Skye Botham Barnes
43 posts
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 5 years ago
An inconvenient truth: What pro-vegan animal-welfare doco's need to do to actually get us off the couch?
An inconvenient truth: What pro-vegan animal-welfare doco’s need to do to actually get us off the couch?
“Through an uncanny ability to highlight topics, raise awareness and expose truths, documentaries are powerful tools for understanding topics beyond the obvious.”
Timothy Paradis 2019
There is no question about it, a result of our media use and frequent urge to know everything, has seen documentary production and consumption #trending for the past two decades. Between streaming services and…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
A reflective piece: The story of looking at a whole bunch of uni smokers for a while and what it taught me...
A reflective piece: The story of looking at a whole bunch of uni smokers for a while and what it taught me…
Undertaking a research project this semester, has taught me a lot about conducting ethical research, presenting findings and overall the power of research communication. I have become a lot more aware of research and the way it is communicated over to publics.
Some of the challenges I faced was coming into the subject late, which I assume, would pose an issue for many people. However,…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Opinion piece: Student smokers attitudes towards a smoke-free campus
Opinion piece: Student smokers attitudes towards a smoke-free campus
As a major public health issue, more than “12.6% of Australian adults smoke cigarettes” (DOH 2018), making it the “leading cause of preventable death and illness nationwide” (Better Health Channel 2019). The nicotine present in tobacco is a naturally occurring drug, with addictive properties, which can lead to the “formation of habitual use” (DOH 2018). The act of smoking further facilitates…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Research Proposal: #SmokeFreeCampus-A Smokers Nightmare?
Research Proposal: #SmokeFreeCampus-A Smokers Nightmare?
To be curious and questioning is embedded within the human condition. When looking at a topic such as ‘University Experience’, there is an endless amount of curiosities to be explored.
This initially lead me to explore what actually is the university experience is?
Is it how you watch lectures, socialise, experience stress from tutorial enrolments, how you get to uni or finding that perfect work/…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
My Curiosity: To Work or Not to Work?
My Curiosity: To Work or Not to Work?
There are a limitless number of questions that formulate within our lifetimes, shaping who we are and how we interact with information. To question is inevitably part of a fundamental condition embedded within the human psyche, or for better words our natural curiosity in response to our surroundings.
Without curiosity, scientific breakthroughs, inventions, and just simple innate learning,…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Coming in hot! Brainstorming university concerns among students!
Coming in hot! Brainstorming university concerns among students!
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Progress Report: Part Two
Progress Report: Part Two
Following up of the progress of our Cinematic project, it became apparent to Rach and I, that the format wasn’t going to work in our favor.
Instead, we went with my initial idea of a website. This way, we bother could explore the project in multiple ways and project multiple opinions through video content, blog uploads, interviews- which can all be linked back to our lovely Hagerstand and other…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Progress Report: Part One
Progress Report: Part One
This week we got into groups based off what topics the class was interested in. I chose the cinema and cinema spaces. There were about five others who were interested in this topic- My friend Rachel included. Our tutor mentioned that working in a group of two was an option if anyone was interested. Rach and I jumped straight into it.
Why Cinema? Why did this both intrigue us so much? For me…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Week 8: Industry and Partnerships
Week 8: Industry and Partnerships
Looking at the application of media ethnography in industry. We’ll locate some of the partnerships and careers emerging across disciplines. Where are opportunities for ethnography and qualitative research to complement, expand on or replace quantitative data?
Now that we are starting to think like ethnographers, we are seeing that ethnography in its traditional and developing forms can be…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
Week 6: ONline communities and engagement
Week 6: ONline communities and engagement
This week we look at online communities. Algorithms and traditional modes of media audience measurement tend to treat people as markets. But what are the other ways we can examine and understand what we do online?
In the lecture we’ll be looking closely at the work of Digital Anthropologist, Daniel Miller, and his book Tales of Facebook.
On your blog this week, reflect on what you learned from…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 6 years ago
week 8: Digital Ethnography
week 8: Digital Ethnography
On your blog this week, we are asking you to reflect on digital ethnography. Tell a story of a past relationship with a person that has a digital aspect (maybe you met online) or tell a story of your relationship with a digital form of media (e.g. Pokemon, Club Penguin). We will give you more advice on this in the lecture and in the tutorials this week.
Source: Christopher Moree
We can explore…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 7 years ago
Did Netflix kill the Cinema star?
Did Netflix kill the Cinema star?
Cinema. Who has time to go to the cinema anymore? It’s sad but true. I personally don’t like going by myself and I have a computer with Netflix, Stan, and HBO on it. I just can’t be bothered to go to the effort anymore for the movies…
This does really sadden me when I come to think about it. The movies were such a novelty growing up. I get a warm giddy feeling thinking about the butter popcorn…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 7 years ago
Addicted to the screen.
Addicted to the screen.
The more and more I look at my own media use, I dislike technology more and more. Or I guess I should say my addictive need to be connected.
I was informed this week that your iPhone can tell you how much time you have spent on your phone and on its apps over the past week.
This is mine currently:
The past 24 hours-
The past 7 Days-
I realized that I have forgotten what it is like to have a…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 7 years ago
Jumping into the auto-ethnography scene of a 5 year old me.
Jumping into the auto-ethnography scene of a 5 year old me.
  This week, I’d like to reflect on a TV memory, or rather a memory about not having access to Television as a child. Growing up in a remote location in rural NSW with only 35 citizens living in our community. My 4 brother and sisters had only one another to keep us preoccupied. It wasn’t until I was about 5 that my parents bought their first TV set.
My house in Glen Davis, Capertee Valley My…
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 7 years ago
Is disconnecting from technology a thing of the past?
Is disconnecting from technology a thing of the past?
Hi everyone,
My name is Skye Botham Barnes. I have just transferred 100% into a Bachelor of Communications and Media, majoring in Advertising and Marketing, with a minor in Public Relations. This is my last transfer. I have a background in studying Arts and Science but have chosen to just stick with Communications in hope to work for an environmentally conscious advertising firm in the future.
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skyebothambarnes-blog · 7 years ago
E- Portfolio
Tumblr media
Introduction Over the last month of BIO103, we were given a task to analyse and investigate a scientific article, in a group of four. With our topic of choice being biofuel production. Over the duration of this assessment, the group presented an e-poster presentation in conjunction with an 8-minute-long seminar. Using the article “Agricultural Waste can be used as biofuel” by Science Daily as a…
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