road. Well, to put it simply, the keywords are here: Nighttime, Stars, and Street Lights.
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These are the moments that I feel like I can scream on top of my lungs and let my heart burst out, just like that one I even made a whole damn playlist since 2013 that contains songs that help me get that certain comfortable feeling. Up until now, I still cannot describe how that feels. Still, I am sure that fuzzy feeling reminds me of every trip that I have ever taken, the sunrises and sunsets that I have seen in different places, or the whole trip companion. Those are the simple things that I really appreciate in life and makes me beyond happy. It may seem weird, but really, happy things are around us. We can find it anywhere or anytime as long as YOU have the mindset to think that way. After then, trust me, you would see it in a much easier and better viewing. 
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A song that I dedicated to my life, somehow.
Every tear that held a broken dream Is now shattered on the floor And now bursting forth in splendor Are the blossoms of second tries Because dreams that bear the mark of love Are dreams that never die.
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Moving on.
2020 surely has been one hell of a ride.
We are all forced to wear masks, keep our distance even with our loved ones, and of course, the fear and anxiety that exists inside our heads.
We are all forced to adapt to technology; conferences, meetings, and even classes. While on the other side, we, humans, crave for something beyond this, where things are not limited to something programed by AI or coding; we have emotions. As time goes by, it does slowly becomes draining. Endless meetings while staying in one place are hard, indeed, the term 'Zoom Fever', somewhat exists.
However, that does not mean we can allow ourselves to be limited to look at the screen in front of us. Looking around, being with our loved ones, safe, and healthy during this pandemic is already a blessing. I went through that one hard time this year, where I was locked down on the campus, overseas, for almost a month. Glad I took the courage, although I had to go through so many dramas until I safely landed in Indonesia.
2020 gave me so many chances to explore many new things.
I am very grateful to be given the chance to meet such influential and experienced people this year. I have learned so many things that not only broaden my networking but also my skills. But on top of all, my intention indeed was never as shallow as for the sake of my Linkedin. I found friendships that I really cherish.
2020 was about 'that' realization.
It took me a while, to find things by myself. I moved on from looking up to others as a strong benchmark, to find out what I actually want 'me' to be. Thus, along the way, I stumbled upon the happiness that I always wondered about; the adventure that I have craved; all without making any specific plan, in the year 2020.
From "Woah, she/he is so amazing! Able to be active in several organizations at once, while maintaining good grades and look at that body goals!" To "I want myself to improve and be active for myself. I want to try this, that, and live for myself, along with my loved ones.”
I realized that everyone has their own path, eventually, we all just go back to square one and be humans with different scars on our heart. So please, don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has their own path and pace. I still go back and forth, my confidence level is never stagnant high, and it's okay to take things slowly.
Anytime you feel like falling, whisper to yourself and say, "I actually made it through 2020 eh?"
Passing this year itself is already an achievement for all of us. Things may not be over, yet, but deep inside, we can. We know we can go through all of this, moreover, the pandemic.
Thank you, for surviving and be there for me, all along,
Stay safe, healthy, and content,
Keep going, we are getting there.
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This song has been out there for years and I just discovered it and INSTANTLY fell in love.
Oh, and Hi.
I am back!
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I never meant to fall for the lyrics, 
It just can’t be helped.
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Err Hello?
Hello everyone!
Anybody in here?
((technically, there is not anyone in here except you, Dil.))
It feels like it has been a decade since the last time I open my Tumblr! My bad, but sure the blocking of Tumblr in my home country affected it in some kind of way. Besides that, I am lazy and undeniably busy.
Anyways, it’s 2020 now!
I cannot believe that the last time I wrote in here was in 2017 and it’s already 3 years away! Time flies very fast and there are so many things that I want to catch up in here, so many.
Maybe, I should start with a greeting.
Hello everyone, it’s me! I am 19 years old now, currently finishing my second semester for my degree in Malaysia and it is my second year living here. Welp, I am sure the 2017 Dilla would never ever expect that she would end up studying abroad instead of studying in her home country. Heck, I even never ever think about living in a Jungle for my University, not even once.
But now, here I am.
(Almost) the third semester, studying the major that I am somewhat passionate about (Transport and Logistics), and trying to survive with my Financial Management paper (But I managed to pass Business Accounting with flying score)
I joined some clubs and resigned from one as well, I was given the chance to be the coordinator in one of the divisions for some programs, I had so much fun living my college life despite the hecticness--tho there are times when I want to give up with my subjects, and one of the biggest factors why I could manage it all was because of my closed ones, who always have my back.
But the most important thing is that
I learned and I grew up.
Both were the things that I never expect to experience for my University life, and I am glad that I went through things that actually made who I am now.
Okay okay, enough with a glimpse of 2019 summary because I will have another special post for that one, #spoiler.
I am welcoming myself back to my Tumblr and hopefully will try to post more in the future!
See you on my next post!
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finally, this is what i have always thought about.
but then, i remember something. how am i going to fall in love with everybody when i cannot love myself?
i just want to choose something small every day to fall in love with. how often do i really just like… study the heck out of a sunbeam. learn a new word and find out how to use it, teach it to others. watch birds because birds are nice. find a new favorite color. to find out something about each person in my life to compliment them on that’s genuine and better than “you’re pretty,” i mean realizing they always get water for other people before they sit down at lunch or how neat their notes are or how they always have a good pun. i want to listen harder and talk a little less and say more important stuff. and i want to watch out for stuff to just obsess over like a cool cloud or a tree and just. learn stuff from people. ask more questions about how her hair is so silky and just. fall in love with everybody.
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this is so beautiful.
사랑의 물리학 /Physics of Love
사랑의 물리학  질량의 크기는 부피와 비례하지 않는다  제비꽃같이 조그마한 그 계집애가  꽃잎같이 하늘거리는 그 계집애가 지구보다 더 큰 질량으로 나를 끌어당긴다. 순간, 나는 뉴턴의 사과처럼 사정없이 그녀에게로 굴러 떨어졌다 쿵 소리를 내며, 쿵쿵 소리를 내며 심장이 하늘에서 땅까지 아찔한 진자운동을 계속하였다 첫사랑이었다. (김인육·시인, 1963-) 
Physics of Love
Mass is not proportional to volume
A girl as small as a violet A girl who moves like a flower petal is pulling me towards her with more force than her mass. Just then, I am like Newton’s apple I rolled towards her without stopping until I fell on her  with a thump, with a thump thump
My heart  keeps bouncing between the the sky and the ground It was my first love. 
(Kim In Yook·Poet, 1963-) 
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“Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss...." He turned to me. "But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.”
Flipped (2010)
/casually listening to Everglow while re-reading Flipped/
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Greeting Post
/take a deep breath/
Seems like it has been really really a while since my last post--when i actually have planned to post more in 2016 but yeah to sum it up; i forgot, totally forgot. But anyway, 2016 has passed and i already bid goodbye to it. Although i’m sure i won’t forget the memories that were created during 2016. Because honestly, 2016 was indeed the year when i experienced many things--although for sure i’m going to learn more in 2017 and afterwards. So, this post is going to be about flashback, yep.
What i learned the most in January until June is friendship. During those months, not only i learned many things about friendship, but also about relationship--real relationship. As i’m getting older and living this Senior high School life, it’s not a secret anymore that i’m starting to be more serious when i’m attracted to opposite gender, so i did. Although during then i did not really care about getting into a serious relationship, i was more careful with that because of my friendship. 
Aside from social life, i actually feel like i didn’t really learn many thing from education. Somehow, what i get the most from school is from its social life, not education. Of course i studied, but i study to pass, not to understand. Feels like these days, it’s getting more and more obvious for me the reality of this education world. I came up with a wish, hoping that i could change it someday.
Friendship, relationship, education... Vacation. My family went to Lombok during summer vacation--or Lebaran as we called it in here. I learned that drinking milk before getting on a boat is extremely A NO. Yes, i puked twice or thrice on the boat. I still remember the color of it and my sister who puked more than 10 times--which is worse. I went snorkeling in 3 Gilis and IT WAS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. Since then, i started to believe that Indonesia is indeed beautiful. Wishing i could explore more in the future.
Honestly, they are probably the months that i used to love the most, but because of 2016, i started to really really hate it, i don’t know why. Well not the whole six month but probably during those six months, there were ‘love and hate’ that happened. Although my July and August went really smooth--gotta admit that.
During July until September, i learned that they are indeed right when they say that ‘The best thing in life, happen unexpectedly’. I found something within someone that i never ever expected to have, i started to live inside a new environment, meeting new people, and experienced many things. I was on my happiest during August. Up until now, i am still grateful as ever to be able to live my 2016′s August.
Then, October and November happened. It’s actually kind of funny for me, because October has always been my most favorite month of the year. My birthday, my parent’s birthday, my close friends’ birthday, oh and midterm of course. But my 2016′s October made me really sad, i don’t know why. Even when i went to Japan (Yes my Dad literally prepared it last minute) what i mostly feel was scared and insecure. I honestly couldn’t enjoy my vacation as much as i used to. Although my November was better than October, there were some shits that happened too. But i guess i don’t really care about it now. I still have a big regret regarding my Japan trip, i want to go back and live it again but i know i can’t.
And last, December. December was honestly the most flat month during 2016. During this month, all i do was watching people come and go. Kind of sad because i came into a realization that some people are not as the same as they used to be on the beginning of the year--which pretty much hits me so bad. Although i am grateful that not everyone like that, i met many people in 2016 which help me a lot on getting through 2016, i learned many things, i’m thankful that my family and friends always be there behind my back and everything that i went through during 2016.
Now it’s already 2017, hoping and looking forward to what it will bring to me and everyone.
Special thanks to everyone who was there during my 2016 : (Trying to remember everyone)
My big family, my parents, my sister, brown, moon, sally, leonard, memer, mbara, antasena, ipadhe,  alia, mamih, geboy, mae, piramida, naga, edward, tim pubdok ola (who literally made me learn a lot about ps), paja, anak ef, tim les hari sabtu, mas mas grab and anyone that i have met inside my life--even once or twice or more than that.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
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This song reminds me of the 2013 version of myself, walking inside a crowd full of people in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. It was winter. So everything was about Christmas and New Year. Then i saw a CD store. I went in because my dad and sister insisted me to follow them. And i was greeted with this song when i got into the store. And yeah i bought the album, and this song accompany me exploring the beauty of Hong Kong.
Sigh. I wanna go back to 2013.
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the puppy brothers u • ㅅ • u
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skylineandcitylights · 10 years
feud between you and your best friend.
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skylineandcitylights · 10 years
i know i'm late. but i'm truly in love with this song.
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skylineandcitylights · 10 years
Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015
2015 is coming in less than 10 days. i'm trying to remember all the things that i really want to change. to be honest, i really want to change in 2015. not in a bad and sudden way but in a good and slow way. because so many things that disappoint me in 2014. i'm trying to change my self from those things and stay away from problems.
to be honest, there were so many sad things happened in 2014 and brought a big effect to me. but it made me realize to change my own self because not everybody likes how you thinks. and yeah i must be more patient when i listen to the others thinking to.
maybe that's all.
see you in the next post maybe?
oh Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrate it and Happy New Year!:)
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skylineandcitylights · 10 years
can you hear me screaming right now.
this song is perfect.
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skylineandcitylights · 10 years
And i realized that a year could change everything.
i miss you so much, brother. i hope we'll meet again next time:)
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