Today in niche genres of joke that I can never get enough of and will probably still be secretly thinking about four years later

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shoutout to the most unhelpful reminder ive ever put into my phone
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Magos said I'm going to be joining the

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'The Tempest' by Leo and Diane Dillon, 1965
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Don Rosa: carefully avoiding to have Scrooge around during World Wars to not have him profiting from global conflicts.
Italians: Yes, I manifacture the missiles and I sell them to the Army.
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The art I recently did for the cover of the Tolkien Society's Amon Hen, inspired by the Song of Eärendil :)
Below how the print came out (photo from amonhen_ts on IG) Also, as a backdrop to an opera singer performing the Song of Eärendil at a fanscreening of War of the Rohirrim in switzerland (that was almost a little too large for me lol)

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You know, Tolkien was actually really specific about this, but no there weren’t. In “Laws and Customs Among the Eldar” he wrote:
According to the Eldar, the only ‘character’ of any person that was not subject to change was the difference of sex. For this they held to belong not only to the…
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alright back to catching up on mechtober... four months later. ack.
day 25: Hahli Mahri from Bionicle!
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a night out at the club can have a three act structure
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