Current obsessions: op, csm, jkkMostly my incoherent thoughts on manga/anime, expect spoilers (・∇・)
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CSM 193
im gonna be honest i hope part 2 never gets animated because what the fuck
The formatering/grammar will be a lil messy, so sorry abt that!!

Asa likes Denji because of their previous interactions, Yoru likes Denji because she likes pain. To quote her from a few chapters ago,
”Cuz you’re cute when you cry.”
Yoru is influenced by Asa’s feelings, sure, but Yoru’s feelings extend more into the fact she likes to hurt people. She’s a devil after all. She rips Denji’s hands away from his face because seeing him cry is cute to her.
Also, this may seem small, but Yoru telling Denji straight up that Asa likes him is another point to how little Yoru values Asa as a person. Anything Asa does, says or thinks will be used against her. And that is a terrifying thought.

Yoru kisses Denji out of pity, she feels bad and wants to make him happy. But it lacks love, care. It feels forced because in some way, it is. Yoru’s perception of love is so flawed so she resort to assuming and acting on instinct.

This panel destroys me.

Like with Makima in part 1. Denji is in a state of confusion or emotional turmoil and someone uses that. Denji is still a kid, what he wants is love, a connection. He’s crying at the thought of one person still liking him. Compare that to him in early part 2.
Asa wants that too, and honestly their relationship is the biggest tradgedies in part 2. Two teens who found eachother, yet who’s lives were ruined because they were cursed with simply being them.
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there IS a real and powerful comedy in how unsubtle this all is. The Devil That Is War shows up on your doorstep and says, hey, unloved man who feels unlovable. you feel that way because you are pathetic and unworthy of love. but don't worry! Do Enough Violence and i'll let you have sex with this girl (don't worry, she likes you, she told me). or fail and i will erase you from existence. either way it's not like you have anything else going for you!
#unfortunately real#and if it wasn’t this obvious people would call it bad writing#but they call it that anyways so#peak fiction but please let denji escape
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Csm 193 Spoilers and Ramblings
I feel so horrible for denji because I know this cycle is not easy to break from but he was doing so well at the start of part 2 😔. Yes he wasn’t perfect but he had some connection to others and at least on healthy relationship to rely on but now we have just seen the events of part one play out again. All his friends and family are dead and the only connection he has left is his abuser. The manipulation will never end atp and I don’t see a way out for him. Even if power comes back, she won’t be the same and it doesn’t undo the damage. Not to mention the damage done to asa and if she can even live without yoru anymore. I don’t think yoru can be reformed or be removed from asa peacefully so I can only see denji becoming a tool of the state or public safety and asa being dead :/ anyhow I always knew this would end poorly but this is worse than I imagined. I’m so sick
#csm#chainsawman#csm 193#denji#asa mitaka#yoru#random thoughts#when I find you Fujimoto#chainsawman spoilers
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"but they are not canon"
Do I look like I give a fuck
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Csm 181 spoilers
I feel like yoru is such and understandable character in everything except denji. Like I understand how Asa’s feelings project onto her but why did she do this? To find some comfort in him or to comfort him in this horrible situation? I don’t even think she knows. I really want to crawl into her mind cuz I can’t figure it out
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Sam fumbled Gwen’s Bonzo reveal… but he’d been primed to do so
I suspect that there's going to be a LOT of conversation around Sam after this episode, and since this episode was so good that I couldn't think of a meme or shitpost, I decided I'd throw my hat into the ring and do some character analysis instead. CW: Spoilers for The Magnus Protocol episode 18, "Solo Work" under the cut.
Episode 18 finally gave us the Sam and Gwen interaction I (and I think a lot of others) have been so desperate to finally see, and boy oh boy do I have Thoughts… none of which are new per se, but Sam’s reaction to Gwen dropping the Bonzo Bomb seems to have reinforced the way I’ve been reading (and projecting in fanfiction oops) Sam, his personality, and his motivations.
Out of everyone new we’ve been introduced to so far, Sam has by far gotten the most explicit development and conversation around his personality. Even before episode 1, folks who participated in the ARG got a preview of our favorite baby shrimp’s personality through access to the child database spreadsheet that was, presumably, used to document the results of the experiments run on children participating in The Magnus Institute’s “gifted and talented program.” From this spreadsheet, we can gather that Baby Sam is logical, empathetic, works towards the benefit of others (prosocial), and fair… but also a rule follower and highly willing to follow the lead of an authority figure, even if it is in conflict with his personal views. The picture this information paints is an interesting one, but when taken in a vacuum leaves us with an impression of Sam as someone who is kind but lacking in backbone.
This idea of Sam as “kind but lacking in backbone” is further reinforced in canon, as Alice of multiple occasions rags on him for being “noodly” and “ickle fawn” and a “baby shrimp,” all seeming to highlight that Sam has the sort of helplessness about him typically ascribed to sopping wet kittens and baby birds. And I think that if we view Sam’s outburst when Gwen brings up Bonzo through this lens alone, it’s going to seem WAY out of character for him and a downright cruel response.
Now while I do believe that Sam is empathetic and fair and, sometimes, a little helpless, I’ve been inclined to believe from early on that much of Sam’s affable self-deprecation is a way to cover or soften what can be, at times, a tendency to be hard-headed, temperamental, a little manipulative, and petty (and I’m totally not just saying that as a people-pleaser-and-gifted-kid-in-recovery who has been projecting hard on Sam since Day 1). And it’s this second batch of personality traits, the ones that make Sam so real and interesting to me, that I think set up the disaster of a conversation between Sam and Gwen.
We have definitely seen hints of Sam’s hard-headedness and manipulative leanings in previous episodes: it comes out most often around Alice, showing his stubbornness in the form of refusing to give up his lines of questioning and curiosity about what is happening in the cases and at the OIAR; and revealing his willingness to manipulate a situation the form of subtly redirecting Alice’s focus away from prying into his crush on Celia and during the mocha incident (I have, of course, already explored Sam’s manipulative tendencies in my totally comprehensive shitpost).
And we’ve even been shown at times before episode 18 where Sam can be petty, his buzzed insistence that Alice try and keep things “professional” at work after his date with Celia being at the top of the list. The case headers filed for “Putting Down Roots” and “Pet Project” also suggest to me Sam’s ability to be stubborn and petty: in both instances, Alice and Gwen suggest a different classification than the one that Sam ultimately files. In the case of Gwen in “Pet Project,” she’s dismissive of him when he tries to ask if she’s all right.
While there’s no way to know for sure, I interpret this interaction as part of the reason why Sam ultimately disregarded Gwen’s suggestion for how to file the case—she shut him down and shut him out, and the petty part of his heart couldn’t resist ignoring her recommendation out of spite. This scene also begins to lay the foundations for Sam and Gwen’s interactions in episode 18 and, I suspect, the rest of the season.
So with all of this in mind, let’s look at episode 18. When Gwen emerges from Lena’s office, Alice has just finished shutting Sam down, again. Throughout most of this season, Sam has been desperate for some validation that the cases they are listening to are real, that whatever happened to him at The Magnus Institute was real, and that him pursuing this line of questioning and wanting to find answers isn’t a waste of his time. Alice has, of course, been not-so-gently nudging him away from this line of thinking for most of the season, while Gwen has been icing him out about it up until this point. Just about the only one who has given his questioning any air has been Celia who is, conveniently, not there. Even after Alice has her very own supernatural experience that is reaffirmed in the case Sam receives, she strongly pushes back on his idea that they should investigate and pursue this further. He understands why she doesn’t want to learn more, but it’s clear that he’s still frustrated at the end of the conversation.
Enter Gwen. Here, for the first time, it seems like she’s opening up about what is going on at the OIAR, and Sam is immediately hooked, even dropping his softer and sympathetic side when Alice tries to redirect with one of her classic barbs.
After being shut down time and time again, Sam is so eager for confirmation that there is more to all of this than meets the eye. And then Gwen says the B-word, and Sam loses it.
Sam is laughing here, but honestly? I think he’s angry, and his reaction is one of complete disbelief that Gwen would set him up like this just to, in his mind, take the piss out of him. He thinks that, at best, Gwen is having a breakdown and he’s once again being shut out or, at worst, Gwen is making a joke at his expense. Now, he’s used to being the butt of a joke thanks to being friends with Alice, but despite that we’ve never heard him call her an asshole the way he does Gwen. Temperamental and petty, turning around his hurt and anger over being stonewalled again and again to lash out at Gwen with his joke.
And honestly, can you blame him? (I can’t.)
Of course this wasn’t the ideal reaction. I have been waiting for Sam and Gwen to have a serious heart-to-heart about what’s going on forever, and Sam pretty much blew that chance without even realizing it. And I would be surprised if we get an apology out of him anytime soon, not only because this interaction is likely to push Gwen away from wanting to even be around Sam, but also because he’s not going to believe that Gwen wasn’t making fun of him or that Gwen isn’t having a delusional breakdown until he sees Mr. Bonzo with his own two eyes.
I also think this conversation would have gone very differently had Celia been there instead of Alice. Sam’s slew of psychological testing suggests he’s willing to follow the leader, and in this case he doesn’t seem immune to Alice’s general dismissiveness of Gwen. He may have even been primed to lash out at Gwen in this moment because Alice is constantly ragging on her; chameleon-like, he’ll take on the shade of the strongest personality when he’s on uncertain or dangerous footing. It’s almost a guarantee that Celia would have taken Gwen seriously, not only because she’s likely from or connected to the TMA-verse of horrors, but also because it was Celia who received the first Mr. Bonzo case. And had Celia been there to temper the disbelief, Sam would have absolutely been ready to hear Gwen out in full. I honestly cannot wait for Celia to be back in office; she’s going to walk in to these new, rancid office vibes like Troy from Community walking into the whole room on fire while casually carrying the pizza.
So, what do I think this means for the rest of the season? Well, the title of this episode seems telling: Solo Work. Gwen and Sam’s respective desires for their experiences to be validated and their goals to be taken seriously paired with the seeming dismissiveness of those around them are going to push them along their separate paths, dangerously alone. And I suspect that it is only going to be Celia or, more likely, an encounter with Bonzo, that is going to put them back on the same path—if it happens at all. Good luck, babes!
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Ok so Alex was the main writer for this casement, and obviously he knew we would latch on to incidental characters that seem a lot like Jon and Martin.
The questions I have are: first, whether it was a prank on TMA fans; and second, if it's not a prank, what he intended to convey by including them. Alex doesn't seem like the kind of guy to leave jmart fan service for its own sake; if those are truly alternate Jon and Martin, I suspect they're there for a story or setting reason.
Was it a prank?
I'm inclined to answer no. Darrien didn't just describe them, he wondered aloud while recounting his story if what happened to him also happened to them. That's not out of the question for prank red-string-bait, but the more you harp on incidental characters that seem like Jon and Martin, the more plausible it becomes that they are. People red-stringing over things that the author draws a circle around and writes "look at this!" next to isn't funny - it's just analysis.
Prank is still on the table, but it's not my preferred explanation.
If they are alternate Jon & Martin, what does their presence here imply?
One thing it probably implies is that we're dealing with more than one alternate universe here.
So far we've only had evidence of two: the Protocolverse, and Celia's home universe. We're reasonably sure that Celia's home universe is the Archiverse, because the character voiced by Lowri in TMA only took the name Celia after she lost her memories in the Eyepocalypse. And if Darrien comes from a universe where Martin worked reception at a therapist's office and Jon was a client, then he didn't come from the Archiverse. He came through from another, until-now-unknown-to-us universe.
Wild speculation ahead
Turn back now if you only want thoughts that are well-evidenced
There's also another possibility we could stack on top of the implication of a third universe. This is primarily supported by Doylist reasoning, rather than in-universe evidence.
Alex wrote ?Jon and ?Martin in close proximity to Darrien's universe shift. He brought attention to the fact that Darrien didn't recognize either of them - ?Martin being a new hire, and ?Jon being a new-enough face to be worth pondering. This would imply it was fairly likely ?Jon and ?Martin's first meeting - likely even their first time being in a room together. And Alex, through Darrien, further invited us to wonder if ?Jon and ?Martin had been pulled across universes as well.
Is it possible that the universe shift happened because of Therapyverse's Jon and Martin being in close proximity at the time?
Jon and Martin are apparently cosmically important in at least the Protocolverse, given that they manifested as two of FR3-D1's voices. What if something in the Protocolverse is pulling in Jons and Martins from other universes? It might be easier or more efficient to find or to pull them when they cross paths, and Darrien just got schlurped up with them this time.
Who would be interested in collecting alternate Jons and Martins? I can think of a few possibilities:
The Fears. They've got Jon and Martin reading case files, maybe they need more Jon & Martin to make FR3-D1 go.
The OIAR. Lena said some entities are benevolent, most aren't, and they're trying to maintain a balance. If Jon and Martin are their "benevolent entities," then maybe they think pulling additional copies into their universe's fear-space strengthens them. Maybe they're even right.
The Magnus Institute itself. It was still around at the time of Darrien's shift, given that the case is from the Institute's files. Jonah Magnus may have figured out (or found out) that Jon and Martin had something to do with his ascension in another universe, and started abducting alternate versions of them as part of his research.
Maybe Chester and Norris started talking a year ago because someone or something finally pulled enough Jons and Martins (and J2s?) into an extradimensional JMalgamation to give them the necessary power.
Maybe Darrien got spat out practically starved to death because he couldn't feed on fear, nor were there versions of himself that could that he could amalgamate with.
And who the fuck is the second J?
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do you ever just
[the line is from a fic by @/Rauchendes_GNU on ao3]
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🔪 so grab a plate, have a taste, 这口味让我陶醉! i'm still preying on a butcher's vein—
[ID: a piece of dungeon meshi fanart. on the left are five panels showing a closeup of a character's eye with the hourglass-shaped pupil of the demon: from top to bottom they are the winged lion, mithrun, thistle, marcille & laios. the background, extending to the right, is abstract veins, intestines, feathers & checkerboards. text above, lyrics from butcher vanity - flavor foley, reads:
"The slaughter's mine Oh, blood and viscera divine Preserved and primed Each muscle divvied up to dine And in the high, 我存在 Tasting 血淋淋的爱 I'll devour all of you in time" End ID.]
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trying new staff. part 02: oil pastel.
yesterday, unplanned, I bought oil pastels. I don’t expect anything. I am in LOVE 💘 First Thistle is just oil pastels and some pencils, second is oil pastel with white spirit and some pencils. It's very fun and easy and fast and fun 💖
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Nothing bad will happen to them!!
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Fujimoto count your days
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Mini thing i thought of
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