Shaikh Dilkash's Official Blog
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M A Linguistics student from University of Mųmbāį
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Sir Ji great ho, take care your health Sir, take rest, good night sweet dreams
DAY 4312
Jalsa, Mumbai                   Dec 26/27,  2019                  Thu/Fri 2:46 AM
Your response to my request has been quite phenomenal .. it be not easy to talk about yourself in such conditions .. but you have irrespective of its public display .. it breathes the confidence needed, to accomplish that which they behold to be incurable .. thank you ..
.. an assimilation of all that has been discusses and responded to shall give immense benefit to the scheme that is presently under consideration for repairs and pointers that shall give guidance to the many who could be either those that suffer or begin to feel the symptoms, of a condition that still has not been under an observation , for some time  ..
.. but a quick begin is a begin and it shall hopefully pave a way for greater research and compliance with the ailment .. one that we feel grows silently into one which shall have to be given treatment and care in time ..  
.. there is a frankness and an openness on the subject .. one that has been a hidden asset in a sense .. speak and ye shall receive .. a guidance a trail of misery brought into the limelight of a repair  .. soon it shall accomplish .. the design of cure and the betterment of life in itself .. hopefully ..
.. vulnerability is the mark of undelivered marksmanship .. of scheming and oblique accusation without factual finding ..
.. to demolish the King first demolish his parrot .. caged and giving no evidence .. until subjected to a pressure , a compulsion , in the cutting of its flying powers and bringing him down with a bang and more ..
.. crucify the well known .. bring in hatred and dislike among the many that abound the horizon .. selfish and painless at times , but in the remain of a society, that has given off its thirst and habit of complaint .. to be of peace in its truest .. for that is when the KBC auditions shall begin for the next and the next .. it being an entire small cottage Industry that shall provide the debased conditions of the many ..
Good night my dears .. there shall be fuller and greater impactful in the morrow light ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
You are most probably right due to some factual data that 60% of young in India and hopefully we are trying to be better Indian minds to do something extraordinary as like her, only 17 but the winner, I congratulate her and thanks I'm not interested in the field of Game but I always appreciate those who love and play, good night sir and thanks for your love and care and to be update daily new ideas and experience and interests takce care💙✨
DAY 4264
Jalsa, Mumbai                    Nov 9,  2019                Sat 11:42 PM
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.. i see this all day long .. the Fowler , precision ups and downs and bends in the bed .. the TV .. Premier League and .. yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh .. a Chelsea win .. the youngest PL team .. there is a dynamic 17 year old and a 19 year old in the team .. still studying in School .. this is the generation of the young .. I believe in another couple of years India shall have the youngest population in the World .. some estimates state 60% of populace to be young ..
.. and the West is worried .. they have the elderly .. we have the Gen Z .. and they shall rule .. what a time to be living .. time to go in a time warp and get young again .. !!!🤣
spare times in the bank .. lying around , skipping time to go by in rapid form .. and reminiscing the work front by the day after .. when there shall be the chair and the computer ji and the audience .. but first the left overs of incidents from the times of DON and the cracks and breaks now playing up .. and placing themselves in important avenues which restrict movement .. at times of this it may be of interest too .. to the body , but not the mind .. 
so one listens to the body .. and many shall there be who will applaud and commit to say .. “ did we not tell you this to slow down” ..
Slow down .. ?
Thats what you tell the vehicle or the train on road and track .. so .. what 😛
Sad and in regret to not be able to travel for KIFF to Kolkata .. an event that has invited me for years .. I think now 7 years .. and the speech .. glorifying cinema and the research by educated assists from dear friends .. gone .. but there is communication established whether I could read it on video and send to them to be played at the Closing ..
.. the occasion to attend such events .. to be in the presence of an audience .. to deliver .. all such a frightening proposition .. nerves on end .. what to say , whether it shall be accepted .. what if not .. why must I accept such .. just leave me alone .. please .. I am not capable of presence at all .. but NO ..
.. they keep coming .. and refusal seems odd and at times misunderstood as being either difficult or arrogant .. but yes it comes with the territory and needs attention and will and acceptance .. so one bears .. inadequate ever, but yet to show presence ..😕
.. around the Fowler .. they insist its time to sleep off .. so 
good night I guess ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Sir I would like to suggest that enable comment option on tumblr. It would be good for all the tumblr users. And Thank you sir for your love and hard work good night��
DAY 4263
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Nov 8,  2019                  Fri 11:28 PM
Birthday - EF Raman Jetly  ..  Ef Ravindra . .. Saturday, November 9 .. all my and the wishes of the Ef for you on this special day .. for many it is their 50th .. hence even more important .. but be well .. love ..🌹
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.. finally and with great hesitation , went to Drafts on Tumblr., an it worked .. thank you for your kindness and consent ..
A regret .. was to be in Kolkata for KIFF, but a sudden medical condition confined me to bed and so had to unfortunately cancel my visit , which I must add has been a constant for several years .. 
.. my well researched speech on issues dealing with film events, its history in the complex history of cinema in India has been a constant and I sad that this years’ speech shall go unspoken ..
.. but I shall send it across to the GoWB and the KIFF management, for the record .. for it does deal with some information that I feel is important to know .. especially about the future of digital in our present space and the presence of Women in the history of cinema in India, right from the early 1900′s .. 
yes .. as early as that .. and a contribution which has not been just a glance presence , but indeed a contribution in almost all the fields of film making - acting, direction , production , music , singing , and action ..
quite amazing ..
It seems odd to be confined to a bed ..  so many natural actions get stifled .. get to the phone , charge the mobile, pick up a glass of water .. and so many more little little matters .. feels stupid to be even mentioning it but there it is ..
.. in Hospital they have that emergency bell in the nearby hand , or a small balloon like object when inside the ‘tube’ to ask for assistance and help .. but at home you never want to disturb the family and give them any task .. it seems embarrassing .. you want to not give any pressure there, just do it yourself .. 
.. AND more importantly, the very act of being immobile puts the staff and others that have always seen you in motion, in a different light .. there is a sense of helplessness .. which one is not deserving of but there .. one never wants to put another in any situation thus .. they see us as invincible , active and about .. and then suddenly they see you horizontal .. doesn’t look good .. 
just my opinion .. 🤨😀
Long may the life be of the Fowler .. it provides so may functions of comfort ..
Love and be well ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Thank you sir for your love and care good night love you so much sir💜💙✨
DAY 4261
Jalsa, Mumbai                     Nov 6/7,  2018                 Wed/Thu 1:14 AM
The tunnel at the NSSH .. indeed several tunnels and some more probing with the meter in hand that sonographs .. a few on the side injectables .. at various locations on this mine field of a body .. some venus strips punctured and the fluids dripped in .. a few hard core instructions to follow .. and back to the grind , despite the stethoscope dressed messengers from heaven giving strong warnings of work cut off .. or else 
There can be two options in such .. fill the POST for the Ef and their connectivity .. or fill the POST for the Ef and their connectivity ..🤣
Without the incentive of work .. without the special care given by them that adorn the stands behind and in front .. there would be even greater disaster for the medics .. 
So live their lives in short .. live among the WE, I and ourselves .. simply live .. 
.. never shied away from them that threaten , that insinuate , that complain , that bill disaster not too far away .. never ..
for them there shall ever be .. the hands in folded links for coming to the hearts of our hearts …
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.. and to them that cannot hear or speak .. for them a wish that WE ALL LOVE YOU ..
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.. the fluid begins its journey towards the cerebrum .. it falters initially .. it stammers and brings disgust .. but by the morn hopefully it shall show presence of the present ..
Keep well dear ones … 
My love 
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
😂😂😂tumblr is really tumbled sir need to update and add some new feature to write and upload unlimited, thanks love you and take care of your health sir good night🌻💐
DAY 4258
Jalsa, Mumbai                Nov ¾,  2019               Sun/Mon  12:18 AM
Birthday - EF Lakshmi Jagalur  ..  Mohamed Hashim .. Monday, November 4 .. and our love and greetings for the Ef here and wishing them the very best ever .. stay blessed and happy ..
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chalo chalo aaj … 
They combine forces to.. belittle the vulnerable .. bear unto him or her the situation that has possibility of turning heads .. bring succour in the form of known circumstances, posture the solution, provide confidential known hows and when and whats .. and prevail ..
Unknown, unregistered, putting the fear or solutions to the front, in order to end the end .. giving the falsehood of it .. bringing in the element of ‘taking care’ and giving the pretence of ‘all is well’ with the hope that leaning on the voices of siding as protector, would give them greater leverage in bringing the element of dispute to some logical yet, long distance result .. they attempt to prevail ..
Of course for whom they profess is no dumb idiot, and their knowing shall ever be supreme .. for the fear of the ultimate is the yardstick of their resilience .. a resilience that relies on the fact .. a fact that intends to be dismissed by them that disregard it .. hoping that an outcome where they would benefit would of course be in the forefront of all ..
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY .. the life of the World revolves about by this .. and many are they that succumb to the threat of disfavoured countenance .. but known it may please be, that fear of fear is no greater fear than the fear that fear begets .. 
.. you will not perhaps be in receipt of the adulation and the heavenly impress upon you .. but when shown would bring all they that indulge in such, to the fore .. blessings be upon you   …
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.. be this before .. be that before .. be in them before .. they are the makers and the givers .. they are the divinity of admiration and the love of them that pledge all .. praise be to them ..
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.. it allows me not to give more posts or pictures to justify the writing .. but Tumblr. has tumbled down since .. and soon it shall be in refined order .. so bless them and their team wherever they be .. but close enough to resort to a solution ..
Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Thanks Sir, for your love and support, take care your health sir, God bless you 🌹🌻
DAY 4256
Jalsa, Mumbai                   Nov ½,  2019                 Fri/Sat 12:22 AM  
Chatt Pooja .. greetings to all .. and the love of goodness and prosperity ..
In the contemplative plain of the early day there always brings about in consideration , why the work, why the effort to rise and prepare, why the apprehension of what the day holds   ..    
.. and no sooner does it almost field retirement from the activities , comes that wave of enormous love and generosity from the waited and considered audience - the soul of the show at KBC ..
.. they are ones that dictate the temper of the show .. they participate at enormous self discipline .. in patience and inducted by the floor managers to conduct themselves in a manner that shall bring fruition to the episode on record .. 
.. and they deliver .. cheering and clapping at the right moments .. filling themselves with laughter and life .. giving credit to the abilities of the contestant, and in turn encouraging all of us that work for the betterment of the KBC we know, to its final broadcasting look ..
.. BUT .. they know not the immense contribution of theirs in the magnitude, in the ambience of the reactions and in the success of each passing glory line of winning ..
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.. all that the mind and body may have in discourse .. all that the intellect of advisors may have dispensed .. all that generally had provoked the feel of disbanded exit .. all .. simply multiply into the finest atoms of the atmosphere and blow away all that floats about in negative, disposition ..
.. in my fondest care and love .. in my gratitude to them that tolerate us all during the, at times routine happenings, my admiration and concern ever with them ..
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.. you .. yes you, are the world that builds us , that inspires us .. that takes away all that needs to be taken away from us in these trying times, and stands upright by the side in absentia yet in its presence to protect guide and exemplify the best there is in the culture and traditions of the show known as ‘KAUN BANEGA CROREPATI’ ..
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My love and admiration ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
It's quite good sir, make it short and simple thanks your love and care and support take care of your health Sir #fanD
DAY 4255
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Oct 31/Nov 1,  2019                Thu/Fri 12:23 AM
Birthday - EF Vaijayanti Ravindra Damle .. Friday, November 1.. our wishes for a wonderful year filled with joy and happiness ever ..
A silent day with a silent night .. the night before being of non silent laments of really no consequence .. but the entire day spent yet again with the wise and intellectual words of Babuji ..
They are endless in their writing and in their meaning .. the lament is that there has been a lack of time and attention given to the genius of my Father and that is most disturbing ..
.. but hopefully not for long ..
Amitabh Bachchan, there are some restrictions on the time for the bed hence this short one .. but by the morrow there shall be more ..  
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Great sir, I will remember "write less and remember more".... Thank you Sir for your love and hard work I appreciate🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
DAY 4254
Jalsa, Mumbai                Oct 30/31,  2019                Wed/Thu  12:45 AM
‘O kitti cat of kitti cat, came to enter KBC
Fastest Finger she played along, and flattened out immediately’  ~ ab
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.. but no matter what, the end of the day ever brings the written works of my Father, by my side .. a stretched hand and they be within my thoughts and in my read ..
.. elements of the Masters should never be too far away from your reach .. for they in their writing do extract and suck dry the very essence of the nectar of life to the last drop .. drenched in this their extreme contributed creativity - in their poetry, in their literature, in their gift to society - what remains eventually is the left over of poison, which they preserve and keep for themselves .. even in their created poison, they endeavour to convert most of it into the glories of civilised nectar .. it may never achieve its success, but its effort is the desired option ..
.. a time does come in the lives of they that excel in their creative genius .. the artist and the revolutionary living in their meaning , that they will and do find it ending eventually ..
.. it is most difficult to find, or to understand, the true value of life’s nectar .. perhaps its value too can never be given gifted or attributed ..
.. they that have charitably gifted the value of nectar , have perennially been drinking in swallowed sips , poison  - Sukraat , Esa Masi , Meera, Sarmad, Dayanand, Gandhi …
( Sukraat , the famous Greek philosopher ; Esa Masi, Jesus ; Meera , Meera bai of Krishn ; Sarmad,  the Persian Armenian mystic, assassinated by Aurangzeb ; Dayanand, the Indian philosopher, of the Arya Samaj movement and initiator of the slogan ‘India for Indians’ later to be inspiring Lok Manya Tilak in his revolutionary endeavours to rid India of the British ; Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi )
.. they that set about in the charitable giving disposition of nectar , do know that in the end what remains with them is the poison ..
.. there has to be a difference between being in the absoluteness of a lack , and to be able to bear the lack  .. 
write less ; understand more …
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
"There is no difference between Animals and Humans without EDUCATION"
#quote #quotes #quotation #quotations #quote of the day
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
"There is no difference between Animals and Humans without EDUCATION"
#quote #quotes #quotation #quotations #quote of the day
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
"Education is nothing but the way of living"
#quote #quotes #quotation #quotations #quote of the day
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Wow Great maha great Sir, last ki ek line hindi me jo likhe hain wo to mera dil jeet liya, koti koti dhanyewad aap jiye 200 saal
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DAY 4253
Jalsa, Mumbai                Oct 29,  2019               Tue 11:43 PM
Birthday - EF Pradipta Ranjan .. Wednesday, October 30 .. wishes from us all for your special day .. love 🌹
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They ask me what keeps you going .. often they ask .. at every bent of mind and sphere they ask .. they ask in anticipation of a response .. they ask on public and private platforms .. they ask at gatherings .. they ask on every possible occasion .. they ask and they ask .. and they ask ..
Is it of any trouble to be asked .. is there reason to be asked .. what .. and why .. and the lines ring through me 
“ दूसरों की वेदना में , वेदना जो है दिखाता  ; वेदना से मुक्ति का निज हर्ष केवल वो छिपाता “
they that express sympathy on the troubles and pain of another , happily hide but by themselves, the absence of their own possibility of a pain on them   ..
… and so they ask what keeps me going .. so in the strain of the philosophy of my father’s line above .. is their ask, dependent upon the lack of there’s in keeping on going .. or is it mere genuine ask to determine what secrets do I consume to fulfil this act of seeming longevity .. none is known and none could be guessed as a response .. 
.. in todays times there is desperate need to provide security guarding to seek response … seeking a response leads to a continuity of responses .. one from which it shall be difficult to come out of without a scar .. the information technology is indeed the information of technology .. really ? not quite .. the IT is the technology of how when where and why to procure information .. information and its value or not is not necessarily the motive .. the motive is the availability of that element of the Universe which has now become the most precious gem stone, element , chemical of the Earth … DATA .. !!!
DATA is that most respected element that runs the World today .. who , from where, what address, what their likes dislikes, where they go and whom they meet .. and on ..
FOR ALL COMMERCE IN ITS FUTURE AVATAR SHALL EVER BE RESPLENDENT WITH THE information they shall have on and through DATA .. the most valued , the most sought after , the most commonly and easily available .. seemingly innocent in its asking, yet entire commerce revenues politics et al .. dependent upon this and this alone .. DATA ..
Restrain .. restrain, be the most precious element so desperately needed in the World we find ourselves in today .. not all that is seen and heard or consumed information can be taken as the Gospel truth .. or the Gita Ramayan on hand truth ..
.. hear, examine selectively  ; strain it all through that thin ‘malmal’ straining cloth and allow that final dropped strain to be tasted first for its authentic value , before it be spread about gathering the moss of unwanted unrelated utter despicable bumpfh …
… meanwhile wheels move on on the treadmill of our existence .. non stop and never tiring .. at all ..
.. the face .. the face of present entertainment work .. unabated drives on in its dribble of driven necessity  .. and they that have been tasked to secure it by all its possible means , do so diligently ..
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… an on and on it goes .. embarrassingly , endlessly , before large audiences in view, causing deep self conscious declarations of ‘let me go’ .. etc., which I must admit does amuse the live audience .. self deprecating and in humility ..
.. the ending of the day perhaps of some exhaustive relief , but ever in anticipation of .. ‘what shall the others say’  .. लोग क्या कहेंगे 
अरे कहेंगे क्या  , या गाली देंगे , या प्यार  ; दोनों स्वीकारता हूँ मैं  ~
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अमिताभ Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
"Without help you are nothing"
# quote # quotes # quotation # quotations # quote of the day
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Wish you the same Sir Happy Diwali🎆🎇
DAY 4251
Jalsa, Mumbai                     Oct 27/28,  2019                 Sun/Mon 11:53 AM
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In the decorative walls of our abode JALSA .. जलसा ..  all our wishes for a Diwali that shall brighten all your homes with peace , love , fulfilment and prosperity .. may evil be destroyed , may the good flourish , may there be understanding and care for another .. and most of all a smile of genuine affection .. for all .. by all  ..
my prayers ..
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with greeting and love ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
"Take action experience will teach you the rest..."
#quote #quotes #quotation #quotations #quote of the day
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skdilkash · 5 years ago
Wish you a very enthusiastic celebration Happy Diwali to you and your family sir with lots of love, happy amazed and stay amazed
DAY 4250
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Oct 26/27,  2019                 Sat/Sun 12:43 AM
Birthday - EF Rajeev Ranjan .. Sunday, October 27 .. birthday greetings on this auspicious day of Diwali .. love and affection from us all Ef ..
.. to them that send and give greetings and affection and the wishes for this auspicious day of Diwali .. I send my gratitude and love .. your wishes are supreme .. but looking at the volume of greetings , may you all accept this as your acknowledgement of my response and gratitude .. thank you all for thinking of me and wishing me well .. happiness ever ..
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The festive lights and the prayers of special dedication is with us .. may it bring all the happiness and fulfilment desired and may it ever brighten our homes with the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi ..
Yes .. this Diwali has been poured upon by the Gods of the weather .. never before ever in my entire 77 years did I witness such conditions .. and never before has Diwali been so noise and cracker free .. it is impossible to imagine this immense change .. 
Crackers and their bursting used to be our delight .. but in time and in the extreme pollution conditioning it is quite remarkable to find that the masses have understood and realised that eventually it shall harm the atmosphere ..
Simultaneously though , I do think also of those who manufactured these fire crackers and made their living out of it .. what of them ..? and how do they compensate this loss .. life is harsh and so sad for them ..
Celebrations ever have their bundle of anxiety .. how to organise , how to manage , what be the needs of the guests , how the decoration .. 
In the times of today the most relevant activity for such and others has been that wonderful modern invention of ‘out sourcing’ ..
Sit down with a Company specialised in the desired event , give them your creativity insights , a budget and off you go .. they shall take over the entire work and almost like a turn - key operation, its all done and taken care of ..
BUT .. those sensitivities of a personal touch shall never be achieved .. the joy of individual input , the satisfaction of seeing it coming together , that personal supervision and individual care is missed .. that then is true celebration ..
Personal care and the touch of the characteristic flare is ever the best .. it may never be enormous in its presentation , but the very fact of its self , remains and remembered ever ..
Greetings again for a joyous Diwali .. happiness and fulfilment ever ..
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Amitabh Bachchan 
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