skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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Recentish headshot commissions. Some are more shaded than others because requested or I made them wait a while so I threw shading in for free.
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
Prompt #256
“Are you really leaving me? Like this? That’s it?” He asked, hands shaking as he looked up to meet her eye. She was smirking and before he could comprehend what was happening, her lips were on his, leaving him breathless. “What else can I do?” She said simply and with that, she was gone.
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
It still surprises me at how few people have seen Freak of the Week, and I love sharing it with friends because of the inevitable, “How the hell have I never seen this?” look of awe drawn out on their face.
And man, it really is gorgeous.
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Directed by Juanjo Guarnido, it took the team about a year of hard work to hammer out this bloody masterpiece (which you can learn about in his video here) using a combination of 3D animation with the power of college interns  skill of a team of artists to painstakingly re-draw the 3D elements they wanted in 2D frame-by-frame, not to mention the post processing and… everything else.
 Even though it came out in 2014, it doesn’t seem to have ever garnered the attention it truly deserves.
I really wanna drive this point home, so to give you an idea, Ghost by Mystery Skulls, animated by MysteryBen27 has 18,147,263 views.   Freak of the Week has only 2,271,121 views at the time I’m writing this.  That’s fucking depressing for something so … phenomenal.  I want more of this, and hell, maybe you do too.  But we’re not going to see anymore simply because the right people haven’t seen it.  In fact, it failed to reach a respectable level of Internet Popularity®, Juanjo himself even described it in the comments section as having ruined him because of how little attention it got.  
So if you’re reading this and you’ve got some connections with a TV network or something, consider pulling some strings to get this video spoon-fed to the masses, because people ought to see this.  I’m sure Juanjo would be all too happy to oblige.  And hell, if you wanna buy the art book, you can get the link here for about $50.
Now, maybe you recognize the former Disney animator Juanjo Guarnido for his other work: Blacksad.
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Which is a comic set in the late 1950′s about a hardboiled private investigator published originally by Dark Horse Comics that does… y’know, the …
… noir investigator …
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… aloof ladies man…
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… badass …
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… detective story thing.
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That I haven’t yet read but I TOTALLY NEED TO.  
I guess I’m bringing up Freak of the Week because I was reading the comment section and, man, it kinda got me down.  
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Some of the best things things out there just haven’t been seen by the right people, I guess.  But I suppose it’s also a depressing statement on the culture of the internet that the video makes.
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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I got home last night after a weekend trip, and puppy and I had a very fun night ☺️
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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i made a ghost kitties sticker sheet holy shit 
 go get it here!!! https://oaklings.bigcartel.com/product/phantom-cats-sticker-sheet-preorder 
 reblogs are super welcome thank you all for your support always!! <333
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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Here’s the first three pages of that kustard comic I wanted to do. I want it to be like a romantic comedy with a slightly insane red and a sans who’s not really into it but grows to enjoy red’s company. Red already knows a lot about sans from stalking- I mean…watching sans. Sans knows of Red but isn’t too interested in anything or anyone to really care. Eventually they get along!
You guys can see early pages on my Patreon but honestly they’re only gonna be a week ahead.
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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Who dat?
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
cowboy love story
this town……….is big enough for the two of us
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
hey since I just told a friend this and they found it helpful: if you’re having hallucinations and are having trouble distinguishing what’s real and what’s not, use your phone’s camera and take a picture of the thing you might be hallucinating. cameras don’t hallucinate.
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
and yes but what a shame what a shame the poor groom’s bride is a 
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
“i don’t wanna die, i sometimes wish i’d never been born at all” remains the rawest fucking lyric in the history of music thanks freddie
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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Are you one from the dragon clan?
>> Sign up here 
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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skeletnykh-lisy · 6 years
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