skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
Wolf mask concept
Feel free to make it, the elastic makes it more bitey and u can smell and breath through the netting/mesh I couldn’t sleep till I drew this idk why
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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Full story:
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
So fricken sad!!! D:
We are born as a species with no tail to wag, how sad is that
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
God bless practical effects god bless puppets god bless props god bless cornstarch and food coloring fake blood god bless costuming and special effects makeup god bless fursuits and cosplay and renies and people who sell those hand crafted small animal puppets that sit on your shoulder on Etsy in the name of our saviors the dark Crystal, Labyrinth, and muppets
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
Alpha theory is hella debunked but look at how sweet this pup is! 
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The alpha pup from the Meggity pack of Ethiopian wolves in the Web Valley, Bale Mountains National Park. 
Photo: Rebecca Jackrel
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
As they should be :) 
Ethiopian wolves are now on my top 5 fave animals list!
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
OH my god i
i started typing in the title sorry but oh my god i didnt even mention that geladas have like a vague alliance with ethiopian wolves where the wolves dont target them at all and the monkeys arent scared, the wolves just hang out and eat rodents and the geladas are like yeah thats fine
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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Ethiopian Wolves
More beauty of Nature.
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) Sanetti Plateau, Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Photos © Tim Melling
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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10 week old Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) siblings play a rambunctious game of chase while they wait for the adults to return from hunting. Web Valley, Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia.
Picture by Rebecca Jackrel
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
Animal of the Day!
Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis)
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(Photo by Will Burrard)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Ethipoia
Size (Weight/Length)- 14 kg; 94 cm
Diet- Large rodents
Cool Facts- The Ethiopian wolf is Africa’s most endangered carnivore. Numbering around 400 individuals, this tiny population is undergoing an intense conservation effort to save them. The Ethiopian wolf lives in small packs of both males and females with a dominant pair ruling. While they live together, Ethiopian wolves are one of the only canines to hunt alone. Their diet is almost 100% molerat, a large species of burrow dwelling rodent. Some wolves will use herds of cattle to mask their presence from the molerats, making them much easier to hunt. However, due to disease, habitat loss, over grazing, and unhappy humans, these wolves are extremely threatened. Thought to hunt cattle, even though they only eat rodents, Ethiopian wolves are shot by farmers and hunters. Several conservation preserves, National Parks, and zoos are working together to save this fragmented species. Ethiopian wolves are among the few endangered species where scientists believe that cloning may help bring them back from the brink, similar to black-footed ferrets and Przewalski's horses.
Rating- 14/10 (Working hard to save a wonderful species from the brink.)
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
Ab euphoria!
Holy fuck! I’m so happy rn my lower abs are visible and covered in hair and i’m at home in my body. I can see myself. I’m here in the mirror, I made it. I wish I knew it could feel like this to be trans feel I was younger. I’m home.
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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This Or Patê’s gf (Critical Role)?
I want...sashimi
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
Ouch ouchy no right in the relatable nooo
I know people love to think of ADHD as just “haha fun disorder” and being distracted and ditzy. But neurotypical people will never know the legitamate stress and pain of losing track of items in seemingly a second, all day, every day. 
I set down my phone? It’s gone. I spend twenty minutes looking for it while on the border of tears because I just want my phone. It’s on a shelf three feet away, I can’t see it. I can’t trust myself to keep track of anything. I see a text? It’s gone the second I look away. I ghost someone for days and every time I remember I feel terrible.
It’s incredibly stressful! I know it’s easy to reduce something to simple terms, but please remember that it isn’t that simple. ADHD effects a persons life every waking moment. Lets not dimish the impacts. 
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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I asked myself “is a mech a fursuit” and things got out of hand
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skopbopabadowbebowop · 2 years ago
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