skinn1epixie · 5 months
i reached my gw1!!! 46.9 sounds good, my bsf and bf are worried about me but i wont stop
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skinn1epixie · 5 months
my personal advice is to eat only when your parents watch you, theyll think "you eat so nothings wrong"
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
i feel like a fucking shit i swear if i eat anything more im gonna kms
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
!! weight loss reminders !!
this is getting heaps of notes so if u see this hi be my mutual 🤓 my dms r always open
weight loss is 95 percent about food and 5 percent exercise.
as long as you eat under your maintenance calories you’ll still lose weight (just not as fast)
you can eat anything you want, it’s about the calories. (duh)
prioritise using your daily calories on protein, it will keep you fuller for longer making you less prone to binging. (you will not get bulky, you’re not eating enough to get bulky lol)
low intensity cardio + weight training + calorie deficit = skinny
eating protein also reduces the risk of you getting brain/organ damage from ur ed.
you cannot spot reduce fat. those belly fat ab workouts are bullshit.
losing weight on specific parts of your body is literally only possible through having a low body fat percentage, lipo, or building muscle to tone and reduce the look of flabbiness/build better proportion.
lifting weights is not bad for u and will not make you bulky (again ur not eating enough for that) having a small amount of lean and toned muscle will actually increase the amount of calories you burn in a day and make you look better lol. (it burns a good amount of cals too)
supplements are good for you, if you’re not getting key nutrients from food or supplements you’re probably going to feel like shit and binge.
i take (do ur fking research don’t be lazy)
an iron supplement without calcium
a general daily vitamin
fish oil
active b12
Acetyl L carnitine, gardenia cambogia for appetite suppressant and weight loss.
you literally can’t starve if you’re overweight/obese. your body is just using stored fat.
volume eating is ur best friend.
the th1n$p0 you’re looking at is probably edited.
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
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girl dinner
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
I worked so hard to destroy myself, why would I get better?
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
i hate when ppl force me to eat, like bro if you want it then eat it, i dont need to
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
Updated Victoria Secret workout routine:
Victoria secret workout 💋💋💋
Booty 🍑🍑
- [ ] 50 squats
- [ ] 2 min wall sit
- [ ] 50 donkey kicks (each side)
- [ ] 30 single leg half bridge circles (each side)
- [ ] 100 swim kicks
Calves 😮‍💨😮‍💨
- [ ] 100 calf raise pulses
- [ ] 100 pile calf raise pulses
- [ ] 100 toes in calf raise pulses
Inner thighs ✌️✌️
- [ ] 15 inner thigh circles (each side)
- [ ] 30 inner thigh criss crosses (alternating)
- [ ] 50 sumo squats
Abs 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
- [ ] 1 min of crunches
- [ ] 1 min of bicycle kicks
- [ ] 100 Russian twists
- [ ] 30 sec lifted legs scissor kicks
- [ ] 30 sec lifted legs hold
- [ ] 1 min crossbody mountain climbers
- [ ] 25 side crunches (each side)
- [ ] 2 thirty second side planks
- [ ] 2 one minute planks
- [ ] 3x20 toe taps
- [ ] 2x20 crunches
- [ ] 2x20 reverse crunches
- [ ] 1 min spiders
Abs pt 2 😭🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
- [ ] 3x30 sit ups
- [ ] 70 flutter kicks
- [ ] 30 leg raises
- [ ] 10 v-ups
- [ ] 3 min jumping jacks
Legs 🦵
- [ ] 15 side leg raises (each side)
- [ ] 15 side steps (each side)
- [ ] 10 donkey kicks (each side)
- [ ] 10 leg raises (each side)
- [ ] 10 side leg hip swing (each side)
- [ ] 10 flutter kicks (each side)
Burns: 800 kcal
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
real footage of me drinking my 7th coffe to refrain myself from binging. no but seriously last 2 days were hard for me because of Easter, i don't even know how many c@ls i ate yesterday, today it was also over 1500. my mom has the days off and i don't go to school until wednesday but it will be better then. good point is that i burn 400+ c@ls everyday ;-)
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
i weighted myself and im 47,8 only 800 grams till reach my 1gw!!!
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
im currently on easter break, so im fasting 6pm- 4pm (mom comes home from work at 4pm) but i have to dirty the plates and throw away the food and that hurts me the most
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
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manifesting જ⁀➴
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
maybe i start me@lspo??? idk
today's breakfast:
• 2 corn waffles (39)
• 4 egg whites (32)
• light cottage cheese (25)
• cucumber (5)
• green onion (8)
• salt (0)
overall: 105
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
people who force you to eat or offer their sandwich at school<<<<<
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skinn1epixie · 6 months
(tw 4norex14)
things i have noticed:
i have been noticing some things this year that i didnt notice the last time i gave into my 3d so i thought i would write them here since idk who else to tell lol (these are just things to remind myself but feel free if you find any of these useful):
having th1nsp0 on EVERY social media holds you more accountable. See a mukbang on tiktok? go to your th1nsp0 folder. See something stressful that would usually tr1gger a b1nge on instagram? go look at that folder
watching mukbangs always makes me crave my f3ar foods. The only time mukbangs actually work for me is when the person doing them is chewing loudly, with their mouth open, or just generally with no manners. Even the adding up the c4lori3s videos dont deter me from wanting that f0od, 8,000 cals consumed? okay 🤭 i deserve a cheat day 🤭 like no girl
taking gummy vitamins will be my downfall istg, im afraid to take them while f4sting and then once i add my c4ls for the day up im like “i dont need that extra 10 c4ls from my vitamins ill skip” like STOP your hair fell out so bad last time you need them pls
f4sting until the very last second is the only way i wont b1nge throughout the day, if my body even gets one teeny taste of f00d im done for the day and then im sad for the rest of the week cause when i start its hard to stop
if someone starts acting suspicious, calculate in some extra c4ls for the day or work out later to burn them because trust me getting to your gw is so much harder when people force you to e@t more than you want and now your stomach has expanded and your whole process and everything you worked for gets harder. those extra 200 c4ls to make people think you are fine are so much better than the cycle of “r3covery” (aka b1nging everyday for me)
never tell anyone, no matter how chill you think theyll be you don’t wanna risk it.
ill probably continue to add more to this as i think of more.
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