who needs drugs when u can just stand up while fasting
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It’s kind of scary how quickly my brain will justify binging. Like. I can be so determined to not eat and then one small little thing will happen and my brain is like
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yeah so, literally no food tastes as good as it feels to step on the scale and realize you’ve lost two pounds in one day.
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no offense but…..i’m tired of like……………not being stunningly beautiful
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Being hungry will pay off
Being hungry will pay off
Being hungry will pay off
Being hungry will pay off.
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You know what’s super sad about eating disordered people?
We probably get the most done and feel so much better about ourselves the less we eat. I’ve noticed that I only get my good workouts, teeth whitening regime, homework, future meals, bullet journals, and other personal things done when I have eaten very little. I’ve only had 37.5 calories so far today and I’ve gotten everything I need done for the day. I just need to do my little exercises before I go to bed and I’m golden. 
But 37.5 calories is not something I should be running on. I should be eating almost 2,100 calories a day and I’m sitting here hoping for under 100 by the time I take a shower. If I keep this up I will literally only have 700 calories for the week I will have missed out on almost SEVEN DAYS WORTH OF CALORIES. This is not ok. I know that. I’m pretty sure we all know that. But it makes us feel so good when we look at our intake and see it in the double, or even single, digits. 
It’s sick. We’re messed up. We hate it. But it feels so good.
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🦋 “Skip Dinner And Wake Up Thinner” 🦋
It’s the only pro ana quote that I don’t think it’s a way to fool myself.
(trigger warning) i just want to talk about it……
Today I woke up a pound less (new lw) ✩
Yesterday, I got so angry and upset all of a sudden while making the food I was planning to b/p on. I dumped the food and went to sleep instead 🌸⚠︎
and instead of waking up to a bloated stomach…. I woke up thinner and feeling grateful towards myself instead of hate and disgust ✨⚠︎
The thing is, hunger makes us immediately think of food. but it also makes us tired. So maybe the next time you feel hungry slow down before you decide to go to the kitchen and instead, try to lay down and drift to sleep 🌩∘✧
(I sleep very deeply and comfortably when i’m hungry) it’s strange but I love it.
Skip dinner (or whatever anything related to food you were going to do because you were triggered by the hunger JUST SKIP IT CANCEL IT) AND YOU WILL WAKE UP THINNER (or at least without negative feelings) ∘♪🌸
And you will thank yourself for it ☠︎♡
Instead of feeling weak and defeated…
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I swear everytime I have a problem my immediate thought is losing weight will fix it
“my friends are disappointing” -well maybe if you lose weight you can make new friends
“I’m so stressed about school” -stop eating and you’ll have more time to study
“my tire just fucking popped!” -maybe if you weighed less you wouldn’t be putting so much pressure on them when you’re in the car
Idk what’s wrong with my mind…
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I wanna be in a relationship with someone but I wanna be skinny first :/
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