Matthew Hizzett
36 posts
This blog is dedicated to my documentation and research for my University work.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Overall thoughts and feelings of my experience on the course
To be completely honest, I think I chose the wrong time in my life to do this course. I was going through a rough patch after I finished my degree and I thought that maybe if I do this I can get back on track with my work and life. But I wished I waited a little longer to start as a lot of the time I struggled with motivation and inspiration while doing this.
I went weeks and even months just not doing anything towards the work for this course cause opening up Blender or doing research was the last thing I wanted to do a lot of the time. I feel like working on a project like this solo was my biggest mistake, I really wanted to work with other artists as that's when I find this kind of work to be the most fun and engaging. But I don't know any other kind of artist that would've been willing or able to do so and my anxiety prevented me from seeking out others who would be interested and from making friends on the course that could've possibly assisted.
I would've loved to have been able to get help from other creatives to collaborate with me on this project to see it completed, I've only ever worked on a group animation project once about two years ago and I really enjoyed working with others on a project like this and to see it finished. I only worked on the visual effects on it, and seeing how well it was directed and how the director has managed to use that project to boost her chances of getting good work in the industry has made me regretful I didn't try to do the same as her.
Ultimately I don't know how impactful doing this course was for me, I don't really feel like I've improved much as an artist all that much and I don't think I'm likely to get a job in this industry anytime soon. This doesn't mean I want to stop doing this work though.
My current plan is to just stay in the factory job I'm currently in, even though it's 12 hour shifts it's also 4 on 4 off. So in the 4 days I'm off, I could use those days to work on side projects as I've got some ideas in mind I want to give ago. I don't know if I'm going to attempt to apply for any positions currently as I don't think it's worth my trying right now, instead I'm just going to work on projects, upload them online and see what happens.
I don't think this course was a complete waste of my time, I just wish I waited till I was in a better head space before I applied for it and I do hope completing this masters will help me in the future with personal projects and getting into the industry.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Project reflection
This is now the end of this project and I want to reflect on it and how I feel about it. Overall I'm a bit disappointed I wasn't able to create the short film I had in my mind. I really felt like it it could've been a lot of fun to be able to create and share it with everyone. However I felt that my goals and ideas for this project were simply too ambitious for me to do by myself.
I did want to see if I could possibly ask and invite other creatives to help and collaborate on this project, though the time I thought about doing that felt like it would've been a little late. I'm also not great at selling project ideas to others so the anxiety of pitching in hopes I receive the help I would need prevented me from seeking out others to work with.
While I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to complete the short film, I do feel like I've produced a passible result of work that I'm satisfied with. I wish I had a bit more variety in that I've done for this submission but I think what I have done isn't the worst thing I've every created.
If I were to to do this all over again, I would try to go in with a bit more planning. A lot of the time I dove straight into it without properly planning it out, while I did have an idea in mind when creating the animations, a lot of my work I've done here is very improvised and a lot was figured out on the spot except the animation of one of the shots as I had that drawn down as a storyboard which helped a ton in creating the animation.
Overall, I wish I had done more and properly managed and planed out this project. As I said I feel like this short film could've been fun to create and share if it was completed, maybe if I were to collaborate with other artists it would've been possible. I learnt a lot of lessons working on this that I will for sure take with me when I work on future projects.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Creating my reels
As I mentioned previously, I want to submit two reels for this project. One that only includes all the animation work I did for this module, and the second that'll act as my show reel which will include a variety of my work I've created on this course, the work I did during my time on the VFX course and projects I did in my own time.
As my first reel will be focused on the work I did for the FMP module, I want it to follow some kind of order. So I started it off with the intro animation I did to open it up then each bit of animation I use next will be roughly in order from when I created them.
So from start to finish, it'll begin with the intro animation then it'll be followed up with the different cycle animations I created for each character. After those I want the animations I created for the intro to be next then to end it will be the animation of the scene from the scene from my short film.
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For my actual showreel, I didn't really have much of an order in mind. My main thing was trying to figure out what I should and shouldn't include into it. I've done a fair bit of work throughout the years, however there's a lot I don't feel like is good enough to include in the reel. It's all online to be seen, I just want the reel to focus on the work and projects I'd like to be a bit more seen.
I wanted to use music in the reels that I felt fit and was music I enjoyed personally. I used the instrumental version of Curios by Franz Franz Ferdinand as it's a song I've enjoyed a lot recently, the showreel uses Colors by Trocadero which is a band who has created music that has been with me for a long time.
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I also made sure to include the software I used for each project that shows up in my showreel.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Animating The Scene Part 2
There's not too much more to say other than I continued to use the reference video I film to further develop the animation. I got to the point where the characters have the small interaction and I've done this before however I was really unhappy with how it look originally, again using the reference I was able to produce something a lot better looking this time around and something I'm more satisfied with.
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Shortly after this point I wanted to have the child hope away, and I did struggle with this part a little bit. I had a hard time making it look natural, while the reference footage I film has been really helpful, I didn't record our feet movement very well and not having that made it hard for me to make what I wanted to do feel natural.
I gave it a few attempts but in the end I decided to duplicate the hopping animation I made for her and re-use it as a way for her to exit the scene. This isn't how I had it play out in mind initially, but I think it's natural to make adjustments like this during development of any project.
Same goes with the adult character sitting down, this is something that also took me a good minute to get down and eventually I just decided to delete what I had done and follow the reference a lot more closely. What I was doing was watching the reference, but seeing if I could do it without relying on it, but was causing too much stress and just re-created key frames from the reference and got a much better and easier result.
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This animation is near enough complete now, just have a few small tweaks to make then I'll be on to collecting everything I've done and compiling it into two separate reels.
I want to have one reel of the animations I've created throughout my time on this course, and a second reel that'll act as my showreel. That will include work I've done on this course and outside of it.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Animating The Scene Part 1
With the reference footage I can start to work on the animation itself. As I'm starting from scratch again, I'll be re-animating the skipping animation I did awhile ago using the same video from Felix Sputnik on Vimeo for reference.
I actually attempted this animation before I filmed the reference, at the end of the character skipping I wanted her to hop and turn around at the same time. Here's what it looked like before the reference. This was the point where I realised now necessary it's going to be to have actual usable reference for this project.
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And here's after using reference.
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While still not perfect, it's miles better than it was when I didn't have any proper reference to use and I'm much happier with the result. I was able to see how to correctly add momentum into the arm swings, when to properly time the movements and give it some weight to the drop.
The second character that's walking behind her was fairly straight forward at this point as he's only just following behind and comes to a stop when she hops around. It will be at this point where the two characters will have a small interaction and is another area I struggled with in the past.
For I'm up to this point with the animation and I'm more confident with it far more than I was previously now and I'm looking forward to getting this finished this time. You can also see at this point I've also animated her to spin around while she's hoping, I twisted her torso and swung her arms to the direction she's going in to give her some momentum as she twists around to face her had before she runs off shortly after.
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You can also see in this screenshot how I've added some very basic geometry to the scene to help with knowing where the characters should be.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Filming The Reference Footage
In my negotiation form, me and my tutor agreed that I would complete at least one animation from my storyboard for my short film idea. I decided to animate the very first scene of the film and my intentions with this is to focus purely on the animation itself, meaning I won't spend much if any time on the lighting, scenery, aseets, vfx etc.
I've attempted to animate this scene more than once now, and each time I always struggled and felt frustrated trying to do it. What I think was causing me frustration was trying to animate something more than a walk cycle without any kind of decent reference footage, so for this and with the help of my partner we're going to record some reference footage for me to watch over and use to assist me.
I've never filmed reference footage for an animation before, I usually look online to find something close to what I'm looking for. However this is a little more specific and so I'll need to record it myself. While thinking about this, I remembered something the developers of a game called Devil May Cry 5 did. In the game, you have an option to replace every cinematic animation with all of the reference videos the animators filmed to help create the cinematics for the game. While I won't be going to the lengths they did as I'm not much of a performer, it was something I've always found interesting and a good way to see how you can turn something simple as filming yourself doing certain actions into it's own special project within itself.hgh
Here's a link to what the animators for Devil May Cry 5 did.
Behind the Scenes - Devil May Cry 5 [Live Action Cutscenes side-by-side Comparison] (
As I said, I don't plan on going as hard as they did as we don't have the equipment, space and am I very comfortable of being in front of a camera. So we kept it simple enough for me to do and use.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Short Film Title Sequence Part 3: Creating the Sequence
With the character animations completed, I can work on creating the sequence itself. I'm not going to go all out on it as I've got a lot more others things still to do so I'm going to keep it fairly simple.
First thing I did was bring the logo into after effects and place it into it's own composition, I brought in the Illustrator file instead of saving it as a PNG or JPEG as that allows me to not only animate the individual layers, but I can make any changes to the logo I want in Illustrator and it will automatically update in After Effects. I mainly did this so I can animate the cog spinning, I set it to spin 360 degrees 7 times over 2 minutes as I felt that was the right pace I needed. In this composition, I placed a side render of the two characters I had in the corner of the logo, keyed out the greenscreen and altered the levels to make them fully white. Down below is the result, I did this in a separate composition from what till be the main composition so I can work on it separately and easily.
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To start the main composition, I created a 1920x1080 comp and placed in the full render of the characters running without the basketball and the render of just the basketball. With them synced up, I masked the characters out for the first two bounces of the ball so I can reveal them after the ball has bounced two times. Here's what that looked like.
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The animation plays normally after that, then to bring in the composition with the title with the characters animated in the corner of and I played around with a bunch of different effects and transitions to see what I felt looked good. I tried different kinds of distort, transition and stylized effects and got some cool effects out of them. But I settled on one called CC Light Wipe, it created a split in the middle of the logo using the door shape and added this light effects that shot out as the split closed in on each other. The light was also based on the colour of the logo so it came out orange and yellow which I thought look good.
It still felt like it needed something else, as the characters are robots I thought maybe adding some kind of sparking particle system would look cool to go long the line of the split. I had experience using AE's particle system before so I had a good understanding of how to get the look I wanted.
With the CC Particle System II effects, I set the birth rate to 1.1, longevity (sec) to 0.9, particle type to lines, made the colours red and yellow and keyframed and shaped it to match the split as it closes and ended up with something I really like. I also masked out the animated characters as the logo split closes in front of them. This is the final result.
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skipverse1-blog · 4 months ago
Short Film Title Sequence part 2: Animation
With the logo finalised now except a few small tweaks I may have made afterwards, I now wanted to work on the animation of my two characters for the sequence. As mentioned in my previous post, I want to have an animated silhouette of my characters to be apart of the logo. My plan is two animate them separately first as I'm going to be creating separate running cycles for them, then edit them together afterwards. The first animation will be the character that's attempting to chase after the basketball.
As they're supposed to be quite young, I wanted to make it look like they're somewhat desperately attempting to get their ball back by attempting to reach out for it as they're chasing it. I made sure to add more momentum and sway in the animation to help make it feel a bit more natural. This along with the second one will go towards the two cycle animations I had to create for the final project
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The second animation is the other character running with the basketball and I wanted him to look like he's not worried about being caught so I animated him to run fairly directly towards something (in this scenario a basketball hoop). The method of creating the animation was fairly the same, the main difference is bouncing the ball itself. I made sure to smoothly animate his wrist to make it actually look like he's pushing the ball downwards and giving him arm a slight sway so it's not ridged looking.
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Once I had finished these animations, I placed them together into once scene. My idea is to have the camera start at the floor where the basketball will be landing in front of it and after a few bounces, the characters will appear behind it. Then the camera will pan outwards to it's facing them to the side which will allow me to place them onto the logo. I needed to render two versions of this animations, one with just the basketball and one with just the characters so I can add a mask in After Effects to hide them till I needed them which I will get into in another post. Here are the two versions that I will be editing together in After Effects.
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I changed the world colour to be green to make it easier to edit them into the sequence in After Effects.
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skipverse1-blog · 5 months ago
Short Film Title Sequence Part 1: Logo
After discussing a negotiation form with my course leader, we came to the conclusion that I should create some motion graphics and a title intro for this project. This is because motion graphics was what I primarily focused on in my time on the VFX course and continued to do after I got my degree, so as well as the 3D animations I'm also going to be creating some motion graphics and a title sequence intro for this project.
Very recently, Nintendo announced a brand new Mario game called Mario and Luigi Brothership. While I'm not exactly sure why, when thinking about what I could do for the title sequence, the logo for this Mario series came to mind cause the logo for the games features a silhouette of Mario and Luigi in the right corner. As my short film idea had two main characters, I was inspired by the Mario and Luigi logo to do something similar.
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While I could easily pose the characters and drop them onto the title of the film in Photoshop, I wanted to do a little more. For my negotiation form, we also agreed that I would create two more cycle animations. So immediately I had the idea in mind of animating the two main characters running and chasing each other for the basketball and putting their animation onto the title sequence.
Before I started with all that, I wanted to get the logo design created first. Illustration isn't something I'm practically good at so I was a bit stumped for a while on what to do. But I remembered a little while ago, I saw an art trend on Twitter where people were creating these cutesy logos for known brands and companies that I really liked. It took me a little while to find them again, but I managed to finally find this Tesco one on twitter created by @malmaara on Twitter.
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By finding this I was able to actually see what this style of logo was called, Vtuber Logos. Vtubers are online personalities that stream media online typically using an anime avatar that moves and reacts by tracking the persons movement and expressions with their camera.
Now that I know what these styles of logos are called, I was able to find dozens more to draw inspiration from. While I never found one or a handful that I specifically used for direct inspiration, being able to see how these logos are designed and styled was a massive help.
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With these, I started to design my own. I decided Illustrator would be best for this as I wanted it to be a vector image, but it took some learning cause I always struggled with using Illustrator compared to Photoshop. Once I'd played around a bit, this was my first draft.
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I wanted to have the wires sticking out as the main characters were robots, but after talking to my friends and tutor. Adding a colour and a bit more too it needed to be done.
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These are different colour combos I was playing with but none felt right or looked good to me and I was a bit stumped on what to do. This may sound stupid, but I googled "basketball colour gradient" to see if I can get some ideas for a basketball colour theme and came across this image of colours.
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I wanted to try a gradient thing on the logo, so I tried the yellow and red colours and after spending about 30 minutes and a few tutorials on how to create a gradient on text in illustrator, this was the final result.
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I also added a basketball texture over the cog so it's easier to understand what this is about, and I also really liked these colours I've gone with. So after all that, this is the final logo result that I'm overall pretty happy with and will be using in the title sequence animation.
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skipverse1-blog · 7 months ago
Skipping and Exhausted
While the first animation I made was just a walk cycle, I wanted to do the unique ones next for my other two characters. I decided I was going to have one character skipping and the second walking while looking exhausted. I started with creating the exhausted animation first as I wanted to save skipping for last as I feel like it would take the longest.
At this point I feel like I've got a decent grasp on creating basic walk cycles without the need for a reference so I didn't feel like I needed to do too much research for this one, but I did use this tired walk clip online for reference when creating this exhausted animation.
This was my final outcome.
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With this one done, I moved on to the skipping animation. This one was defiantly more complicated so I had to look more into how to create this. Fortunately I found this video on Vimeo from a user called Felix Sputnik, Felix uploaded a 5 minute long video that goes in depth on how skipping works and how to animate it. He talks about timings, arm and leg motions, body rotations and more and was the perfect video to help me with creating my animation.
When it comes to doing these animations, I always find it easier to start with just the feet and legs. I'll focus on getting the positions, height and timings right before I work on the upper body. Once I'm satisfied with what I have, I then copy the keyframes and mirror them to create a smooth cycle.
So far, this is one of the more complicated animations I've done, mainly due to how you move your feet when skipping and the extra step you take do perform the movement. However I'm really pleased with how this one turned out.
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skipverse1-blog · 7 months ago
Stylised Animations
As I'm focusing on just creating a showreel of animations, I want each one to feel unique and different from each other to allow each one to stand out on their own. I've created a list of stylistic cycle animations I'm going to attempt to create for all three characters.
For all three, I'll be attempting to create their own unique walk and run cycle, each one showing off their personality type. In addition to these, I'll try to create a more unique animation that's only for the specific character. For example the main character MT-103 can have an animation of him dribbling a basketball, or his daughter MT-202 skipping.
I started with MT-103, his character is quite overly confident so I wanted to try and convey that in this walk cycle. I watched a few videos of different people and characters walking, but I was struggling to find a good reference I liked till I remember a animation that trended online a while ago.
in 1988, a soviet animated cartoon called Treasure Island came out based on the book of the same name. It featured a scene of three characters walking across the screen with distinctive walking styles, however the man in the middle stands out the most with his strong confidence. I decided this would be my refrence.
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I put most of my focus on making his steps feel heavy and giving him strong shoulder swings like in the gif above. I didn't use any special tools or anything, just mostly came down to keyframe timing and curve adjustments. This first one was the original animation I created first before talking to my tutor about giving it more character.
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This second one is the new one with more of a focus on the confidence using Treasure Planet as a refrence.
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I also decided to ditch rendering the animation on 2's as I found it was a mixed bag if it'll look good or not. Didn't feel like I have the time to optimise the animation to work perfectly on 2's so I'm just focusing on rendering normally for now.
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skipverse1-blog · 7 months ago
AA4D11 – Major Project: Animation (January 2024) Changes and goals for this project
After I submitted my last module, I spent the time before I got my next one thinking about how I'm going to go about creating this project. I was trying to work out how I would go about creating the assets, animations, the different scenes, vfx, audio etc. While I feel like it's something I can do, I don't think the time I'll have to get it done will be enough without me overworking, stressing and possibly affecting my health. So I have decided instead of creating this short film, I'm going to uses the characters and assets I currently have and create a showreel.
The showreel will consist of the same characters doing different things. Such as their own unique walk and run cycles, a unique animation for each one like one character skipping and another running with a basketball.
Secondly, I want to do two animations that are more than just the single character doing a cycle. I'll animate a least one scene from the short film I planned on creating, I haven't decided yet on what scene but I want to pick one that I think will be a more interesting one to animate.
For the second animation, I want to find a scene of two people talking, either from a film or show and animate two character talking to each other using that audio as a reference.
Going into this final module with this plan has put me at a bit more ease, as I was already getting a bit stressed thinking about all that I would've had to do to get the whole short film done. I also feel like this'll give me a better chance at showing off different aspects of animations that I'm capable of doing.
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skipverse1-blog · 1 year ago
Lessons Learned and Reflection
This module taught me a lot about managing the work load to avoid feeling overwhelmed. I neglected this for a while, and the more I did the more and more I felt overwhelmed by the work load I had left for so long. Once I got help with breaking it down and giving myself daily goals, I realised how it was no where near as bad as it felt like it would be and found myself enjoying the work more too. Going into the next module, the very first thing I will be doing as soon as possible is to break it all down again. As the next module is going to be the start of the main production of the film, I cannot afford to let it overwhelm me as much as this as done.
Secondly, I only received a little help with a few things here and then, but I would not have been able to get this done without that little bit of help. But even then I still feel like I needed more help with bigger things. I will discuss with my tutor about seeking artist from other courses, breaking the work down will defiantly help with avoiding feeling overwhelmed but there's still going to be a lot to do that I know I just won't be able to do by myself. I would also love to have the experience of working on a project like this with others, I've done so in the past and it made thing a ton a fun and resulted in work I was really proud of.
I'm really starting to look forward to start full production on the film now that I'm going into it with everything I've learned from this module. And not just with this project, but future ones too. I've always started projects by just jumping into it with a rough idea and plan in mind. But seeing how much this idea is coming to life by better management and planning, it has given me the right mindset I've needed to get my motivation fully going to work on this and future ideas.
There's still a lot I wish I had done differently with the work I've done so far, I wish I had spent more time on modeling, working on getting better with keyframe timing and more. But now I know what needs to be worked on, I'm ready to tackle these areas that I need to improve for the final film!
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skipverse1-blog · 1 year ago
Showcase of the work done so far
I figured it'd be good to have a little showcase of some of the work that I've done so far, with my thoughts on each one. Starting off with the blockout animatic.
While I'm fairly contempt with this animatic with how it conveys the story I want to create, I do understand it has a lot of flaws. The main one to me is the timing and pace of the animatic. I could've done better at timing the keyframes and overall speed this goes at. Timing is something I need to improve on as I find it difficult to know when and where to place keyframes. I may refine it a bit in the future before I start searching for others to assist with the project.
Scene Set Up
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For the scene setup, I'm happy with out it has come out. I feel like it conveys my idea of what the world will kind of look like and gives off the right vibe I wanted. Main issues with this is as I've mention previously is the scale and lack of a few extra assets. Scaling is something I want to work out with another artist, and in terms of assets I feel like I could've added more to convey that this is meant to be a playground. My idea is to have a set of playground activities you'd normally see such as slides, swings climbing frames etc. I only didn't add them here due to the complexity of the modelling and lack of time.
Walk/Run cycle
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I'm actually quite happy with how the walking and running cycle turned out, I feel like I managed to do a good job with them considering I haven't made either of these two in quite a long time. utilising the references I had made it a lot more easier than I had expected. The main feed back I received is to add some more motion to certain parts like making the head sway or arms more. The feedback I have for myself is to see about refining the ways it's rendered on 2's, the way I've done so work but I would like to see if there's a better way of doing so for the main project.
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skipverse1-blog · 1 year ago
Future Developments
For the development of the final film, I want to go in swinging and try to keep the momentum going for as long as possible. As I mentioned previously, I want to start the next projects organising and breaking down the tasks as best as I can to not feel so overwhelmed. I'll be using the Kanban Trello board again to help keep everything organised and understandable.
When the full development begins and every task is broken down into chunks, I want to start searching for additional support with the project. As I've said, I can do most things but I'm not great at everything. I can do simple models but that's about it, and I'm bad at scaling the models to be the correct size. Same goes with texturing, lighting, editing etc. If I can find help with these areas of the project, it would make working on this far more easier, faster and would make the final film look ten times better and more professional.
As I'm using HI-FI Rush as the main inspiration for this project, I will be gathering as much reference images and videos as possible to help convey my ideas across to potential collaborators as best as possible.
This project has been mostly solo so far, with some help here and there with a few things in between. However I feel like working with a team on something like this is not only something I want to do to help get it completed, I also feel like it's a necessary experience to have. Being able to prove I'm capable with working with a wide range of other artist will help boost my chances of proving myself as a capable artist to potential employers in the future.
I will start by searching the other university courses for potential collaborators, courses like Game Art, Visual Effects and Motion Graphics, Animation and others.
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skipverse1-blog · 1 year ago
Project Management
I had a hard time getting started with this project for while, I left it longer than I should've mainly because it felt very overwhelming to tackle. I didn't know where or how to go about starting this, I would just pick at things here and there, but I didn't have a reason for why I chose to do something or a goal. After a few months, I discussed it with a friend of mine who works as a tutor. He suggested I set up a Kanban Trello board as it's what he find to be the best way to manage his work and projects.
Kanban is one of many different styles of project managements, it's designed to make managing takes as easy as possible by helping you keep track of what's being currently worked on, and to increase overall efficacy and flow of the project.
With the Trello board set up, it help give me a much better understanding and idea of each little bit of the whole project I need to work on. It broke down everything and made it far less overwhelming for me. I'd also give me self daily goals, for the block out I set myself to create at least a minimum of 7 clips a day. This helped me feel far better when getting 7 done instead of trying to do as many as possibly.
Down below is a screenshot of the Trello board completed, there are still some assets in the backlog portion but those are being saved for when the next module begins.
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When I begin work on the next module, the first thing I'll be doing is to break the project down and organise it into this Kanban system again. That way I shouldn't feel as overwhelmed as I did so with this one and will hopefully boost my motivation to get things done.
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skipverse1-blog · 1 year ago
Challenges and Solutions
Throughout this module, I faced many challenges that I had to overcome. Some were due to how I've had to learn how to do certain things like animating on 2's, creating a 3D environment, creating walking and running cycles etc. But there were also a lot of technical issues I had that I had to either find a solution for or a workaround.
For the animations, it had been a long while since I done any kind of it. Only a few small things here and there, so going into creating a full character walk cycle, run cycle and two characters interacting was difficult. The walk and run cycle I was able to do thanks to using a lot of references and guides. The biggest help I found was Kevin Parry's reference he created for animators. However, the two characters interacting was the trickiest one has I couldn't find a reference for what I wanted to do. So I would often make the movement and motions with myself multiple times to get an idea for how I wanted it too look. The main thing I need to learn how after doing this is keyframe timing, as I feel like a lot of the movements are either too slow or fast as I currently find it hard to time it all correctly.
For technical difficulties, I had issues mostly with rendering. A lot of the time, I found that the lighting, shadows and other things in the scene wasn't rendering correctly. Some of it I figured out by looking up the issue and seeing if anyone had a solution, but sometimes I couldn't find anything. One of them were why shadows weren't rendering at all, after some time I figured out that the shader I had set up wasn't correct and needed adjusting.
When it comes to working on the full animation, I plan on going to other people with a variety of skills in 3D and animation for assistance and support. While I'm able to create the scene and animations myself, I know there's a lot of issues with them and having another train eye to point out the flaws would be a massive help in making sure the final film looks as best as it possibly can.
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