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skieswords · 2 years ago
Ruin Me {Luke Patterson x OC}
Summary: Finley is Los Feliz High’s golden girl. Straight As, captain of the cheer squad and the dance team, dating the captain of the lacrosse team, and the pride and joy of her parents. But her childhood best friend and her have had an agreement since they were 16. No feelings, no strings, nobody knows. Especially not her boyfriend.
Warning: Smut. 
Word count: 12.2k
Based on Lustra’s Scotty Doesn’t Know.
“Fuck, that was good.” 
Finley rolled her eyes and pulled the sheets up to her chest, turning to face Luke as dropped down beside her, running a hand through his sweaty hair. He sat up on his elbow and smirked down at her, taking in her flushed face and messed up hair. 
“You good?” 
He held a fist out to her, and she rolled her eyes but smirked, and fist bumped him. 
“Shut up.” 
Luke pretended to bow to a non-existent audience, chuckling as he dropped back onto his pillow. Finley looked at the clock on the wall and sighed, sitting up with the sheet wrapped around her, and gathering her clothes from around the floor, where they’d been scattered earlier. 
“You know, you really shouldn’t worry about covering up in front of me. I mean, the things you just let me do to you- why do you even bother?” 
Pulling her shorts on, and frowning at her messed up hair, Finley rolled her eyes once again at her old best friend, and smoothed down her shirt. 
“It’s the principle of it. We have sex, we finish, I leave. That’s how it is.” 
Luke shrugged, and rested his hands behind his head, sitting up against his headboard.
She wasn’t wrong. This was how it had been since the start of their Junior year. Finley had been dating the lacrosse team captain for 4 months, but he’d made it very clear he wanted to wait a while before doing the deed. Being the respectful and loving girlfriend she was- she’d turned to her best friend. Luke Patterson, notorious for breaking hearts at Los Feliz high, was more than happy to help her out, coming up with an arrangement that meant he got an easy fuck, and she got her needs satisfied. There were no feelings whatsoever between the two of them, and they didn’t speak outside of making plans and seeing them through. Cheating on Scott wasn’t easy- but she told herself it was just temporary, and it was better than letting their relationship suffer because she felt neglected. God knows she’d helped Scott enough times, simply by walking around his bedroom in a sports bra, or making out with him for an hour. He was a nice boy, destined for college, who came from a nice family and a nice church. A church that she’d attended with him quite a few times. He was too nice, sometimes. 
Luke was the polar opposite of Scott. 17, in a rockband, on the brink of dropping out of school, and swearing off God since age 12. They’d been best friends all through middle school, but that all changed when they reached high school, and Finley had started to rise through the social ranks, quickly earning queen bee status. Now, as captain of both the dance team and the cheer team, she was expected to behave herself. Walking to class hand in hand with her golden boy boyfriend, pass all of her classes, attend cheer practice, coach the dance team, go home and study. Cheer at Scott’s game on Fridays after school, get a milkshake with him at the diner afterwards. Spend Saturdays at cheer practice for a few hours, then heading straight to her best friend Sasha’s house for a study session, before having dinner with her entire family. Sunday’s were her favourite though. She’d wake up early, dress simply, and drive to the other side of town. She’d tell her parents she was going to see Scott, tell Scott she was going to church, and tell Sasha she was going to the gym. In her defense, she was working out. Just not quite the way her best friend thought. 
Monday saw the Los Feliz 1995 Junior prom queen walking through the halls, high ponytail secured with a bright blue scrunchie, cheer skirt perfectly pressed, and trainers so white they looked new. The walls were papered with posters about the upcoming dance, the theme having been decided by her and a few of the girls from dance. A romantic weekend in Paris, they’d decided, with roses decorating the tables, and a colour theme of red and white. Hopefully it wouldn’t clash too much with the Valentine’s dance, the theme for which was still to be confirmed, despite it’s arrival in less than a month. There were a lot of dances at Los Feliz, thanks to the musical and dancing talent in their school. Luke’s band was playing the next homecoming dance, after Finley put a good word in for them, feeling like she owed Luke something. She didn’t know how it didn’t eat away at him, sleeping with someone elses girlfriend. But then she caught sight of him leaning over Jessie Wilson, a Junior who’d recently joined the dance team, and was reminded once again, that Luke was the definition of a player. Finley wrinkled her nose as Luke pushed a strand of hair off of Jessie’s face, the younger girl nearly melting into a puddle at Luke’s feet. Luke noticed her watching, and sent her a wink, making her scowl, as she tried to subdue the blush creeping up her cheeks. 
“Hey babe, you alright?” 
Finley smiled up at her suddenly appeared boyfriend, and pressed a kiss to his cheek, pushing all thoughts of Luke in the janitor’s closet out of her mind. 
“I’m fine, just thinking about the routine for Friday’s game. Are we still on for milkshakes?” She smiled sweetly, intertwining their fingers. Scott shrugged and ran his free hand through his sandy curls, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. 
“Yeah, sure.” 
He started walking towards the english room, tugging her gently alongside him. 
“I was gonna ask you- do you fancy coming to my church with me on Sunday? My pastor wants to see you again, and speak to you about running that cheer camp I mentioned?” 
Finley’s eyes widened, and she cleared her throat. 
“I wish I could, but I told my pastor I’d stay behind after the service and help with the kids... I’m so sorry.” 
Finley smiled apologetically, but was surprised when Scott flashed her an adoring grin, reaching out a hand to brush a strand of hair off her face as they reached her class. 
“Don’t worry about it- that’s incredible. You’re incredible. I don’t know how you find the time for all of these things. How’d I get so lucky?” 
He leant down and pressed a kiss to her temple, before waving goodbye as he headed to the science labs. Finley laughed half-heartedly as she waved back, turning and walking into english with a quiet groan. 
Maths was next period, but as Finley sat down in her desk, someone appeared on her shoulders, his musky aftershave identifying him before he could speak. 
“Don’t touch me, Lucas.” 
Finley shrugged her shoulders, forcing him to sit back in his seat, the desk behind hers. 
“Funny, that’s not what you were saying yesterday.” 
He was muttering, but Finley caught it, spinning round to glare at him as he chuckled. 
“Not funny. Someone might hear you!” 
She glanced around her fearfully, shooting a convincing smile at the group of cheerleaders towards the back, before dropping it and continuing her glare. 
“Relax, you don’t have to be golden girl all the time you know. No-one cares if you drop the act for once in your life.” 
Finley groaned, and turned back around, making sure her ponytail flicked him in the face as she did so. 
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten what it feels like.” 
His voice was soft in her ear, and she closed her eyes as his fingers ran through a handful, begging the memories of many previous Sundays to stop playing through her mind. 
“Hey Finley, what’s up?” 
Sasha’s arrival saw Finley lean forward, forcing Luke to remove his hands from her hair, watching her with a smirk as she spoke to her best friend. 
“Hey Sash, I’m good. How was your weekend? Sorry I missed your call on Sunday, I was at church.” 
Sasha winked at her, and giggled. 
“You’re still telling him you go to church on a Sunday? Poor boy, if only he knew.” 
Finley laughed nervously and drummed her pen on the desk, twirling her ponytail around a finger. Luke’s ears perked up at this; had Finley told Sasha what was going on between them? Finley laughed alongside her friend, the nervous tone in it only picked up by the carefully listening rockstar wannabe, who knew her inside out. Literally. 
“Of course. Honestly, don’t know how he believes me. He thinks this body comes from just cheer and dance? No, it’s the 4 hour weight session with Charlie every Sunday. I’ll tell him one day, but for now, I’ve got to keep in shape.” 
Finley ran her hands down her sides at this, and arched her back slightly, knowing Luke’s eyes would be on her. They were, and he smirked at her action, kicking the leg of her chair gently so she knew. 
“Of course, got to keep him interested. And, of course, there’s the matter of homecoming.” 
Sasha winked at Finley, who blushed and looked at her desk, silently praying Luke had stopped listening for some reason. 
“Yeah, duh.” 
Saved by the appearance of their math teacher, Finley sighed with relief and pulled out her textbook. Luke diverted his attention out the window, his mind drifting to what could possibly be happening at next Friday’s homecoming that he’d missed.
The week passed in a flash, with Finley avoiding Luke at all costs. They reached Friday morning not having spoken since Monday, when Luke finally cornered her in the hallway after lunch, while everyone else was in class. 
“Luke. Hey.” 
She blinked up at him, towering over her lithe frame as she leaned against her locker. 
“Fin. You still on for Sunday?” Finley looked around her fearfully, pushing him lightly in the chest once she was satisfied the corridor was empty. 
“Shut up. Yeah, same as always.” 
Luke narrowed his eyes at her, leaning in close so she could feel his breath on her face. He was hardly an inch away, his cocky smirk almost pressed up against her lips. 
“Luke-” He reached his thumb up and pulled her bottom lip down lightly, his eyes growing dark and hungry, before laughing and walking away, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. Finley groaned and brushed down her clothes, willing away the fierce blush that had appeared on her cheeks. That boy was going to be the death of her. 
“Game night, wooo! Favourite night of the week. I get to rock the field, and then spend time with my perfect girl.” 
Finley smiled weakly at her over excited boyfriend, his lacrosse uniform on, leaning against the wall as he watched her paint careful blue swirls on her face. 
“Yeah, should be great. You’ll be awesome.” 
She pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, checking her uniform in the mirror one more time. White and blue uniform, blue bow tied around her ponytail, blue face paint swirling on her cheekbones. The epitome of bobcat spirit in a couple stood in front of her, and she found herself wondering for the 1000th time that week, why she wasn’t perfectly content. Scott was so sweet, and he cared about her. She’d met his family, and they all adored her, she’d met his pastor, who’d also loved her. They were perfect for each other. But why wasn’t it enough for her? Banishing those thoughts from her mind, she plastered a smile on, and cracked her knuckles. Time to win a game, and show the school why she deserved to be queen bee.
The bleachers were filled with a sea of blue and silver, signs held high above the Los Feliz students’ heads, Bobcat posters lining the walls of the field. Finley was dancing around in front of the bleachers, cheering for the bobcat team as they scored yet again, doing a handspring before jumping on Sasha’s back and running around yelling happily. She loved cheering, always had done since she had joined the squad in her Freshman year. The other girls were chanting, clapping and jumping on the sidelines, watching with wide grins as their captain and vice ran round the bleachers, now on opposite sides. Sasha gave Finley a look, who returned it with a nod, before launching into a complex tumbling routine simultaneously. Pairing a triple back handspring with a full twist and a back somersault, she landed it with a proud smile, panting slightly. Sasha, now directly opposite her, bowed to the screaming students, and ran over, wrapping an arm round her best friends’ waist. 
“I knew we could do that. That had to look sick.” 
Finley nodded, walking into the group of Bobcat cheerleaders and organizing them into place for stunts. With the base group formed up, Finley watched carefully as Sasha was tossed up in the air, alongside Leila. With Finley as their captain, and the smallest on the team, it made sense for her to be top flyer. Taking a deep breath, she broke into a run, before throwing a back handspring and feeling herself getting caught by girls at the front, who boosted her to Sasha and Leila, who pulled her up onto their hands. Three tier pyramid, her foot firmly lodged in Sasha and Leila’s hands, her arms high above her head. She beamed as she looked around the bleachers, knowing she’d impressed everyone. It had been a long time since someone had managed to get the bobcat cheer team in as good a place as Finley had it. She was talented, and being the kind of person she was, it wasn’t difficult to get people to listen to her. But her pride was short lived. Someone slipped beneath her, and she cursed quietly under her breath, tensing her entire body. Sasha stumbled, letting go of Finley, who’s entire weight was now on Leila, who was far too small to handle her on her own. Finley groaned and threw herself backwards, tucking into a ball and hoping for the best. She’d landed back somersaults from that height before, but without a steady base, she had no idea where this would go. She did land it, but a sickening crunch as she did so made her fall to the floor in agony, clutching her ankle and yelping. The first person to her side was Sasha, who was blurting out apologies through tears, pulling her into an awkward hug, while Finley rolled her eyes and tried to calm her through gritted teeth. 
“It’s okay Sash. Can you go get ice or something?” 
Sasha nodded and ran off, and Finley peered at her ankle. It seemed fine, maybe a little twisted, but not broken. Movement out of the corner of her eye made her look up, and she caught sight of Luke, leaning against the side of the bleachers, his eyes trained on her. He looked... worried? Finley didn’t have time to contemplate this, as she felt someone wrap their arms around her, and carry her over to the side, resting her against the bench. 
“Hey babe, are you alright? That was a nasty fall.” 
Scott stroked her face gently, his face red and his hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. 
“I’m alright Scotty. Go win this game for me, okay?” Scott nodded and pressed a kiss to her cheek, before running off. 
“Scotty? Really? God you two are sickening.” 
Finley rolled her eyes at Luke’s tone, rubbing her leg. 
“What do you want, Patterson? I’m a bit busy, if you hadn’t noticed.” 
Luke nodded and knelt down, holding up an ice pack. 
“Shut up and let me help you.” 
Finley snapped her lips shut and winced as Luke pressed the ice to her ankle, holding it in place with surprisingly gentle fingers. 
“That was stupid. You knew you might fall.” 
He sounded bored, but there was a hint of concern in his voice that Finley hadn’t expected to hear. 
“I was fine. I’ve done it a million times before- Sasha just slipped.”
Luke snorted, and adjusted the way he was kneeling. 
“Yeah well Sasha just slipping, nearly had you landing on your head. Get some better cheerleaders, won’t you? Half of them aren’t even hot- swear that’s literally the whole point of you guys.” 
Finley resisted the urge to smack him, and took a deep breath. 
“They’re good. And don’t be so degrading. Girls shouldn’t be valued based on how they look.” 
Luke met her eyes with a judgy look, laughing softly. 
“Relax, sweetheart. I wasn’t insulting you. You’re as sexy as ever.” 
He trailed a hand up her leg lightly, causing her to tilt her head back with her eyes closed as he reached the hem of her skirt. 
“Luke.” He took his hand back and smirked. 
Looking around them, and checking the scoreboard, Finley grabbed his shoulder. 
“Where’s your car?”
Luke raised his eyebrows, but helped her stand up. 
“Seriously? Okay, whatever. This way.” 
He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her towards the school, waving at the coach and a few of the cheerleaders. 
“We’re going to get more ice for her foot, we’ll be back in a bit.” 
They hardly noticed, waving them off without a second thought. As soon as they were in the school, Luke had Finley up against the lockers, his hand going straight between her legs and stroking her through her shorts. Finley gasped as his lips found hers, desperate and forceful, searching for more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into his mouth, tilting her head back as he moved his mouth down her neck, biting and sucking gently at the fair skin. Finley groaned and pushed him off her, starting to limp down the corridor. Luke followed her, wrapping a hand around her throat from behind, and slamming her up against the lockers. 
“Don’t fucking move. I’m not done.” 
His hand returned to her core, the gentle movements of his fingers torturous, even through the material of her shorts. He chuckled when she moaned, and held her throat tighter, watching the skin around his rings turn white as the cool metal bit into her skin. 
“This is fun.” 
His voice was low and husky in her ear, the sensation of his breath on her skin causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand up, and sending a shiver down her spine. 
“Car. Now. Please.” 
Luke smirked and let her go, resting one hand on her waist as they walked along the corridor, their pace quick and determined. When they reached the battered red truck, Luke unlocked it and pulled the seat forward, helping Finley climb in, and clambering in after her. Her hands were on him as soon as he sat down, straddling his lap and pushing his jacket off his shoulders as she connected their lips again. Luke smirked into the kiss, sliding his tongue along her lower lip, and deepening the kiss when she moaned. 
“You’re so needy. I love it.” 
Finley rolled her eyes, and sat up. 
“Stop talking. Seriously. It makes you like, way less attractive.” 
Luke rubbed his hands up and down her sides, his eyes growing dark as he admired her. 
“So you think I’m attractive? Good to know.” 
Finley groaned and rolled her hips into his, desperate for some kind of relief, but also wanting to distract him. 
“We’ve been doing this too long for your dumb jokes, Lucas. Hurry up.” 
Luke snickered and put his hand on the back of her neck, dragging her down to his lips again. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” 
They continued making out in the back of Luke’s truck, only breaking apart for Luke to pull his shirt off, before starting again, the heat of the kiss gradually increasing. Their teeth were clashing, tongues sliding against one another, nipping at each others lips. It was impossible to tell where Luke ended and Finley begun. Luke’s hands moved to the hem of Finley’s cheer top, sliding it up and over her head, releasing her ponytail at the same time. 
“That bow’s so fucking stupid.” 
Finley rolled her eyes and pressed their bare chests together, moaning at the warm contact. Luke’s hands moved to her hips, throwing his head back against the seats as she ground down on him. 
“Fuck, Fin. Get that off.” 
He tugged on the waistband of her skirt, and she smirked, moving off him to slip it down her legs, leaving her in just her underwear. She straddled him once more and moved her hands to his belt, while he kissed her chest, leaving marks along her collarbones, making sure they’d be concealed by her clothes. Finley was struggling with his fly, when she tilted her head back, distracted by the feeling of Luke’s mouth on her nipple, his tongue flicking over it while his other hand kneaded her breast. He looked up and met her eyes, his pupils dilated and eyes hungry. The smirk that he adorned when he noticed how turned on she was made everything worse, and Finley returned her attention to his fly, pulling it down and groaning with relief. 
“God, I hate jeans.” 
Luke grinned and shuffled down, letting his jeans rest around his ankles before pulling her into his chest, slipping his hand between her legs as he kissed her. 
“Shit you’re wet.” 
He moved his hand from her, and stroked himself, pulling her towards him. Finley hesitated, rubbing his bottom lip with her thumb. 
“Do you have-” 
Luke groaned impatiently and reached for his jacket, sitting on the seat beside him. Finley snatched the wrapper from him, tearing it with her teeth, and rolling her eyes at the look on his face. One of his hands was trailing up and down her bare spine, the other gripping her hip so tightly she was sure it would bruise. It would, she knew that. He was bad for leaving bruises on her- but she loved it. 
He jumped as she wrapped a hand around his cock, sliding the condom over it, before returning her hands to his hair, pulling their lips back together. Luke lifted her up slightly, groaning as she sunk down onto him slowly, letting out her own delicious moans at the feeling of him inside her. She rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, before rolling her hips into him, and letting out a high pitched gasp. Luke’s own groan was desperate, and he silently pleaded with her, his hands gripping at her ass. She gave a slight nod, and he moaned with relief, bucking his hips into her once, and grinning as she threw her head back with the pleasure, her mouth open and hair framing her face. 
She was breathtaking, and Luke brought his lips to her neck, biting at the spots he knew would drive her crazy, while he picked up a steady pace, pushing her ass down onto him as she rocked her hips in time with his thrusts. Finley pulled at his hair, her eyes closed in bliss, cheeks pink and lips red, bruised from his constant attacks on them. Luke’s thrusts were getting faster, and less careful, and Finley could already feel the familiar knot in her stomach forming, heat pooling in her lower abdomen. 
Finley leaned forward, resting their foreheads together. 
“Yeah, I’m with you.” 
One of Luke’s hands made it’s way up to her hair, yanking her head back as he sucked on the sensitive skin below her collarbone. He let her go, grinning at the weak look she gave him. In that moment, he knew she’d do anything for him. But he was getting dangerously close to the edge, and Luke wasn’t one to leave a lady hanging, so he brought his hand down in between them, his thumb circling her clit gently. She moaned desperately and fell forward, her breathy moans echoing through Luke’s head as she sucked on his earlobe. 
Luke groaned and bit down on her shoulder as he came, feeling Finley’s walls clench around him as she followed right after him. Chests heaving and skin flushed, they stayed like that for a few minutes, Luke’s hand drawing circles on Finley’s bare skin. She closed her eyes, basking in the afterglow of their quickie, breathing in Luke’s distinctive scent. Her mind drifted to all of the Sunday afternoons she’d spent wrapped in his strong arms, and she heard a question nagging in the back of her mind. Why did she always feel so safe with him?
“We should probably get back.” 
He nodded at her soft voice in his ear, and groaned quietly as she lifted herself off of his lap, watching as she collapsed onto the seat beside him and reached for her clothes. Luke pulled off the condom and dropped it into a bag of trash, before dragging his jeans back up his legs, and fastening his belt. They were good at dressing themselves quickly- They’d started sneaking around when they were 16, and now nearly 2 years and lots of quickies later- it was like second nature to them both. However, Luke thought to himself, it had been a while since Finley had dragged him away from a public setting like that. In fact, it had been a while since they’d met up anywhere other than his house on Sundays. 
They’d stuck to a very strict schedule throughout their senior year, with Finley being terrified of getting caught and only wanting to see him at weekends. He couldn’t help but wonder why she’d dragged him off. It wasn’t like her at all- she hadn’t done it since summer after junior year, when they’d spent the majority of afternoons either in his truck, or in the back of empty movie theaters. She couldn’t get enough of him that summer. But then when they’d gone back to school, it had been back to once a week, no eye contact in the corridors, treating him like he was scum. 
Luke pulled his shirt over his head and watched as she climbed over him, jumping out of the truck, and checking her ponytail one last time in the wing mirror before running across the car park. She stopped a few meters later, and turned back, waving awkwardly. Luke rolled his eyes and waved back, before switching to the front seat. Looked like her ankle was just fine now. 
Finley went for milkshakes with Scott after the game, some of her cheer friends and his lacrosse buddies tagging along for the ride. She’d gone to the bathroom before going back to the field, doing a quick once over herself to check there were no visible reminders of her encounter with Luke. On Sundays he tended to be a bit more careful, making sure only to mark her in places that her uniform would cover, but clearly the backseat of his truck, in the dark, meant the same rules did not apply. Just above the collar of her cheer top, a trail of deep purple marks were clearly scattered across her collarbones, and so she had to run to her locker and pull on one of Scott’s hoodies, before legging it out onto the field for the final 5 minutes. 
Scott scored three goals in the time she watched for, and when he came running up to her afterwards, he’d scooped her up and spun her round, kissing her for the entire field to watch. Finley had been semi-grateful for that. While it made her stomach churn and her mind race with guilty thoughts, it also explained her flushed appearance and slightly messed up hair. But as they were getting milkshakes, Finley found her mind drifting further and further away from the homecoming dress choices that her friends were discussing, and not even Scott’s hand on her hip could keep her focused on what she needed to be thinking about. Which was definitely not the dark-haired guitarist who constantly reminded her she’d never get enough of him.
In fact, said guitarist was sitting in his studio with his bandmates, poring over a chord progression he’d had written for weeks. 
“I just can’t work out what lyrics will go, you know? I don’t have anywhere to pull them from right now.” 
Luke shrugged at his bandmates, who sighed hopelessly. They’d all hoped to have something new for the dance, something that would show the senior class of ‘95 that Sunset Curve were the band to watch. But Luke had nothing. He was content. He had great friends, the band was doing well, and besides the occasional fall out with his parents, nothing was too difficult at home either. Not to mention he was regularly fucking the hottest girl at school. 
“Dude, you need to work out something. Otherwise we’re gonna have to turn to Reggie. And we really can’t do that.” 
Luke groaned and threw his pencil across the room. He never thought he’d be asking for something to go wrong in his life. 
“I’ll have it by Friday, don’t worry. I’ll work something out.” 
Alex sighed with relief and clapped him on the shoulder, before heading over to his drums and taking his seat, flipping his hair off his face. 
“Until then, let’s practice what we do got. Ready?” 
Luke nodded and grabbed his guitar, pushing all thoughts of new songs to the back of his mind. He’d find inspiration at some point, he was sure. 
After yet another long winded argument with her parents about college, Finley climbed behind the wheel of her car and groaned. They were adamant she’d be going to Stanford or USC- and while she had the grades, that’s not where Finley wanted to be. She loved LA, and she loved California, there was no doubt about it. Waking up to the sun every morning, and always being within driving distance of the beach was a definite plus- but her heart was set on Boston. 
They’d visited the city last summer, to spend time with family, and Finley had fallen in love. She adored everything about it. It was busy and beautiful, the buildings historic, the people friendly. Not to mention it’s top rated universities. You’d think that having two parents with PHDs would mean being pushed towards Harvard- but not in her case. They were adamant she was to stay on the west coast, within a couple hours drive of them. They were unmoving on the topic, unwilling to listen to Finley’s reasoning, or even her aunts’ arguments, who had both phoned and fought her corner over the past few weeks. 
She pulled up on Luke’s street, parking a few houses down just in case someone they knew should walk past and recognise her car, before walking up to the bungalow, taking a moment to check Mitch’s car was gone. Satisfied, she unlocked the back gate and made her way round to the garden, where unsurprisingly, Luke was sitting, strumming away on his guitar with a worried expression. 
“Hey Patterson. What you up to?” 
Luke looked up at her voice, and the worried expression fell away as he set down his guitar. 
“Nothing much. Trying to work out some new stuff for the dance. How you doing?” 
Finley shrugged, dropping into the seat next to him and chucking her keys on the table in between them. 
“As good as I can be.” 
Luke frowned and examined her face. There were tired circles under her eyes, and she looked drained. 
“Fin, you good?” 
She glanced up at him and noticed his eyes trained on her. 
“Yeah, of course. Just the parents being dicks as always.” 
He leant forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees. 
“Want to talk about it?” 
She shrugged again, frowning and fiddling with the fraying hems of her shorts. Luke would understand, she told herself. Emily and Mitch have been discouraging him from the band from day one, he knows how it felt to have your dreams sat on by your parents. The thoughts in her head encouraged her to open up, and try as she might, she couldn’t disagree with them. 
“College stuff. I want to go to Boston, they want me to stay in Cali. It’s just... I dunno. They don’t get it.” 
Luke nodded and leaned back, looking into the leaves of the large oak tree that sat in his back garden, casting shade over most of the little house. Finley felt herself relax, and started to spill her guts, sick of being alone with her thinking. 
“I love Boston. I love the city, the people, the schools. It’s Harvard, god dammit, how can I turn that down? And my little cousins, I never get to see them, but I want to watch them grow up so badly. It’s just all so unfair. They want me to do what they want me to do, not what I want me to do.” 
She groaned in frustration and let her hair out of its ponytail, toying with the scrunchie in her hands. 
“Parents are like that. I think a lot of the time they try and live vicariously through their kids, you know?” Finley raised her eyebrows at Luke, a light smirk appearing. 
“Woah, that’s a big word Patterson. Careful, people might think you’re smart.” 
He rolled his eyes at her, and chuckled slightly, running a hand through his hair. Finley noticed the way the muscles in his arms moved when he did so, and bit her lip slightly. 
“You know what I mean. Your parents always regretted leaving the move to LA so late. They wanted to grow up here and go to school here, but they didn’t get the chance to, so they’re trying to get you to do it. It makes sense. It sucks, but it makes sense.” 
Finley nodded slightly, continuing to pick at her shorts. She sometimes forgot that Luke had been her best friend before all this. They’d become best friends when she moved to Los Angeles, on her first day at Los Feliz middle school. Both of them had been put into the performing arts programme immediately, her for dancing, and him for singing. He’d picked up a guitar on their first day, and had fallen in love with it instantly. She still remembered the look of awe on his face as he strummed the strings awkwardly. Finley smiled at the memory and stretched her arms above her head, shaking all negative thoughts from her mind. 
“So, what’s worst with you then?” Luke groaned and glared at his guitar. 
“The boys want a new song for Friday. Something that really makes Sunset Curve stick in everyone’s minds. But I got nothing to write about. No inspiration. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.” 
He flopped against the back of his seat as he finished speaking, holding a hand over his eyes dramatically. Finley smirked and stood up, beginning to stroll towards the house, slipping her shoes off as she reached the back door. Luke watched her go through his fingers, raising his eyebrows at her as she stopped and looked back at him. 
“Well do you want me to give you something to write about or not? Get over here.”
Luke grinned and jumped up, chasing after her as she ran into the corridor and up the stairs, only making it to the landing before he caught her round the waist and she started shrieking. He picked her up and spun her round, pushing her up against the wall gently. Both were panting through their smiles, a pretty blush dusted over Finley’s cheeks. She grinned down at Luke, reaching a hand up to run it through his hair, and cupping his cheek gently. He leaned into her touch, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt his heart rate slow slightly. They lived for their Sundays together, when they could forget about everything and everyone, and just be exactly who they wanted to be. It was going to be weird when she left for college, he thought.
I’m going to lose him forever, she remembered. 
Her thumb stilled against his cheek, and Luke opened his eyes, finding her bright blue irises darkened with lust, and heavy with want. He didn’t get a chance to notice the traces of fear in them before she crashed their lips together. Her hands slipped around his neck to pull at his hair, and he let his hands wander underneath her, pulling her off the wall and stumbling towards his bedroom. He kicked the door open, pulling away from her for a moment as he avoided his dresser, dropping her on the bed. 
“Get your clothes off. Now.” 
Finley grinned and obliged, tossing her shorts and t-shirt in a heap next to his bed. Luke unbuckled his belt, and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on top of her clothes, before climbing over the top of her, and rejoining their lips. Hands automatically moving to his hair, Finley tugged softly as she parted her lips and let him explore her mouth with his tongue. He rolled his hips into her gently, smirking against her mouth as she whined and bucked towards him, desperate for more contact. 
“Easy tiger, we’ve got all day, remember?” 
Finley bit his bottom lip in response, dragging him back down to her and hooking her legs around his waist, pushing his jeans down with her feet. She raked her nails along his back, feeling a shiver run down her spine as he groaned in her ear, and gasped when he pressed his hips into her, feeling his cock pressed against her stomach through his boxers. 
“Stop teasing.” 
He snorted and rocked his hips into her again, watching her face carefully as her eyes rolled back in her head. 
“But it’s so fun.” 
His voice came out as a whisper, laced with teasing and a hint of feigned innocence. Finley let out an exasperated sigh, and lifted her head to meet his lips, kissing him with a new fire. Luke gave in, and drifted a hand down in between them, stroking her through the material of her underwear. He circled her clit through the soft cotton with his thumb, smirking at the pained gasp she let out at the sudden contact. 
He rolled his eyes, but decided to be nice, pushing the material to one side and slipping a finger inside, shortly joined by a second one. The moans that tumbled from her lips as he moved his fingers inside her were delicious, and went straight to his cock. He curled them against her expertly, drawing out desperate sighs and moans as he hit all of the spots he’d memorised so long ago. 
Finley writhed on the bed beneath him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. Luke breathed heavily through his nose, searching desperately for some restraint as he watched her arch into him continuously, the most incredible noises leaving her lips. 
“Luke, I need you. Please.” He groaned loudly and nodded, gripping her hip with strong fingers. He smirked at the deep red marks left behind, knowing it would take a few days for the evidence of him to leave her body. 
Luke smacked her thigh gently, pulling his boxers down his thighs. She looked up at him expectantly, desperation radiating off her face. 
“Turn round.” Finley’s eyes lit up as she realised what he meant, and she shuffled around on his bed until she was on her knees, the warmth of his skin heating the back of her thighs. It disappeared for a moment, and she frowned, but was soon panting ecstatically as his tongue drew pictures over her slit. She felt his thumb rubbing at her clit and moaned, burying her face in his pillows. Almost as soon as her skin hit the soft cotton, her head was yanked up by her hair, sparks flying down her spine and straight to her clit.
“Uh uh. Let me hear you. Let me hear how good I make you feel.” Finley whimpered and arched her back as far as she could- which being a dancer, was fairly impressive. Luke watched with appreciative eyes, his hands massaging her ass. He smacked it gently, smirking at the moan she let out as their skin connected. 
“You ready?” Finley groaned and shook her hips slightly, Luke chuckling as her ass jiggled impatiently. 
“Take that as a yes.” Luke put a hand on his cock, stroking it a few times as he stared at Finley spread out in front of him. He knew he was the only one to have seen her like this; panting and moaning for him desperately, her pussy dripping with excitement. Her usually perfect blonde hair was splayed across his bed, messy and tousled from his relentless grabbing. He guided the head of his cock to her entrance, grimacing as she let out a high-pitched moan at the feeling of him entering her. She couldn’t sing, he knew that- but by god, the noises that came out of her were beautiful. 
Bottoming out, Luke took a deep breath as he focused on Finley’s back. Toned and perfect, he couldn’t help but run a hand down her spine lightly, smiling at her appreciative moan. It took only a moment before she was pushing back against him, begging him to move. He obliged, slamming into her harshly as their moans filled the room around them. 
“Fuck baby. You feel good today.” Finley moaned in response, meeting him thrust for thrust. Her arms were stretched out in front of her, gripping his bedsheets tightly. She looked completely wanton, her mouth open and gasping, fists clenching at the sheets with every move Luke made. 
“Harder, Luke, please.” Luke grinned and put both of his hands on her hips, steadying her as he thrust into her at a bruising pace, his own chest tightening as he watched his cock disappear inside her over and over again.
“Shit Luke, just like that. Fucking hell, I’m so close. Shit, shit, shit.” “Who knew you had such a dirty mouth on you?” Finley looked back at him with dangerous eyes, trying hard to keep her cool as Luke continued his pace. 
“You have no idea how dirty my mouth is.” He smirked and grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking it harshly. She whimpered, but the way her mouth fell open told her he loved it.
“I do. But why don’t you give me a reminder?” Luke let go of her hair and let her fall back into the pillows, slamming into her a few more times before pulling out and flipping her over. She crawled up the bed as quickly as she could, lying on her front and taking Luke’s cock in her mouth. Her tongue circled his tip expertly and he grabbed her hair, pushing her head as much as he dared. She took it like a champ, deep throating him through moans as her hips ground against the bed. Luke started panting himself, feeling his balls tighten as the ridiculously sexy girl continued to suck him off, her moans getting more intense as he got closer to coming. 
“Just like that Fin. God you’re so good. Keep going. Love that pretty little mouth of yours.”
Finley moaned around his cock, and Luke groaned, resisting the urge to ram his cock right down her throat and come right there and then. Alas, his efforts were useless, and he fisted her hair desperately as he felt himself explode.
“I’m cumming. Jesus fuck, Fin. Don’t stop.”
He groaned loudly as his load flooded her mouth, her instant swallowing not going amiss. She continued to suck him gently for a few moments, before letting him slip out of her mouth, grinning up at him. He panted and dropped onto his heels, staring at her in wonder. 
“Okay, yeah, reminder needed.” Finley tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, smiling shyly as she looked up at him. Luke’s hand cupped her face, his thumb swiping over her lips gently. His eyes were dark and wild, cheeks a shade of red that only Finley could cause. 
With only a few hours until Luke’s parents would be home, Finley shuffled back up the bed, spreading her legs with a devilish smile. Her hands dipped in between them, soft moans leaving her lips as she played with herself, on full display for Luke’s eyes. He groaned and fell on top of her, connecting their lips in a hurried kiss, his hands wandering over every inch of skin he could reach. 
He wasn’t about to let their Sunday go to waste.
“Have you picked it up from the tailors yet?”
Finley nodded at Sasha, grinning like an idiot. They’d been discussing the upcoming homecoming dance for the past 3 periods, ignoring everything that their teachers said. It was expected, the heads of the dance committee weren’t exactly going to be focused on school the week of their prized project.
“Have you tried it on?” Finley nodded again, pulling her phone out of her pocket and showing Sasha a photo. Sasha clapped her hands over her mouth and squealed, grimacing an apologetic smile at their teacher when he glared at her. “Scott is going to die. I just know it. That’ll be the dress, he’s going to cave. 100%.”
Finley smiled and shrugged, her eyes flicking over to where Luke was sat in the corner. As always, his eyes were trained on whatever was going on outside, his pen drumming absentmindedly on his desk. Finley wondered for the hundredth time that day whether or not he would mind her ending their Sunday arrangements. The purity ring on her ring finger had been Scott’s latest attempt at taming her, and it had been the first one that had sunk in. Scott really did love her, and saw a future with her. Despite his insistence that they couldn’t have sex until they were married, he’d given her this whole speech about commitment, and how he wanted them to be committed to each other emotionally before they were physical. In all honesty, Finley had been cringing internally the entire time, but the hopeful look on his face had been enough for her to fake this huge adorable reaction, almost crying as he slipped the ring on her finger.
The crying hadn’t been hard- she’d realised in the same moment that she really needed to grow up- which entailed not sleeping with her childhood best friend every chance she got. Scott was worth the wait, she was sure. 
She waved goodbye to Sasha as they parted to go to their next classes, squealing quietly when Luke appeared against her locker, signature cocky smirk in place. She scowled at him and shooed him over slightly, swapping her books out for whatever was at the front. He watched with an amused expression, noting the multiple subjects that she definitely didn’t have that day going into her backpack. 
“Something up princess?” She scowled even harder, slamming her locker shut and stalking away from him. He fell into step with her though, whistling through his teeth in the most aggravating manner. 
“New addition?” Finley stopped in her tracks as she registered what Luke was talking about. The ring on her finger glinted against the lights, the fair sized diamond being hard to miss. She sniffed and nodded nonchalantly, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder.
“My boyfriend likes to spoil me.” Luke sighed and squeezed Finley’s arm, letting his finger trail down the bare skin of her bicep for a brief moment. The shiver that ran through her hadn’t gone amiss, and he smirked, taking her hand in his to examine the new jewellery.
“You engaged now? Going to be Mrs Lacrosse buff?” Finley rolled her eyes at him and snatched her hand away, ignoring the cold tone in his voice.
“It’s a purity ring.” Luke coughed loudly, spluttering as he tried to control his laughter. Doubled over in the hallway, Finley looked around desperately, horrified by the few people in the corridor who might overhear their conversation. She shoved him harshly into an empty classroom, slamming the door shut behind them.
Luke continued to laugh, running a hand through his hair as his eyes sparked dangerously. 
“So what, he really believes his princess is all his?” Finley shrugged, dropping her hand to her side, out of sight. Luke stepped closer, taking in a deep breath of her perfume and groaning lightly.
“He really doesn’t know anything about you.” Finley frowned and stood up taller, trying to appear confident.
“He knows me better than anyone. He knows everything about me.” Luke nodded, eyes wide in mock sincerity.
“So he knows exactly what to do to you? Knows how to get under your skin?” He stepped closer, forcing her to take a few steps backwards until her back connected with the wall.
“He knows that if I kiss you here-” He let his lips brush over her neck, grinning as she whimpered. “That your knees will start to give?”
Finley locked her knees and did her best to hold her face in place. Luke put an arm against the wall, looking down at her with eyes she’d learned to fear. His torture eyes. Eyes that she’d seen looking up at her from between her legs as he’d forced her to the edge, over and over again, until she was begging for him to touch her, anywhere, everywhere. “He knows that if I touch you here-” His hand slipped behind her, squeezing a good handful of her ass in her shorts, a quiet moan betraying her. “That you’ll instantly look for something else?” He looked down pointedly, smirking at her hips, which had automatically moved forward, searching for him.  “He knows what I do to his perfect little princess, his girl, pure and sweet, every single weekend? He knows how you beg to ride me, how you scream for my cock, how you’re ruined for anyone else?” Finley was practically drooling now, looking up at him with desperate eyes. His words were going straight to her core, a painful heat spreading throughout her abdomen.
“He knows how you look on your knees, mouth open, tongue out, begging for everything I’ve got like the beautiful little whore you are?”
His voice was menacing, quiet. Mean. Finley groaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her for a furious kiss. His arms stayed in place, one against the wall above her head, and the other using her ass to pull her closer, grinding their hips together. His tongue slipped into her mouth, rough and fast and furious, his kiss practically searing her skin. He broke away all of a sudden, looking at her with significantly kinder eyes.
“He has no idea, that when you walk into that gym on Friday night, it’ll be me you want on your arm. That it’ll be me taking off your dress after the dance, and it’ll be me worshipping your body for hours after he’s safely in bed asleep. He hasn’t got a clue.”
Finley looked up at him silently, thoughts swirling. 
“Luke.” He smirked, eyes trailing over her body. She lifted his chin so that his eyes were on her again, but held him still as he leaned in to kiss her again.
“Luke, no. I can’t. Not anymore.” His face contorted, confusion running rife through his eyes for barely a moment. He knew this would happen eventually- but he thought it would be mid-sex, a goodbye they could finish properly.
“What?” She sighed and stepped out of his hold, wrapping her arms around herself like a safety blanket. 
“We can’t do this anymore. It’s not fair on Scotty.” He scoffed and stood up straight, adjusting his jeans slightly. 
“Sure. Whatever. Have a good night with Scotty. Maybe if your lucky, he’ll graze your ass by accident.” He pulled a face as he strolled out of the door, leaving Finley to watch him with a sad face, her bottom lip falling prey to her teeth. It hadn’t gone better than expected- but it also hadn’t gone worse? It was just weird. But weird was okay. They were in entirely different social circles. No-one would ever notice weirdness between them. 
“Are you sure about this?” Alex’s eyes scoured over the lyrics one more time, shooting Luke a concerned look.
Luke nodded, ruffling his hair one more time in the mirror. 
They were in the bathroom by the gym, waiting for more people to arrive before they went on. Luke had been up all night, scribbling furiously in his songbook. Sleep evaded him, memories of Finley fluttering through his mind. Her laugh, the way she pulled his hair when he had his tongue in just the right place, the smell of her perfume, the way her eyes looked when she had his cock halfway down her throat. Her smile, the way her hair felt between his fingers, the rage that simmered in his chest when he saw her simpering at the dumb brute she called a boyfriend. 
Reggie frowned as he read over the lyrics one more time. 
“Who’s Fiona?” Luke shrugged and pushed off the sink, turning away from the mirror.
Alex rolled his eyes and nodded, tucking the paper in his back pocket. Bobby was chuckling away to himself in the corner, more excited to pick up one of the heartbroken lonely girls after the dance than for the actual performance. 
“We should go set up. We’re on in less than an hour.”
Luke nodded, thrusting his hands deep in his pockets as they left the bathroom.  The hallways were littered with brightly coloured balloons, blue and silver streamers hanging from the ceiling tiles.
The boys shared a look as they pushed on the double doors to the gym, Luke’s chest clenching as he took in the scenery. Finley had outdone herself this time, he realised. Fairy lights were strung from wall to wall, giving the room a homey glow that he was sure looked romantic to some people. There were tea lights in jars scattered around the edge of the room and on the various tall tables, occupied by countless girls in brightly coloured dresses and their dates. 
Luke’s eyes scanned the crowd without his permission, looking for the flash of red he knew held the body he couldn’t stop thinking about. He scoffed as he realised she wasn’t here yet. Typically, she wanted to make an entrance. 
“Good, boys you’re here! If you guys are ready to set up that would be great, we want to get going as soon as possible.” Sasha smiled at them brightly, eyes sliding to Bobby as she simpered. Luke nodded curtly and headed for the stage, rolling his eyes as he heard Alex complimenting her dress. Personally, he found it heinous. Pale pink and puffy, she looked like something you’d find in a grandmother’s house. 
Enthralled in making the stage look perfect for their set, Luke paid no attention to the clamours and cheering that suddenly broke out in the gym, only turning when Alex kicked his shin. The drummer nodded towards the doors of the gym, and Luke felt his stomach cave in as red filled his mind. 
His mind flooded with images of that dress lying on his bedroom floor, or even better, bunched around her hips as he thrust into her. Finley stood in the doorway blushing, her arms wrapped around Scott’s big one. Luke stared and stared and stared, his eyes trailing over the red satin, appreciating every inch of her from afar. Her skin was glowing, hair falling in soft curls around her face, eyes dark with makeup. She looked like something straight out of the dreams he’d been ignoring since he was 15. 
Their eyes met across the dance floor, Finley flashing him a small smile and breaking free from Scott to wave. He rolled his eyes and waved back, though he couldn’t help the slow up and down he gave her. He knew she’d see it, and he wanted her thinking of him the whole night. 
He stood watching as she twirled in Scott’s arms, strumming his guitar a little too harshly as he imagined how her dress would feel under his calloused fingertips, how the heat of her skin would feel against his as they danced, how her perfume would get him drunk on her. He couldn’t deny the jealousy that flooded him as she kissed Scott softly during a slow song, turning his back to jam with Alex for a few bars. 
Alex eyed his best friend carefully, sensing that something wasn’t right. He’d called Luke out on a crush he was harbouring before, but he’d never thought it was this intense. The entire dance, Luke had a face like thunder, and he played like he was never going to play again. It didn’t escape any of the boys how their frontman was constantly drawn to the same side of the stage, his eyes only leaving his guitar for moments at a time. 
“Alright folks, we thought we’d take this opportunity so graciously given to us by your homecoming queen-” The room broke out in cheers and applause as Finley flushed pink and dipped her head, suddenly the picture of innocence and modesty. Luke felt his words like venom, and grimaced as he gripped the mic harder than necessary.
“-To show you some new stuff we’ve been working on.”
More cheers broke out, but Luke relaxed knowing they were for the band, rather than Finley, who was frowning slightly at the front of the crowd. Luke chuckled to himself, knowing she was in for a shock. 
“You alright babe?” Finley looked up at Scott with sweet eyes, squeezing his arm gently. She’d been staring at Luke all night, catching herself admiring his arms a few too many times. He was always beautiful when he played, sweat soaking his curls and running down his forehead, fingers moving so expertly on the strings. She spent an entire song biting her lip at the sound of his hoarse voice, clamping her thighs together at her body’s automatic response to his growly singing. 
As soon as Luke had announced a new song, she’d tensed considerably. He’d complained about having nothing to write about, and she could only think of one thing since then that he would write about. 
The opening chords started, and Finley smiled at the rocky feel. At least it wasn’t some slow ballad. 
Luke smirked down at his guitar as he played, meeting Alex’s eyes with a knowing look. Alex’s jaw went slack for a moment as he realised who was standing right in front of Luke, groaning internally as he thought about the trouble his best friend was about to get himself into.
Scotty doesn't know that Fiona and me Do it in my van every Sunday, She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know
Finley’s mouth dropped open as she stared up at the stage, equally infuriated and turned on at Luke’s blatant admittance. He was prancing around the stage, looking somewhat cheerful for the first time that night. 
He knelt at the edge of the stage as he started the chorus, grinning at the girls reaching up and screaming at him. 
Scott watched in blind ignorance, tapping his foot along with the drums. 
“It’s pretty good babe, don’t you think?” Finley forced a smile, wiping her clammy hands on her dress. 
“Yeah, bit rocky for my taste but it’s so good!”
Scott wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her in to his side, kissing her hair. 
I can't believe he's so trusting While I'm right behind you thrusting Fiona's got him on the phone And she's trying not to moan It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing
Finley clapped a hand over her mouth and tried not to let her nervous laugh escape, eyes never leaving Luke as he danced around the stage, bouncing around with the exhausting amount of energy he always seemed to have.
Luke caught Finley’s eye for the chorus once again, smirking at her expression. He could tell by the glint in her eye that she was pissed, but the knowledge he was getting to her went straight to his cock, and he nodded at her, before turning away and playing to Alex for a bit. He turned back to the crowd for the bridge, meeting Finley’s eyes as he sang. 
The parkin' lot, why not? It's so cool when you're on top His front lawn in the snow Life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know                                               Scotty doesn't know
His eyes left hers momentarily as he smirked, turning to Scott instead. It was painfully obvious, and he winked at the lacrosse player before heading back to the mic, letting his eyes move between the two of them with an evil smile. 
I did her on his birthday
Scott went still beside Finley, his hold on her waist loosening as he took a step sideways, face crumpled into a combination of confusion and laughter. 
Finley looked up at him with a slightly fearful expression, but played it off, stroking his arm gently. 
“I’m going to the ladies room, babe. I’ll be back.”
Scott nodded slowly, eyes trailing back to Luke’s as Finley disappeared from his side.
Luke watched Finley leave, letting the final chords of the song ring out for a few moments as the school went nuts. He met Alex’s eyes, which were filled with judgement, but also a hint of amusement. 
“We’re gonna take a quick break folks! Enjoy the dance!”
Luke slung his guitar off of one shoulder, barely checking it was stable before running off stage and out the back door. He raced to the girls bathroom, rolling his eyes at the screams of indignation that ensued as he strolled in. 
“You coming out to scream at me or what?”
Finley stormed out of a stall, eyes like thunder, and stopped right in front of him. He smirked, but quickly wished he hadn’t as her hand connected with his cheek, the slight sting spreading across his face. 
“How dare you.”
Luke shrugged, eyes dropping to Finley’s lips as she trembled with rage. 
“Let’s not act like I’m the one in the wrong here. I warned you you’d be coming home with me tonight.” Luke’s voice held a dangerous tone that Finley knew all too well, and she had to stop herself from clamping her thighs together, not in any hurry to give him any more reason to rile her up. 
“I ended us. I told you I’m with Scotty.” Luke chuckled and took a step forward, smirking as Finley took a step back. He stalked her slowly, smile widening as her back hit the wall. 
“Tell me honestly, that you’re not turned on right now.” Finley scoffed and looked away, her hands splayed against the cool tile of the wall. She couldn’t begin to think about how she was feeling. 
Luke reached a hand up and grabbed her jaw, forcing her to turn back to him. His eyes were dark and round, and she felt herself thawing under his gaze. His tongue darted out and wet his lips, smirking as he caught her eyes following his movements. 
“Answer me, sweetheart.”
Finley scowled and rolled her eyes, her breath catching as Luke’s eyes hardened. 
“Attitude.” His voice was low and sharp, a commanding tone that almost had a whimper escaping Finley’s mouth. She bit the inside of her lip, eyes darting to the door. If she made a run for it, she might be able to convince Scotty she was just chatting to her friends.
“Luke, I’m with Scotty.”
Her voice was shaky, and held no conviction whatsoever. Luke smirked and trailed a hand down her side, squeezing her hip tightly as she whined quietly. 
“Of course. So if I reach under your dress right now, you’re telling me I won’t find you soaked for me?”
Finley shuddered, nodding. 
Luke nodded back, his hand slipping further down her body until it reached the slit in her dress, exposing her thigh. He trailed his fingertips along the smooth skin, chuckling when she flinched at his touch. 
“Tell me to stop and I will.”
His voice was kinder, but it held weakness. He didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want her to stop him. 
His hand trailed up her thigh, chest heaving as he listened to her breathing quicken. Her arm snapped up, grabbing his wrist, just as he reached the apex of her thighs. Luke sighed in defeat, ready to pull away, but groaned in surprise as she dragged his hand to her slit, letting out a moan as his fingers found her, drenched and ready for him. 
“No underwear? Planning on giving Scotty a show tonight were we?”
Luke’s voice was hoarse as he thrust two fingers into her, knees buckling as she clenched around him. Finley’s arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to her and kissing him feverishly. 
“No. Only you. Always only you.”
Luke sighed into her mouth, letting one hand snake behind her and pull her close while the other tortured her clit. 
“Always so ready for me.”
She whimpered into his mouth as he sped up his fingers, thrusting into her while his thumb pressed harshly on her clit, drawing out pornographic moans from her as her hips bucked against him, searching for more. 
“Tell me what you want.”
Finley whined in his arms as he pulled away, his fingers dripping with her slick. He raised them to his mouth, eyes never leaving hers as he sucked them clean. She groaned as he brought his hand to her mouth, dragging down her bottom lip, swollen from her biting. 
“Tell me what you want from me, pretty girl.” His eyes searched hers desperately, pleading with her desperately to give him the answer he wanted. 
“Ruin me.”
Luke groaned and dropped his hands to her waist, dragging her against him and claiming her lips. He kissed her with everything he had, his tongue forcing its way inside her mouth as he backed her against the sinks, hand dropping to his belt as her hips hit the porcelain. She moved to turn around, but he grabbed her wrist, shaking his head at her. 
“Nuh uh. Want to see your face when you cum on my cock.” Finley’s knees buckled, letting him kiss her again as he freed his cock, lifting her with one arm so that she was sat on the sink. He stroked himself a few times, leaning his forehead against hers as he pushed into her. His head fell onto her shoulder as he bottomed out, a low groan vibrating across her skin. Finley whimpered and bucked her hips, begging him to move. Luke stayed still, drunk on the smell of her perfume and the feeling of her skin on his. 
“You going to fuck me? Or am I sitting here for nothing?” Luke’s head snapped up, grinning at her breathless tone and flushed face. He grabbed her hips, pulling her to the edge and thrusting deeper inside her.
“Sorry princess, didn’t mean to leave you hanging.”
He grabbed her jaw with one hand, keeping her steady with the other, and started fucking into her at a furious pace, their kiss a mess of teeth and lips and tongue, each of their moans indistinguishable from the other’s. Finley’s hands found their way under his t-shirt, clawing at his back desperately as he hit every spot she needed. He broke their kiss, lips falling to her chest and freeing her tits. His tongue circled her nipple, biting down softly and groaning at the high-pitched moan that echoed around him in response. The lewd sounds of her dripping cunt taking him over and over again filled the bathroom, and he dropped his hand to her clit as he felt himself hurtling towards his finish. 
“You ready sweetheart?” Finley moaned in response, tugging on his hair and trying to get impossibly closer. Luke pressed down hard on her clit, kissing her again as he felt her clench around him, her orgasm rushing through her body like lightning. She whimpered as he kept thrusting, hands clawing at his neck. Luke groaned into her mouth, biting down on her lip as he felt himself spill inside her. 
They stayed there for a few moments, Luke shuddering against her as she panted desperately. 
“Sh, sh, I got you. Right here baby. Always so good for me.”
Luke’s lips found her temple, pressing a kiss into her skin as she trembled in his arms. 
Finley’s arms tightened around his neck as he pulled out, and he didn’t let her hold break as he did up his belt, arms coming back to hold her as soon as he was done. She was still shaking, and he could feel her heartbeat through their clothes. 
“I got you. You’re fine baby. That’s my girl.”
Finley dropped her head against his chest, fighting to control her breathing. She was panicking, but Scott hadn’t even crossed her mind. The sweet words leaving his mouth, the reassurance; they confirmed what she was already terrified of.
“Your girl.”
Luke nodded against her, his head resting on her shoulder.
“Only want to be your girl.” Luke smiled and kissed her neck softly. 
“Always have been, sweetheart. That was never going to change.”
Finley buried her head in his shirt, the aftershocks of her orgasm finally drifting away. She sat back slightly, looking at him with a fear stricken face. He stroked her cheek gently, smiling at her with such sincerity she could’ve cried. 
“Cmon, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Finley giggled quietly and nodded, letting him help her off the sinks. He grabbed toilet paper from one of the stalls, and dropped to his knees to wipe gently at her inner thighs, pressing kisses into them as she played with his hair. 
The softness was unusual for them, but it felt as natural as breathing. 
He kissed her one last time, grabbing her hand as they left the bathroom. He knew they’d deal with it at some point, but he hadn’t expected to bump into Scott round the corner. He dropped Finley’s hand, shooting her a look as he stepped in front of her.
“Patterson, want to tell me what you were doing singing a song like that about my girl?”
Scott was red in the face, surrounded by his lacrosse buddies. Luke laughed and shrugged, twirling one of his rings around his finger. 
“Your girl? You sure about that?” Scott scoffed and stepped towards him, muscles bulging through his button-up shirt. 
“Don’t play with me. The whole school knows she’s mine.”
Luke grinned, dark and dangerous as he raised his eyebrows at the lacrosse captain. 
“Oh yeah? Who’s cum is dripping out of her pretty little cunt right now then? That yours?”
Scott’s face went beet red, and Finley stifled a laugh from behind Luke, her breath catching as she caught Scott’s gaze. His eyes trailed over her, taking in her dishevelled appearance, and the marks that littered her throat. 
“Oh shit, I forgot. You don’t even know what her cunt looks like, do you? Well I mean, I could tell you, but shit, it tastes so much better than it looks. Seriously dude, you’ve been missing out. Don’t know what man in his right mind wouldn-” He was cut off by Scott’s fist slamming into his jaw, throwing him backwards a few feet. Finley caught him, looking up at him with panicked eyes. Luke shook his head, giving her a weak smile with watery eyes. 
Scott took one step towards them, but Luke turned back to him before he could get close to Finley, moving in front of her again. 
“Nah, I don’t think so.”
Scott barked a laugh and sniffed, looking at Finley over Luke’s shoulder.
“Should’ve guessed. Always had you pegged for a whore.”
Luke rubbed his jaw one last time, and stepped forward.
“Big mistake buddy.”
Finley barely got a breath in before Luke swung, blood spurting from Scott’s nose seconds later. Luke shook out his fist, wincing at the pain in his knuckles, but grinned at Scott kneeling down, clutching his nose desperately. 
“Do yourself a favour and keep my girl’s name out your mouth. God knows she’s kept yours out of hers. At least, when my cock’s inside her that is. Have a nice night.” Finley smothered a laugh with her hand, looking up at Luke in awe as he slung an arm around her shoulders, kissing her hair softly as he guided her around the lacrosse team, all fussing around Scott. 
“Cmon baby. We got an afterparty to get to.” He winked at her as they pushed out the doors into the parking lot, strolling towards Luke’s truck. Alex would have his head for leaving before they could pack up the kit, but Luke’s mind was very much focused on other things. For example, getting his head between his girl’s thighs as soon as humanly possible. 
It only took me two years to finish this! (I’m so sorry if you thought I died)
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skieswords · 2 years ago
being an adult is just dragging urself kicking and screaming to things that you will enjoy and that will be good for you
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skieswords · 4 years ago
why are some of your fics in the masterlist striked of??? I am in love with your fics and your writing xx
thank you so much! the fics that are striked aren’t done yet, it’s just to show what i’m working on so y’all know what to expect❤️
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skieswords · 4 years ago
Pull Through Part 7
It’s finally here! I’m sorry for the wait- I’m drowning in work right now. 
Please read the warnings in Part 1❤️
Both Mercer siblings avoided school for the rest of the week, instead opting to stay hidden in the safety of Becca's room. Anytime either parent was home, Alex would wrap his arms around her and pull her into his chest, holding her tightly and whispering stories from when they were younger into her ear. She was on edge, understandably, and had pretty much forgotten how to function outside of Alex's company. She'd recoiled into a shell of her usual self, seeking solice under a stack of blankets on her bed, trying her hardest to drown out the voices in her mind with sleep and darkness. Alex had been there for most of it, stroking her hair absentmindedly, and holding her hand for hours at a time. He only left to get her food, gently pushing her to eat some before giving up and holding her instead. He'd been so patient with her, so understanding. That's what found her so surprised on Saturday afternoon, as he stood at the foot of her bed and demanded she get up.
"It's a Saturday, and I've put off seeing the boys all week. They've called the house like 14 times each, and I can't ignore them any longer." Becca shrugged and held onto her duvet tighter, a defiant look plastered on her face. "Bex. I'm not leaving you here. Get up, shower, pack a bag. We're going to Reggie's." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, tugging on the tiers of her hoodie. "You can't make me. I can't go looking like this, anyway." Her voice dropped, and she flicked her eyes away from Alex's, her bottom lip making it's way into her mouth, where she chewed it anxiously. He sighed, and walked towards her, holding his hands out towards her. "None of us care what you look like, Bex. The boys know what you're like. They won't ask." She scowled at him, and turned away, still safely tucked under her covers. That was until two arms appeared underneath her, and she yelped as Alex lifted her right out of bed, forcing her to stand barefoot on the carpet. "Not fair." He shrugged and grinned, pointing at the door. "Shower. You're hair's gross." She stuck her tongue out at him but started to walk towards the door, wincing as her barefeet hit the cold tile floor. She took a long time in the shower, wanting to make Alex wait as punishment for forcing her out of bed. She took even longer to stare at herself in the mirror, blue eyes blank. The stitches on her forehead stood out against her sun-deprived skin, the shadows under her eyes appearing like sunken bruises against her dangerously pale face. Becca looked ill. Which, she supposed, she was, in a way. But neither her or Alex had come up with a way to explain to the guys how she was ill. It would upset Reggie too much, and Luke would probably try to blame it on the lack of music in her life. She wished she could tell them. It would make it a lot easier when it came to explaining the days of silence that they often had to suffer through, or the weeks where they just wouldn't see her outside of school, where she was mopey, and always disappeared between classes. Or, like this week, where her and Alex had fallen off the face of the earth, not even answering the house phone that was ringing multiple times a day. How could they even start? 'Hey, guys, remember how I disappear for days at a time, and you don't hear from me, and then I never speak about it? Well, it's normally because I'm having a depressive episode and I'm working really hard under a pile of blankets not to die.' Seemed a bit harsh. And it especially wouldn't work for Reggie. Also, the whole dad thing? Definitely not something to be brought up.
Becca felt a strong sense of relief when she walked into the garage, Luke sitting in his usual spot on the couch strumming his guitar, deep in thought. Reggie was sitting cross legged on the floor, frowning at his notebook, his shoes kicked off and placed carefully at the side. They didn't jump up and hug her, or shout about where she'd been. Luke made to stand up, but stopped when Alex appeared behind her, squeezing her shoulder gently. He walked over to Luke and dropped onto the sofa next to him, glancing at Becca and relaxing as she walked towards Reggie. The bassist didn't even look up at her, just shuffled over so there was room for her to sit down. She looked over his shoulder and chuckled softly, reading the lyrics he was writing. "We still on this Reg?" He nodded and dropped his pen, turning to face her. His face fell when he noticed her forehead, and she automatically lifted a hand to cover it. "Oh my god, Bexy, what happened?" She shook her head and looked at the floor, picking up his notebook. "I like this one, it swings well. Want me to help?" He placed a hand on her chin and lifted it, exposing her face to his view. His voice was soft and caring, but he sounded like he was on the edge of tears. "Where did it come from?" She sighed and clenched her fist, shrugging slightly. "Skating. I was being dumb, trying out a skill I knew I couldn't do. Word of advice; don't try things for the first time on concrete." She laughed bitterly, taking in Reggie's face. He shook his head with a sigh, but opened his arms and pulled her in for an awkard hug. She shuffled around and settled into his embrace, feeling an overwhelming sense of calm simply by being back in the garage, and back with her best friends. Luke's eyes drifted from Alex over to her, and he frowned slightly at the sight of her lying in Reggie's lap. But then his gaze skirted over her face, and his jaw dropped. "Holy fuck Bex, what happened to you?" She groaned and pulled her hoodie down over her face, hiding the stitches from view. Reggie answered for her, and Alex fell back against the sofa with a sigh. "Skating accident. The usual. It's nearly in the exact same place as the last one, Bexy. You're gonna look like a tiger soon." She forced a laugh at Reggie's attempted joke, before leaning back against him while he hummed a tune under his breath, tapping his fingers on his dark jeans while she watched.
Throughout the night, Luke watched Becca with a frown. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. She was quiet, and kept zoning out, staring into space while her hands pulled on the sleeves of her hoodie. Pride filled his chest when he noticed his bracelet encircling her wrist, and he met her eyes briefly, giving her a playful smirk. But she hardly returned it, focusing her attention on the orange notebook in her lap. "Watcha writing?" She shrugged and closed the book, tucking it safely between her legs, away from his curious eyes. "Nothing that concerns you Patterson." He snorted and kicked his feet up on the coffee table, leaning his head on her shoulder. She tensed up at first, before relaxing and resting her head on top of his, letting the soft rise and fall of his shoulders calm her in the way it had done so many times before. "Bex?" His voice was soft, a hint of uncharacteristic uncertainty showing through his usually confident demeanour. "Sup, Luke." He hesitated, looking at the palms of his hands for a minute, before holding one out towards her. She took it, his hands warm against her skin. "Did you- did you actually have a skating accident?" Becca's entire body stiffened, and Luke gripped her hand tightly to stop her pulling away. "Duh. That's what I said. What else would it be?" Her voice was high-pitched and panicked, and Luke's heart clenched. "I-Alex has mentioned uh, stuff at home, before. And-" He was cut off by her trying to stand up, pulling on his hand as she tried to break free. "Bex, sit down." He pulled her back next to him, glancing at her face and clenching his jaw when he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. "Did he-" Becca turned away, but didn't try and pull their hands apart. Luke reached up with his free hand, gently pulling her chin back towards him. "He-" She nodded once, before the tears spilled over. Luke's entire chest seemed to cave in, red flooding his mind.  
But he knew he couldn't get angry, because there was a crying girl in front of him, and despite his usual qualms with crying girls, all he knew was that he didn't want to see her cry, and he had to make it stop. The worst part about the tears rolling down Becca's cheeks wasn't the fact that they weren't stopping, or even the fact that they clouded the laughter in the blue eyes he was so familiar with. It was the numbness that accompanied the tears, the blank eyes, unmoving mouth aside from a slight tremble in her lower lip. It terrified him, like she'd accepted it, like it didn't matter. "Bex..." He felt his own eyes well up, and blinked away the tears, frustrated with himself. She shook her head, and he opened his mouth to speak, but didn't get a chance, as her face crashed into his chest, curling into him, and letting his arms wrap around her, pulling her into him. He held her tightly, every shake of her sobbing shoulders sending a wave of anger coursing through his body. How anyone could hurt her, lay a hand on her, make her hurt? He didn't understand. He'd always been protective of Becca, all the boys were. It was instinct, she was Alex’s little sister, one of their own. But in this moment, he felt like a failure. He hadn’t protected her the way he wanted to, she’d gotten hurt, she was hurting- and there was nothing he could do about it. Luke wanted nothing more than to hold her forever, hoping she at least felt safe with him. The swirling pit of guilt in his stomach intensified as she continued to sob silently, and he fought back the urge to ram his fist into the wall. He’d done it before- 6 weeks of incredibly shitty guitar playing that he wasn’t eager to revisit. Instead, he turned his focus to Becca’s body in his lap, playing with her hair and dropping his head to her shoulders, murmuring incoherently against her hoodie.
Becca was torn. Half of her was a mess of anger and anxiety, trying to work out whether or not Alex would be mad that Luke knew, scared because she had no idea what Luke would do now that he knew, angry at herself for letting it slip- but the other half of her was so at peace, so calm, that it almost cancelled out everything she was feeling. Luke's arms were wrapped around her shoulders, holding her tightly as she sobbed silently, the soft scent of the cologne he'd sprayed that morning still clinging to his t-shirt. Alex had left with Reggie an hour or so ago to pick up Bobby, sending Luke a warning glare before closing the garage door behind them. Luke knew they'd be back soon, and he was pretty sure Becca wouldn't want to be crying when they came back. "Hey, Bex, you alright?" He looked down at her, sighing with relief when he noticed her shoulders weren't shaking as violently as they had been. She sat up, rubbing her eyes with her hand. "Peachy." He rolled his eyes with a smile, noticing their hands were still joined between them. "I just uh, Alex will be back soon. Wasn't sure you wanted them seeing you crying." Becca nodded gratefully, her eyes following Luke's to their conjoined hands. Neither made any move to separate them, sitting in a comfortable silence, only disturbed by Becca's occasional sniffing. Luke felt a frown creeping over his face as he thought about Becca, his mind drifting to the possibilities of how Becca's dad had given her that cut. His mood plummetted as he imagined him hurting Becca, his free hand clenching into a fist without him realising. "Luke. Don't." Becca's voice was tired and soft, her left hand coming to rest on top of his knuckles. "How could he-" Becca shook her head, squeezing his hand softly. "It doesn't matter. I'm fine, it's just a cut. Doesn't even hurt." He looked at her in disbelief, searching her eyes for any sign of anger, pain, any of the feelings he knew she should be experiencing right now. His eyes widened, and his fist relaxed, as he brought it up to her face, shaking slightly. "The last skating accident-" His fingers brushed over the white mark above her eyebrow, and she flinched slightly, eyes dropping from his. "Bex." A breathy whisper, his voice trembling, Becca looked at him again. The anger had left his face, replaced by something she couldn't quite recognise. Luke felt like someone had dropped a slab of concrete on his chest, pressing down on his heart, making breathing difficult. There was this overwhelming feeling of dismay as he realised that she'd accepted this. She thought it was fine. She was okay with it. And that broke his heart more than he could begin to explain. "You don't deserve that." She nodded, turning away from him to look at the wall. "I know. Just need to learn to keep my mouth shut." She laughed mirthlessly, but squeezed his hand. "I'm okay Luke, promise. It's just how things are for now. Don't-" He nodded. "Don't say anything to Alex? I know." Inside, his mind was racing, wanting to ask her a million questions. Where was her mom, why was Alex letting her stay there, why hadn't they gone to the police? But he knew they'd just stress her out, so he sat with her in silence, until the sound of Alex's car pulling up in the driveway echoed through the garage, and Becca slipped her hand out of his, disappearing into the bathroom.
The rest of the evening passed quietly, with Becca remaining mostly silent, responding to Bobby's questions with a simple middle finger, and turning her attention back to the battered TV set in the corner. Luke’s own silence didn’t go unnoticed by the boys, but he brushed it off, claiming he was working on a melody in his head, and hadn’t quite worked it out yet. Really, his mind was racing with thoughts of Becca, and how he could take care of her. His eyes drifted to wehre she was curled up on the sofa, a blanket pulled over her legs. Sat in between Alex and Luke, she was pretty comfortable, her head resting against Alex's shoulder. Whatever movie was playing filled the garage with a dull buzzing sound, letting Becca live in her thoughts in peace. Alex's soft laugh made his shoulder move, and she sat up, blinking a few times to try and wake herself up. Luke turned to look at her, frowning at the blank expression she wore. The movie they were watching was funny- although he couldn't deny, the slapstick comedy couldn’t coax a laugh out of him either. He was too busy thinking about her. She started moving around on the sofa, trying to get comfortable. Luke moved over slightly, letting her take up more room. He watched as she lifted a hand to her mouth, starting to bite her already non-existent nails. Before he could think about what he was doing, he lifted his own hand, pulling her red raw fingertips away from her mouth. Becca's eye went wide with surprise, and nearly bugged out of her head when he held onto her hand, bringing it back under the blanket they were sharing. She made no move to let go however, so Luke held her cold hand tightly, rubbing his thumb across the back of it gently. Becca looked to Alex, relieved to find him asleep. In fact, as she looked around the garage, she noticed that her and Luke were the only ones still awake. And by the look on his face, and the heavy feeling in the back of her head, they were about to join the other 3 quarters of sunset curve. A few moments later, all of them were asleep, Becca's hand still tucked in Luke's as she rested against his shoulder, a gentle reminder that he was right there, and always would be.
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skieswords · 4 years ago
i just wanna apologise cos i totally lied and never posted anything SORRY!!! I currently have a shit ton of requests for luke and owen, and i’m trying to get through them while also finishing up old stuff- if you’ve sent in a request please know i’ve seen it and i’m working on it! there’s just a lot and im trying to balance this with dissertation work so im very busy. in the next couple of days there will definitely be part 7 to pull through, 1 or 2 luke one shots, possibly an owen fic, and part 2 of when i say i do. thank you for being so patient with me!
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skieswords · 4 years ago
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨
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skieswords · 4 years ago
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skieswords · 4 years ago
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
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skieswords · 4 years ago
You said you've written love letters before, and I think that's actually really cool. I think they can be sweet, and romantic, but in my experience, they're just creepy. Maybe it's because the 2 love letters I've gotten in my life were from this kid who stalked me for like 4 months and then gave me 2 letters explaining how much he loves me and that he wants me to have his kids. I should note that we were in 6th grade at the time 😑 sorry if this is a lot I just needed to say this to someone 🙃
I- oh dear. I’m sorry. I’ve never written anything to anyone I wasn’t in a relationship with! The others are to my best friends and my family😂 I’m sorry you had to go through that, men suck. 
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skieswords · 4 years ago
this is so wholesome but all i can think about is how if people look close enough they can literally FEEL the daddy issues
Here’s a thing I love. 
I love when fic writers leave a little bit of themselves behind, in the songs the characters listen to or the breakfast they eat, the childhood toy or odd best friend. It fits as good as canon, but if you’re listening, these writers are leaving us little glimpses of their authentic selves, tucked away into the lives of our beloved characters, no so that we’ll like them too, but because these songs and faces and flaws are worthy of attention. If our heroes were real, their taste would be at least as good as ours, their lives at least as idiosyncratic. And we’d matter to them just as much as they do to us.
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skieswords · 4 years ago
wheel of fortune, the hanged man, and the moon :)
Wheel of Fortune: What 3 songs come on first when I shuffle?
1. Wondering- HSMTMTS
2. Fix it to Break it- Clinton Kane
3. In Case You Don’t Live Forever- Ben Platt
(my january playlist so far is catering to my depression)
Hanged Man: Favourite movie soundtrack
THIS IS SO HARD. Harry Potter slaps tbh. 
The Moon: Have I ever written a love letter?
Yes. I have. Multiple in fact. I have a really bad habit of writing super lengthy love (and hate) letters and leaving them in my files. Although I guess its not a bad habit- i like knowing that i’ve got something to give people if i need to if that makes sense. But in terms of s/o’s, yes i have, but i regret it cos mans got stupid attached and my commitment issues said NO.
Thank you for asking!❤️
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skieswords · 4 years ago
✨read for heartbreak🥲✨
I once was her - Luke Patterson
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Two songs of 5sos used and a brief mention of teenage dirtbag by wheatus
Luke Patterson x y/n 
Notes: angst :) I don’t know what I was doing, I have finally gotten out of my writers block and went with the music. 
Enjoy :)
Night crept over Los Angeles slowly, the once bright silhouette of the trees diminished to a lighter one formed by moonlight informing Luke it was time for him to put his guitar so he didn’t disturb Bobby’s family as they got ready for bed. It hadn’t taken much persuasion from Bobby and his sister to let Luke stay here; their parents both knew they were musically able, so that garage had been their private space to practice and it was up to them if they let him crash on the sofa. Whilst Bobby excelled in guitar, his sister excelled in piano and was more than talented in singing. That was what had drawn Luke to her, they were the perfect match. Her parents called them a match made in harmony.
Luke was pulling the sofa out when the door had opened slightly, turning around he saw y/n a big fluffy blanket in her hands as she approached him. A smile made its way onto Luke’s lips.
“Hi” her voice was no less than a whisper, y/n dropped the blanket and locked her arms around his neck- standing on the tip of her toes. Luke’s hands went around her waist as he pulled her close.”It’s cold here” she mumbled against his lips. 
“It is, but it’s warmer than the streets” he whispered against her lips, his breath warm, making her cheeks flush red. “As kind as your dad is, he would chase me with a baseball bat if he knows we’re alone here”
“You’d out run him by far” y/n pulled his beanie off and threw it on the sofa behind them, raising her other hand to run through his hair, his eyes fluttered. She knew he loved that. “Mum knows I’m here, she said I could spend the night with you” Luke raised his eyebrows and a smirk replaced the once cute smile which was painted on his lips. Y/n removed her hand from his hair and slapped his chest “get your mind out of the gutter, Patterson” 
Luke laughed a quiet laugh and dropped onto the sofa, y/n in tow, making her quietly squeal and giggle. He kicked off his shoes and made her space as he lay down. She didn’t take any of it, instead she lay herself across his chest. Luke reached for the fluffy blanket she had brought with her and covered the two of them.
“Luke” y/n whispered.
“Yeah” she could feel the vibrations through his chest, making her smile 
“I love you” 
“But why me? I’m just a teenage dirtbag, baby” Luke kissed the top of her head. Teenage Dirtbag. He was referring to the first time they had met.
“Y/n, come meet my friends and my new band mates” Bobby called out from the garage, Y/n sighed and walked over to the garage to find three boys with her brother sitting on the floor, two of them on the sofa. Y/n eyed up the one in a sleeveless shirt and her gaze then moved to the one donning a leather jacket.
“I would rather be acquainted with a bunch of violent possums than a group of teenage dirtbags” 
“Boys, meet my older sister by four minutes”
“‘I’m Reggie” the boy wearing a leather jacket stood up and came over to shake her hand. She offered him an awkward smile. A blonde boy then stood up and came over to shake her hand, as she took his hand she noticed the woven rainbow bracelet he was wearing- the school sold them to support people in the community, even she had one. Y/n smiled at him softly .
“I’m Alex”
“Nice to meet you Alex” she didn’t miss the look of confusion Reggie gave her. When Alex sat back down the brown haired boy hadn’t made any effort to stand up and introduce herself, she noticed he was in deep thought as he scribbled something down in the book he retrieved from his bag. “Well when nice to meet you boys” she paused for a second and her gaze focused on the boy who still had his eyes focused on the book “and teenage dirtbag number one”
“You’re not going to let me live that one down are you?” “Nope” he popped the p and smiled “I love you too sugar” a silence took over the garage, it wasn’t awkward but y/n didn’t like silence.
“Can you sing me our song?” Their song had been a song Luke composed when they hit their six months, a song no one but them knew about, a song he sung for her ears only.
“Simmer down, simmer down
They say we’re too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don’t swim, you’ll drown
But don’t move, honey
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now that I’m so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now that I’m so down”
Luke sung until he heard her breath even out on his chest, he kissed the top of her head and let the song of nature lull him to sleep
That was the only memory that swam in y/n’s head as she heard Bobby sing that song on the radio.
Her Twin Brother 
Her Secret Keeper
His Best Friend
Y/n slammed her hand against the steering wheel and swore loudly, tears ran down her face as she hit the radio in her car, watching the radio fall off and hit her feet. Bobby had told her last year of his plan, he tried to include her in it and she refused, that night she had even cried herself to sleep. 
She knew he rummaged through the garage to find his song book, she had tried to hide it but he had found it. Her parents had kicked him from the house and refused to address him as their son after the first release. Y/n had tried to grow past it and ignore him but the day she was driving home and she heard their song on the radio. Sung by the voice which should have been Luke, she lost it.
Her heart hammered in her chest as she pulled into the driveway, the tears falling into her lap. 
It was no longer their song 
Y/n looked up and choked on a sob “I’m sorry Luke”
For the past four years, Y/N dug herself in University work. She was majoring in music, which was funny since she hadn’t sung in the past four years. Her university was considerate and graded her singing her module of past tapes of her singing, yet that luck was gone for today. Today, she had to sing, it was her final exam. It had to be a song she composed during her four years there. 
Her mother sat besides her, whispering encouraging things.
“Do it for Luke” were the final words she heard as she walked over to the stage. In front of the stage sat her invigilator and the rest of her class. She knew that there were some music executives there who were recruiting for new talent too. Y/n took a deep breath and placed her fingers on the piano, playing the first couple of notes in an almost experimental manner. 
“Here I am waking up
Still can’t sleep on your side
There’s your favourite top
The musky scent fades with time
If I can dream long enough
You’d tell me I’d be just fine
I’ll be just fine
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
Cleaning up today
Found that old Zeppelin shirt
You wore when you ran away
And no one could feel your hurt
We’re too young, too dumb
To know things like love
But I know better now
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
Too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Too young, too dumb
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don’t dance
Like they did with you
Tears fell down her face drop by drop as she shut the piano, everyone in her class stood up, her teacher included, tears in their eyes. They knew about her loss, everyone did. Whistles and claps flooded the room making y/n wipe the tears on her cheek.
In the 12 years Y/n had worked at Los Feliz, she had never seen so much talent in one girl as she did with Julie Molina. Not only did she have an amazing set of lungs to hit the longest notes possible, but she also reminded her of herself.
It had been a year since she hadn’t heard a note from the girl, which saddened y/n as much as it saddened her best friend and family. Y/n could spot raw talent from afar and she was not wrong for Julie at all, the only thing was that since she hadn’t sung she had to kick her off the music program. 
The spirit rally was ending and Y/n was making her way to congratulate Carrie as the crowd of students dispersed into the main part of the hall. As she made her way to the door she saw Flynn smiling at the stage, y/n turned around to see that stood on the stage was Julie by the piano, playing a few chords.
Y/n turned around and made her way to the stage as Julie played the first few notes, a wave of nostalgia ran through her as she remembered doing a similar thing when it came to her final performance.
“Sometimes I think I’m falling down
I wanna cry, I’m calling out
For one more try to feel alive
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark
Life is a risk, but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump” Y/n eyes widened slightly as she took in the lyrics, they sounded so familiar. Like the song Luke had begun writing, she knew the Molina’s had moved in a couple of years ago- but it was impossible that she had found some of their scrap lyrics
“Together, I think that we can make it
C'mon let’s run..”
When the beat dropped, a familiar sight graced y/n’s eyes making her stumble slightly.
There he was.
Luke was there.
Playing the guitar.
So was Reggie and Alex.
Her heart stopped beating for a second.
“And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever” 
That was why the lyrics sounded familiar, because they were Luke’s lyrics, because he was back. The song continued and she watched them, she watched as Luke and Julie carried the show. Alex and Reggie smiling at the two of them.
Alex was the first one to see her, he faltered slightly but picked himself back up
Then it was Reggie, it seemed as though he had choked on air.
Luke had yet to see her, he was high on the euphoria of finally being able to perform Y/n guessed.
Y/n didn’t notice them play the final chord as Julie held a long note, all she could focus on was the smile on Luke’s face as he watched Julie sing.
Remembering that, she was once her.
Y/n felt stupid for being jealous of a 16 year old girl.
The room broke into applause which made y/n stop thinking it momentarily. 
As she looked up at the stage once more, to catch a look at the boy who once was her boyfriend. 
He caught her eye
She could see him take in a big breath
But he disappeared before anything else could happen.
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skieswords · 4 years ago
okay depending on how productive i manage to be, we’re looking at pull through chapter 7, another luke one shot (possibly 2) and potentially part 2 of When I Say I Do in the next couple of hours. wish me luck. caffeine fucking rocks.
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skieswords · 4 years ago
You can tell a lot about a person by their music— put your favourite playlist on shuffle and without skipping list the first 10 songs
Thanks for the tag! @tefilovesreading❤️
excuse me while i pick a playlist that isn’t 5sos-
1. Youngblood- 5sos (fuck)
2. Love you from a Distance- Ashley Kutcher
3. Afterglow-  Ed Sheeran
4. Jessie’s Girl- Rick Springfield
5. Stand Tall- JATP Soundtrack
6. Plastic Hearts- Miley Cyrus
7. Galway Girl- Ed Sheeran
8. Edge of Great- JATP Soundtrack
9. Tenerife Sea- Ed Sheeran
10. Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You- Arctic Monkeys
Tagging @crybabyddl @pearlcaddy @merceret  ❤️
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skieswords · 4 years ago
Definitely Shouldn’t {Luke Patterson x OC}
Summary: Reggie’s little sister Kennedy has been Sunset Curve’s biggest fan since they started. But her love of the band doesn’t stretch to ex-best friend Luke, who she’s been in a constant battle with for 2 years. 
Warnings: It’s literally smut with like a hint of plot that I kinda lost track of.  Enjoy, this took me fucking forever and it’s like 13k or something. Oops? This is an absolute shambles I apologise in advance but anyway, here you goooo.
Friday’s after school had to be Kennedy’s favourite time of day. She’d go home, change into jeans and a random top, before jumping into the front seat of Reggie’s mustang, and heading over to the boys studio. She loved listening to them play. As torturous as having to brush off Bobby’s attempts at flirting was, they were undeniably talented, and Kennedy had been their biggest fan from the start. But of course, there was the issue of Luke.
They were best friends all through middle school, but soon as Kennedy had reached high school, starting her freshman year as Luke became a sophomore, they’d drifted. At first she’d assumed it was natural, they were in different years, and high school was much more intense than middle school. But eventually it had proven obvious that her and Luke were never going to get along- after the first black eye she gave him during spring break, freshman year. He’d ignored her for 4 months, and then laughed when she tripped in the hallways, drawing attention to her and encouraging his friends to laugh. That was before they really started up with the band stuff, so that group of friends had been dropped now. But the animosity between Luke and Kennedy remained, and had led to many blowouts over the past 2 years. Now here they were, a senior and junior at Los Feliz high school, forced to hang out almost everyday by their brother/ best friend.
The rest of the band were used to Luke and Kennedy going for each other’s throats, and had learnt to arrange practice so that they either had time to fight before, or make sure that Kennedy was in the loft studying by the time Luke arrived. Of course, she didn’t study on Friday nights. No, Fridays were her favourite, because the boys would give her a showcase, including either new songs, or new solo sections, or a repeat of her old favourites. It was the least they could do, considering she was applying to college for business, with the main intention of becoming their manager when she graduated. Even Luke had been impressed by this, and had thanked her awkwardly for thinking of them a few weeks ago. Kennedy also loved Fridays, because when the boys were finished practicing, they headed through to the house to eat with Rose, leaving her in the studio alone. This gave her a chance to mess around on the piano, play with their guitars, and tap Alex’s drums absentmindedly, as she gathered up the random scraps of paper Luke constantly left lying around the garage.
It was this particular Friday evening, that everything changed. She was sitting on the sofa, strumming simple chords, while resting her head on top of the guitar. The comforting silence of the garage engulfed her with a feeling of safety she wasn’t quite used to. She’d started researching colleges recently, and since doing so, she’d noticed a major spike in how often she found herself overwhelmed by the smallest things. So there she was, tuned out from the world, to such an extent that she didn’t even hear the creaky garage door swing open, or a whistling Luke coming in. He fell silent as soon as he noticed her, her light curls spilling over the top of his guitar. However, he forgot to shut the door behind him, and Kennedy jumped as it slammed shut, jerking her from the utter calm she’d been basking in. To her surprise, he didn’t sneer, or make a dickish comment. He actually smiled apologetically, and took a step towards her. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Kennedy shrugged, frowning slightly. This wasn’t the Luke she was used to. 
“What you doing?” 
Kenny looked down at the guitar in her hands, her eyes widening as she realised she’d been caught. 
“Uh, nothing. Sorry, I was just-” 
Luke reached her and put a hand out as she tried to set the guitar down, looking at her with unfamiliarly kind eyes. 
“Hey, it’s fine. Can you play?” 
She relaxed slightly, but still looked confused, and slightly pissed. 
“Not really. I’ve watched you three for years though, and if you can manage it, anyone can.” 
Luke smirked sarcastically at her comment, rolling his eyes slightly. 
“I could teach you, if you like.” 
Kennedy raised an eyebrow. 
“Excuse me?” 
Luke looked at her, dead serious. 
“I could teach you. You have to promise not to be a dick though.” 
That was the final straw for Kennedy. 
“I don’t get to be a dick? Says you, fucking king of dicktown.” 
Luke’s face contorted as he tried to hold back a laugh. She’d never been the best at insults. But he noticed she was genuinely angry, and there was a degree of hurt in her eyes he didn’t expect to see. 
Kenny nearly fell off the couch in shock. 
“Oh? That’s all I get? Are you broken or something?” Luke shrugged and dropped onto the seat beside her. 
“Nah. Here, put your hand up a bit.” 
Kenny jumped as she felt Luke’s rough fingers gripping her hand, and sliding it up the neck of his guitar. 
“And then put your fingers… yeah, there.” He curved his hand over the top of hers, pressing her fingers onto the strings lightly. 
“Now strum.” 
Kenny gently ran her right thumb over the strings, a smile breaking out when the sound produced was not only in tune, but sounded good. 
She looked up at him, and found him smiling kinda dorkily, far too happy that she’d managed a simple chord. Her smile fell, and she stood up, setting the guitar down on its stand. 
“Why’d you come out here?” 
Luke shrugged and looked up at her innocently. “Do I need a reason? It’s my studio.” Kennedy rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall.
“Fine, I wanted to talk to you.” 
This caught her attention, and she leaned forward slightly. 
“Sorry?” Luke sighed. 
“I wanted to talk to you.” 
Kenny shook her head, eyes wide, not sure if she was hearing him right. 
“Yes, you heard me. I want to talk to you.” 
It took everything in her not to slap him for being a smartass, but she let it slide, deciding to listen to whatever he had to say. 
“Stuff’s weird between us. It’s changed.” Kenny’s jaw genuinely dropped, and she couldn’t help but look at him like he was an idiot. 
“No shit sherlock. You’ve been acting like a prize dick for nearly 3 years now.” 
Luke scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 
“Yeah, about that.” 
Kenny didn’t move a muscle. Was she really about to receive an explanation for her best friend’s disappearance from her life 3 years ago?” He sighed and frowned as he looked at his hands, rubbing the calloused fingertips together. 
“I get really jealous, you know that?” 
Kenny raised her eyebrows in surprise, but nodded, her lips tightly pursed. 
“Uh huh, you used to throw tantrums whenever you found out Alex and I had hung out with Reggie and not you.” 
They both smiled at the memory, Luke’s face quickly becoming serious again afterwards. 
“Anyway. I get jealous. It’s like a weird fomo thing, I dunno. But I get jealous. And when you started high school, you had all these friends, and guy friends, and you were popular and pretty and you were getting so much attention that I just had to stop being friends with you because I knew you were going to pick all of that over me, and I didn’t want to get hurt.” 
Kenny blinked, trying to process what had just been said. Did he say he thought she was pretty? 
Luke stood up and rubbed his palms on his jeans. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come out here. This was a mistake.” 
He turned to leave, but Kenny grabbed his wrist, and stopped him. 
“Hey. It’s fine. Why did you decide tonight?” 
Luke stared at his feet, examining the coloured in laces in his vans. It took him a moment to reply, a heavy silence hanging in the air between them. 
“College. You’re leaving next year. And I graduate, hopefully, in like 2 months. I don’t want to leave with you thinking I hate you.” 
Kenny felt her eyes soften, and the corners of her mouth turn upward into a smile. 
“Oh, cool. I don’t hate you either, just so you know.” Luke grinned, and looked into her eyes, raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Really? Thought I was king of dicktown?” She rolled her eyes and reached forward to shove him playfully, but he caught her wrist, his eyes trailing over her hand and reaching her face, a strange expression in his eyes. She expected him to let go, but he kept a hold of her, his thumb stroking the back of her hand softly. 
“Luke, what are you-?” He frowned lightly and shook his head. “Sh, I just want to try something.” 
Kenny rolled her eyes again, not totally surprised by his weirdness. But then his face started to inch closer, and alarm bells started going off. But there was a strange fluttering sensation beginning in her lower abdomen, as he came closer and closer, his eyes never leaving hers. 
She was cut off by his lips on hers, and after the initial shock, she surprised herself, by kissing him back. Their lips moved in time with each other gently, Luke’s free hand moving to rest on her waist. Kenny pressed her hand gently against his chest, and  felt his heart racing beneath his shirt. Their mouths were in perfect sync, the kiss gradually getting more and more desperate. Luke started backing them towards the garage wall, pushing her up against it and flicking his tongue across her lips, receiving a delicious moan from Kenny as he did so. She parted her lips slightly, granting him access, and whimpered as his teeth took her bottom lip, biting it softly. She’d never been this turned on in her life, and it still hadn’t quite registered that she was kissing Luke Patterson. He’d released her wrist, allowing her to wrap an arm around his neck, bringing him impossibly closer. His hands now rested on her hips, thumbs digging into her bare skin under her t-shirt. Luke groaned in surprise as Kenny arched her back into him, and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, nibbling it lightly before letting it go, and connecting their lips again. Both were in a fit of passion, unable to think about anything else but their lips and their hands and their bodies, all fitting together so perfectly it was like they were meant to be like this. A sound outside the garage door separated them, two panting, gasping messes of blushing and rumpled clothes. Kennedy straightened her t-shirt and knelt down, grateful they’d stepped into the part of the garage where the loft ladder sat, so they were concealed from the door. Luke turned to look out the window, reaching into his jeans and adjusting himself not so discreetly. Kennedy noticed, and smirked to herself, before taking a deep breath, and letting go of the shoelace she’d been pretending to tie. 
“Oh hey Reg. Are we going? I kinda want an early night.” 
He shrugged and looked at Luke in confusion, who was leaning against the wall with his back to them, apparently stretching his calves. 
“Uh, sure. Hey Luke, you need a ride?” Luke spun round, his face petrified. 
“I’m good. Alex will take me later. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” 
Kennedy avoided making eye contact with him, rubbing her lips roughly with the back of her hand. Luke watched her, smirking slightly to himself. But inside his jeans pockets, his hands were fidgeting desperately, and his heart was still racing.
In the car on the way home, Kennedy thought over the night’s events. Luke had avoided touching her for the last two years, the most physical contact the two had shared was an awkward side hug at new years, when he’d felt obliged to hug her. The longest conversation they’d had in the past 6 months was a 25 minute argument over whether the sunset curve t-shirts should be black or white- even though they both already knew that they were made in both colours. It had only ended when Alex had stood between them, his hands on Kennedy’s shoulders, pushing her out of the studio. The worst part about this whole thing was that she couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of his lips on hers, or the sound of his heavy breathing in her ear, the featherlight touches of his fingertips dancing around her belt, his thumbs pressing into her hips. She played it over and over again in her head that night, rolling her eyes with a frustrated groan everytime the butterflies started up again. She couldn’t deny she’d had a crush on Luke when they were younger- but that was different now, right? She hadn’t thought about him like that in years- not really, anyway.
Kennedy made a point of avoiding Luke the entire week, occasionally glancing at him in the few AP classes they shared, but looking away before he caught her gaze. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the events of Friday night, and the playback of their kiss was now a permanent fixture in her brain. Eventually, Friday came around again, and Kennedy found herself scrutinizing her appearance in the mirror. She didn’t want to appear as if she’d tried to look good, so made even less of an effort than usual, choosing sweats over jeans, and tossing her hair into a messy ponytail. She did consciously choose a tshirt that was cropped enough to show her bra when she stretched- but she told herself it was warm outside, and that was the only reason why. The evening went down the same as always. Kennedy sat on the couch, flicking through the CDs that sat under the coffee table absentmindedly, shooting quick glances at Luke whenever she was sure Alex wasn’t watching her. Little did she know, Luke was doing the exact same thing, his eyes steadily growing darker over the course of the night, as he took in the few inches of midriff showing above her sweats, and the way her back arched as she stretched, showing the lacy band of her bralet. He nearly lost it when she reached an arm up and let her hair loose, the dirty blonde curls tumbling down her back in a haphazard fashion, biting down on his lip.
Watching Luke play was nothing short of an immense turn-on for Kennedy. The way his fingers moved across the strings with such ease, you’d think he’d been doing it since he was born. His arm muscles rippled as he transferred his weight from one foot to the other, his guitar swinging slightly on his sweating form. The hours seemed to drag by, and Kennedy’s stomach was going mental. She didn’t know if anything would happen- he’d avoided her all week. She didn’t even know if she wanted something to happen. 
But sure enough, as soon as the boys were finished, they set down their instruments and headed through to the house, laughing amongst themselves, and hardly a minute later, Luke slipped back through the garage door, his hair slick against his forehead. He wasted no time, striding over to the couch and reaching for Kennedy’s hand, pulling her up and flush against him. She sighed in relief and melted into his touch, connecting her lips with his as quickly as she could, appreciating the soft groan she earned from him in doing so. She mentally laughed at herself. As if she hadn’t been waiting for this all week.
His hands travelled down her back, and she stepped impossibly closer to him as one hand found her ass, pulling her into him, and forcing their hips together hedonistically. He took her by surprise, and pushed her onto the sofa, where she looked up at him in shock, her lips swollen and her hair fanned out on the cushion behind her head. Luke raked his eyes over her body hungrily, before leaning over her, supporting his weight on his arms. Kennedy’s breath was laboured, her heart fluttering under Luke’s intense gaze. Impatient, she reached up, and brought him down to her, but surprised him by attaching her lips to his neck, dragging her tongue across his pulse point slowly, before nipping it. He groaned in her ear, and she felt his hold on himself falter, as he rolled his hips into her. She accidentally let herself moan in delight, her head tilting back and leaving her neck exposed to him. Luke took the opportunity, his lips skimming the soft skin of her neck, leaving her gasping for more, arching into him uncontrollably. Luke nearly collapsed as he felt her grind into him, the slightest of touches around his hips driving him insane, thanks to the newfound tightness of the torn up jeans he insisted on wearing. Without warning, he dropped a hand to Kennedy’s waist, digging his thumb into her side. 
“Keep playing with me, Ken. See where it gets you.” 
His voice was hoarse in her ear, and Kennedy’s eyes rolled back in her head, feeling a familiar tightness in her lower abdomen. Luke grazed his hand over the top of her sweats, as he traced the shell of her ear with his tongue, watching every delicious facial expression she made. When she took her bottom lip between her teeth, he caved, and fell back onto her mouth, attacking with a new found vigour. She moaned into his mouth, and reached a hand under his shirt, her fingers dancing on the bare skin of his back. She could feel the muscles rippling under his skin, as he tried his hardest not to rock their hips together. She could feel his right hand still dancing around the waistband of her sweats, not quite daring to venture underneath them yet. He broke their kiss, and she noticed a hint of nervousness in his eyes. 
“Can I?” His eyes flicked down in the general direction of their hips, and Kennedy rolled her eyes, before dragging him back down to her. 
She whispered into his mouth, smirking when he crashed their lips together, a new found confidence in him as he began to process she was just as into this as he was. His fingers dipped below her waist band, fingertips cold against the warmth of her stomach. Kennedy arched into his touch, breaking their kiss to gasp in his ear, as his fingers brushed her core over her underwear. Luke groaned quietly as he felt the heat between her legs, bringing his hand back up to rest between them. He grabbed her hand, and guided it down to his jeans, pressing her palm flat against his crotch. 
“See what you do to me?” 
His voice was close to a growl, and Kennedy moaned softly as she felt the hard outline of his erection straining against his jeans. She’d never really gone there with a guy- but in this moment, she wanted all of Luke. She felt his hand falter for a moment, clearly thinking about something, before he pulled her hand away, guiding it under the waistband of her sweats. 
“Trust me?” 
He questioned her quietly, pausing slightly before going further. Kennedy nodded hesitantly, struggling to predict where this was going. Luke’s thumb danced over the waistband of her underwear before dipping underneath, taking her hand with him. He pressed her palm against her heat, smirking as he heard her sharp intake of breath from the sudden contact. He leaned down slowly, placing his lips right next to her ear. 
“Touch yourself for me.” 
Kennedy’s eyes widened, and she nearly sat up. But he stopped her, hand still down her pants, and gave her an encouraging nod. Kennedy whimpered as his fingers started moving against her through her underwear, sighing at the loss of contact when he moved away. She was quickly satisfied when he moved her hand to where he had been. He met her eyes, the usually laughing blue replaced by dark pools of lust. Luke bit his lip as Kennedy began to moan softly, feeling her hand moving slowly under his hips. 
“You can be louder than that. I’ve heard you when you’re having a bitch.” 
Kennedy stopped and glared at him, and considered calling off this whole thing- but his lips suddenly attached themselves to her neck, silencing her instantly. 
“That’s what I thought. Keep going.” 
His voice was husky, laced with desperation and need for her. Kennedy couldn’t quite figure him out- she’d always assumed he was a receiver, definitely not a giver. But the way his hand still hadn’t left her joggers, and the way his fingers kept brushing against her wrist as he encouraged her, told her differently. 
“Luke I-” he silenced her with a kiss, slipping his tongue between her lips, and starting up a languid battle for dominance between them. Kennedy’s fingers were still circling her clit over her underwear, but she was desperate for more, their kiss becoming less languid by the second. She moaned into his mouth as her core ached, begging to be touched anywhere and everywhere. She could feel him smirking against her lips, and a sudden rush of confidence had her coming up with an idea. She stopped touching herself, and grabbed his hand, still resting in her sweats, moving it down so that it sat directly over her core. He raised his eyebrows and broke apart from her, but left his hand where she’d put it. She tilted her head a little to the side, and looked at him through heavy lidded eyes. 
“Touch me.” 
Her voice was barely audible, nothing more than a whisper. Luke groaned and gave in, slipping his calloused fingers under the soft material of her underwear. It took all of his self control not to start ripping her clothes off when he felt how wet she was, stroking a finger up and down her entrance in a torturous manner. 
Her voice was needy, begging for more, anything else. 
“God, you’re needy.” 
Kennedy grinned and pulled him back down to her, arching her hips into his touch, forcing him to apply more pressure, and moaning into his mouth when he did. 
“Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this.” He groaned against her lips as he slipped two fingers between her folds, gently pushing into her, and almost internally combusting as he felt her heat for the first time. 
“Yeah, I think not fucking your best friend’s little sister is somewhere in the bro code, right?” Luke smirked and sat up a little, fingers still working away inside her. 
“I’m not fucking you.” 
Kennedy tried to keep her face as straight as she could, a hefty task now that Luke’s thumb was circling her clit. 
That was it, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she bit down on her bottom lip, trying to hold back the moan building up inside her chest. 
“Let me hear you, gorgeous.”
His fingers moved rhythmically inside her, no longer teasing. She let out a few breathy moans, whimpering as he sped up. Luke was panting now, so turned on by the pleasure written all over her face that it hurt. Kennedy reached a hand down and started palming him through his jeans, earning her a sharp grunt, followed by an uncharacteristic whimper. 
“God Ken, you have no idea-'' 
He groaned again, dropping his forehead to meet hers, as he resisted the urge to roll his hips into her hand. He started thrusting his fingers faster, his thumb applying just a little more pressure to her centre. She could feel the familiar knot forming, heat pooling between her legs, the feeling of his fingers heavenly against her walls. She heard a distant laugh, worryingly like her brother’s familiar cackle. The wave was starting to crest, his fingers pumping rhythmically in and out of her. 
He cut her off with a shake of his head, lips brushing hers once more. 
“I want you to come on my fingers. Do it.” 
His words sent her over the edge, and she gasped, feeling her walls clench around his hand. She stilled her movements against him as her entire body tensed, before utter bliss took over every nerve ending in her body, flooding her with a fire she’d never felt before. Luke watched her come undone beneath him, and thought he’d never seen anything as perfect in his life. He’d watch her do that again and again, all night, if he could. But considering her brother was about to walk through the door, it probably wasn’t going to happen just then.
He heard the door handle jiggle, and thanked the god he didn’t particularly believe in for the dodgy lock, before pulling his hand from Kennedy’s joggers, and climbing off her. He ran to the corner, adjusting himself with a painful wince, before looking behind him to where Kennedy was straightening herself out, still furiously blushing. She looked at the door in horror as Alex came strolling in, his hands in his pockets. 
“Hey Ken, whatcha doing?” 
Kennedy looked to Luke desperately, who sighed and reached into the drawer beside him. “She was going through my stuff, little shit.” 
He held up a battered black notebook- presumably his songbook. 
“Found her with this.” 
Kennedy’s shoulders sagged with relief, and she stood up. 
“Not my fault you leave your shit lying around. Not like there’s anything worth reading in there anyway.” 
She wobbled slightly and grabbed a hold of the wall. Luckily, Alex didn’t see. Luke smirked and made eye contact with her, bringing his fingers to his lips. Her eyes grew as she noticed they were still glistening, and she struggled to tear her eyes away as he sucked them clean, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the taste of her on his lips. He opened his eyes and smirked, dropping his hand to his jeans pocket. She swallowed and felt a new blush creep across her cheeks. Luke walked past her and waved his song book in her face. 
“Keep your paws off my stuff.” 
Knowing neither Alex or Reggie could see, he winked at her, and looked her up and down, before shoving the notebook in his pocket, taking a seat on the couch behind her. Reggie groaned and tossed Kennedy her hoodie. 
“Come on, sis. I’m taking you home.” 
Kennedy rolled her eyes but pulled it over her head, grateful for the shield it provided. She wandered out of the garage with Reggie in a comfortable silence, before they reached the car, and she turned around suddenly. 
“Oh shit, I left something. Be right back, Reg.” 
Reggie sighed and got into his car, stroking the wheel lovingly. Alex laughed as Kennedy ran back up the path, knowing she’d probably remembered something she wanted to say to Luke. He leaned up against his own car, waiting for the two of them to come out, or ready to run in if he heard anything being thrown.
Luke looked up in surprise as the garage door opened, standing as Kennedy appeared. 
“Oh hey, did you forget something?” 
Kennedy nodded her head and stalked towards him, kissing him furiously. His hands went straight to her hips, bringing her closer, and he felt her hands tangle in his hair, before she pulled away from him with a sigh. 
“What was that for?” He raised his eyebrows in slight amusement, and looked at her questioningly. Kennedy bit her lip and looked at the floor. 
“I just wanted to. And as a thank you, I guess.” He frowned and tried to work out what she meant. 
“What do you-oh.” 
His voice got a little softer, and he touched her arm with his finger gently. 
“Ken, was that the first time you’ve-?” She blushed furiously and looked at the ceiling. 
“Oh my god I am so not doing this.” Goodnight, Luke.” 
She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, before running out again. Luke watched her go in wonder. He knew she was inexperienced- she tended to be too caught up with her books to go for guys, and anyway, having Reggie and the band as her family meant not many got near her anyway- but he didn’t know that had been her first time doing anything. A strange sense of happiness filled his chest. He was glad it had been him. And the knowledge that he’d been the one to get her to come for the first time was strangely gratifying. He’d always hated the idea of another guy touching her- but he’d put it down to brotherly instincts. However, he now had a feeling that was not the real reason at all.
They danced around each other at school for the next week, sharing heated glances in the corridor, and sneaky hand touches during practices, when he’d ask her to pass her a book, or a pen, or anything he could get away with asking for without seeming weird. Alex and Reggie shared surprised looks as Kennedy and Luke appeared to actually get along, for the first time in 2 years. Bobby seemed indifferent, and made no obvious indication that he’d noticed anything. As Friday approached, Kennedy got more and more antsy. Things had heated up quickly last week, and she had a slight inclination of where this week might go.
Come Thursday night, she had one of the longest showers of her life, making sure she felt clean and perfect enough to see him Friday evening. All through band practice she kept making eye contact with him- but his eyes were less hungry than previous weeks. There was a hint of softness in them, that she didn’t recognise. As always, the boys headed through the house to eat, and Luke appeared a few moments later. Kennedy smiled and stood up to meet him, pulling him in for a heated kiss. He returned it, but broke away soon after, shoving his hands in his jeans pocket to resist the urge to touch her. 
“Luke?” Kennedy raised her eyebrows at him, dropping her hands to her sides. 
“Uh. I wanna talk to you.” Kennedy rolled her eyes, dropping back onto the sofa with a dramatic groan. 
“Oh god, here we go. You’re my best friend’s little sister, it’s wrong, I shouldn’t, blah blah blah. God, all of you guys really are the same, aren’t you?” 
Luke watched her in astonishment, slightly afraid to speak. 
“Woah. Okay, not entirely where I was going with that.” 
Kennedy cleared her throat and cursed her impulsivity, feeling a red hot blush flood her cheeks. 
“Oh. Right.” 
Luke nodded, and visibly swallowed, leaning against the wall of the garage facing her. 
“I just wanted to speak about last week. It got heated really quickly, and I wanted to check you were okay, cause obviously it was your first time doing that stuff and uh-” 
Kennedy coughed, and interrupted him, leaving Luke to rub his hair and try to talk the redness out of his face. 
“Yikes, please don’t say that. You make me sound like such a virgin.” Luke frowned and stood up straight. 
“But I thought-” 
Kennedy rolled her eyes and stood up, pulling her hoodie over her shoulders. 
“Okay yeah, I am. But it’s not like I’ve never done anything. Just not that.” 
Luke frowned more, a heavy feeling entering his chest. He’d felt really good about last week, almost lucky, for being the only one to touch her, the only one to make her feel that way. 
“You were right though- you were the first guy to uh- you know.” 
He perked up slightly at this, smirking and raising his eyebrows. 
“Yeah? Hope I didn’t disappoint.” 
Kennedy walked over to him and punched him softly with a grin. 
“Shut up, dork. What was it you were going to say then?” 
Luke looked at his shoes and started fidgeting. 
“Um. I guess I wanted to check that you were actually cool with this- whatever this is.” Kennedy shrugged and leaned one shoulder against the wall, facing him. 
“You’re hot, I’m horny- doesn’t seem to be a reason not to.” Luke smirked at her bluntness and turned to face her again. 
Kennedy nodded slightly, letting her eyes drift down to his lips. 
Her voice was soft, and Luke noticed her tongue darting out and wetting her lips slightly. He groaned, and all in one movement, connected their lips and pushed her back against the wall, smirking against her mouth as he heard her moan.
One hand rested on the wall beside her head, the other pulling her hips into his, their natural movements causing their hips to rock together softly. 
Kennedy obliged, and wrapped her legs around Luke’s hips with a sigh, feeling him pressing against her sweats through his jeans already. He stumbled over to the couch, their lips still connected, and sat down so that she was straddling his lap. He moved his hands to her shoulders, pushing her hoodie off of them, and ran his hands down her arms, before pulling her closer to him, and resting a hand on her lower back. Kennedy moaned into his mouth, giving him access to deepen the kiss, their tongues tangled together desperately. Kennedy started rolling her hips into Luke’s, moaning as pleasure shot through her entire body. Luke gripped her hips and groaned desperately into her shoulder, pushing her down harder into his lap. His jeans were painfully tight, and he was contemplating undoing them- but he didn’t want to overstep. Kennedy broke away from him and tilted her head back, the breathy moans leaving her lips forcing Luke to bite his own lip, unhinged by how turned on she looked. He moved his mouth to her neck, nipping at her pulse point and kissing along her jawline, letting more of those gorgeous sounds fill the garage. 
“Do you have any idea how fucking hot you look right now? Getting yourself off on my lap? You’re incredible.” 
He whispered to her softly, his breath on her ear making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Kennedy let out another hedonistic moan in response, her hips still grinding into his lap in a delicious manner. 
“Fuck, Ken.” 
Luke dug his thumbs into her sides, and brought their mouths back together. One hand trailed up her body, and he placed his hand on her throat softly, giving her the chance to stop him if she wanted. But the unexpected gasp he received instead, followed by her drawing his bottom lip into her mouth, told him all he needed to know. He squeezed gently, his rings cutting into her neck, the cold metal a harsh contrast to the warmth of her skin, as she sucked on his lip. Kennedy was losing it; she’d never been this turned on in her life. A sudden rush of confidence had her hand drifting down to Luke’s belt, where it sat, her thumb stroking the soft patch of dark hair visible above the waistband of his boxers. Luke broke apart from her slightly, panting heavily. 
“You don’t have to-” 
He was cut off by her lips, and spoke against his mouth. 
“Shut up, Patterson.” 
Luke bit back a laugh and continued kissing her, drawing circles on her hip with his thumb, as her hand fiddled with his belt. 
“God dammit!” She pulled away from him, and looked down in frustration. Luke laughed and gently pushed her hands aside, undoing the buckle for her. 
She connected their lips again, and reached a hand into his jeans, running her thumb over his length through the soft material of his boxers. He groaned at the contact, the delicious sound vibrating against her lips. Just as she slid her hand into his boxers, and he bit down on her lip, the telltale sounds of the rest of Sunset Curve coming back from dinner reached them, and they groaned. Kennedy rolled off of Luke, and ran through to the bathroom, only to be stopped by Luke, who indicated his undone trousers, and pushed her back towards the couch. She smirked at him and rolled her eyes, before dropping onto the sofa and pulling a blanket over her. Hopefully her red cheeks could be explained away as post-nap overheating. 
“Hey Ken- what happened to you?” Kennedy sat up with a slight groan, and rubbed her eyes. 
“Oh hey Reg. Sorry I fell asleep. What time is it?” 
Reggie smiled at his little sister, and dropped onto the couch beside her. 
“Almost time to go. Have you seen Luke?” Kennedy faked innocent rather well, pulling a face of disgust and shaking her head. 
“No, thank god.” 
Right on time, Luke appeared from the bathroom, fiddling with his fly. 
“Hey boys. Thanks Ken, hope you like the blanket.” She glared at him, hoping none of the others would notice her nickname slipping out. He hadn’t used it in years. Until the other week, of course. 
“Uh, cool. So you good to go? We’re coming over again tomorrow, okay?” Kennedy pretended to sigh, but secretly she was beyond happy. 
“Yeah I guess so, I’ve got some work to do.” She stood up and pulled her hoodie back on, catching Luke’s eye as she made her way out the door behind Reggie. He smirked and winked at her, adjusting his jeans ever so slightly. 
“Yo Kennedy, mind cleaning up the couch? I gotta sleep there.” Kennedy rolled her eyes at him, and waved to Reggie, already in the car, before running back up the path. As soon as she made it inside the garage door, she was in Luke’s arms, his lips pressed against hers, and her back against the wall. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues met, his hand coming to rest between her legs, toying with her through her sweatpants. 
“Wear a dress or something tomorrow.” He whispered to her quietly, nipping the top of her ear, before stepping away, and collapsing onto the couch. Kennedy shook her head softly and bit her lip, before sighing and slipping out of the garage. That boy was going to be the death of her.
“Kennedy come on, I said I’d be there by 11!” 
Still looking in her mirror, in the same position she’d been in for 10 minutes, Kennedy pulled at her skirt again. She was wearing a summer dress that had hidden in the bottom of her wardrobe since she was 15. Hopefully it fit into the ‘something’ Luke had mentioned. She’d also swapped her everyday underwear for a lacey black bra and a matching thong she’d picked up 2 weeks ago, which she’d been thanking the universe for ever since. She smoothed her outfit over her hips, flipping her hair carefully over one shoulder, before swinging her bag onto her back, and running down the stairs to meet her rather impatient brother. 
“A dress? Are you going somewhere afterwards?” 
Kennedy shrugged. 
“I just wanted to look like a girl, is that a crime or something?” 
Reggie rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t know what’s got you in such a pissy mood, but be a dear and get in the car won’t you? I’m late already.” 
Kennedy flipped him off, and climbed into the front seat. She was slightly nervous, but most of the butterflies in her abdomen were from anticipation. She’d lain awake for hours last night, trying to picture where the day would take her- but eventually sleep got the better of her, and she’d woken up missing the feeling of Luke’s hands on her. Reggie sighed as he got in the car, taking in just how short Kennedy’s dress was. 
“I don’t know how I feel about this, Bobby can be a bit-” Kennedy rolled her eyes. 
“Pervy? Yeah I’m aware. But it’s the 90s, I’m a teenage girl, and I won’t let some misogynistic fuck control what I wear. You choose who I’m referring to.” 
Reggie held his hands up in defeat, and started the car. 
“Jesus, did you not sleep or something?” 
She shrugged, and looked out the window, chewing her lip. It was only a matter of hours now.
“Hey Reg, hey Ken- wow, okay legs.” 
Bobby’s was the first voice she heard, as she came into the studio behind Reggie. 
“God, Bobby, you dropped your dignity. Never seen a pair of legs before? Oh wait.” 
Kennedy rolled her eyes, before heading for the ladder, grabbing a lollipop from the bowl on the side. 
“Hey Reg, hey Ke-” Luke didn’t even have the power to get through half of her name. He gulped, and shoved a hand in his pocket. 
“Hey Kennedy.” She met his eyes and smirked lightly. 
“Hey Lucas.” 
She turned to climb the ladder, feeling his eyes on her the entire time as she disappeared into the loft. It took her by surprise when she got up there- the beanbag was pushed to the side, all of the boxes pushed under the shelf, and a couple of blankets laid out over the wooden slats. She smiled to herself at Luke’s thoughtfulness. Even if he was a dick sometimes, the boy could be sweet. However, as much as she’d love to sit and think about Luke for a few hours, she had math homework to do, and so she settled down for a few hours, with the company of algebra, and the admittedly pleasant background noise of Luke’s husky voice.
The boys went through for lunch, and Kennedy pushed her books aside, sitting cross legged against the wall. Sure enough, a few moments later, Luke’s head appeared, his cheeks a warm pink, and his jumper discarded. 
He didn’t answer her, instead dropping to his knees, and running his hands along the exposed skin of her legs. 
“When I said dress, I didn’t think it would be this.” Kennedy grinned and shrugged. 
“It’s like the only appropriate dress I own.” 
Luke raised his eyebrows at her. 
“Bobby almost came in his pants when he saw you. Hell, I nearly did. I’d love to see your other ones, if this is considered appropriate.” 
Kennedy smirked and reached an arm out, playing with his hair. 
“Maybe if you’re lucky.”
Luke grinned as he leaned towards her, his voice dropping to a whisper. 
“Oh I’m very lucky.” 
They’re lips collided in an instant tangle of tongues and teeth and lips, and Luke’s hands slid behind Kennedy, pulling her towards him and into his lap. She could feel him through his jeans, already hard, and knew he’d be able to feel her heat. Both hands were in his hair, tugging softly and eliciting the softest moans from him, urging her to tug harder, and let her lips trail away from his lips, travelling along his jawline and onto his neck. Luke’s hands gripped at her bare thighs, his breath heavy on her neck. 
He gripped her thighs tightly and pulled her impossibly closer. 
Kennedy brushed her lips against his, and felt his hands drift behind her, one sitting on her lower back, the other under the curve of her ass. 
“I want you.” 
He groaned, and flipped them, so that he lay between her legs. Kennedy could feel him pressing into her stomach through the rough material of his jeans, and the cold metal of his chains made her gasp as they trailed along her inner thigh. Luke’s lips found hers again, softer than before, but still hungry, his tongue stroking hers gently. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” 
Kennedy nodded, not willing to sacrifice time she could be kissing him to reply. His fingers drifted up her thigh, all of his weight resting on his left arm, as his hands toyed with her underwear. He frowned slightly, and pulled back, lifting up her dress to look underneath. 
“Holy fuck, Ken. Are you trying to kill me?” 
Kennedy giggled, and shrugged. 
“They’re cute.” 
Luke groaned his approval, and dropped his mouth to her thighs, leaving her gasping for air. He mumbled against her skin, sending heavenly vibrations straight between her legs. 
“Yeah, really fucking cute.” 
He pushed her skirt up her legs, glancing at her face to check she was okay with every move he made. Her lower lip was between her teeth, cheeks sporting a pretty blush, blue eyes rolled back in her head. Clearly he was driving her slightly insane. Luke smirked to himself, and pulled his shirt over his head, leaving his bare chest free for Kennedy to admire. She did, noticing the lack of contact between them, opening her eyes and resisting the urge to jump him then and there. He started to trail his fingers up the bare skin of her inner thighs, igniting sparks and feelings that she didn’t even know she was capable of having. As he reached her core, he drew a line over the fabric of her underwear, chuckling when her hips bucked towards his hand. 
“Eager?” She shot him the best death glare she was capable of in that moment, watching as he leaned over her. 
Luke held two fingers to her lips, watching with dark eyes as she opened her lips and wet them, sucking his fingers slowly and watching his pupils dilate even more, trying not to moan when his bottom lip slipped between his teeth. Kennedy felt the heat pool between her legs as she registered how turned on he was, and couldn’t hold back the breathy moan of anticipation that escaped her as Luke pressed a kiss to her jawline, before returning his attention to her core. He wasted no time, pushing her underwear to the side and stroking her gently, rubbing her hip with his free hand in an effort to make her relax. She seemed fine, but he was slightly worried she might be nervous. That, and he knew that massaging her hips would make every single one of the orgasms he planned on forcing out of her, feel freaking insane.
Kennedy was moaning under her breath, trying everything in her power to keep her voice low, in case one of the boys came back unexpectedly. Luke was making it difficult, with two fingers now steadily stroking in and out of her at an excruciatingly slow pace. At one point, the look on her face was enough that he actually had to move one hand to his jeans to palm himself for a moment, just to ease some of the pressure in his pants. Her panting was slightly louder now, breathy moans leaving her lips with every movement he made. Smirking to himself, Luke lowered his mouth to her legs, running his lips against the milky skin of her thighs. Almost immediately, Kennedy’s legs tightened around his shoulders, and Luke laughed against her skin, pressing featherlight kisses on her inner thighs. He worked his way up, feeling her hand move into his hair and pull softly. 
“This okay?” 
He mumbled at a volume just loud enough that she could hear him, looking up to check she was nodding. She was, and so he continued, until she could feel his breath on her core, tantalisingly close, and torturously warm. 
He groaned at his name in her mouth, dropping his lips to her centre, and sucking her swollen clit gently as she gasped for air, feeling sensations she’d never experienced before. 
“Holy fuck, Luke.” 
He snickered and slipped his tongue between her folds, moaning quietly at the first taste of her. 
“You taste incredible.” 
Kennedy tried to laugh, but was cut off by his tongue moving inside of her again, eliciting a desperate moan from her as her hand tugged at his hair. Luke groaned into her and pulled away, reaching a hand up to wipe his lips. Whining at the loss of contact, Kennedy looked up, and found him watching her with heavy-lidded eyes, his lips and chin shining with her wetness. 
“Shit that’s hot.” 
He smirked, and let his hand drift between her legs, rubbing her clit lazily as he moved on top of her. 
“I know I am.” 
She rolled her eyes, but lifted her head to kiss him, sighing as his lips moved against hers. Her hands trailed up and down his back, nails scratching lightly at the defined muscles. She dug her nails in as his fingers slipped between her folds again, and he moaned into her mouth, biting at her lip. 
“That feel good?” 
He nodded, and started to kiss down her jawline, sucking on her pulse point for a moment, revelling in the noise she made. 
“Luke, stop playing.” 
He sat up and looked at her, a blushing mess, hair spread out on the blankets beneath her, lips swollen and red, pupils blown out in such a way that she looked truly breathtaking. His eyes raked over her hungrily, and he shrugged, reaching into his back pocket and dropping a condom onto the ground beside her. 
“You want something, take it.” 
He sat back on his heels, eyes never leaving her body, as she chewed on her lip nervously. He thought she was going to change her mind, was prepared to get slapped or help her get redressed- but instead she sat forward, legs either side of him, her hands going straight to his belt. Luke’s eyes rolled back in his head as her hand came into contact with him through his boxers, the minimal touch enough to have him aching for more. Kennedy’s hands were warm, and he bit back a moan as her fingers snuck under the waistband of his boxers, her other hand pushing his jeans lower on his hips. Her touches were shy, until they weren’t, and she wrapped a hand around him tightly, pulling gently. She was on her knees now too, he noticed, their heads almost at the same height. Luke’s head dropped forward onto her shoulder as her thumb circled his head, biting into her as he struggled not to groan. All he wanted to do was pin her on her back, arms above her heads, and fuck her into next week- but he wanted to make sure she was alright. He loved Kennedy, and he didn’t want to scare her. That sentiment was abandoned as soon as she moved forward, his head lifting to see what she was doing. Luke’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he felt her lips wrap around his head, tentative, but definitely there. He dropped a hand to her hair, stroking it as he tried to function, while she sucked him gently, her tongue dipping into his slit, circling his head. And then her hand was pumping what she couldn’t fit in her mouth, and he couldn’t help himself, bucking his hips up by accident. She gagged, and at first he was afraid he’d hurt her, so he stopped - but then she moaned, the vibrations against his cock too perfect to handle. He nearly combusted right there and then, tugging on her hair, to pull her off. She looked up at him, eyes watering slightly from being gagged, and she looked utterly fucked. 
“On your back.” 
She smiled slightly, lowering herself back onto her elbows, legs spread perfectly for him. His eyes darkened as he saw her core, dripping wet and glistening. He wanted nothing more than to see her in all her beauty, tearing that stupidly innocent dress off of her, but the impending reappearing of his bandmates meant it was far too risky. So he settled between her legs, jeans still around his hips, watching her face for any signs of uncertainty or fear. But she looked how he felt, lips parted, bottom lip rolling between her teeth. Luke let his fingers ghost against her core, though he knew he didn’t need to, to check she was ready, before slipping them between his lips and looking directly into her eyes as he sucked her taste off of him. Kennedy moaned and threaded her fingers through his belt loops, pulling his hips down to meet hers. His cock bumped against her thigh, and both of them stiffened at the touch. 
“You sure?” 
Luke reached for the condom lying beside them, tearing the foil with his teeth before sitting up a little to roll it on. When there was no answer, he looked up, meeting her eyes. She smirked and nodded, knowing she’d made him panic slightly. Luke rolled his eyes and smacked her thigh gently, before pushing her knee up, making room for himself between her legs. Kennedy’s hand drifted along his shoulder, tugging on the curls at the nape of his neck in anticipation. Luke teased her, tapping the head on her clit a few times before pushing a little at her entrance, licking his lips when she moaned. Just before he moved, he reached for her hand, interlocking their fingers. Kennedy raised her eyebrows in surprise, looking to their hands and smiling slightly, before she felt Luke push all the way into her, feeling simultaneous waves of pain and pleasure course through her body. She groaned, and squeezed his hand tightly, her eyes fluttering shut as she tried to get used to the stretch. He bit his lip above her, whispering. 
“Sorry. Figured it’d be better in one go?” 
She rolled her eyes, but squeezed his hand, letting him know it was fine. 
“Just- Just gimme a sec.” 
He nodded, thumb rubbing over the back of her hand as he looked over her face. Even with her eyes shut, she was beautiful, he thought, as a soft smile floated onto his lips. Kennedy’s eyes opened, and she looked up at him, giving a slight nod. Luke slid out slowly, pushing back in and groaning at the feeling of her walls around him. 
“Fuck. You’re so tight Ken, you feel amazing.” 
Kennedy whimpered beneath him, the pain ebbing away and leaving nothing but pleasure. She lifted her hips off the ground, begging for more. Luke rested one hand beside her shoulder, and left the other intertwined with hers, as he began to pull out of her again, leaning further forward before thrusting back in. Kennedy forgot how to breathe for a moment, pulling hard on Luke’s hair as her eyes rolled back in her head. 
“There we go. That good?” 
Luke’s voice had a hint of a laugh in it, proud of himself for the way he was making her feel. 
“Shut up, stop talking, do it again.” 
She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him down to her, joining their lips as she moaned through his steady thrusts. Needing more, she lifted her knees, wrapping her legs around his hips and pulling him in tighter. They both groaned at the new angle, Luke’s thrusts getting faster as they appreciated the how deep he could suddenly get. His tongue explored her mouth, pants and sighs breaking through their kiss every few seconds, before they stopped trying, and he dropped his head to her shoulder, leaving open mouthed kisses along her neck and shoulder. Kennedy tilted her head back, starting to move her hips in time with Luke. 
Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Luke heard her, lifting his head to look at her slightly. 
“What was that? Didn’t quite catch-” Before he could make a smart comment, Kennedy pulled his hips into hers hard with her ankles, bringing their lips back together. 
“I said, harder.” 
He laughed through his moan, obeying her request and starting to fuck her. The hands that were intertwined still lay by their sides, Kennedy gripping him tightly. She tried to break apart, wanting to reach down and touch herself as she felt the heat in her stomach begin to knot and flood her senses. 
“I don’t think so.” 
Luke caught on to her intentions, and pushed their hands up above her, giving himself new leverage and making it possible to slam into her even harder. Kennedy moaned loudly, her eyes rolling back in her head as Luke hit every spot inside of her, making her feel incredible. 
“Don’t move.” 
He warned her with his eyes, before letting go of her hand, and reaching between them, his thrusts never faltering. Kennedy whimpered as he touched her, her legs tensing. 
“I’m so close, Luke, I’m-” He lowered his head and pressed a kiss to her lips, softer than the previous ones. 
“I’m right there with you. Cum for me.” 
That was all it took, and suddenly her legs were shaking, and soft moans were leaving her lips, the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced racking through her body. The feeling of Luke pulsing inside her as he stilled only made the feeling that much more intense, as he collapsed on top of her, burying his face in her neck. 
“Holy fuck.” 
Luke breathed, moving his head to the side so he was looking at the side of her face. Before he could stop himself, he pressed a kiss to the side of her jaw, blushing after he pulled away. He sat up, and started to pull out of her slowly, eyes shutting as he tried not to focus on how good she felt. Kennedy whined at the sudden emptiness, and he couldn’t help but smile as he threw the condom into a bag of trash, before tucking himself back into his jeans and returning to his place between her legs. He ran a hand up her still trembling legs, reaching her centre as she tensed, moving away from him. 
“Relax, we’re done. You’re good.” 
He pulled her underwear back into place and pulled the skirt of her dress back down, lying down beside her. She curled into him instinctively, resting her head on his bare chest. 
“You okay?” 
She looked up at him, her cheeks still pink, looking impossibly innocent after what they’d just done. 
“Perfect. I- yeah. Thanks, Luke.” 
He raised his eyebrows, noticing suddenly that his hand was in her hair, stroking it softly. 
“For what?” 
She shrugged, looking away from him. 
“I dunno. I-It’s been nice, being near you, again.” Luke’s face fell, and his hand stilled in her hair. 
She sat up, running her fingers through her hair. 
“Don’t, it’s fine. I get it. People drift. It’s nice to know we still have something to connect us other than Reggie, though.” He looked at her in confusion, sitting up beside her. 
“Amazing sexual chemistry. I might have to pretend I hate you 24/7, but at least I get a decent fuck out of it afterwards, right?” The bitter tone in her voice didn’t go unnoticed, but for some reason, Luke didn’t say a word, instead watching as she stood on shaky legs, grabbing her bag. 
“I’m gonna head home. I’ll see you at school. Bye, Luke.” 
He watched as she left, falling back onto the blanket’s in a state of shock once he heard the garage door close behind her. She’d said she’d been pretending to hate him. And he’d just let the girl he’d been in love with since he was 13, leave, after taking her virginity.
Kennedy was nowhere to be found at school, and anytime he did see her, she was walking in the other direction, or busy with a group of friends. It would look weird, to speak to her at school, he decided, and instead set his mind on speaking to her at practice that night. But then she didn’t show up all week, and Reggie had to skip weekend rehearsals for a family event, and when he came back on Monday, he was still alone. The other boys noticed the change in Luke’s demeanour, with Bobby even offering to nick beer from his dad after Friday’s practice, and Alex agreeing to join in- but still, nothing. He was quiet, mopey, and the Sunset Curve boys knew it was something more than one of Luke’s moods when he turned down a trip to Downtown LA. 
“Man, what’s up with you?” Luke shrugged from his spot on the sofa, not even bothering to look up at Bobby. 
“Is it a girl or something? I haven’t seen you like this since-” 
Luke glared at Alex, but that was all they needed. Reggie appeared on one side of him, Alex on the other, while Bobby stood across from them, triumphant grins on their faces. 
“Who is she? Do we know her? What happened?” 
Luke groaned and dropped his head to his knees. But he knew there was no getting out of it. 
“I’m not telling you her name, you might know her from school or something, we fucked and I was a dickhead about it because she thinks I hate her but I don’t.” 
He finished, and returned to his previous position, head on the back of the sofa, staring at the ceiling aimlessly. 
“Easy, just tell her you don’t hate her then.” Luke’s eyes flicked to Reggie, shaking his head internally. 
“I’m trying to, but she’s disappeared on me.” 
Alex sat up suddenly, and Luke gave him a warning glare. 
“Holy shit. No way.” Reggie and Bobby turned to the drummer, questioning looks on their faces. 
“Oh, uh. Sorry. Just remembered something about my car. Luke, come help?” 
Reggie shrugged, and slumped back onto the sofa, but Bobby looked skeptical. He tried to follow, but Luke shook his head. 
“Don’t worry, Bobby. I got this.” He nodded towards the bassist on the sofa, and Bobby rolled his eyes, but stayed behind, moving to pick up his guitar.
“You slept with Kennedy?! When? What?” Luke glanced back to the garage, fear written all over his face. 
“Last weekend. I- We’ve been fooling around for a few weeks now. I think she regretted it, she left straight afterwards after saying some shit about not hating me or whatever, but I didn’t say anything, and now she’s never going to speak to me again!” 
Alex looked at his best friend, putting his hands on the shorter boys’ shoulders. 
“Luke, listen to me. You broke that girl’s heart, and you know you did. You abandoned her when she started high school, and she’s never forgotten that. But it takes a literal idiot to miss how she looks at you. She’s head over heels in love with you, has been from the start. Don’t for one second try and tell yourself that isn’t true.” 
Luke stared at Alex in disbelief, his mouth hanging open slightly. The blonde stared back, equally disbelieving. 
“Oh my g- You actually didn’t know? Oh my god I’ve raised fucking idiots. Wow. Okay, in the car. We’re going to Reggie’s.” 
Luke opened his mouth to speak, but Alex clapped a hand over his face before he could, shaking his head. 
“I don’t care. In the car.”
They pulled up outside the Peters’ house, and Luke clenched his hands into fists repeatedly. 
“What do I even tell her?” Alex rolled his eyes. 
“Start with the truth. Go. I’m going back to Rose’s, and we’ll all have dinner here, okay? So be quick, and none of that.” 
Luke couldn’t help his smirk, earning himself a harsh smack on the arm from Alex. 
Angry Alex was scary, so Luke got out of the car, making his way round the back of the house and letting himself in the front door. He didn’t really stop to consider the fact that the 16 year old girl he was trying to visit was under the impression she was home alone- so he shouldn’t have been surprised by the sudden screaming as he reached the top of the stairs. She was wrapped in a towel, fresh out of the shower, her hair soaking wet over her shoulder, face free of makeup. Luke’s eyes widened, and he turned around, apologising profusely. 
“I’m so sorry, oh my god, this was Alex’s idea, fuck. I’m sorry.” 
He heard a tired sigh, and then the soft padding of feet as she walked behind him to her bedroom door. 
“It’s fine. What are you doing here, Luke?” 
He swallowed, and looked down at his hands. 
“Uh, you haven’t been at practices and I-” She cleared her throat, and he turned to see her standing at her bedroom door. 
“You look stupid. Just come in. It’s fine.” 
He nodded and walked over to her, moving to sit on her bed while she stood in front of him, leaning against the wall. 
“I wanted to see if you were alright.” 
She shook her head as she looked at the window, a half-smile on her face. 
“Really? You drove- Sorry, Alex drove you, all the way across town, so you could check if I was alright?” 
Luke smiled sheepishly and nodded. 
“You’ve never been a good liar, Lucas. Spit it out.” 
Luke sighed and bit his lip. 
“After last weekend, you disappeared. You just left, didn’t say anything, and then you didn’t show up at any rehearsals, and I couldn’t talk to you at school-” Kennedy cut in, her cheeks flushing red. 
“And why couldn’t you speak to me at school, Luke? Too embarrassed? Can’t be seen with me?” Luke looked at her in astonishment, mouth dropping slightly open. 
“Why would you say that?” Kennedy laughed shortly, holding onto her towel tightly. 
“You’ve ignored me for nearly 3 years, Luke. You humiliated me, constantly, enjoyed watching me hurt, got some kind of kick out of seeing me being knocked down. You were my best friend. I left last weekend because I realised I can’t do that. I can’t just be another girl that you have sex with and leave. It’s fine, and I don’t regret it, but it’s just sex to you, and I can’t pretend like-” 
She was cut off by Luke’s voice, strangely quiet and soft. 
“You really think that? Think it was just sex to me?” 
He met her eyes, and she was taken aback to find them wide, and sad. 
“Ken, I’ve loved you since I was like 10. When me and Reg started being friends, I knew it could never happen, that I couldn’t do that to my friend. It was too painful to accept, and to continue to see you everyday, knowing it could never be anything, would have broken me. So I- I stopped being friends with you. I turned my hurt into your hurt, and it was better to see you hate me, than be your friend knowing you’d never love me.” He looked up at her, taking in her face. 
“I’m in love with you. I live for the moments at practice when you’re on the couch studying and you think I can’t see you dancing along. I love watching you study, when you focus you kinda stick your tongue out, and when you’re with Reggie, you both just light up, like real best friends but siblings too. You love everyone, and everything, you’re always smiling, you’re insanely smart, you’re beautiful, you’re-” 
A surprised grunt left him as he felt something hit him, and he looked up to find Kennedy in his lap, her hands on either side of his face. 
“I love you too, Luke.” His jaw dropped, and he hardly had time to register the fact that she was only in a towel before she was kissing him fiercely, her wet hair cold against his cheek. He wasted no time in kissing her back, his hands moving to her lower back and pulling her tight against him. She moaned into his mouth, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue between her lips, deepening the kiss. This feeling in his stomach, a fluttering softness that he didn’t quite recognise, started warming him from the inside out, until he laughed into their kiss, causing Kennedy to break away. 
“What?” He grinned at her, resting their foreheads together. 
“Since when do you even remotely like me? I made your life a living hell.” She nodded, running a hand through his hair as she bit her lip. 
“You remember in 7th grade, when I wanted to learn how to skate, and you took me to the skatepark every single damn day after school, and held my hand while I stood on your board? I started crushing on you then, because you were so sweet to me. And then you grew these, and this, and I couldn’t really help myself, even if I did hate you.” 
She shrugged as she squeezed his biceps and ruffled his hair playfully. 
“Hey, I thought you said you were pretending to hate me?” She shrugged again, running a finger along his jawline. 
“I hated you a little bit. You embarrassed me in front of the entire lacrosse team, Luke.” He raised his eyebrows at her as her finger reached his chin, biting his lip. 
“The lacrosse team, huh?” She nodded, a mischievous grin working its way onto her features. 
“Yeah. Hottest guys in the whole school, can’t really miss them.” He narrowed his eyes, before flipping them over so that her back was on the bed, while he rested between her legs. 
“Can the lacrosse team do that?” She shrugged, not even trying to hide her smile.” He shook his head, shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders and onto the floor. 
“Oh yeah? And what about this?” 
He lowered his lips to her neck, sucking on her pulse point for a moment, before biting her neck, littering soft kisses along her jawline. Her eyes fluttered closed, and her head tilted back, mouth open slightly as she muttered. 
“Mmhm. Totally.” 
He hummed at her, before dropping a hand in between them, running his fingers up the smooth skin of her leg. 
“And what about,” 
He smirked at her as he felt how wet she was, slipping a finger between her folds. 
“This?” She moaned as he thrust two fingers inside her, opening her eyes and dragging his lips down to hers. 
“Nope.” He grinned into the kiss, holding himself up with his free arm, while his fingers worked into her, his thumb rubbing at her clit. 
“Good to hear.” 
Her hips bucked into his hand as they kissed desperately, only breaking apart to pull his shirt over his head. Kennedy complained loudly about the lack of contact, until she was reduced to a whimpering mess as he resumed his previous ministrations on her core. 
“I think this can go, yes?” 
Luke tugged at her towel gently, resting on his knees between her legs. His fingers were still going, so she was hardly capable of coherent thoughts, but somehow managed a nod. Luke swallowed and pulled the towel to the side gently, groaning at the sight of her in absolutely nothing, lying beneath him. 
“All for me.” 
He ran his hand over her gently, between her breasts and over her stomach, before dropping his head and kissing over her chest, sucking marks into the still damp skin. Kennedy let out a high-pitched moan as he started kissing her breasts, biting and licking marks into them. Her legs tensed up, and he applied a little more pressure to her clit as his mouth worked on her nipple. 
“Cum for me, baby, come on. I got you.” 
She threw her head back and moaned his name loudly, drowning out the sound of the front door opening and closing. Luke closed his eyes as her walls clenched around his fingers, resisting the urge to slam into her right then and there. He kept moving his fingers slowly, helping her through her orgasm, until she sighed breathlessly, looking at him with such adoration that he blushed. She ran her fingers through his hair, tugging softly, bringing his lips to hers. 
“Fuck me, Luke. Please.” 
He groaned into her mouth, moving his hands to his belt as he kissed her, and shoving his jeans down his hips. He pumped his length a few times, but he was already painfully hard, so wasted no time in lining himself up with her entrance, and pushing inside slowly. Kennedy whined softly, her fingers digging into his shoulder. 
“Shit. Oh my god Ken, I lo-” 
He was cut off by the sound of footsteps on the stairs, Reggie’s distinctive voice carrying through the hall. 
“Shit, fuck fuck fuck, this is not happening oh my-” Kennedy pushed on his chest with an infuriated glare, and he nodded, pulling out with a soft hiss. 
“Right, sorry.” She rolled her eyes, pulling her towel back around her just in time before her bedroom door burst open. Luke’s face flushed red as he finished pulling up his fly. 
Alex looked between them, a horrified expression making its way onto his face. 
“Hey, Reggie do you want to- okay.” 
Reggie barged past Alex, his smile fading quickly as he took in their dishevelled appearances. Luke waved awkwardly. 
“Hey, Reg. Before you say anything, uh we, um.” 
Luke looked over to Kennedy for some help, but she was busy pulling the towel tighter around her chest, hyper aware of the fact that there were now three guys in her bedroom. Four, she thought, as Bobby made his way in. 
“Oh shit, hey little Peters. You good?” 
Luke scowled and moved in front of her, handing her his t-shirt behind his back. Reggie stood, mouth open, looking at them. 
“You’re telling me, the girl you- my SISTER? LUKE?!” 
Luke held his hands up, shrugging sheepishly. 
“I’m sorry man, but if it makes it better-” 
Reggie shook his head, running a hand through his hair. 
“My sister? Dude, low blow.” Kennedy stood up, somehow having pulled her pyjama shorts on under her towel, now dressed in Luke’s t-shirt. 
“Reg. It’s fine. I love him.” 
Alex’s eyebrows shot up, and Reggie’s mouth fell even further open, as they watched her slip her hand into his. Luke smiled like a goof for a moment, before his gaze turned to Bobby. 
“Hear that Wilson? She’s my girl now, no looking.” 
Bobby threw his hands up in defense, but was wearing a dorky grin, and winked at Luke before disappearing out of the room. Kennedy blushed at Luke calling her his girl, cuddling closer into his side. Reggie was still looking between them, confused, until he frowned slightly, pointing a finger at Luke. 
“You’re not wearing a shirt- oh my god. In my house? Disgusting. I hate you both. Nope. This isn’t happening, not here-” 
Kennedy panicked, grabbing Luke tightly. 
“Reg, don’t overreact, he’s your best friend. It’s fine, he’s Luke. Think about how-” 
Reggie shook his head impatiently. 
“No, no. Not that. I don’t care you guys are dating, that’s fine, whatever. Just like. Don’t do that. Please. When I’m here. Gross.” 
Kennedy blushed and hid her face in Luke’s side, who was also very red. 
“Cool, so can you leave? Cause we were kinda in the middle of some-” 
Kennedy smacked his bare chest, glaring at him, before stepping towards Reggie. 
“Hey Reg, you’re okay with this, right? I do love him. And he- he loves me.” Reggie raised his eyebrows at her. 
“Ken, you’re asking me if you can date my best friend, aka make him my brother. Why would I say no?” 
She grinned and threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. Reggie hugged her back, before pushing her towards Luke, and pointing a finger at him. 
“I’m fine with it. But if you hurt her, I kill you. I have a very nice car. I will use it.” 
Luke nodded with a grim expression, wrapping an arm around Kennedy’s waist and pressing a kiss into her hair. Alex watched with a smug smirk, arms crossed. 
“Anyway, we’ll let you guys get back to it. Let’s go, Reg.” 
Reggie’s face contorted in horror, and Kennedy groaned, flipping Alex off. 
“Hey, don’t be rude. I’m the one who convinced him to grow a pair of balls and tell you.” 
Kennedy crossed her arms and tilted her head. 
“And I’d be playing with those balls right now, but you’re still here. So fuck off before I decide I don’t care about boundaries.” 
Alex gagged and ran down the corridor, leaving Reggie to stand with a look of slight disgust on his face. 
“Okay. Well. That’s disgusting. I don’t want to be an uncle. And if that does happen, Luke, kiss it goodbye.” 
Luke’s eyes widened, and Kennedy laughed, pushing Reggie out of the room, and closing the door behind him. She turned back to Luke, biting her lip. 
“Anyway. Where were we?” 
He grinned, and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest. 
“Just give me a sec. Check this out.” 
He leaned behind her and opened her door, shouting down the stairs. 
“Yo Bobby, you got a condom?” 
A high pitched scream sounded from the kitchen, followed by the slamming of the front door, and then sudden silence. Kennedy ran to her window, looking out to see Reggie sitting in the front seat of his car, looking incredibly upset, as Bobby raked around the glovebox. Bobby looked up at the window, grinning when he saw her, before holding up a strip of condoms, waving them around. Luke laughed from behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her from behind. 
“So we’re doing this, huh?” 
He nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. 
“Yeah we are. I love you.” Kennedy smiled and watched as Bobby got back in the car, presumably having put the condoms through the letterbox. A middle finger appeared from the back window, definitely Alex’s, and she turned to face Luke. 
“I love you too.”
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skieswords · 4 years ago
Hey I’m a diff anon but I just wanted to say that I’ve read a few male/male smuts, and there’s thousands out there that aren’t violet and are very sweet.
Are there any ships you could recommend? 
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skieswords · 4 years ago
Yesss definitely here for Willex fluff 😍 so cute.
Maybe have a quick read of some other male smut for some inspiration if ur struggling? But whatever u choose to write it will be great either way. Thanks for replying.
I tried that, but a lot of male/male smut is like... violent? And I can’t see Willex like that. I’ll keep looking though, hopefully finish it soon! Thank you❤️
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